Get an Ecko Unltd Tattoo receive 20% off for life

I know where Im getting mine,imagine the look on the checkout chic's face when you slap it on the counter"that's 20% off thanks love".

Wow Stu. You must be a gold member on their mailing list to receive such exciting merchandise.

Tempting offer, until I saw you had to go to a store in the USA or Puerto Rico. Then again, if you're that dumb to get a tat with thier logo, then maybe .....

I know where Im getting mine,imagine the look on the checkout chic's face when you slap it on the counter"that's 20% off thanks love".
By: "spongebob"
I'm with squishy, except I s'pose you gotta work it up 1st or it might end up
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Your right there Rasda,maybe they could bring out a barcode tattoo.
Here's a great idea for all you bargain hunters. Just ink your skin with an Ecko Unltd tough sticker (two to choose from, both corporate logos) and receive 20% - that's right 20%! - off urban leisurewear for the rest of your life.
Ink up and start saving now!