BioLite BaseCamp Stove - Turn Fire into Electricity


Great, I want one!

trippergreenfeet wrote:I've put myself down for one...this is a popular kickstarter project, they've added over 50k in four hours since I backed the project.
What do you mean they've added 50K TGF....? Is that a percentage of a share into this contraption..?
What a great concept. Just need firewood, which in some countries is hard to come by these days..!
Was just talking with my mate who is staying at home at the moment, he has the latest Petzl headlamp, really good light to say the least...? USB charged...? and I said to him how do you charge that up in the Alpine....? No wood up there...?
Great info TGF, awesome stuff :)

Yeah wouldn't mind if it were adapted to a liquid fuel burner

Amazing idea. I don't really need it for travelling though I couldn't imagine going past one when they develop a larger model for household use.
Great post TGF
Came across this little gem this morning. Thought it might be relevent to guys who like to go remote when on surf missions but still like to have access to mod cons like surf forcasting and tunes so need to keep devices like phones and tablets charged up, and also love a good smoky BBQ flavoured feed.