For your interest science

Daryl is that you?

"jaffa1949" wrote:Daryl is that you?
By: "rasda"
Fusion was never in doubt, and now it's an economic reality. It was Cold Fusion didn't happen
and FYI Malcolm?
Good to complete the link to you, call again for coffee as you pass through the breaks of Flatnimbula.
Remember the elastic limits, hope you haven't gone beyond rebound.
Cheers return as Ilya or the CSI coroner .

excuse ones ignorance gentlemen, but do tell why mr rasda was escorted off the premises across the highway at realsurf? one has read the forums that he was posting on if that the right term? and the was nothing untoward at all. one understands the need to express ones poinion ( i do that from time to time) but one has heard rumblings among the natives that realsurf read hoaxsurf removed the thread is this not also true gentlemen? this was a line of inquire by you feerless leeder and swellnet club captain

BW, not aware of Rasda (daz) being banned from realsurf, but funny things have been happening there lately.
I doubt Daz has been banned. He's inscrutable, but never offensive.
hhmmm cold fusion, tidal energy, wind and solar.
Soon we will be free of the hydrocarbon beast, and no one will thank those who made the big decisions, will they fong?

mr martial arts, not sure if he was banned but their moderators seem a little heavy handed! i also doubt that he was offensive. as the only self appointed royalty on this progreesive site i will make the relevent enquiries,
tidal energy is what we need to harness there is a bloke in the isle of wight who has been doing this stuff for over 20 years one thinks one saw it on sbs tv some years back! looks like a big snake that bends and weaves with the tide and waves and hydraulic rams are used aswell one does not know the ins and outs anymore as i gave the idea to him a very long time ago and he has obviously gone forward with it see what i do for humanity?
Don't need to go that far, there are some test sites off Tassie.

mr kaboo, one has peroused this site and found it very interesting, the fella one refers to has almot the same set up but it is horizontal and not vertical but one surmises that there is more than one way to skin a cat! where in tassie are these sites? are they close to shore like the ones that one has mentioned or out to sea more? do tell mr kaboo. and would it be forward of one to think that you also have crossed the highway from hoaxsurf? if so glad to have you in the line up!

Actually big Wayne due to your proximity to Oilies you would probably recall the wave powered electricity generator that was moored off the above named surf spot, which did the inevitable when a swell came and sank.Twas about as successful as those plastic bagged artificial reef.
As for Daryl not banned, and exercising personal freedom of association I believe!

If you have the time....

For anyone in Sydney- We know of the Nuclear Reactor in Lucas Heights, about 31km south west of the cbd, but did you see this report by Siobhain Ryan in the The Australian on May 31, 2011.
" Despite the existence of maintenance plans, "staff argue that maintenance is only undertaken for the most urgent matters."
In 2009-10, ANSTO Health had one breach of its licence and 56 radiology "events or near misses."
One employee, David Reid, who went public last year with the safety concerns that triggered the Comcare investigation, has been suspended from his job for about two years on full pay.
The facility is also the subject of other, ongoing review, including one by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency."
Comforting hey. Hope you sleep well tonight.
Anyone else keen to move out of the metro sprawl.

Set to go diving now?
INteresting or not
and they who said fusion was a hoax