Crystal in your town.

I don't think binge drinking even drugs are a bad thing, its fun thats why we do it or have done it, i don't regret the parting I've done or even the partying i will do in the future, especially now its a rare event.
But I do kinda regret that maybe i got carried away and kept doing it for so long when it had lost its true buzz, i also wasted a lot of money doing it that in hindsight for a period stopped me from doing things like traveling.

Its a reflection on society, that without getting obliterated, or stuffing their face, having a little loosener upper, pick me up, people don't feel good and confident. Hopefull. That people are that uninspired and bored and lost. So if your 6 year old said they wanted to get smashed out of their head, you would think great, sounds good fun, then help them have as much fun as they wanted?
People often use the, 'but I love myself, so I'll indulge'. Each individual cell wants good nutrients, good protein, fats, fuel sources, vitamins, minerals, flavones, antioxidants etc. And water and oxygen. The ultimate nutrition. Real love. Anything else is poisoning, harmfull. not loving at all. Like having a Ferrari and tipping kero, some sugar, whatever in it. Then thrashing the shit out of it. Trashing it. And saying how much you love your Ferrari. Then the whats myself, whats my body starts to surface. Trashing the vehicle that you interact with the world through is limiting yourself.

yeah uppity...I agree with you ban alcohol....

inzider wrote:Binge drinking is a huge part of OZ and NZ culture, not sure if it was the done thing in OZ but in my day on your 21st birthday bash you HAD to skull a yard glass, to not do a yardie was paramount to admitting you had a set of flaps between your legs. Pretty sure this tradition is dissapearing though.
Any one else peel a yardie on their 21st. ?
Ha ha! I wish I could have! So pissed I did not even make my own 21st! Apparently it was an ok party. Just the way things were done where I grew up.

Uplift, google "science behind risk taking"..... Risk taking can manifest into many different forms.... Most folk grow out of it in their early/mid 20s..... Some, due to introvert/extrovert issues continue... Bipolar, sociopaths/ psychopaths, enhanced by dysfunctional childhood.... It can all manifest into risk taking addiction.... Not just drugs, but many an addict has been addicted to work, sex, gossip, the stockmarket/gambling, even exercise.... All with casualties... Knew one guy so addicted to bike riding and "looking good", his wife left him... He is now permanently single, has fuck all people that will put up with is ego, but wow, talk about leg muscle... Lives in a baby boomer la la land....
Some folk get a golden run... Some folk get good guidance.... I think we need to realize that without risk taking, we'd still be living in caves.... Surfing would never have been tried....The trick is to guide the "young hunters" into taking the correct risks....
Nothing wrong with a good old "binge"..... Celebrations, ritual, "religious experience" lol.... But every Friday and Saturday to the point of choking on your own vomit? Soon becomes every Friday, sat, sun, mon. etc.......

I've heard truckies use ice to stay awake & alert on long hauls, the quicker they get to their destination, the larger the pay.. anyone know or have heard of this?
I've seen plenty of swerving dangerous trucks on our highways, fkn scary.

yeah, acb.... Truckies have been using speed and the like since forever...... Did you also know that the military have been known to give speed to their fighter/bomber pilots?

I deal with client's addictions and habits, patterns everyday sheepster. And I agree, circumstance and environment is a huge factor. A kid born to ice addicts is behind the 8 ball from day one. Some are born with the attributes to deal with that, or just get the right circumstances. That 'cave' one is a tough one. It's a conditioned belief. Traditional Indigenous Australians led a life we can't fathom before our 'advanced' ways were advancedly and sophisticatedly bashed and smashed and trampled into them . We brutally, primitively and manically smashed the shit out of them, and forced ourselves and our vicious tantrum onto them claiming blindly, brainwashed/believing that we are 'advanced'. So we called/call it, their way of living with the planet, and them primitive. And smash them by all sorts of cunning means, which just equal force, if they disagree. Yet they were much more advanced and successful than almost any other culture ever. Other than the North Sentinal Islanders. They didn't need more and more new prisons. Maybe surfing wouldn't exsist. Big deal in the scheme of things. Neither would have Tim Tams, or cranes to lift humongous, obese people out of buildings. Or as mentioned, more and more prisons, ever growing depression, suicides, obestity, diabetes 2 epidemics, drug and alchohol and food and sugar addiction epidemics, pollution, debt, etc, etc, etc.

True, upster, but the first bloke to eat an artichoke had balls, as did brave chemists in the 1800s injecting themselves with new drugs, as did the wright brothers, columbus, Sinbad, even jesus.... Risks....
Our indigenous fellow humans had full lives, but not long lives.... They had to take risks.... Some tribes like the Pitjantjatjara were considered old at 25..... harsh tough existence..... As hard as a Vikings journey to Greenland.... Live hard, die young, but leave an imprint.....
Now due to our advanced ways, you in your 50s, maybe 60s, and me in me late 40s are able to philosophise/waffle.... I'm sure you have had injury/flu, maybe even rotten teeth..... Before modern dentistry, rotten teeth was the biggest cause of early death... Blood poisoning.... We'd be dead.... No surfing blacks..... Heck, no living out your way with running water, electricity, cars.... It aint all bad....
So, "advanced" is subjective..... Setting fire to vast areas to catch food.. Some may think it's advanced .... Some may not..... The vegetation had to evolve to Need fire.... Some may say that's living with nature... Some may say that's changing nature to suit a lifestyle.... But nature evolved, and now the Australian bush needs fire..... Life goes on.....

Fuck me, fighter jet pilots on pingers.... I'd hate to be an Afghan

Yeah, acb... paints a whole new picture on this lol

A lot of conjecture about that life expectancy number sheepster. And the lifestyle. No shortage of resources when the poms first got here. The edited, institutionalised version always paints us coming out ok. Surprise, surprise. Job well done.
60, 000 years is a pretty good result. Well, exceptional, unbelievable, incomparable compared to the rest. Especially our forefathers. They'll claim a reward for a couple of hundred, and the ensuing mess, ice included! You aint seen nuttin' yet!!! Got to be a way to paint the 60,000 in the better light... for the poms.
Again, in the scheme of things, big deal about the surfing, electricity and stuff. Happiness. 'They were fuckin' not!!! Plenty of running water around though. Even runs out of the cliffs, and bubbles up in the sand. You can relaxe in a cave, and go for a swim, stand in fresh water and get a drink of pure spring water. If you know where.
Anyway sounds like we got here just in the knick of time. Like telling a rape victim she's not so bad off, got a kid out of it anyway... smart one too. Now cook up some chops love.

Atrocities no doubt.... Same deal in the basketball capital of the world, (chant USA...USA...USA...) At least they own casinos now...... Welcome to the machine, crazy horse.....
Problem with living in paradise and being happy is that someone will always rock up and spoil the party, whether it be a newly discovered surf break in Indo, or a continent.... As sure as the sun coming up, it'll happen...... When the poms "discovered" the great southern land, they could've put a fence around it and said "hey these folk are in paradise - let them be"........... I'm sure in 1942, the japs would've respected that fence....
As we speak, the last remaining tribes of south America are being dealt with by the machine..... We look at swell maps, or work out in the gym, or snort garbage up our noses..... We reminisce about past wrongs whilst those who live in a modern day paradise get surrounded, their home turned into dams, mines, and ikea desks, they are given nike shoes, grog, and another culture gone forever..... They'd be ripping that pommy built fence down now, lift...... The great southern land tribes would've had an extra 200 years of paradise, but just like south America, the distant sound of bulldozers, rap music, and capitalism would be heard in the distance over the call of the butcher bird.....
Why care about the past wrongs when no one cares about present wrongs ( south America)? A desert surfing elder once told me; "you gotta stop fighting it sheepy, the hill is calling. Go with the flow"..... Wise words.... ;)
Anyway, we're way off topic now, mate.......

Amphetamines have been around for a long, long time. The second world war was awash with tweaking soldiers on all sides.
The way I see it is life goes fast enough without taking drugs to speed it up even more.
Left handed cigarettes helps slow the sun down a bit but work place drug tests fucked that escape tool.
Plenty folk smoking synthetic THC products but that is sending plenty people to the funny farm also.,
as someone previously stated, the purity and concentrations are through the roof, when i was a grommet we were smoking leaf on a stick compared to the mega toxic indoor super hydro mega weed kids are chaffing these days, its not good for a developing brain.

Agree with a lot of that sheepster, don't know if its so off topic though. Like it or not, we are tied to the earth, and to Being, like the Traditional Indigenous Cultures you mention. We are designed, created, whatever you believe to live in rhythm, with nature, ie circadian, eat differently, sleep, rest. On a time scale, its only in the last speck that our culture has removed itself from that. Then the aims of our society create much more seperation. One strength of Traditional Indigenous Australian Cultures is that they were inclusive, fullfilling to each member. Happiness was attainable. For many in our society, they don't ever feel that, and so do ever more powerfull drugs, and endless wilder addictions to try to fill the void. A snowballing catch 22.
But true, if not for the poms, someone else would have come along. The Africans do some radical shit to each other, ala Europeans, and Asians. Which is why its such a loss, Traditional Indigenous Australians figured out how to live in harmony. So many different Cultures surviving side by side, interacting, for so long. Still with disagreements, arguments, but no wholesale manslaughter. No need to invade. A lot to learn from that. One thing that they noticed about the colonial invaders was the manicness, the inability to be still. We view it as slack, a crime. Have a cuppa, fire up.

Ok... yeah I see where ya coming from..... Even the South American tribes had some pretty nasty shit going down... there was/is some nastiness up on Cape York though..... Torres straight v mainland......... past my bedtime lift..... Catch ya on the flipside.....

As the old saying goes - Everything in moderation....including moderation.
Personally never tried ice. Thinking of leaving it for a while and maybe spending my twilight years jumping fences with stolen flatscreens under my arm to feed a habit. Something to look forward to anyway.
Beats drooling down my chin watching MASH repeats in a nursing home.

some useful old idiot once told me, "capitalism creates its own gravediggers".
You do the meth...

My chemical engineer friend said you only need a few chemicals that are easily accessible. Something with concentrated levels of ammonia (from cleaning agents through to tooth pastes) and a basic set up to synthesize it.
Anyway, I'm in my early 20s and many friends/facebook associates from highschool have thrown their lives away from abuse. It'sa great drug for those who like to have an inflated ego - from the quiet, shy kids through to the cocky jocks/bullies. I personally know about four or five people that have died or gotten locked up, and all just happened to be into ice. Frankly, it is easier to get than ganja. In the Torquay area, we've had a fair few daylight break-ins around the local area (they've worked out that unattended holiday houses are great for a quick buck), and friends in the rural parts of Vic have caught people going through their shed while they are home. Old mates at the pub are hard into it also, perhaps moreso than the kids.
Everyone from my generation looks at heroin like it's the worst drug you can take, and ice is increasingly getting a pretty bad stigma, but is mostly just considered a 'harder version of speed'. So it can be justified, just like that hardcore hydro shit is a harder version than leaf. I recently had to defend my mum/sister's house because my sisters boyfriend had lost his mind, convinced he had been possessed by his dead brother's ghost and wanted to kill my mum. We're a normal bunch who don't normally associate with the domestic abuse/violence crowd, but it felt like a scene from Cops. Anyway, he's gone now, leaving my sister with around 8k of debt (from 3 months). 'It's her fault for his addiction' though, cause her credit card allowed him to get it all!

Sad story Bilroy
One of many I hate to say.

"The bride is receiving treatment in the Royal Hobart Hospital for alcohol poisoning. "..... "Bride in hospital, groom and best man charged after Hobart wedding brawl".....
Just another fairly standard Tasmanian party... :p

i was beaten half to death last year for pulling up a tweaking 'mate' that was offering a bunch of my friends including young groms a swing off the glassy at a party, shit is evil. Never knew it was a big problem here in Adelaide but I'm hearing about it more and more recently

Despite the incessant tabloid media handwringing... there aren't a hell of a lot more people using Ice than have used general amphetamines over time... (more of an uptake in regional and rural areas though - this is known)
but in the cities - it's not that more people are using so much as the drug itself is much more potent
and if you speak with any paramedic or in the field health worker - the 'ice scourge' is still a feeble piss in a bucket when compared to alcohol related violence and illness

Feel free to smoke to ya lung's content then Smurfburger.
Feel free to reply in 5 years time, would love to know how things went.

Smurfburger wrote:Despite the incessant tabloid media handwringing... there aren't a hell of a lot more people using Ice than have used general amphetamines over time... (more of an uptake in regional and rural areas though - this is known)
but in the cities - it's not that more people are using so much as the drug itself is much more potent
and if you speak with any paramedic or in the field health worker - the 'ice scourge' is still a feeble piss in a bucket when compared to alcohol related violence and illness
So would I be wrong to assume you're an ice user?


Haha not you!

haha classic wellymon!!
but I have to agree with smurfburger, all the hype, all the resources are probably overdoing it.
while ice maybe more potent in it's latest form (even that is debatable (there was some gooey meth going around years ago that was probably just the same without the hype)) it's more public perceptions that are the problem I reckon.
I had mates years ago on the needles for amphetamines, some dealt with it, some it dealt with them. needles and amphetamines are pretty ugly, and this was twenty years ago, before the gooey meth.
the problem with ice is generally people smoke it, so it doesn't have that social stigma and desperation of sticking needles in your arm, you know dirty junkies and all that. because of this more people are willing to try it. seems less harmful, less drug fucked loser. but as we have seen it can hook people fast. I think its more people giving it a go as a harmless party drug, therefore more people finding their vulnerabilities. not to mention its just easier to smoke a bit here and there versus having the drug paraphernalia and inclination to blast it. there was an interesting TED talk lately that summef up people who are vulnerable to addiction versus those who are not.
this is where I think the legalise drugs argument gets lost, less stigma, more acceptance, means more people having a go, sure seems to have happened with smoking ice. but apparently the portugal model is working. I would argue there may be less crime, arrests and underworld etc. but is there a heap of people just riding the new system enjoying a little drug utopia by playing the game. sure seems rto be the case regarding pot in the USA

wellymon wrote:Feel free to smoke to ya lung's content then Smurfburger.
Feel free to reply in 5 years time, would love to know how things went.
while it's really nice to have your blessing wellymon - i don't actually touch the shit - gotta say though - isn't the idea of hiding meth in your child's nappy when you come to visit dad at the prison just so god damned romantic?

sypkan wrote:this is where I think the legalise drugs argument gets lost, less stigma, more acceptance, means more people having a go, sure seems to have happened with smoking ice. but apparently the portugal model is working. I would argue there may be less crime, arrests and underworld etc. but is there a heap of people just riding the new system enjoying a little drug utopia by playing the game. sure seems rto be the case regarding pot in the USA
one of the reasons why it's got the uptake in regions / rural is because it's cheaper than booze - and lasts longer...
i think legalising drugs is stupid but if you deal with drug addiction from a therapeutic rather than a punitive focus - you will - as evidence has shown in a couple of other countries - - - not only lower crime rates but also use rates ... which is interesting

goofyfoot wrote:So would I be wrong to assume you're an ice user?
you would be so far past wrong, you couldn't catch the last bus back to wrong :)
this article - is sort of where i'm coming from - but i still disagree with a couple of assertions made

Smurfburger wrote:sypkan wrote:this is where I think the legalise drugs argument gets lost, less stigma, more acceptance, means more people having a go, sure seems to have happened with smoking ice. but apparently the portugal model is working. I would argue there may be less crime, arrests and underworld etc. but is there a heap of people just riding the new system enjoying a little drug utopia by playing the game. sure seems rto be the case regarding pot in the USA
one of the reasons why it's got the uptake in regions / rural is because it's cheaper than booze - and lasts longer...
i think legalising drugs is stupid but if you deal with drug addiction from a therapeutic rather than a punitive focus - you will - as evidence has shown in a couple of other countries - - - not only lower crime rates but also use rates ... which is interesting
How much is a gram of ice?

Smurfburger wrote:wellymon wrote:Feel free to smoke to ya lung's content then Smurfburger.
Feel free to reply in 5 years time, would love to know how things went.
while it's really nice to have your blessing wellymon - i don't actually touch the shit - gotta say though - isn't the idea of hiding meth in your child's nappy when you come to visit dad at the prison just so god damned romantic?
I knew you didn't touch the shit SB, especially coming from inside the nappies! (Pun)...;)

goofyfoot wrote:How much is a gram of ice?
lol - entrapment your honour!
*sharp intake of breath*
well that would be subject to economies of scale no?
in some rural and remote communities a 'point' is cheaper than a sixpack or a box of goon

wellymon wrote:I knew you didn't touch the shit SB, especially coming from inside the nappies! (Pun)...;)
i bought back
a sou-va-neeah
all the way from kam-poo-cheah

I thought it was rather pricey? Like 600-700 bucks a gram?

uplift wrote:Its a reflection on society, that without getting obliterated, or stuffing their face, having a little loosener upper, pick me up, people don't feel good and confident. Hopefull. That people are that uninspired and bored and lost. So if your 6 year old said they wanted to get smashed out of their head, you would think great, sounds good fun, then help them have as much fun as they wanted?
that's all great if we exist as creatures solely from the neck down (ok well some do - LNP voters, people who watch reality Tv etc) but you are not taking in to account a little thing called brain chemistry - mental health - and the fact that many people self medicate just so they can interact in society - maintain stress levels etc. Sure I love a kale smoothie as much as the next guy but i also like a couple of glasses of red to unwind - and dare i say it - i may even have an odd jazz cigarette when i'm jamming
it's no different to your ferrari analogy - and no less real than as you say - pouring kero in the gas tank..

goofyfoot wrote:I thought it was rather pricey? Like 600-700 bucks a gram?
whaa? that sounds like coke prices - i'd be thinking around a third or half of that
and when factoring in that there are 10 - 30 points (hits) in a gram - a point is - as i said - less than a sixpack or a box of goon -

The townsfolk of Wellington out on the NSW western plains have declared war! dob in a dealer et(like that campaign back in '74) . It was on the telly last night

I'm not young, cool or connected enough to get the prices you're talking about there smurfburger. I thought the whole 'point thing' referred to 0.1 of a gram, therefore 10 'points' in a gram, which go for $50 -$100 for a point, so $600 -$700 a gram sounds about right. where a small time dealer can distribute it to get some free stuff. I could be way off. I'm way out of the loop. but anyone who's dabbled in drugs knows its all about who you know and the quantities you buy. a gram of speed used ro be about $200, but a gram of ice goes a lot further. this country town thing is interesting I guess if they're making it nearby prices reduce considerably, which seems to be the case.
but even at $50-$100 bucks a night it's way cheaper than drinking in a night club, which is where the governments policies to tax the fuck out of alcohol is having a reverse effect on public health. my obsevations are people 'get on it' and drink alcohol, and the wizzy effects allow them to drink twice as much for twice as long, leading to all the violence we see of late.

sypkan wrote:I'm not young, cool or connected enough to get the prices you're talking about there smurfburger. I thought the whole 'point thing' referred to 0.1 of a gram, therefore 10 'points' in a gram, which go for $50 -$100 for a point, so $600 -$700 a gram sounds about right. where a small time dealer can distribute it to get some free stuff. I could be way off. I'm way out of the loop. but anyone who's dabbled in drugs knows its all about who you know and the quantities you buy. a gram of speed used ro be about $200, but a gram of ice goes a lot further. this country town thing is interesting I guess if they're making it nearby prices reduce considerably, which seems to be the case.
but even at $50-$100 bucks a night it's way cheaper than drinking in a night club, which is where the governments policies to tax the fuck out of alcohol is having a reverse effect on public health. my obsevations are people 'get on it' and drink alcohol, and the wizzy effects allow them to drink twice as much for twice as long, leading to all the violence we see of late.
i agree with everything you said...
i think traditionally a point was one tenth of a gram - but a point is more now a catch-all term for a 'spot' or a dot' or whatever else it's called ... and it can be a less than one tenth...
i am way out of the loop on all things like that too - and ice wasn't even a thing when i was in my youthful experimentation phase...
hell even if it was we wouldn't have been interested because it was all about expanding the mind maaaan - shrooms, peyote... real LSD ... - - speed and smack were gutter drugs
though in the 90s i did live with an RN who worked casualty on friday and saturday nights and she would occasionally bring home some pure ephedrine...
one thing i have noticed though is that smack is down - generally - which is good because i have a handful of dead friends - and a handful of friends who are dead to me all thanks to that wonderful drug

Yeah youre on the money there Sypkan about the 10 points in a gram thing. I thought ice sells for about 700 a gram or there abouts.
I know cokes expensive Smurfburger but it's definitely not 600-700 bucks a gram! Half that down here.

goofyfoot wrote:Yeah youre on the money there Sypkan about the 10 points in a gram thing. I thought ice sells for about 700 a gram or there abouts.
I know cokes expensive Smurfburger but it's definitely not 600-700 bucks a gram! Half that down here.
wait what? coke is cheaper than meth?
what the actual fuck?
what state do you live in?
i think i just found my superannuation plan

Well yeah that was my understanding.
I live in vic

Gram of coke over in the west a few years back was $300 - $400 ish. But that is not value for money as I could imagine meth is these days.
I never used to believe the media how it's in every town as it didn't affect myself, or my group of family / mates. Until recently I have found out 2 cases of old mates from my home town are stuck in real deep.

Smurfburger wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Yeah youre on the money there Sypkan about the 10 points in a gram thing. I thought ice sells for about 700 a gram or there abouts.
I know cokes expensive Smurfburger but it's definitely not 600-700 bucks a gram! Half that down here.wait what? coke is cheaper than meth?
what the actual fuck?
what state do you live in?
i think i just found my superannuation plan
Classic SB,
Whaa in the bottom draw filed under BT finance.

goofyfoot wrote:Well yeah that was my understanding.
I live in vic
fair enough...
here in SA - unless i was hearing 'mates rates talk' a g of meth can be had here for $400... and as for decent coke - it's $500 - $600 per g - but it's rarer than rocking horse shit... i am talking about the good stuff... the real deal... but i guess i don't move in the kind of circles where coke is an accessible 'thing' nor would i want to... but I know that coke is more common in Syd and Melbs... here a hit or a deal or a point or whateverthephark denomination of ice will be between 20 - 40 clams
the most recent drug i bought was a 9'6" big boy... it's my first board... and it's so big that i can probs use it as a guest bed for those who like a hard mattress...
How bad is the use of Meth in your town ?