Artificial surf reef info

So, what's the premise of the assignment? Identifying and combating physical and biological problems with artificial surfing reefs?

Check out Biorock.
I have often thought that concrete tetrapods would be a great material to use for building surfing reefs, but whenever I watch Grand Designs, Kevin Mcloud is always banging on about how nasty concrete is.
The concrete industry is one of the 2 largest producers of CO2 creating 5% of worldwide man made emissions of this gas.
Biorock has the potential to be used as an alternative to concrete.

Moffats would be a perfect wave to just tinker and improve with artificial reef
It gets a decent amount of swell for the area fairly protected from predominant SE winds, lines up nice...but just has terrible fat shape.

WarHawk should tell it as it is.
Surfreef interpretation is broad. I'd say anything that alters the surf for desired outcomes.
Start at the top then dumb it down gently before unleashing lame ass ventures of our time.
Kombumerri worked several Surf Reefs of size & depth within a community setting.
Aquifers feed their fresh waterhole that flows to Surf Fish Traps... (Sea Eagle Songline?)
Explaining that much is a first but for what reason or varied fish species (My best guess....)
Bream/Tailor/Trevally + Small Crowning traps were maybe baited for ceremonial fish?
Now that is very high tech ecological Surfreef design. Not a bad start for Assignment?
[Swellnet Excursion meets here]
This array of Surf Reefs then shaped up the Burleigh Barrel Barometer?
Around 1900...Gold Coasters tuned into the sound of the Burleigh Barrels to predict rain.
No 1 Bodysurfer Jabreen's Kombumerri laid the foundation stones for today's WSR.
For Noosa /Using Google Earth you can make out several coastal alterations in no time.
Undumbi Fish Traps-Tea Tree /1st Point + Cut Rock traps/Fairy Pools(Granite- Ancient Trap)
If not! Sandstone Point for epic traps/ Bli Bli/Lake Weyba also feature on Sunshine Coast.
Consider position of traps in relation to community. Great deal are now under the waves.
(Real life grounding + Plenty of Creative Freedom you said?)
Noosa Nat Park's Winch Cove! A mount for Dinosaur Swing arm from Timber loading days.
That's a distinctive reshaping of shoreline. Possibly explosives were used.
Explosives were also used on Burleigh Point for a Whale & The Spit for a Sea Mine
Purely in a surfing sense the Ocean Side Baths were rather detailed in construction.
Ocean Baths ricochet the most mental waves for surfers. See any coffee table Surf book.
Ecological viewpoint I'd recommend a diagram from...Qld Dept of Environment & Science
These illustrations seem common but few show such quality engagement with shoreline.
If anyone knows of better...Please do tell or share.
Airport PFAFS prohibited use of WSR/Marine Park + Fuel Station leaks close beaches.
Surf Reef may just as easy detour chems to CBD or prevent town's groundwater flushing?
Ask why surf reef designers are in such a rush to bury rip roaring aquifer tidal wave action.
Pet Porpoise Pool salesmen surely gave birth to today's Surf Reef Developers.
Yes to living breathing Surf Reefs! No more of the inshore burial mounds.
(Swellnet/ Narrowneck Reef )Covers: Collapsing-New Reef-Topping Up over reef.
Sick of Homework! Try...[Swellnet Narrowneck Live Surf Reef Cam] (A+) Thanks Ben!
Check out Swellnet Stu's cool 'Breakwater' series...Some oddball wave action there.
You come to the right place as Swellnetonians love to share and wish you (A+) WarHawk.

WarHawk we're hearing ya! [This message will self delete]
Careful that the fishing bias is not so black & white!
Google Swellnet Stu's (When breakwaters equal broken water)
Most of us thought similar but history shows different.
Exploring further...
Breakwaters progress shape to suit era...Typical OZ Timeline would shape to suit...
Convict resource export/Passenger Lines/Coal Ports/Rail Ports/Coastal Roads + Bridge-Points/Seawalls/Sea Baths/Fishing Fleets berths- ocean access/Sand Mining/Erosion walls/ Groynes/Creek dredging for canals/Ramps/Jetties/Coastal Airport expansion/Super Yacht Charter Marinas/CST + Resorts coves/Dive Steps Access/Surfers Groynes/Surfing Reefs for Beach protection... etc
Google Swellnet Stu's (Breakwaters and surfing's happy accident).
You'll find an complete world of surfing breaks from mountain top to sea then bay to ship.
Pioneer surfers forged said routes from 1829 onwards.
From those Untamed wild river shoots to youth surfing Dams/Weirs/Inside breakwall collars/Breakwalls/Outer Shoals/Surf Reefs/Wave Pools..etc.
Swellnetonians also enjoyed groundbreaking Delft report.(Gold Coast surfbreak accidents)
In particular the World 1st Gold Coast Seaway Sand Bypass .
Stu's/South Straddie: 'The castle made of sand' covers that well.(re: Master Plan Underway)
Checkout our underrated G C Surfers Bible. "Gold Coast Surf Management Plan."(loads fast)
It is fairly comprehensive, clear & concise. Well laid out contents + Practical illustrations.
WarHawk the (Andrew Shield)photos highlight wave designs with surfers (Perfect for you!)
Don't forget your fellow Swellnetonians. 1 Gold Ticket each for WarHawk's (A+)...Please!

2019 Swellnet's Artificial Artificial Reef Review contains nothing Artificial.
Palm Beach Reef Gold Coast Qld
Phase 1 - Mid 2017 Rainbow Dredge platforming for reef foundation
2019 April-Sept- GCCC Reef (Cost $18.2m / $30m from seahorse's mouth)
Foundation Boulders were laid then taken away (Wrong sized rocks)
June-July (Twin set ECL) Shuffled strike zone rocks (Slight gathering)
Sept - Reef was above Sea Level at finished height...(Top row was then removed)
Now rarely breaks, attracts sharks (Great Whites) + Eroding 20m of beachfront etc.
Not tank safe -Talle/Currumbin Bars > PB Reef + Too far out & open for Snorkelers .
No Xmas miracle...chalk up another whiteshoed white elephant for GC ratepayers.
Mahomets Flats Geraldton Back Beach WA +
Earlier Reef Proposal
Mid 2019 high level feasibility study by Mid West Development Commission
Examining funding options for further inshore / enviro studies + business case
Dec Airwave (Inflatable Reef) Bunbury Back Beach SLSC ($250k / $75k by Council)
Mechanical issues at wave entry + Dead Tow weight + Huge Rip during install
Mid Feb 2020 - Replacement ...(All past / outside links from this swellnet site)
Middleton beach Surf Reef Albany (re: swellnet 2015 Coastal Creationism 2)
23.Oct 2019 Tender > 13 Dec 2919 Tender awarded for Middleton Surf Reef.
($9.5m ) State Govt - $5m > City of Albany $500k for planning.
2019 New Reef/Pool website
2019 tbb Timeline series is exclusive to Swellnet
2019 Whale Beachings
2019 Qld record spate of Shark Attacks
2019 Qld (ultra rare) Whale Sharks / Killer Whales / Omura

City of Albany Artificial Surf Reef
Albany have thoughtfully & proudly detailed - { ASR Menu Page }.
City of Albany > Scroll >>>[ Council ] > Current Projects > Albany ASR
* Amazing South Coast Surf Reef
*City of Albany ASR Feasibility Survey
*Albany ASR Feasibility Study- Executive Summary
* ASR Business Case Executive Summary
*Albany ASR Current Media Release + Tender (Awarded)
Additional: Recent install of Swimming enclosure on same Middleton beach

NSW Artificial Reefs (Fishing/Diving)
$1.1 m Tweed Offshore Artificial Reef
28/29th July 2017 News of Reef proposal..
Video Background
(Fingal < [ Reef ] > Kingscliff)
Offshore Distance - (Originally 2 kms) > (Final - 2.5 kms) (nsw nearest inshore AR)
Depth -(Originally 15-20m deep) > (Final -26m deep) (nsw most shallow AR)
1 -10m Centre grotto with 32 surrounding Modules (nsw largest AR)
Wt- (30 Tonnes)
Installation (3 days in moderate wind swell) re: (Dec 2019 deployment delayed)
29 Aug 2020 Video Launch of Reef
Tweed -Current Dredging (Fishing / Surveys) re: swellnet
Other Oceanside Plans recently knocked back or stalled for The Tweed.
Tweed Surfing Reef
Smart Drum Lines / Shark Nets
Casuarina/Pottsville SLSC + Dreamtime Beach Patrol Shifts

Here's the reef construction in full view from our Kingy surfcam.
Hi guys. I am currently studying environmental management on the Sunshine Coast and for an assignment I have decided to look at artificial surfing reefs. The narrative I get a bit of creative freedom with but the report obviously needs real life grounding. The aim is to identify the environmental issues(whether physical or biological) and devise a plan to combat them. I was wondering if you had any advice for resources to use as research? I have read a couple of interesting articles over the years from Swellnet, but also have access to academic sources. If there are any interesting articles or sources in particular that you know of that would be great. Thanks a lot. Robbie