The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

Aussie surfing website allowing pro Islamic terrorism content. Dude, I’ve seen it all now

The starting point here in Aus @greenroom, is an understanding that Hams' un-human behaviour was disgusting. That Israel should exist, and should defend itself. That Gaza has been a cage for a generation. This is all a given. Then we discuss.
(Muslims and Jews that come to Australia, come to escape, and 99% practice their faith peacefully. The 1% who don't, fuck off after a bit, or are sent packing.)
We don't have a history of antisemitism like the US, such as not letting Jews join Republican Country Clubs for decades. You may have problems along the lines of what Noa Tishby says, the SJP or whatever funding whatever for whatever, I simply don't know.
We downunder don't want to get sucked into a bunch of jingoistic this-side-that-side bullshit, lest we lose sight of the humanity on both sides. Good luck to you over there bro.

basesix wrote:The starting point here in Aus @greenroom, is an understanding that Hams' un-human behaviour was disgusting. That Israel should exist, and should defend itself. That Gaza has been a cage for a generation. This is all a given. Then we discuss.
(Muslims and Jews that come to Australia, come to escape, and 99% practice their faith peacefully. The 1% who don't, fuck off after a bit, or are sent packing.)
We don't have a history of antisemitism like the US, such as not letting Jews join Republican Country Clubs for decades. You may have problems along the lines of what Noa Tishby says, the SJP or whatever funding whatever for whatever, I simply don't know.
We downunder don't want to get sucked into a bunch of jingoistic this-side-that-side bullshit, lest we lose sight of the humanity on both sides. Good luck to you over there bro.

And from me too @basesix. Well said.

Yep @basesix… spot on
- now… where’s my farkn uzis ;);)

stunet - "What I find most interesting is watching this incursion, unlike the last Intifadas, which occurred before social media, now get sketched in all the absolute colours of a modern culture war. That's one thing that didn't happen before,. Observers from all sides of politics urged restraint. Yet to do so now is considered traitorous to democracy.
Those replies above are as dangerous and idiotic as the ones they rebuke. All inject false premise in a war that has far more to do with land than the great trope of Western civilization."
greenroom - "Nah, incorrect, stunet bro, shamefully dumb.
This war is well and truely a mix of false narratives of history, religious grievances, fanatical Islamic terrorism, ethnicity, the long march of the anti-West left permeating our institutions, the ongoing global power struggles and realignments, and more.
It's way beyond just fighting for land.
Your comment, stunet dude, either screams your political bias or straight-up lack of smarts and education.
Pathetic and embarrassing man."
is it not both?
had this conversation yesterday...
it is almost indisputeably about land - always has been...
but it ain't happening in a vacuum
the loudest rabble in the streets are who made it about so called 'culture wars'
with all their post colonisation indoctrinated bullshit... how the fuck they actually envision the 'decolonisation' of israel... is beyond me...
it is just not a realistic approach to take
it does not call for peace
and, it just makes any possible solution all the more less likely / impossible...
israel is there - as a result of rare almost unanimous agreement at the UN at the end of WW11
I think almost anyone who has followed this situation would agree israel should not be allowed to increase it's 'settlements' ... however, these land grabs are almost always a result of agression from israel's neighbours, resulting in various wars...
the spoils of war?
(and possibly 'the right' to create buffer zones to protect against future agression?)
it is a failure of the UN (US) that has allowed israel to actually settle in these regions
it is only nutty right wing fundamentalist israelis that wish to settle these regions...
and, it is only nutty right wing fundamentalist palestinians that expect israel to totally move out... or else...
and this where the lefty culture war clowns in the streets are funny... they are backing right wing fundamentalist religious nutters...
everything they supposedly hate...
(when connected to christianity anyway...)
the gays for palestine bit just adds another layer of irony and hypocrisy...
and therefore... ripeness for ridicule...

Verbose piffle isn’t a tautology or is it?
Either way it accurately describes ^^^^

the fact there's been war raging in yemen for years - with likely 10 - 100s of 1000s of dead children - with barely a murmer from the rabble is just weird...

not to mention syria...
This is my city Homs in the middle of Syria, and that’s what’s the Syrian government, Russia, and Iran did to it.
— Asaad Sam Hanna (@AsaadHannaa) November 17, 2023
No rage no ceasefire no intifada for Homs…

sypkan wrote:not to mention syria...
Interesting … or Ukrainian children/civilians killed by Russia , well that is all over the press as war crimes yet in Gaza well , you know, the shit Optiflopi peddles. Massive moral failure!



green room wrote:another stupid, uneducated trolling Aussie believing Islamic terrorists
Judging by this website, you'd swear Australia's like 90% filled with dumb folks either brainwashed by the long march of lefty ideology we got over here in the States or that Hamas BS & lies.
Green room what ever happen to nuance in the US?
You know no one here supports Hamas, say that again no one here supports Hamas but we also don't support the slaughter of Palestinian women and children.
We also know the Israelis don't always wear white hats (just trying to help you out here) and are happy to call them out for it that's not support for Hama or anisemenic thats if you want our support stop slaughtering women and children.
Now we know the US and us slaughtered 10,000's during the Iraq war given the out come we all know it's wrong ...right.
Just trying to help.

ifocus bro, check it, is that your idea of gettin' into the nuanced nitty-gritty and lendin' a hand?
First off, Israel ain't out here slayin' innocent folks or pullin' war crimes. It's Hamas playin' dirty, knockin' off Israelis, kickin' off wars with Israel and throwin' civilians in the mix like they're chess pieces.
Israel's been hustlin' for like seven decades tryna make that two-state vibe work. But them Arab Muslims ain't feelin' it, man. They keep tryna wreck it, aimin' to wipe out all Israelis and crush Israel off the map.
Yo, and Israel ain't no settler, occupier, colonial gig, either, dude. Them Arab Muslims don't have any historical stake in the hood. They rolled up on that scene not too long ago in history and straight up slaughtered a bunch of folks in the process. The Jewish crew and their faith naturally sprouted in that spot, but they've been bounced and herded around a bunch in history, and even worse, these days on their rightful turf they are forced to face off with them Arab Muslims and their terrorism game.
And when it comes to Iraq, bro, I wouldn't even know where to begin with that "educated, nuanced assessment" of yours.
Check this site – many peeps be droppin' non-stop anti-Israel, anti-US, antisemitic, pro-Hamas, and pro-Islamic terror vibes. It's straight-up disgusting, pathetic, and shameful.
Downunder, things are lookin' messed up.
But peep this, I know this site ain't the voice of regular Aussies. I'm always cruisin' downunder, and I've been keepin' tabs on this site for a couple of years. And check out what went down with The Voice – this site ain't mirroring the vibe of the regular folks out there at all.
too many peeps 'round here be deep in this messed-up, toxic drama:
‘Decolonisation’: A Polite Word for Ethnic Cleansing
— The European Conservative (@EuroConOfficial) November 21, 2023
For the people most attached to the rallying cry, ‘diversity’ simply means ‘less white.’ #decolonisation #Hamas #Britain#Commentary by @Harry_pitt
The sinister rise of the Islamo-left Excellent, by Tim Black - 'We are witnessing the moral self-immolation of large swathes of the left, lending their support to those who advocate theocratic violence and repression...a headlong embrace of barbarism.'
— Julie Burchill (@BoozeAndFagz) November 21, 2023
"Our colleges are in trouble. So is our society. We must all fight now to defend the liberal middle. If that middle doesn't hold, then the moral blindness of identity politics will invite domestic and foreign policy blunders that will hasten catastrophe."
— Common Sense Society (@CommonSenseScty) November 21, 2023
In this podcast, Christopher Rufo and Mark Bauerlein take a deep dive to understand the ideology that drives the politics of the modern left. | @realchrisrufo
— First Things (@firstthingsmag) November 21, 2023
“Rufo on the Culture Wars”
"Pro-Hamas content is proliferating...Osama bin Laden apologists and children trying to rehabilitate his image. It is not a coincidence that this is happening on TikTok."@karaafrederick, Director of @Heritage Tech Policy Center, on Moment of Truth.
— American Moment (@AmMomentOrg) November 21, 2023
One had to be fairly obtuse not to notice long ago the anti-white, anti-Western hatred permeating institutions of higher education. Read Paul Gottfried's latest in the American Mind:
— The American Mind (@theammind) November 21, 2023

I focus wrote:green room wrote:another stupid, uneducated trolling Aussie believing Islamic terrorists
Judging by this website, you'd swear Australia's like 90% filled with dumb folks either brainwashed by the long march of lefty ideology we got over here in the States or that Hamas BS & lies.
Green room what ever happen to nuance in the US?
You know no one here supports Hamas, say that again no one here supports Hamas but we also don't support the slaughter of Palestinian women and children.
We also know the Israelis don't always wear white hats (just trying to help you out here) and are happy to call them out for it that's not support for Hama or anisemenic thats if you want our support stop slaughtering women and children.
Now we know the US and us slaughtered 10,000's during the Iraq war given the out come we all know it's wrong ...right.
Just trying to help.
The problem i think we now have is we all live so detached from the reality of how things work in the wider world and what war really is, we want war to be this things between solider versus soldier, while Hamas have purposely tried to create the opposite of this and put their own civilians between the two because either way they win, if not attacked because civilian's they win, if attacked and civilians die they win.
Its made worse by the fact we now see things in real time info, pictures and footage and that Hamas for instance have their own propaganda machine as Jelly brain has shown..
So we end up with two things, a war on the battle ground and an information war, Israel are winning the war on the ground, but in a way Hamas are winning the information war, and always will because there is no way to fight a war like this without civilians deaths and its made worse by the fact the tally of deaths is given by Hamas.
Whatever view you take, like it or not you end up supporting one side or the other, because even if you take this view Israel are killing to many civilians, you are playing into the hands of Hamas and giving them exactly what they want, your view puts pressure on Israel to not complete the job needed which is to destroy Hamas, and as much of their tunnels and military infrastructure as possible and get them out of government.
BTW. Lets not forget thousands of innocent Germans died destroying Hitler and the Nazis, if that war happened today we would have the same people saying too many civilian's are dying the war needs to stop now and if the war wasn't completed and the Nazis and hitler not destroyed, history would now be very different.

green room wrote:ifocus bro, check it, is that your idea of gettin' into the nuanced nitty-gritty and lendin' a hand?
First off, Israel ain't out here slayin' innocent folks or pullin' war crimes. It's Hamas playin' dirty, knockin' off Israelis, kickin' off wars with Israel and throwin' civilians in the mix like they're chess pieces.
Israel's been hustlin' for like seven decades tryna make that two-state vibe work. But them Arab Muslims ain't feelin' it, man. They keep tryna wreck it, aimin' to wipe out all Israelis and crush Israel off the map.
Yo, and Israel ain't no settler, occupier, colonial gig, either, dude. Them Arab Muslims don't have any historical stake in the hood. They rolled up on that scene not too long ago in history and straight up slaughtered a bunch of folks in the process. The Jewish crew and their faith naturally sprouted in that spot, but they've been bounced and herded around a bunch in history, and even worse, these days on their rightful turf they are forced to face off with them Arab Muslims and their terrorism game.
And when it comes to Iraq, bro, I wouldn't even know where to begin with that "educated, nuanced assessment" of yours.
Check this site – many peeps be droppin' non-stop anti-Israel, anti-US, antisemitic, pro-Hamas, and pro-Islamic terror vibes. It's straight-up disgusting, pathetic, and shameful.
Downunder, things are lookin' messed up.
But peep this, I know this site ain't the voice of regular Aussies. I'm always cruisin' downunder, and I've been keepin' tabs on this site for a couple of years. And check out what went down with The Voice – this site ain't mirroring the vibe of the regular folks out there at all.
too many peeps 'round here be deep in this messed-up, toxic drama:
“First off, Israel ain't out here slayin' innocent folks or pullin' war crimes. It's Hamas playin' dirty, knockin' off Israelis, kickin' off wars with Israel and throwin' civilians in the mix like they're chess pieces.”

I feel 90percent stupider from reading the last 3 posts.

Yeah, and you come off looking dumb as well. What's written up there just lays it out—how off the mark and totally wrong you and a bunch of others have been on this topic, southernraw.

southernraw wrote:I feel 90percent stupider from reading the last 3 posts.
Well considering your intelligence at 100% is 90% less than the average person..stupider than stupid is the outcome. :)

Says the fella who's 'smarts' are just regurgitated straight from his television :-)

green room wrote:Yeah, and you come off looking dumb as well. What's written up there just lays it out—how off the mark and totally wrong you and a bunch of others have been on this topic, southernraw.
What? No duuuuude?? No peeeops?? No broooo?
Thank fuck. Good to have you back GSCO.
That shit was getting weird.

“First off, Israel ain't out here slayin' innocent folks “
Yo, you can say that again brother, I knew all along those Palestinian kids were guilty…

goofy Aussie bro, it's all on Hamas for that. When you gonna wake up to the facts, man?
Yo, the real question on my mind is why so many of you Aussie dudes buy into this stuff?

Ok bro

goofyfoot wrote:Ok bro
Is the question not valid, goofy?
Where does the responsibility lie for innocent child deaths?

indo-dreaming wrote:I focus wrote:green room wrote:another stupid, uneducated trolling Aussie believing Islamic terrorists
Judging by this website, you'd swear Australia's like 90% filled with dumb folks either brainwashed by the long march of lefty ideology we got over here in the States or that Hamas BS & lies.
Green room what ever happen to nuance in the US?
You know no one here supports Hamas, say that again no one here supports Hamas but we also don't support the slaughter of Palestinian women and children.
We also know the Israelis don't always wear white hats (just trying to help you out here) and are happy to call them out for it that's not support for Hama or anisemenic thats if you want our support stop slaughtering women and children.
Now we know the US and us slaughtered 10,000's during the Iraq war given the out come we all know it's wrong ...right.
Just trying to help.
The problem i think we now have is we all live so detached from the reality of how things work in the wider world and what war really is, we want war to be this things between solider versus soldier, while Hamas have purposely tried to create the opposite of this and put their own civilians between the two because either way they win, if not attacked because civilian's they win, if attacked and civilians die they win.
Its made worse by the fact we now see things in real time info, pictures and footage and that Hamas for instance have their own propaganda machine as Jelly brain has shown..
So we end up with two things, a war on the battle ground and an information war, Israel are winning the war on the ground, but in a way Hamas are winning the information war, and always will because there is no way to fight a war like this without civilians deaths and its made worse by the fact the tally of deaths is given by Hamas.
Whatever view you take, like it or not you end up supporting one side or the other, because even if you take this view Israel are killing to many civilians, you are playing into the hands of Hamas and giving them exactly what they want, your view puts pressure on Israel to not complete the job needed which is to destroy Hamas, and as much of their tunnels and military infrastructure as possible and get them out of government.
BTW. Lets not forget thousands of innocent Germans died destroying Hitler and the Nazis, if that war happened today we would have the same people saying too many civilian's are dying the war needs to stop now and if the war wasn't completed and the Nazis and hitler not destroyed, history would now be very different.
What is the truth?
Fucked if I know?
Some of the info in this aligns with the video previously posted with Chris Hedges.
Might be BS, but Chris Hedges has a solid reputation for proper thorough journalism.
Re Iraq; di they find this WMD?

Roadkill wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Ok bro
Is the question not valid, goofy?
Where does the responsibility lie for innocent child deaths?
To all who advocate for further violence regardless of which side. That includes you and your stupid mates above.

Roadkill wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Ok bro
Is the question not valid, goofy?
Where does the responsibility lie for innocent child deaths?
To all who advocate for further violence regardless of which side. That includes you and your stupid mates above.

Y'all got to understand that the folks in the US are always on the side of the righteous. A few billion dead presidents here 'n there never hurt no-one, 'cept a few muslims.

Jelly Flater wrote:Yep @basesix… spot on
- now… where’s my farkn uzis ;);)
with my Uzi 9mm I get what I want

soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Ok bro
Is the question not valid, goofy?
Where does the responsibility lie for innocent child deaths?
To all who advocate for further violence regardless of which side. That includes you and your stupid mates above.
To understand culpability is pretty important. Too many people are apportioning blame to both side or apportioning blame to Israel… you are.

Roadkill wrote:southernraw wrote:I feel 90percent stupider from reading the last 3 posts.
Well considering your intelligence at 100% is 90% less than the average person..stupider than stupid is the outcome. :)
Roadkill: I've changed
Also Roadkill: Read above

soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Ok bro
Is the question not valid, goofy?
Where does the responsibility lie for innocent child deaths?
To all who advocate for further violence regardless of which side. That includes you and your stupid mates above.
Ps..I don’t advocate for further violence. I do want the whole thing to end with as few a deaths as possible. However the real world doesn’t work as simplistically as you and/or your mates above think it does.
Peace won’t come about if Israel ceases all actions against Hamas.

indo-dreaming wrote:BTW. Lets not forget thousands of innocent Germans died destroying Hitler and the Nazis, if that war happened today we would have the same people saying too many civilian's are dying the war needs to stop now and if the war wasn't completed and the Nazis and hitler not destroyed, history would now be very different.
Indo, the most horrific damage to the German people occurred after the war ended.
A protip for Australians if the simmering conflicts of the world escalate: don't lose.

Interesting until this paragraph VJ, then the alarm bells started ringing -
"The Allies defeated Germany so that Jews could run our banks, media, governments, and corporations, brainwash our children to hate themselves, flood our lands with hostile invaders, and enslave us as their goyim. They are already planning and enacting another hellstorm in all white countries using their radicalized Bolshevik foot soldiers."

velocityjohnno wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:BTW. Lets not forget thousands of innocent Germans died destroying Hitler and the Nazis, if that war happened today we would have the same people saying too many civilian's are dying the war needs to stop now and if the war wasn't completed and the Nazis and hitler not destroyed, history would now be very different.
Indo, the most horrific damage to the German people occurred after the war ended.
A protip for Australians if the simmering conflicts of the world escalate: don't lose.
Geez that looks like it would be a horrible confronting read.
Humans ey.

velocityjohnno wrote:Yeah Andy, I put it in as a second link... the Amazon link should be enough. The story of what happened to the Germans immediately after WW2 has yet to get widespread attention.
Aside: it's a very controversial topic; if one would go through works such as 'Hitler and His Generals' (banned in the West, assume you are in the East when reading it...) one might find that it is nowhere near as heavy on about the holocaust denial, and is rather the chronicle of a bunch of guys making shit up as they go, as they invade one country after another and boost their coffers until Von Ribbentrop fucks up with the British diplomacy bit and they find themselves at war.
Yeah, I just read the Amazon info and a couple of reviews and that was enough.
As Chris Hedges points out in one of his books and I'm paraphrasing, good people can do horrendous things as can bad people do noble things when thrown into war.
Stuff people do for a cause!
Banality of evil.

Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Ok bro
Is the question not valid, goofy?
Where does the responsibility lie for innocent child deaths?
To all who advocate for further violence regardless of which side. That includes you and your stupid mates above.
Ps..I don’t advocate for further violence. I do want the whole thing to end with as few a deaths as possible. However the real world doesn’t work as simplistically as you and/or your mates above think it does.
Peace won’t come about if Israel ceases all actions against Hamas.
What do you think creates a terrorist.
In a successful conflict resolution nobody should be happy and nobody should be dying.
You think Israeli’s increased military activity will bring peace?

andy-mac - also the reality is constructed afterward by those who win. In the situation going on in Israel/Palestine, both sides are resolute they have no other home, so I still can see no solution.
Had a chance to go through the links above, the Spiked article had a clear view of what has developed.
"We are now witnessing the moral self-immolation of large swathes of the left. Too many are now marching side-by-side with Jew haters. They are lending their support to those who advocate theocratic violence and repression. And they are turning their backs on Enlightenment and modernity. They can dress all this up as ‘resistance’, hail it as ‘anti-imperialism’, or hang a rainbow flag on it and call it ‘progress’. But it’s nothing of the sort. It is a headlong embrace of barbarism."
I was taught during the early period of this process (90's), and as such the curriculum was still heavy on the economic marxism... Once you graduate you lose track of the academic thought if you don't work in the field - I missed the coagulation of the left and islamism.
Who is still at/working in a uni? What's it like on campus currently?

velocityjohnno wrote:andy-mac - also the reality is constructed afterward by those who win. In the situation going on in Israel/Palestine, both sides are resolute they have no other home, so I still can see no solution.
Had a chance to go through the links above, the Spiked article had a clear view of what has developed.
"We are now witnessing the moral self-immolation of large swathes of the left. Too many are now marching side-by-side with Jew haters. They are lending their support to those who advocate theocratic violence and repression. And they are turning their backs on Enlightenment and modernity. They can dress all this up as ‘resistance’, hail it as ‘anti-imperialism’, or hang a rainbow flag on it and call it ‘progress’. But it’s nothing of the sort. It is a headlong embrace of barbarism."
I was taught during the early period of this process (90's), and as such the curriculum was still heavy on the economic marxism... Once you graduate you lose track of the academic thought if you don't work in the field - I missed the coagulation of the left and islamism.
Who is still at/working in a uni? What's it like on campus currently?
Yep strange bedfellows indeed, left progressives and Islamic extremism.
Saying that I don't really know what is meant by 'left' now, or 'right' as they seem to be changing. The whole woke things does my head in on either side of the coin, but probably as on wrong side of 50.
Similar thing kind of happening with the health/wellness mob and right wing, some strange pairings there.
I did my undergrad in 90's and was more interested in going surfing in my spare time than student politics, did some post grad 10 years or so ago and Uni I was at was not really very politically active.
Too many Ism's for people to argue about.
As you mentioned above, neither side are going to be going anywhere so really only a viable 2 state solution is the answer to try and end the cyclic violence.
Doesn't look positive.

soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Ok bro
Is the question not valid, goofy?
Where does the responsibility lie for innocent child deaths?
To all who advocate for further violence regardless of which side. That includes you and your stupid mates above.
Ps..I don’t advocate for further violence. I do want the whole thing to end with as few a deaths as possible. However the real world doesn’t work as simplistically as you and/or your mates above think it does.
Peace won’t come about if Israel ceases all actions against Hamas.
What do you think creates a terrorist.
In a successful conflict resolution nobody should be happy and nobody should be dying.
You think Israeli’s increased military activity will bring peace?
Hate, indoctrination, religion, economics, corruption and more creates terrorism.
No, I don’t think Israelis increased military action will bring peace, however, Israel is only defending itself from Palestinian aggression and the 3rd worst terrorist attack since the 1970s. And if Israel does nothing terrorist acts against them will only continue. Hamas and the majority of those in Gaza don’t want peace.

Classic Alert ‼️ Rodney’s In The Shite 💩
— PAUL ALIEN 9💎🔞🔞🔞 (@PhilipL47837986) November 18, 2023
Whilst we debate this situation in Gaza, it is important to note that these type of things can arise anywhere.
Above is a link to a jihad being declared in the United States.
The footage is disturbing but worth watching through to the end.
It is only two minutes.
Would be interested in getting some thoughts on the situation.

Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Ok bro
Is the question not valid, goofy?
Where does the responsibility lie for innocent child deaths?
To all who advocate for further violence regardless of which side. That includes you and your stupid mates above.
Ps..I don’t advocate for further violence. I do want the whole thing to end with as few a deaths as possible. However the real world doesn’t work as simplistically as you and/or your mates above think it does.
Peace won’t come about if Israel ceases all actions against Hamas.
What do you think creates a terrorist.
In a successful conflict resolution nobody should be happy and nobody should be dying.
You think Israeli’s increased military activity will bring peace?
Hamas and the majority of those in Gaza don’t want peace.
Care to elaborate on this little gem of knowledge? The majority of Palestinian people in Gaza dont want peace?? Are you actually fucking serious. What planet do you live on to say that?
Where did you get that information from?
Sounds like a Roadkill 6oclock slurp of generalisation and divisive tactics to me.

adam12 wrote:
Whilst we debate this situation in Gaza, it is important to note that these type of things can arise anywhere.
Above is a link to a jihad being declared in the United States.
The footage is disturbing but worth watching through to the end.
It is only two minutes.
Would be interested in getting some thoughts on the situation.
I wonder if they are related to green room??

adam12 wrote:
Whilst we debate this situation in Gaza, it is important to note that these type of things can arise anywhere.
Above is a link to a jihad being declared in the United States.
The footage is disturbing but worth watching through to the end.
It is only two minutes.
Would be interested in getting some thoughts on the situation.
Haha! Classic alright. To paraphrase Jim Jefferies "lets give these people some guns and see how it turns out!"......

Adam 12 I'm usually good to entertain a conspiracy theory so I'm thinking paid actors.

velocityjohnno wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:BTW. Lets not forget thousands of innocent Germans died destroying Hitler and the Nazis, if that war happened today we would have the same people saying too many civilian's are dying the war needs to stop now and if the war wasn't completed and the Nazis and hitler not destroyed, history would now be very different.
Indo, the most horrific damage to the German people occurred after the war ended.
A protip for Australians if the simmering conflicts of the world escalate: don't lose.
Another terrifying read on that period

great suggestion garyg1412

adam12 wrote:
Whilst we debate this situation in Gaza, it is important to note that these type of things can arise anywhere.
Above is a link to a jihad being declared in the United States.
The footage is disturbing but worth watching through to the end.
It is only two minutes.
Would be interested in getting some thoughts on the situation.

southernraw wrote:Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Ok bro
Is the question not valid, goofy?
Where does the responsibility lie for innocent child deaths?
To all who advocate for further violence regardless of which side. That includes you and your stupid mates above.
Ps..I don’t advocate for further violence. I do want the whole thing to end with as few a deaths as possible. However the real world doesn’t work as simplistically as you and/or your mates above think it does.
Peace won’t come about if Israel ceases all actions against Hamas.
What do you think creates a terrorist.
In a successful conflict resolution nobody should be happy and nobody should be dying.
You think Israeli’s increased military activity will bring peace?
Hamas and the majority of those in Gaza don’t want peace.
Care to elaborate on this little gem of knowledge? The majority of Palestinian people in Gaza dont want peace?? Are you actually fucking serious. What planet do you live on to say that?
Where did you get that information from?
Sounds like a Roadkill 6oclock slurp of generalisation and divisive tactics to me.
6 questions demanded by southernraw..
However…using your own words…..would love to answer your question, iyd actually not difficult to answer, but...ahh..nah, fuck ya.
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