
haha...he blowin from here....he mad too!!

My real feelings eh shmux?..... as the old song goes "Que sera sera". I have enjoyed it and put in enough time to get my fair share over there i think it's the kind of place you have to do the time to reap the rewards so good luck to anyone who is willing to make the trip. I have nothing to gain so i don't advertise it shamelessly, each to their own. By my earlier comment i was merely pointing out the stupidity of you're rationale but i realise you are really just trying to stir the pot and it says a lot about you're character (and with all you're ridiculous baiting i have to commend Ben on giving you nothing too) dunno about it being set in stone bruz it's just the intermenet but there ya go.
If you do happen to be serious that's a whole different kettle of fish and i would be happy to recommend a shrink

Gruff...thanx bruz...good ta see ya let us all know how ya really feel instead of getn on here and juz paying out....gee you had a lot to say about me dont even know me...risky??! as in are evr so right about getn outa this place what you put in....most of you have no idea about the amount of time and resources a few of us have put in over here.....its not quite like rokn up to the same break everytime with a board and a wetty.....'Serious' lifes too short to be too serious about anything mate.
on ben not getn into a debate will need to be explained by his reasons i know what i was trying to set him up for tho ay???....i like this website and use it all the time but for the people that are concerned about exploiting surf and surfing cultures around the coastlines of the world this swellnet phenomenom is dangerous. I just cant understand why anyone would support it if they dont like it and I can see why Ben doesnt want to debate it coz I'm right and SOME of his viewers would leave if they were true to themselves...this I'm "SERIOUS" about!!.......if you are serious about what i am doing then come see me,call me 0428261884...or email me
I need a shrink as much as any of you fellas do.

You are so right Shaun.(as always)

Where r u princess?? don't tell me the 'raider has conkeded!!

pumpn barley/...u see this swell?? niiiice

Any public roads / or private 4wd tracks that get you close to windmills? cant do the boat thing to tricky...

Sorry mysto, but I don't think Jeff or anyone else will be revealing road by road directions to sensitive spots mate.

Thought it was worth an ask... :)

hey craig what makes you so sure about that??
i rekn i have given you sensitive spot information in the past hence leading to some tool writing on the road "fuk off schmucker"at the veebee turnoff [giving it right away] and i wasnt even there!!! i have been givn directions since i was a kid mysto buy yasself a ski and you will get there....access from the cliff impossible unless you have the electronic windfarm key or know the 2 main guys to let ya in and a set of cliff climbing ropes and is safer....i wouldnt paddle the joint anyways...too many noahs.
PS sorry bout the delayed reply mysto

Hey Jeff,
Buying a ski in a couple weeks, can you tell me exactly what model to look at, i got about 25k to spare and want hat to include all equipment including board.

Mysto ,
There is access . But the Ski is more Practical ..... There are other waves in similar region but another direction that are available .
Craig , be careful .. Jeff's Blaming you for his popularity on the Far west .
Jeff , Why do you even bother with Nick names for many of the spots you have Video'd or been video'd Riding .
I didn't know of the " road sign spot " , until a relative stayed there and mentioned a wave prior to your usage .
The Tim Bonython ? vid confirmed instantly where it was , within the first glimpses of the waves due to the angle angle and scenic backdrop ... so what they didn't know of its Quality . you confirmed .
Hence my opposed view ....
Hey ," show poker " is not as good as the real thing . Even if ya playin with it with Friends .... Why , cause its the part of others , " even Friends" not knowing what you've got . And show poker is that you don't know it , but everyone else does that you've got the Ace .
So Envy is seen before the Game is up .... Hence friends don't like Bad winners ....
On ya champ !

Hi Jeff, I was just pointing out that you probably wouldn't do it on here in a public forum, but more so in a PM or a Facebook message.
And that's unfortunate about the writing on the road, I actually had a relative who went out with an Elliston local who helped me to one of the spots.
I don't think I've ever been given advice from you about getting to certain spots, I've gotten to them on my own as I do around most of the country (I do a lot of research before hand) but I know you would help me if I asked so cheers for that.
The writing on the road was uncalled for, especially as you weren't even there.
Hope you're well.

no wuz craig....i liked all the shots you took...thanks for sharing them with us...yeeew
pharm....dont buy the lastest yammys....i suggest go for the 2006-2009 FX 160 cruisers....good hull shape...sick motors and you can get good secondhand ones with low hours on for around 8-12 grand...anything under 70 hours is for a sled you can be kitted out for around 1500...dont forget to strap down the seats/glovebox/front compartment....tow ropes are a device that needs to be chosen caerfully and you need thick ones that dont retain water...this minimises sucking into the jet when you are hurridley turning around for your 40th barrel in a row while frothing too hard!!.....anyone wanting ski info dont be shy in contacting me 0428261884......we will be forming a tow asscociation in the future and all should look forward to a workshop for "Tow Etticut and rules"
southey...not trying to hide anything with pet names...i call em as i call are free to call em what u wish.

Hi jeffry..............I'd love to join in your class on towing. Could i join your Association without owning a ski. I want to learn as much before I get towed into one of those massive waves. Where are you WA or interstate. I'm in Kalgoorlie (the Super Pit)
I've got a bit to learn ....I'm cutting my teeth on the beach breaks in Esperance. They are pretty hard on my body and i even end up with a wetsuit full of sand......such cool fun though. I've made a couple of friends here but would love to travel to some new spots. Would it be alright to ring you on the above number and have a chat. Cheers Roaring

Dear Little stiffy.....dont worry bout headn this way....head a bit further west along your southern coastline and if your talent is anything like ya sense of humour then find benny n shanno and a wave called the right and you will be fine...the pit will never be the same again wen u are on swing!! love unca
ps.. the classes are for intermediates/learners and people like yasself who think they know everything....if theres a ski in the surf near you that you dont think he knows what he's doin then you are probably right.....even the smartarses find it difficult. {hmmm oh to be a kook again"} happens to the best.
thanx for the calls too u fellas...glad ta help.

Thanks Jeffrey for all your advice. I must tell you I got my nickname from the local girls for good reason and I might be, as you seem to indicate a "kook" and new to this sport but I am quite a proficient wielder of the "boner"....."Little Stiffy" doesn't sit well with me. lol
Also I looked up "etticut" in the dictionary, I thought it was like a cut back or a manoeuvre of some type. I think you meant "etiquette", But hey thats cool we're all "kooks"at something. lol.
I've got a whole week off starting tomorrow.
Now i must head west and turn left at the right and keep an eye out for benny n shanno. lol You guys are a crackup.
Thanks again. Cheers Roaring (from deep in the Superpit)

Thanks Jeff, and have to agree about the new yamaha, seems to take a different line in the surf than the older ones ive ridden. Wheres a good place to find a 2nd hand ski and would you reccommend me getting it checked out by a dealer first? If you know anyone who wants to get rid of a 2 to 3 yr old ski give them my details, Will be sure to get in touch with you before i buy any accessories, but for the next month im busy reaping the rewards of another sucessful year on the land!! whoop whoop!! heading out your neck of the woods once im done so hopefully we can enjoy a couple frothies and a chat
Cheers mate

yeah i'm sure wherever you find one that a dealer or marine mechanic will check it out for a well spent 1 or 2 hundred bucks....anything under 60-70 hours has probably always had its 10 and 50 hour service...everyone usually does that even if they're slack......good to check for any signs of hull damage or drive train damage too tho......make sure ya wash ya ski's out asap after every use as the salt build up in the block and any water jacket indents will lead to corrosion.....see ya over here pharm...hope its 10 ta 20 ft an be good to drop into a cupl bombs...yeeew

Yo Roaring... Man I`m sorry i`m slow on the uptake, dont get on here often but this is no excuse for not previously noticing your pic.....
I actually thought you were taking the piss with that name, well I was wrong...
You do have one helluva shaft there bona.... Do you get your lids cut to fit? ( body board sorry you purists )
Anyway I`m thinking your going to have some troubles getting towed by anything, I`m not sure what power Yamahas top models are but your going to have to find something that has some grunt to get you up to speed with your big rudder....
Anyway was just a quicki to apologise, I thought you were pretty much just a knob but now i know...Mostly Shaft...
Peace my brothers
Oh and praise Obama, lets hit the lets get the fuck out button

jeff, had a quick read of the lincoln times online, reporting a large shark spotted at kiana [pointer ?] and 2 large pointers cruising in sheringa bay, a shark population explosion- will your waters even be towable in the next 10 years ?

Vic ,
It's just , " that time of year " again .......

I'd be more worried bout the big f%#@*! bushfire at sleaford at the moment. hope ya's outta line and all safe. peace

hey Vic...the fire was rad...we had a big one at streaky too in the calpatana waterhole reserve...reignited after a lightning struck fire the week before....we are in for some warm northerlies this year by the feel of things.
south...its not "that time" again i dont rekn..although sept thru summer is the food source and the warmer water time...we are entering a unprecedented time where the great white population is increasing to original biomass b4 man levels....the population may even increase to higher amounts of sharks as there are new food sources in the seal populations that are increasing at alarming rates too.
As far as too many to tow goes, well i would keep towing even if i saw a pointer in the just are'nt in the water while towing .

Nice WOTD Jay Berret!!! Is that Schmuko's new charter boat out the back there Jiffy??

yah BH....its almost ready to you can see its where thewaves are on this fishn trip!! nice pic Jay!!! is that dirty dave caught inside there?? first time he surfed it in 20 years

Talking to yourself again jeff?Disturbing really...

haha...least u are listening trippy....u wanna come on a charter...?? u'll love it!

For what it's worth our family holidayed in PL during last school holidays. We went to Sleaford car park, beautiful day, clean swell and no surfers in the water only whales and dolphins. This helps support the claim that it will be quite some time before the West Coast will be crowded.

can I go on a charter? haven't got much $. Jeff

raku...a free charter for you!!! haha....
overtit.....can ya cook? covered on the smart ass criteria...we might be able ta fit ya in. Can you surf?

Cheers Jeff. I reckon I would fit in with your tow in crew as I am not a strong paddler, slow to my feet and don't have a bottom turn. As with overit I probably fit the smart arse criteria. Ha!!;

Im friendly and you took me out once on your tinny when you were a young lad, but I can't fish or cook?

sorry overit...thought you were paying me out by lookn for a free charter....can u surf?....its pumpn here ATM...thatnew swell fromWA storm has just hit.

I surf occasionally, but love afree ride, went out on leons boat in the 80s that was a buzz, anyway its over and out for me, swell is 3 metres.

hi jeffy...are you giving away tickets?? i can cook!! or is it overcrowded already???

Blah blah blah - bunch of tongue in cheek nobs paying out on a guy who for sure has a lot to say and is outspoken, but get over it. Sounds like you have a grudge.

Is it just me or has the recent photo of jeff surfing a decent sized wall been deleted. I've looked for it here and on the facebook page but to no avail. It could be that I'm technically challenged and cant find it, or is it the fact Jeff spilled the beans on the location, that it is gone?

dont know if theres been any recent photos willywag...dont actually have many old ones or recent ones....always shootn sum 1 else....what location was it??.....spill the beans???? tut tut

hey jeff, it was of you about to drop off a bit of a step on the face, you thought you at shippies. The photo was taken by Greg someone.

Its a streaky time of year

jeff, mate youve gone quite........any action in the wild west, any big bombie swells over xmas,new year...? feelin for you desert rats with the extreme temps ,when is jesiah gonna paddle jaws or mavs ? some nice wotd pics fom your postcode recently to.

hey victa...plenty fish plenty barrels....pumpn today
Just thought I would start this thread as roolf has so many questions but he wants the penong thread to die, I'd like to blow it up as well. Also Victor if you want to ask for any more comments please use this thread, also Victor I am awarding you the swellnet tool of the month for starting the penong thread.Please Victor perhaps you would like to comment on that.
I think this is the way to go as really it now is all about smucko, so please use this thread to feed his ego until he is so full of himself he blows up.