Crystal in your town.

I think you have to remember by the time coke gets to an oz user it's probably about ten percent coke and 90 per cent mystery. yet apparently in peru you can 90 per cent pure for not much more than a can of coke.
not that long ago you could epherdrine in bali for about a dollar, it seems that brazil nut story that ran in the surf media a while back changed all that. he lost the plot on mushees and ephedrine after an all nighter and crashed whatever he was driving into a local in the early morning.
yeh smurfburger my drug exploits were much the same as yours through the 80s and 90s, but rave culture changed the whole game for many, myself included, one of the best nights I've had was mushees with a meth chaser...good times. unfortunately much like the alternative scene through the 80s and 90s, the rave scene was corrupted by bogans. many ravers wouldn't even touch alcohol, it took the edge of the good stuff. nothing wrong with a grog here and there but some of the best parties ever you barely saw a drink. then all of a sudden it was about meth nightclubs and drinking, then bad nightclubs, meth and drinking, then every nightclub/frontbar meth and drinking...
it became normalised you might say

sypkan wrote:meth and drinking, then every nightclub/frontbar meth and drinking...
it became normalised you might say
and shit music
back in the day it was The Happy Mondays and that kind of stuff... now it's some castrated hobbit singing through an autotune ....
- the early secret rave stuff was more or less the end for me in that regard... and alcohol as you say was not really part of it - i even remember raves having lucozade bars...

udo wrote:How bad is the use of Meth in your town ?
Cops tell me its pretty bad around here, mid west WA. Lots of thieves around here, i had my doormat of all things stolen a while ago, and an old wetty that was left drying outside. My mate had all his clothes off the line in his backyard stolen yesterday. If ice is responsible than its sure making this place seem like a ghetto.

The ice epidemic. Media beat up a touch i think. Ice abuse and related crimes have actaully dropped since 2007 when you wouldnt even know what meth was. The only part i see as a epidemic is that in my area in southern mornington peninsula, is that younger generation is jumping straight into ice and GHB. Im 26 and i think im lucky to have not been born a couple of years earlier. When i was growing up the worst of the worst was MD and speed. Im no angel and have dabbled in the latter and im not defendingy choices or trying to throw stones in glass houses here but the ice consequences of ice and much dire.

Long term, severe abusers with heavy withdrawal symptoms are highly recommended to go through inpatient treatment program. The decision about the suitable type of rehab program is not made based upon the duration of the meth abuse. Some people have very unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, although they haven’t taken meth for extended periods of time.

SBS each Sunday around 530pm has a doco sort of program on the Nazis in WW2.
Yesterday's program was how initially the Germans but later the Allies dosed their pilots and troops up on methamphetamines.
Here's the link for those interested.

Imagine coming down off a gack binge and you’re still at the front lines getting shot at.

Early observed experiments on British bomber pilots found after dropping all their bombs some pilots had such an aggressive attitude they dropped altitude to near on ground level and instructed their gunners to attack the anti aircraft batteries !!

I dont understand why people take any type of drugs of that nature.
They all know what it does and how it ruins lives and destroys families
and themselves. I always point out to my kids when I see the users and
tell that they were once my friends, good guys and great surfers now
look at them on the way to the clinic. Not to mention the ones that didnt
make it or in and out mental hospitals. Total waste of life.

GS that SBS World War Speed doco was fascinating to say the least. Some hardcore stuff. Cheers.

I found a treasure filled with sick pleasure and it sits on a thin white line.
How bad is the use of Meth in your town ?