Nuh, you've seen him before Jeff. You laughed (in jest) at his 'limp wristed' barrel style one time when we were at Indies. Another time you filled both our nostrils full of smoke when you and Shadow towed Blacks. We were paddling it alone.
But anyway, all cool.

Figs the size of watermelons yes, but it's pretty stupid doing it by yourself without someone on the beach at least watching. If anything happened out there no one would know and you are miles for anywhere.

OK Dad.
If it makes any difference I know he waited 15 minutes after eating before he went for the surf.

That's an old wives' tale the waiting after eating.
He wasted a good 15 minutes wave time!!

smuko to the rescue craigos..
.hey lopez you got more frequent flyer points than i care to know about...praps you should use some of them to come down and see ya ol mate dwn here..??
old dog...yeah i agree bruz...i was gunna tell him he was sittn too deep but then again i said to him "if you gunna paddl up here we'll tow dwn there" if ya know the wave ya know what i'm sayn!! haha...i also said to him he is the first solo guy i have seen out there since i paddled it on my own with a float and a sinker to find my way around the lineup bak in the early 90' medals juz keen like this fella...i only know 1 guy that has paddled bomi alone and its not him...if he has then thats juz a bit of a waste of time i rekn...paddlin the bomi can be as boring as fishn with no bait!!
stu...dont suppose you were gunna tell me and shadow to fuk off?? haha mistake of the century....ya shoulda grabbed the rope

We didn't need to Jeff, we were takin' off deeper anyway.

oh yeah..i remember you guys...sik!

Jeff, you may have already put your views on this; if so, apologies in advance. Another bloke taken by a shark in south-west WA. That's 4 fatalities in WA within the past 12 months. Is this a statistical anomaly or is something deeper going on?

The saddest thing for that family today...condolences to them all involved..
.i think its numbers of people in the water down there....the west coast of south oz is relativley unused i rekn compared to southern WA-therefore less interactions...there is a pointer at kalbarri at the moment which is very unusual....the population of great whites is exploding around the southern coast of oz and i rekn the south oz situation with loss of gillnets is contributing to the larger numbers across the bottom of the country....when and where will the govt step in?? there has been a raid by police and fisheries in a westcoast SA town this week trying to recover greatwhite artifacts taken illegially....they came up empty handed i believe.

Kill'em all i reckon. too many sharks around 12ft one where I am.. Didn't you see the 11 time world champaround your area last week bro?

you really are a fuckwit burley,i am am sympathetic

If you talk to any pro fisherman or ab divers about the shark situation , you will hear the same thing from them all. That is great white and shark numbers in general have exploded over th last 10 years. Which corresponds with the increasing frequencies of attacks. Some of these divers are now very concerned and feel things have to change, and maybe introduce catch kill quotas to control the situation .It would be interesting to know if as a species great whites behaviour patterns have changed due to increased numbers/ competition

My understanding of things is that, of the 360-odd shark species in the world, only four have been known to attack humans.
I also gather that research into the great white, mako, tiger and bull sharks is very sparse, limited largely by lack of government funding.
Whilst, statistically speaking, shark-attacks as a cause of human death barely make it above the error-margin, for the victims, their families and their friends, an attack must be a horrifically life-altering event. Mere sympathy doesn't cut it.
It seems to me (acknowledging my own self-interest as a surfer) that much more needs to be done than the knee-jerk reactions of politicians interested in assuaging their constituents rather than actually making long-term policy decisions based on sound science.
Thoughts, people?

Barry Bruce comes to mind again !!!!

A pointer of kalbarri isnt that unusal, it is most likley making its way south again at this time of year.
i reckon to think that there is a shark explosion over the last 10 years is pretty out there as well, the whites might be recovering at the moment due to the protected status, but most other sharks are still fair game and alot of different types of pro fishing still nail a heap of sharks. after having seen how quickly shark long lining can affect a local popultion of sharks after just one or two seasons it makes you realise how easy they are to catch and thin out.
I reckon the WA government has the right idea and is spending a couple of million on research rather then just netting and hopefully they dont have people on either extreme running the program, for all we know at the moment the same shark has taken all of those people on the west coast in the past seven months.

dont get me wrong though i still like the idea of a few guys sitting out their chumming the water with a harpoon tied to a couple of 44 gallon drums on standby.

how many guys out the bomi today??? 27

Hopefully 27 tomorrow too.

I don't get it? Is having 27 out there a good thing or not?

yeah coz it means theres 27 not surfing where you are....or yeah coz theres more people to watch you......or yeah coz theres a reduced risk of shark attack....want more good reasons/?

Jeff, was that you and the lads on the news on the skis at venus for the search??
was thinking the jetskis with rescue boards would have a better search ability than the boats in the conditions that day.

ye josiah and i were dwn there but to no avail....cheers for the bomi pic...what a day eh?

figured it was you guys. good on ya's for giving it a go. sad day in local waters.
as for the bombie pic.. no probs. certainly a decent day out there. no chance id be surfing it ;) but would love to see it close up one day!

Heard that the camel was putting on a show paddling some of the lads out there reckon it was pretty amazing stuff yeah?

jump in the boat any day and come out for a look was smokn and a bit misty for shots from the shore...
fraser....yeah good ta see Cam out there on his 10 footer rhino chaser....he got some mad ones...sunny from nambucca was charghing too...the pom was dominating on the back peak...ty and josiah paddled a cupl good ones...danny griff got a cupl good drops on his backhand...the goofys were ruling.....danny and josiah got some insane barrels on the towboard while the paddlers wer hunting...after an hour or so matt king and jonas woolford decided that the "paddle no tow" etticut was not part of their concerns any more and proceeded to tow dangerously thru the crowd with king almost wrapping his towrope around sunnys head as he charged thru the pack on his ski....pehaps jonah and king should have watched what smuko was doing with his ski while towing the previuos hour or so without stealing a wave or putting any chop thru the lineup for the paddlers. King proceeded to argue profusely with smuko that he was a loser but to the gallery i think it appeared the other way....certainly griff and josiah wouldnt agree after standing in a few 20ft pits.....
.so "paddlers out no tow???.... what do you think??..... is there a time and a place??.... is it only fair to tow if you are a good driver with careful considerations for the paddlers??.... not at all??..... towing taking place dont paddle out??

In the photo's Ive seen of the sesh some of the lefts looked as they where heaving more than the right no takers?

yeah when ever someone was paddln the right we went left and on the best angle ones i'd tell the naturals to go left....the left is a rateable wave for of the biggest lefts in the country

Thanks for the rundown Jeff. Hearing some great second hand rumors about the few days up there so its good to hear a first hand account.

wasnt the best of cameras for shore based photogs either.. and def misty in those shots. might take ya up on that offer one day ;) i get over there a lot for work but hardly have time off while there to consider a free surf.. though i do get a couple hours surf each week. but with a bus load of back packers..

can you post some pics jeff..? camel how was it ? comparable to cow bombie, jeff smuck does abbo still surf it? he gave it a good go in the early nineties,copped a near death pounding one sesh eh..

Hey Smux, the pharmer got his fair share recently, bagged out on the KG'S inbetween sessions aswell!! Big dick slappers, all on cockles
You aint wrong when you say once you let go of the rope your next trip to town you'll be straight to yamaha pitmans!. Hope you dont mind me dropping your name along with another mutal friends name to the salesmens?, save me a few bucks. Planning a trip out west real soon, are you going to be around? You were wrong about one comment you made but somethings are worth keeping to yourself!! Cheers for the photo you sent me and I will show you mine as promised ;-) in due course. What a mad couple weeks hey, fond memories

Fuck yeah get to streaky! you got Yanerbie, Razars, little island back beach, cancers The island...jeff gives you a tow out...squirrels bairds' they are friendly as fuck..hell,man they want to over there..just call the schmuk he will assist you no fuel indis with him towin..everyones welcome bet swell of the decade..fckn do it!!!

barley...settle up late there frothn didnt sound lik that wen u rang me up at 2 in the morn the other week!...i agree everyones u can see on the wotd today theres plenty of empty ones.
pharmer..been smashn some kg's abs and calamari on a certain island in the passage the last few days myself...if you goin to buy a ski try to find one with a 100 hours or less between 2005-2010 7-13 grand...freshwater use if possible if not fresh then check that its been maintained and washed out properly. pics from me,didnt have time,was too busy towing a lucky few in, i only got 4 waves in the morning,the evening was insane tho and racked a few up till the thighs were burning,juz danny griffith and i were the only ones out before dak and i happened to be on the rope and the biggest wave of the day came thru. 45ft face i called it 22ft...juz aimed for the shoulder,it barreled over me in the end and fortunately spat me out the back without the board,i was stoked as i had no lifejacket on.
camel didnt say but what he did say was that he was frothn...was sum serious paddle waves for sure...abo still surfn ,doesnt come out the bommi anymore but yeah they were crazy days out there paddling outa the sharkboat 20+ years ago.

Yeah man we gonna try to send them over your way takes the heat off us.. So get to Streaky everyone 27 out the bombie? worries ..more the merrier. more tow-kooks goona shoot over grab their glory don't know the rules and more Venus Bay tradgedies gonna happen(unfortunately RIP). 27 out at Yb WTF??

Im going to buy a brand spanka Jeff, 1800 Yamaha, where im going you cant risk it with anything less, peace of mind you might say. @barley, I already know of all the spots you mention and probably a lot of others you dont know about?? I never have a problem with the crowds in SA, most of the time I surf with less than a handful even at easter time, its all about timing, understanding the ocean, tide, weather patterns, the humanmind and its thinking. Surf forecasting has improved drastically, but it doesnt give local knowledge only expierience and obsevations only a true waterman can aquire, its pretty rare when I fish I dont come home with the quota's of more than one prized species, and when I wax up the board I usually get as many of the set waves as I can handle, its all about being in the right place at the right time with the right equipment. @jeff, what model yamaha do you recommend?? What type of towboard doi buy?, im about 80kgs, and probably only want to charge 6 to 12 ft slabs, leave them bigger bombs for you mate, at this stage anyway, Also jeff have you heard anything about the longliners in the gulfs? When are they going to get told to fuck off? And I agree there should be a size limit on big Kg's, ive been saying that myself for 15 yrs, means I would have to throw most I catch back in!!! is there anyway to tell their sex quickly? Thinking of headed out to catch me a tuna this week, if im sitting out halfway to wedge can I give you a buzz and find out where they are? I only want one, load the rest of the boat with nannys and kg's and flatties, squid, gar and tommies. Got a hunch the desert oasis is gunna deliver the goods this week, so may put the wedge trip on hold. Busy busy times for the pharmer butfuck you should see the smile on my face!! Here's Cheers a 100 beers.

While im at it, Do you think GWS will make the top 8 Smux? Good odds, think the flag is a bit out of reach this year!

Ah ha ha ha, South Australia... chocka block full of absolute legend watermen and hellmen.

GWS gunna hav a gd time thats fa sure...good ta see a south ozzy son in there in choko....dnt knock em coz they gunna come knockn sooner than later...
dont know that SA is full of watermen and hellmen?? probably more people towing and paddling the bommie than should be...aspirations outweighn the abilitys for sure....2 skis go dwn in 3 days of surfing...tut tut....josiah was driving one that went backwards over the falls on a 12ftr...destroying the ski....not all beer n skittles out there.

we have a yam 1800 here in lincoln and i dont like the hull shape...they tweaked them between the 1800 and the 160 cruiser....they track abit which is scary when ya towin in front of the wave...power wise no dramas with them, more grunt than ya and barley dont live far apart,should grab 1 ski between burton and dave lewy are makn the best towboards that i can see....80kg you need 5'10"-6'0" 1nhalfx17 widish tail...thrusta.....the longliners aint goin anywhere...they have been reduced to 800kg snaps a trip so they will juz do more will get a tuna and the nannys are firing...hope she not a drought on the land this year farmer

pt lincoln mayor loamy went down on his new 180 and ripped the hood off and sunk her as well...whooops.....seen him pull into a bomb out there tho...made up for the @#$%^ up!!

thanx shaun.....any more questions?

willywag....soz been surfn some offshore slabs...been MIA for few days...check the photos on facey....any questions?? sorry havnt been there for the daily updates! haha scuse the pun!!! oh and Tim bonightmares surf movie festival in adelaide was sickness!!!.....blax has been pumpn with van veen dominating too BTW

most poeple get the idea sooner rather than later but i digress, one has already saved the whole swellnet universe many times over and as the only true superhero (thats one schmucky not yourself) of this thread one will insist on your credentials to be sighted and recorded and for you to cease and desist on the superheroness untill such time validity or humbleness has been obtained by your way out of controlself. with me?
anyhoo, why sir have you not noted that nearly all of the posters on this thread are lets say , blinded by the light that a 15 watt bulb produces? with me?
one has feasted upon such fare dear fellow and can attest to its somewhat bitter taste but one does get used to it......also with me?
anyhoo this was bought to you by a ironing thr wrinkles out of his old cape and being back in shape enough to get into the, superhero suit HRH bigwayne,superhero

WIGBAYNE....what was the question again please? english!! you seem to be confusing yourself!? i can help!

maybe blackhawk can tell us muckhole?

haha u love it triploid...if only you knew who the magnificent blackhawk was!!!

Hey Jeff, can you have a look at some bronzie jaws off a 10 ft plus whaler and tell me if there teeth are all a similar, smaller size than that of a GW. Rod fox told me personally, no mistake a whaler bit him when i was a lad. As you know he now claims it waz a GW? Tbe punture wounds look more like a white but the scar looks like a 10 to 12ft bronzie bite size. How many people you know of survive 3 attempts from a GW to bite you and are capeable of wrestling a GW by grabbing hold of it by its belly. The guys a fraud, cashing in on the glory of surviving a GW attack. I want to know the variability of bronzie and GW teeth. A GW would have bitten him in half, and he doesnt say how big the shark was, rescuers sighted a large bronzie that day at a known feeding ground at Aldinga reef, the wall.

i used to have the jaws from what i was told was a 14 foot whaler on my wall ( which as far as i know is about the max size they reach ). It's teeth were quite uniform in size and much thinner and smaller than an equivalent size great white's teeth would be, i'd say they were about 2cm and triangular in shape. The bite diameter would have been around 45cm - which is probably a bit smaller than the bite sustained by rodney (i've seen the photos). so either he was bitten by the world's largest whaler shark, or far more likely he was bitten by a great white.
Just thought I would start this thread as roolf has so many questions but he wants the penong thread to die, I'd like to blow it up as well. Also Victor if you want to ask for any more comments please use this thread, also Victor I am awarding you the swellnet tool of the month for starting the penong thread.Please Victor perhaps you would like to comment on that.
I think this is the way to go as really it now is all about smucko, so please use this thread to feed his ego until he is so full of himself he blows up.