
Two days into the new one, feels remarkably like the old one. Same old peeps doing and saying the same old things. Frankie and the Witch fingers ask the question...

Fook, that was well alright.

Yeah. That was good.

Dinnertime and a random song with even more random whoas. So many whoas. Sometimes extending out into whoa oh ohs.
Sometimes the whoas are launched on their own in the background, sometimes in tandem in the foreground. Thank fuck for a producer who isn't a perfectionist - did they even have a producer?
Misanthropy never sounded so joyful.
Has to be played loud...

Sounds like a new theme there Stu - so many whoahs.

nice all ^ (not bad, @seeds, Idles worthy of this thread, hope you enjoy)..
saw this @tbb, sydney 2-piece, and thought of your ability to catch a falling groove and put it in your pocket. heist by horn.
"party dozen: coup de gronk"

Ha @b6 just played that on my phone and left it going while I went into office to do an invoice and it’s going for ages. I’m thinking gee this song is long. Come back into lounge and it’s playing on rage.
First time ever hearing it. Uncanny

haha, that's what I've got on : )
I'll let you know if anything else good comes on.
"gut health: cool moderator"

Gur health = good new music, nice.
If seeds is still working, one fer him.

Yep, I’m still here working.
Cheers Blackers that was right up my alley.

A song for Paul.
And some other stuff.

Ohhh nice find there @blackers!!
Got a bit nostalgic reading that name...hehe. Cheers!
Here's one i'm sure you'll have a little boogie to this evening.
Up the mighty Aussies!
Pretty sure the whole country is walking a little taller this afternoon. Yew!

10CC ?

One of my favourite albums back in the day.

Snuck out at night to go see this band on my own at the MCG Hotel when I was about 16.
?si=ipMyp_RTWMDt3QfCRootbeer might of opened for them:

Patrick wrote:Snuck out at night to go see this band on my own at the MCG Hotel when I was about 16.
Great band though their wailing Kiss and Van Halen-style guitar rock fell out of favour as the decade wore on. Saw Asylum, which was Marc Welsh's original band, a few times. Came from the Gold Coast - you ever see them TBB? - before they split up and Welsh moved to Melbourne and joined HAND.
He's back on the Goldy, still surfing, and doing great artwork.

Huh id forgotten all about them had a few songs on a mixed cassette like this one, seems they have been playing of late.

Something new from the old dart, A band that "wish to explore the bleak and beautiful honesty of a nation in an ever growing state of depression through personal experience...". Language warning on this one.
And something old, for those who want to relive the good ol' days.

Roy Buchanan
Some say the best ever,
Taken way too early.
Out doing Neil Young. ?

Roy Buchanan , seriously good .
The train always leaves at 3.09

My mate told me firsthand about seeing Roy Buchanan here in little old Radelaide in the 80's.
Roy was so wasted he could barely sit on his stool. He mumbled something about Coopers and Adelaide weed and then proceeded to make tweeeeeeeeep noises for about 20mins. Then staggered of.
Disappointing considering what he was capable of.
Then again he is not the only one to fall victim to Coopers and Adelaide weeeeed.

Sounds like Roy might have had some woman problems,
Driving him to hit the bottle.?

Exxotixjeff wrote:Sounds like Roy might have had some woman problems,
Driving him to hit the bottle.?
Really? He was arrested for domestic violence and in the local lockup when he hung himself. More than a few people thought he was a wanker apparently. According to Keef Richards, he, Eric Clapton and Ronnie Wood pissed in his beer.

blackers wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:Sounds like Roy might have had some woman problems,
Driving him to hit the bottle.?Really? He was arrested for domestic violence and in the local lockup when he hung himself. More than a few people thought he was a wanker apparently. According to Keef Richards, he, Eric Clapton and Ronnie Wood pissed in his beer.
So what’s your point
He sings about his woman cheating on him,
and I’ll see you in hell ,
I didn’t say he wasn’t a wanker .
You just have to listen to different versions of Roy’s Blues .

My point is he physically abused his wife. You said he had women problems that lead him to drink. That is a pissweak excuse.

blackers wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:Sounds like Roy might have had some woman problems,
Driving him to hit the bottle.?Really? He was arrested for domestic violence and in the local lockup when he hung himself. More than a few people thought he was a wanker apparently. According to Keef Richards, he, Eric Clapton and Ronnie Wood pissed in his beer.
Sounds like Clapton , Wood and Richard’s were wankers themselves, Except the narrator wasn’t sure if the story was true?
And as the narrator said,
Drunk musicians have a warped sense of humour.

blackers wrote:My point is he physically abused his wife. You said he had women problems that lead him to drink. That is a pissweak excuse.
Well der a cheating wife , is a woman problem, which can lead to drinking,
I wasn’t excusing anything that happened after that,
Because I didn’t actually know what happened
So how can I be excusing something I didn’t
Know that happened,
I actually said
Sounds like he might have had some woman problems, from listening to his lyrics.

No point truing to converse with maroons. Play it loud.

blackers wrote:No point truing to converse with maroons. Play it loud.
Sounds like you’re overreacting,about something I guessed at from his lyrics,
Your the one with all the information.
Sounds like you’ve been listening to too much beer skulling music again !

You really are not very bright Jeff Ciao malaka

Maybe he was a carrot cake which led to her escapism.
Which led to his shitty blues.
Or maybe his alcoholism created both.
He is awful.

blackers wrote:You really are not very bright Jeff Ciao malaka
Well neither are you
assuming everyone knows what you know, and then overeacting about it,
Your the one playing the beer skulling music, don’t have too many, you might keep overreacting.

"Out doing Neil Young?"
Was that an actual question?
You can't be serious.

tubeshooter wrote:"Out doing Neil Young?"
Was that an actual question?
You can't be serious.
Yeah I know him too
It is debatable

But then again, let’s all jump up and down like a packet of funny seeds,

I was expecting Heart of Gold or something.

Supafreak wrote:
I thought you were piling on to Tim the movie maker,
You amusing little boy
Do you actually know any other music, apart from that little ditty and Boy George, ?
If you do, I dare you to post it.
Most people search for real music or surfing or something,
but you search for that OMG
What a funny character.

Supafreak wrote:
Yeah I thought so
You don’t really listen to much music,
That’s why you’re a one dimensional boy.

I can’t stop laughing, the things you find on YouTube

Supafreak wrote:
There you go soaps
Does that take you back?

Goodnight jeffy

Come on you must be able to think of something?
?si=JTdfxW8zYhY35-ww ?si=R7AVQOVd0obfzv5m

Supafreak wrote:Goodnight jeffy
That’s not music
You should start your own Super amusing snigger thread.

Actually Jeffy , have you thought about starting your own thread on Trump & Musk ? Your audience would then have all the information in one place instead of spread out over different threads . It would also free up the US thread .

stunet wrote:Patrick wrote:Snuck out at night to go see this band on my own at the MCG Hotel when I was about 16.
Great band though their wailing Kiss and Van Halen-style guitar rock fell out of favour as the decade wore on. Saw Asylum, which was Marc Welsh's original band, a few times. Came from the Gold Coast - you ever see them TBB? - before they split up and Welsh moved to Melbourne and joined HAND.
He's back on the Goldy, still surfing, and doing great artwork.
Thanks Stu

ABBA and Jerry A. Jerry's first gig was an Abba show he went to with his mum. Rock n roll baby
?si=WIkGryT9h9INegt_ ?si=XLAcnoYsKqNn3_BzThe interview where he talks about influences and early gigs:

Nice. My first gig was the Uncanny X-Men at the Pier Hotel, Frankganestan. Got kicked out for being under aged and badly dressed. Sing it loud like the Orwells.
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.