What to do with broken boards

I had a mate that was learning the art of knife throwing.
We had hours of flat-day fun sinking the knives into an old broken stick from 20 paces.

Depends how much I like the board. If it was a performer I'll sit the pieces just outside the front door near the shoe box. Then, over the course of the next few days I'll stop and stare at it forlornly wondering if I should fix it and make it like new, yet at the same time knowing it won't be the same and besides I could never be arsed to fix it anyway. After about a week my partner will say something and that's when I know the grieving period is over.
If it was a bog standard board that I felt no magic in then I'll put it straight in the bin with no ceremony or sentimentality. But, whether it be a good board or bad, it's always accompanied with feelings of guilt that toxic resin and foam simply gets carted off to landfill.
Actually, just remembered, I recently rescued two boards that were going to the tip so I can ease some of the guilt I'm carrying.

Just fix 'em, or give them to someone who will. Not just because they're going into landfill, but also because you get a buzz out of making something useful out of what was essentially junk.
Fixing up a busted board, especially a snapped one, gives me a feeling of "ownership" with the board. Not up to the full shaping stage yet (don't think I'll ever get there either - too complex and too many good guys already providing), but I guess this is the next best thing.
Even if you don't like the finished product, as a wise man once told me on Swellnet " give it to a grom and share the stoke".

Cut a jaws like shark bite out of it using a plaster saw, paint the inside of the jaw bite mark red and hang it above the man cave bar.

Keegs, that is fucking brilliant!
Will do.

i use them as velcro "ties" for guitar and mic leads etc
There are some things which spring to mind.
- Glass off the ends and keep riding 'em stand up or prone. How much money and time would this cost from absolute scratch though? Realistically?
- Make em into furniture, decorations, garden beds. I rent and I'm young so I don't want to collect shit/can't alter a house.
- Call the guy on Gumtree, asking for 'em in Noosa. Bit of a drive...
What do you do? Just bring 'em to the tip?