Next Federal Election

Great to hear your perspective Wax. Thanks.

The SN system likes Pop Down with my email , so sorry Pop1 .
Trump is definitely a Lunatic !
To DO what HE has 2 do , to become President Again , is ridiculous .
What Man in his Right Mind , would bother Fighting the Establishment , like HE has ?
It would Kill Anyone else !
He has remarkable Tenacity and he now has Power .
He can take on a Clinton , Obama and even the Rock .
The President is a ONE Person job !
It can't be like a Board of Directors ffs !
He is Ready this Time and will announce his VP running mate , whenever he has planned .
Then he has only 4 Years , to restore the Integrity of the DOJ , FBI , CIA , NHI , Tax Office , Military etc .
He will stop the War in Ukraine in 2 weeks !
Then his VP , has the job of MESS Cleaning .
Caesar was nốt a Dictator , he was just brilliant .

blackers wrote:Great to hear your perspective Wax. Thanks.

"Trump is a liar!"

Trump lied non stop and didn’t answer a single question. A normal, young and agile candidate would bury him. But no, the whole world is now debating whether Biden should be replaced. And poor Kennedy didn’t even get an opportunity to be there. This debate was one of the worst things I ever watched.

The Democrats have now a Reason , poor debate , to change Candidates .
There is ONE person who would love to have another Crack at becoming President .
The Democrats hate Kennedy , but Love Hillary Clinton .
IF she Goes against Trump , the Whole USA Establishment , will be on her side .
Trump and Kennedy are both anti War in Ukraine , they would be a winning combination imho .
sypkan- the article U highlighted didn't mention ONE Trump Lie !
It just mentioned Biden ffs !
And the People definitely DO want to Power On with their Business !!!
eg Get oil prices down , again , by producing Locally .
I didn't watch the debate , as have better things to do .

but what's worse... a habitual liar who's loosesness with the truthness is expected, part of his schtick, and a little bit entertaining...
or, a hubris filled machine full of habitual liars, that insist they are the moral high grounders, and that we shouldn't all fall for trump's lies, as they berate and belittle the public?
they have lost any moral authority
time and time again...
and this is the granddaddy of their lies exposed
do people really want to power on business as usual?
I think not

and on it goes...
'tells the truth'
omfg! spare me...
Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the…
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 28, 2024
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I think you hit the nail on the head , the People have lost Trust , in their government .
Also the Media and Judiciary .
Trump is not a Politician , Republicans and Democrats , don't want 2 Change things , much .
Trumps Craziness was OK as President , last time .
Didn't start a War !
The People will decide , if they want a Real change of government .
Tulsi will work on that , as will Kennedy .

the problem is...
A stubborn cohort of (misinformed) morons still think everything is ok
and it's all the other guys fault
symptoms and causes...
a massive purge is required
and sadly, there's only one way to do that...
only one way to restore trust
tulsi, phillips, kennedy, matt taibi, glen greenwald, barri weiss, and even gretchen whitmer... have been talking about this shit for ages
sadly very few are listening
denial is a funny concept...
a throwaway line
but also a deep deep psychological condition...
that just dug itself a little deeper

A stubborn cohort of ( Informed ) Morons still think everything is OK , as they are Making so much Money out of IT !
A massive purge of Political Influence is required .
Time the People reminded those people , who is In Charge .
Clinton will be a Wolf dressed as Lamb ( Mutton ) , Trump dressed as a Convicted Wolf , will be the real Lamb .

dead right popd!
the people at the top are literally fighting for their livelihoods...
never mind that they are all ridiculously rich and have nothing to worry about anyway...
never come between a man and his lunch (money)
They say it's about 'democracy' and, 'the soul of a nation', blah blah blah... but at the end of the day... it's good old self interest at play...
the (misinformed) morons I referred to are the public... the 30% of party faithfuls...
the 30% that are (now) the only ones left!
(looking a bit 20% reading comments on obama's post... some hostility and feelings of being cheated bubbling through...)
the 30% that chose to remain ill informed and ignorant... bill mahar talks of his 'liberal' friends that are living in this cocoon of bullshit. still thinking russia russia russia is real, still thinking the laptop is not real, still believing the covid lies, the list is endless...
'cheap fakes' was particularly creative...
he says they are smart well informed people... but (still) just totally ignorant to the changing developments regarding these issues and stories... and just about everything else...
cnn, msnbc, nyt, wa-po, abc, nbc, etc. etc. have a lot to answer for
its all blatant propaganda
in the truest sense of the word...

excuse the source...
but the list is solid
"...smug, unappealing hall-monitoring scolds; for attacking Normal People as racists and bigots for being Normal, and, of course, for this…
Russia Collusion Hoax
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax
Jussie Smollett Hoax
Covington KKKids Hoax
Very Fine People Hoax
Seven-Hour Gap Hoax
Russian Bounties Hoax
Trump Trashes Troops Hoax
Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax
Rittenhouse Hoax
Eating While Black Hoax
Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax
NASCAR Noose Hoax
The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax
Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of Beast Hoax
MAGA Assaulted Paul Pelosi Hoax
COVID Lab Leak Theory Is Racist Hoax
Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Russian Disinformation Hoax
Joe Biden Will Never Ban Gas Stoves Hoax
COVID Deaths are Over-Counted Is a Conspiracy Theory Hoax
Mass Graves of Native Children in Canada Hoax
The Trump Killed All the Fish Hoax
Trump Told People to Drink Bleach Hoax
Hamas Hospital Hoax
If Reelected, Trump Will Execute People Hoax
The 900,000 Kids Hospitalized with Coronavirus Hoax
Dozens of Environmental Hoaxes
The Alfa Bank Hoax
Libs of TikTok Murdered Non-Binary Teen Hoax
The Aaron Rodgers Sandy Hook-Truther Hoax
The ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax
The Don’t Believe Your Lyin’ Eyes Biden Is Fine Hoax

On my recent mountain climbing adventure , the Other members are probably mates with Bill Mahar .
Mainly ex Journalists that were in the Mainstream and all Card carrying Laborites .
No politics was discussed , by me .
Covid policies worked , because "your hear Pop" ffs , ok ?
Asked one guy if he thought freedom or equality , was more important .
He thought it a ridiculous ( trick ) question .
They all knew how to climb ( loved running marathons ffs ) .
They Do know how to DO , important Stuff that they really believe in , so hats off to them ALL !
They have raise a LOT of Money , for needy people .

this is the thing popd
they are not bad people...
bill mahar makes this very point
MAGA might hate them with a passion...
but I don't, they are my friends too!!
It's the media eco-system
the activism over journalism
the uni driven post modernist clap trap
the either / or thinking
the 'you're either with us or against us' thinking
the internet
the lobby groups, the ngo's, ...their supposed good billionaire funders... and the tax dodging, government circumventing, system they have built...
and its commensurate inequality
the division...
division is cancer
nuance and compassion are now relics of an old politics

All respect to Biden, but I think he should gracefully bow out now, sit back and enjoy the rest of his life.
If he won't go willingly, the Democrats should remove him and install a viable candidate.
Otherwise Trump is odds on to return to the White House.
Which begs the question:
What will be Trumps priorities, the economy, inflation, immigration, foreign policy? Or good old revenge and that includes pardoning all his Capitol Hill rioter mates.

You summarise this Mob so well sypkan !
They also know how the System works and How to Work the System .
They are bloody Experts .
They often ARE the System and nothing gets Done , unless they want it done .
There are too many avenues , they know , to stop Unwanted Things being Done .

[L] Nuke Power / Prohibition Timeline exclusive to #1swellnet
Bans Concentrate on Power Plants / Ports Ok! (less so research / Dumps / Ships / Mines ongoing nasties)
1967 [L]CP Vic Govt French Island Nuke Power Site
1969-1971 [L]CP Jervis Bay Nuke Power Site
1972 ALP PM Gough rules out [L]CP McMahon + Premier Joh's Bribie Island Nuke Plant
1983 Vic Nukes banned by ALP (14 Cities)
1984 ACT Nukes banned by ALP
1985 Bans Spain 350 Japan 299 Belgium 281 Ireland 117 Norway 106 US 80 Dutch 71 Can' 64
1985 Oz 91 / NZ 95 (Town / City bans continued)
1986 NSW Nukes banned by Liberal Govt + (17 cities)
10 Dec 1998 Howard Liberal Govt (Rammed thru their Nuke Prohibition Act with just 10 mins debate)
1999 WA Nukes banned by Liberal Govt (4 cities)
2000 SA Nukes banned by ALP (6 cities)
2004 NT Nukes banned by ALP
2005 Tas [L] GG Certified Non Abandonment Mandate to accommodate Howard Govt + (Hobart ban)
2006 Howard's Nuke Energy Inquiry (Proposed Nuke sites that are now in bits) SEQ be dead by now!
2007 Qld ALP banned Howard's Nuke Sites + (3 cities)
All Oz Capital City Ports Ban Nukes > (Anzus / Aukus / IAEA ignore their Bans & Override Shipments)
2007- 2024 [L] Mayors lovingly rescind Port Nuke Bans to steer US Nuke Warships into city bars!
Standard creepy Smiley [L] Mayor's KILL KILL KILL or Rape & Brawl Policy.
*Liberal Govt's Federal Nuke Power Prohibition (Amendments > Research Waste Facility)
10 Dec 1998 (Above) Howard rams thru (Radio Active Waste) [L] Nuke Ban with just 10 mins debate.
10 Dec 1999 Howard votes for Green's EPA Waste approval amendment for Research Reactors
Ban applies to Fueling - Fabrication - Power - Enrichment - Reprocessing of Nuke Plants
Liberal Party Prohibited Oz Nukes every day of 17 yrs, 7 months & 28 days in power.
Repeating Oz Liberal Party bullied Nuke Power Prohibition of Oz for 6,449 days in Govt.
From 1998 > Liberal's 25 years all adhered to Liberals mandated Oz Nuke Ban.
Howard never had the guts to rescind his Nuke Ban...just an each way vote scam headin' into election.
2007 With Liberal's Howard facing imminent Defeat a last minute call to roll out Nuke Plants
Just make shit up a nuke plant on an Bne CBD island now split in two...{Kaboom!}
Howard's Flip Nuke Ban (vs) Plants Rollout Policy (Dies)revived as 2024 [L] Batshit Backflip Vote Poll.
2015 : Terrestrial Energy (Claims to have an interest in Oz Nuke Energy but won't commit > Prohibition)
(see Oct 2022 Matt Canavan's Posse Submission)
2018 : Qld LNP still refuse to rule out 1972 > 2007 > 2018 Nuke Plant Bids on Bribie Island
Enough to freak out locals...forever and ever!
13th Feb 2020 -22 June 2021 (Passed) National Radioactive Waste Management Amendment Bill
2022 Election
31st May 2022 Election New Liberal Leader Peter Dutton :
* '[L] Policy is that Nuke Energy is currently 'Not on the Table'. (Fact : [L] 24 Year Nuke Ban )
* 'Not for Liberal Party Policy consideration!'
* 'The 2 Major Parties rule it out'
"If there's a change in Nuke Policy then that's something we could talk about at Future Time but I want to reduce emissions credibly!" (Leader Dutto omits Nukes from credible Emissions reductions! Check!)
All here can read that very same [L] Leader completely flips own narrative & Policy! (None Question this!)
factcheck : Albo did : "But I thought Dutto is onboard with renewables & [L] ban Nukes!" (Correct!)
#1 Nuke Power Prohibitors prefer to reduce emissions credibly! = Anything but Nukes is [L] Sky Policy
From [L] Leaders own mouth = "Oz [L] World's #1 Nuke Power [Strictest Prohibition]"
Whole World Knows just one thing > Australian [L] = 100% NO NUKES
"Always was, always will be, Liberal Party Nuke Ban!" (Est 1998)
*Within just one week of Dutto opposing Nukes for more credible [L] emissions reductions...
[L] World #1 Nuclear Prohibitors change Policy to now > #1 World supporter of Make Believe Nukes.
5 June 2022 NP Leader Littleproud motions for Peter Dutton to appoint Ted O'Brien to Energy Portfolio.
That's the one eyed, half brained, only sees what half truths he wants to pick to fuck you over with.
All 3 now oppose "Renewable Zealotry" endorse Nuclear Power despite [L] State Leaders opposition.
Ted's Bible...[ Nuclear Reactors : Generation to Generation ] was printed in 2011
Concludes : "Finally, the non-proliferation and safety benefits of SMRs will remain 'unclear' until more SMR specifications are known!" Doubt if he reached the end...
27 October 2022 Matt Canavan's Posse > Intro : "Removing Nuclear Energy Prohibitions Bill"
12 Dec 2022 > 16 Jan 2023 Submissions were extended for [L] Rorters...
Oz "[L] Sky News > Go between Players" are SMR > EPIA
Sky News [L] Groupies > o/s Players UNSC "Ultra Safe Nuclear" + Terrestrial Power (2015 Above)
Yeah! Try not to laugh with that stick it in a little bit ultra safe WMD.
31 March 2023 Report > Was extended on 4 occasions to 11 Aug 2023
18 June 2024 [L] World's #1 Objectors of Nukes for 25 years...
Now plans to roll out 7 Nuke Plants > more than UK/US/France/Canada combined over last 35 years.
Average cost $54.13b each requiring 23 years 7 months to build or same as 1x [L] prohibition period.
[L] Propose to build 7 Nuke Plants, each under half the time that Western Nations can average one.
Dutto reckons he can build a Nuke Plant in 11 years...yet never been achieved by West this Century!
All this while being banned by his own Howard Liberal Govt Nuke Prohibition...doh!
In just 6 days World #1 Nuke opponents merged as #1 Nuke Arms Proliferators > Oz Polls Skyrocket!
Liberal Party opposed Nuclear Power for 91% of their time in parliament since their prohibition.
No other Political Party in the World opposes Nukes more than Oz Liberal Party!
Feel free to check...not tbb's evaluation ...that's locked in dead set Howard Liberal Policy since 1998.
Now the cowardly fuckerz from opposition mandate Govt to wipe their arses coz Dutto is too scared!
Please Albo...can you mop up our 25 year mess & give us a free run home to 2025 poll.
Never has a non voter been so less inclined to enroll to vote...most abysmal cowardly [L] Policy ever!
The very fact that news can bait 50% of electorate into shitfuckery is as scary as that AO arena!
It would be in Liberal Party's best interest to lose such dogmatic opposition to any Energy Source.
ALP are afraid to sign Non Nuke Agreements (vs) [L] Prohibited Nukes for 25 years!
Massive difference between both Oz Fed Parties....Dutto has first gotta remove Howard's Prohibition!
That's what makes sense...the rest is just pie in the sky to fuel skyrocketing Boomer polls!
90% of Oz Ancient electorate won't live to see any 3 eyed fish....Vote as usual : KILL KILL KILL!
Think that's a joke > UK Reform Party loons wanna open fire on Migrants washin' up on Beaches.
[L] Rogues Gallery of Nuke Sites...yer town was in there somewhere, if not, just blow yerself up!
1960-70's Liberal Party 3 Nuke Plants (Maps) Nuke > Nasties / Waste / Weapons Dumps
2007 Liberal Party Howard's 20 Nuke Plants
2024 Liberal Party Dutto's 7 Nuke Plants
Maybe someone should tell them that Howard banned Nuke Plants back in 1998....well durr!
Not our Job to run the Liberal Party...all knew it would come to this...Vote #1 Useless lazy fuckerz!

hey true blue
So Dutton has changed a Policy and has announced it , BEFORE an Election !
You make it sound like Voldy had declared Nuclear War lol haha .
Australia , IF serious , SHOULD be able to Roll out an " Off the Shelf " reactor , in 11 years FFS !
Should he Overestimate haha !
The Australian people want Cheap Electricity !!!
I believe Gas will be rediscovered and will be used , but applaud a debate on how to replace our Old Coal Power Stations .

Australia wants cheap electricity so lets spend hundreds of millions we haven’t got on building nuclear plants so that we have cheap electricity , makes perfect sense . They must be cheaper to run and besides we can always just print more money . What could possibly go wrong ?

@TBB, that's a great post and summary.
How ironic that the very thing that prevents any possibility of any nuke power in Australia is...drumroll....John Howard!
Usually when they announce something stupid like this they pry open the crypt and wheel the old fucker out to tell the boomers it's all good.
Not this time.
I'd be interested to see some journalist hunt Howard down and ask him what he thinks of Dutt's plan seeing as Howard was the one that made it a non starter from the get go.
The Australian Senate will never be in majority LNP hands again, the ban will never be lifted, they all know this, the MSM does too.
That's why this "debate" is so infuriating.
There is no debate.

adam12 wrote:@TBB, that's a great post and summary.
How ironic that the very thing that prevents any possibility of any nuke power in Australia is...drumroll....John Howard!
Usually when they announce something stupid like this they pry open the crypt and wheel the old fucker out to tell the boomers it's all good.
Not this time.
I'd be interested to see some journalist hunt Howard down and ask him what he thinks of Dutt's plan seeing as Howard was the one that made it a non starter from the get go.
The Australian Senate will never be in majority LNP hands again, the ban will never be lifted, they all know this, the MSM does too.
That's why this "debate" is so infuriating.
There is no debate.
I love Howard easily the best PM of our time, but yeah this was a big fuck up of his.
The chances are Nuclear will never happen in Australia our mindsets have been too poisoned with fear, but in the future when we still havent gone carbon free and everyone is whinging about still using gas and we are having black outs and all kinds of energy security issues and experts will be saying we should have invested in some nuclear, LNP will be able to say we tried.
Prices of energy will also be even higher then and LNP will say they would have been cheaper if had some nuclear in the mix which isnt true, but it wont matter, it will still be able to be said in the world of politics and it will still score points with the public.

BTW. Its funny how the left always say, global warming is the biggest threat to mankind we need to act now no matter the dollar cost.
Then when it comes to the most reliable 100% proven carbon free energy form that even the UN says countries need to invest in to met targets.
Its all nuclear cost too much.

@Indo, I'm not against nuclear power, if you ignore the cost and waste and radioactivity, it's great technology, and essential globally to reduce emissions.
But for Australia, in 2024, it's a dumb idea.
Just dumb. And impossible, legislatively.
And a ruse, another LNP con job to extend the life of and profits derived from fossil fuels.

How on earth does it extend the life of fossil fuels?
Thst makes no sense at all.
Without nuclear we will need to burn more gas and for much longer

The only thing dumb about nuclear energy in Australian is the legislative ban.
If you wanna really point out dumb take a look at labor’s gas strategy as a part of its net zero objectives to net zero that relies heavily on a carbon capture strategy.

indo-dreaming wrote:How on earth does it extend the life of fossil fuels?
Thst makes no sense at all.
Without nuclear we will need to burn more gas and for much longer
Its the other way around without massive renewables as per the long term Coalitions stand on all of this going nuclear requires gas to make up the shortfall. If nuclear makes up 40% (big if) gas will be required for the remainder keep in mind some estimates for Duttons plan fall as low as 5% for the nuclear component then there is the long delay for nuclear long after the coal fired stations die.

""love Howard easily the best PM of our time""
Hahaha best troll comment ever ...

Thanks for replies crew...try to be neutral and will demonstrate such.
Exclusive timeline is more shameful as Media refuse open debate on the topic.
Really wasn't a difficult timeline for media to run as most info on topic is tied to online era.
All crew raise equally good points...Pays to put things in perspective...
tbb will try to excuse yer Perfect [L] Leader of slipping it was not viewed that way at all.
Pause : Not coz tbb wants to but has obligation of living thru the period as part [L] Political Players.
True : un-enrolled tbb campaigned in part for Indy+[L] Team back then + as QEC Scrutineer
Also @ ALP Bugz Launch while gifting Goldie Emblems to rival [L] Reps. (Truly Neutral non voter)
Just as easily write to US Republican Party or a Local Vic Lib Member...about any injustice upon them!
Last thing a non voter tbb would ever dream of doin'...but shit happens...
All true...tbb recently wrote to US Republicans about wot tbb openly shared in swellnet...nothin suss!
Don't really care on thanx or a reply...just addressing blatant injustice anomalies that go on for too long.
tbb likely veers more Left but engages equally or more easily so with less uptight Right.
Seldom if ever get a reply from the well ordered Left...(See the News...with Chick crossing over! Huh!)
Back to how this [L] Nuke Anomaly played out...really nothing tricky.
1996 Constitutional Democracy died {R.I.P} Less rolled out to Vote each day since to now!
swellnet Electoral Rolled Hodads know Voting was replaced by Executive High Court overrule...
AIDS/Mabo/Waterfront/Nuke Reactors/Tampa/Y2K/Olympics/GST/Stop Dream Homes'n'Boats/WMD..
No Aussie ever got a fair Vote on any of these Big ticket Agendas & never will ever turnout less.
eg: tbb went searching for Rollout of Y2K Shelters > Noah's Ark High Rise Tax Shelters.
tbb lives across from one...(re: Rudd's School Halls on Roidz + Nauru House all end of the World rorts)
Bloke was runnin' thru the Specs...Dead set end of the world 1984 all over again.
Kool Aid Compounds for Hell/Fire/Flood/Tempest/Tsunami Faith Colleges Upgrades to survive wars...
None know shit about it...All computers were gonna die with the 2000 Countdown! Kaboom!
In case ya missed that...see how irrelevant Howard's [Nuke Prohibition] was in end of World era!
One less thing to blow up or countdown...history writes itself with no questions asked or needed.
Another unsaid tbb recently outed was Howard orchestrating a boomer wave wage index to stall for 5 years.
Otherwise 5 years of max rising youth wage / Dole would blow the lot sky high...none discuss this ever...taboo!
Of course yes...once boomer wave flowed thru ya gotta offset that with Baby bonus...Got it! All gotta balance!
There are enough reports that equally share it was rushed for benefit of much needed facility.
Consider deals with Dems were also Peaking at same time...huge backlog of gear to move! excuse himself Howard revisited Nukes as a last minute roll of the dice...all see that in hindsight.
Sure...a half arsed roll of the dice with zero real real crime or harm done...just for show!
tbb is actually equally annoyed at Albo's lack of leadership skills.
ALP recently adopted Nuke mandate and equally need to progress Nukes.
Not sure how Oz can back track now...
Like it or Not > Both Parties have shifted to Nuke Proliferation of Weapons grade Uranium processing.
Both Parties need to Handle / Store / Run CBD Portside Nuke Sub Plants & dispose of Waste.
In case crew don't know...ya gotta remove & run a Nuke Reactor onshore to beef up US lemon Subs.
Exactly how mini plants each Virginia Lemon Peel Sub is more dry docked than under sea.
Here's how Albo can quite easily shut down the heated Nuke Debate...but he don't want to...
[ Newspaper Ad ] List of Oz Leaders that Prohibit Nuke Power Plants..
Gough / Hayden / Hawke / Keating / Howard / Beazley / Crean / Latham / Rudd / Nelson / Turnbull / Gillard / Abbott / Shorten / Morrison / Albo / Dutto.
All these Oz leaders Prohibited Nuke Power during their Parliamentary terms.
Not one Oz pollie was elected by their Party to mandate an end to prohibition & endorse Nuke Power .
In fact current ALP / [L] Leaders were never even elected by their own Party as Leaders.
Meaning : Nuke is a mute point with 0% [L] or ALP Aukus Mandate within own Party.
Repeating Dutto / Albo ran on renewable/s tickets & elected themselves as Leaders...all say aye!
Please Explain : Where the Fuck does any [L] or ALP Aukus Nuke Mandate come from...
Oz Liberal / ALP Party Policies still Prohibit Nuke Power...nothing has changed!
Only Fake News Headlines pushin' the case for ALP to rescind [L] 1998 Policy for Dutto...
Mind you NSW [L] mandated even longer No Nukes policy...still stands don't it?
Dutto can say what he likes but he has zero mandate until his Party motions Parliament otherwise.
The only Bill to rescind Nuke Power Prohibition was submitted by a junior partner NP Senator.
Who incidentally resigned from Minister for resources & Cabinet 2 & a half years before submitting Bill.
That's how little the coalition endorse Nuke Power.
For media to fuel this when [L] refuse to...needs to be brought into Question...
If [L] are still too cowardly to commit then why are ALL Oz media running a Fake [L] Party Agenda!
Gotta think Albo & ALP are letting it play out to massage their Aukus mandated Nuke election Waste Dump Pledge.
One way or another the truth will out & Oz must build & run City Port Mini Nuke Power Plant/s for Aukus Fleets.
All hope & dream that's a lie but all know it ain't...Govt are buildin' Nuke Plants unless Oz pulls outta Aukus!
Any pollie that raises that in Parliament is immediately ejected from Parliament for breaching National security!
How bloody dare [L] expose National Security Risk (vs) How bloody dare ALP fail to address Pacific Security!
Keep bangin' heads as long as ya like but we're gonna get Nuke Plants wherever & whenever Uncle Sam wants them!

Hopefully there'll be a continuation of what we saw last federal election - more movement away from the two majors and an increasing realisation that a political duopoly is serving us very poorly.

tbb was also one of them Democrat Divas' Divorcee Dadz with Kidz in Tow.
More importantly leads to today's Deep Fried Chiko Chix stuff up!
Do Prime Ministers prefer Blondes?
Wotz da' eHarmony Kommissar's working title for Governess Generale Jodie's Woke DJ Toy Boy?
VIPs must be careful not mix up fellow Brain Fogged VIPs names at ceremonies...all see how that ends!
ONEOFUS will demand ya stand down or up or down or just forget wot ya ever said, if yer not too old that is!
9's Gem Weather Chick Forecast
"Mostyn with meatballs...with a run of ABC News Chix heads served up on a platter!"
Sky News Improved Even Hotter Weather Chick's forecast :
"We had Reverse Cyclone Laura prompting Cat 5 Cyclone Sarah washing up all at sea Cyclone Gemma."

Supre do you work on the labor polling booths? lol ;)

ashsam wrote:Supre do you work on the labor polling booths? lol ;)
Why’s that robbo ? Are you looking for some extra work ? gol

Governess Generale is Commandress in Chieftess of Aukus Nuke Power Plants.
Sam says Nukes would take 20 years too long to become a reality...
5 year term also overrules any puny next term PM / Defence / Energy / Climate Ministers!
Lady Samantha, no one comes near, they all live in fear!
Ai Dutto : "Well may we say God save The King coz nuthin' will save the Governess Generale."


When spud blatantly lies on camera while being recorded , why does the press fail to call him out on it ? He’s repeatedly says Australia has the highest electricity prices in the world when we don’t even make the top 20 . Sky news ,2GB lap it up and repeat the lie in the hope that if it’s said enough times , people believe it to be true.

You mean like elbow promoting power prices would drop $275 a year lol ;)

ashsam wrote:You mean like elbow promoting power prices would drop $275 a year lol ;)
What year is it robbo ? Your giggling stupidity is boundless .

Hahahahaha you DC

Supafreak wrote:ashsam wrote:You mean like elbow promoting power prices would drop $275 a year lol ;)
What year is it robbo ? Your giggling stupidity is boundless .
the giggles are just annoy woke whiny tossers like you, seems to work lol

supre cheer up it's pension day lol ;)
time to get the wise app out ;)

@robbo , I understand you have mental health issues from your previous covid rant to RK so thanks for the cheer me ups and enjoy your year

Supafreak wrote:ashsam wrote:You mean like elbow promoting power prices would drop $275 a year lol ;)
What year is it robbo ? Your giggling stupidity is boundless .
Mate it aint goimg to happen in Sydney Western suburbs energy bills would have to drop $1,000 between now and then.
"The Albanese Government has officially broken its election promise to reduce household energy bills by $275 following the release of draft regulated electricity prices today.
In South Australia, the draft Default Market Offer shows that Labor has fallen short by $971 of its promised price reduction for everyday households, equivalent to a 33.5% increase since Prime Minister Anthony Albanese came to power.
Small businesses in SA have also been hit hard by the Government’s spiralling energy crisis with bills soaring by $1,288 since Labor made its fatal promise."
It was always a complete load of bullshit, anyone with half a brain knew that, prices arent going down especially by that much.
And yeah it was based on some other independent prediction or some BS.
It was nothing more than a vote getter and just one of the long line of lies from Albo and Labor.


....haha ;)
- noinfo, again, at the head of the long line of all you can eat bs buffet ;);)

^^ haha #there’salwaysanothercomment from #noinfo even when in indo
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: