The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

Ha ha , that’s so fake it was almost hilarious….on Islamic telly too.

… and yet ‘planet heaven’ is …ummm … real ?
- ;););););)
… that plank in your eye just keeps getting bigger ;)

Would love to see the “left wing queer gremlin” move to Gaza or a similar Muslim nation. See how long before she is thrown off a rooftop.

… u could consider the feelings of the children of Israel. Exactly. Doesn't matter if it's not their kids.

stunet wrote:I just deleted two of your posts. Keep it up and the thread will get taken off the homepage altogether.
What was the issue with the posts? Can you clarify that?

stunet wrote:I just deleted two of your posts. Keep it up and the thread will get taken off the homepage altogether.
I way preferred it there anyway, the world is ugly enough without having the murderous rampages of two extreme political ideologies come pseudo religions in your face logging on to a surfing website.

warning: the god botherer botherers wont like it, but interesting...
and very funny really

sypkan wrote:interesting...
warning: the god botherer botherers wont like it, but interesting...
and very funny really
Oh bother the grifter is seizing yet another grifting opportunity


GuySmiley wrote:sypkan wrote:interesting...
warning: the god botherer botherers wont like it, but interesting...
and very funny really
Oh bother the grifter is seizing yet another grifting opportunity
Bishop grifter. Greasy hair and Harleys paid for by delusional tithered conned followers.

Truth Bombs™
"For its most zealous advocates, the end goal has always been a tumultuous revolutionary struggle aimed at restoring a precolonial culture and society—essentially bringing about a Year Zero."
— Quillette (@Quillette) November 20, 2023
'Venerable American institutions, already tottering, deeply distrusted by the public, gave every indication of having chosen this conflict as the moment to leap into the abyss.'
— Oliver Wiseman (@ollywiseman) November 19, 2023
Always read Martin Gurri.
The Palestinian cause has become a fashionable pretext for all those who despise Western democracy.
— The European Conservative (@EuroConOfficial) November 18, 2023
Commentary by Mick Hume
Janet Daley, where have you been for the past two decades ? Or even longer ?
— Peter Whittle (@prwhittle) November 18, 2023
The Left make common cause with Islamists on the principle of my enemy’s enemy is my friend.
An attack on Britain and the West is at the bottom of virtually all causes supported by the Left. Mass…
"Corrupted by extremist Islamists, the Left is now openly anti-British
"We will lose the battle for hearts and minds if we allow ourselves to become radicalised by this hateful ideology
"It might look as if we are in the midst of a major political realignment. What we would once have thought were wildly disparate groups – some of whom should be vehemently opposed to one another – are falling in behind a single unifying cause. The Left as we knew it has reconstructed itself and now virtually every form of protest and anti-capitalist dissident is finding a home with the pro-Palestinian front. There is the grotesquely bizarre sight of banners inscribed “Queers for Palestine” paraded through the streets of the most sexually liberal cities in the world when the government of the putative Palestinian homeland they are calling for would probably condemn homosexuals to death.
"There are young British women, raised in a society where they are accustomed to saying whatever they like, expressing vehement support for a movement whose “morality police” would beat them to death for appearing in the street without covering their hair. Climate activists whose cause, you might think, has little reference to Islam or Zionism, are being harangued by none other than their own child saint, Greta Thunberg, to join the pro-Palestine brigade. (I wonder how the Western political leaders who gathered to touch her hem, feel about this.)
"Then there is a whole cohort of the Labour party apparently willing to give Hamas the greatest possible strategic advantage by freezing the current conflict with a “ceasefire” to prevent it being defeated. Even Labour MPs and councillors who do not explicitly describe Hamas as their “friends” seem ready to align themselves with this pro-Palestine lobby which has become the defining condition of Leftist belonging.
"If this is truly the new face of the British Left then the frame of reference of political life must be redrawn. Shall we forget all that social liberal stuff about the rights of women and gay people, not to mention the representation of traditional working class interests and the promoting of equal treatment for everyone regardless of their race or religion, which used to be the fundamental principles of the Left-liberal position? Must all of that be discarded – or pushed into irrelevance – by the great unifying Palestinian cause which has to be excused its transgressions (even the murderous ones) because of the desperation of its plight?
"In truth, what is at the heart of this apparently perverse alliance between groups whose values should be inimical to Hamas, is anti-Western self-loathing. Israel is cast as the Western proxy whose usurpation of what would otherwise be a Palestinian state is an unforgivable embodiment of colonialism. (Note: there has never been a Palestinian state.) The key to understanding this perverse phenomenon is that it is not politics at all. What we are seeing is not an ideological revolution – which is why so many of those vociferous demonstrators cannot engage in argument when they are challenged. It is not even a purely opportunist collaboration between forces whose interests momentarily align, although there is certainly an element of that.
"This is a mix of well-organised moral coercion on the part of extremist Muslim leaders and the neurotic self-hatred which seems to have permeated what were once liberal circles in Britain. A generation of young people who have been schooled in the repudiation of their own history and culture are particularly susceptible to this thrilling formula.
"But let me turn the argument around and give some thought to the people most likely to suffer the greatest damage from this malign fervour. Grateful as I am for the concern that is being expressed for the Jewish community to which I belong, I genuinely believe that it is moderate Muslims who will ultimately be most damaged by this. I have contact with such people on most days: friends and colleagues, the people who run my local pharmacy and manage the health centre, most of the friendly technical support advisers and tradesmen who come to my home.
"Some of them may indeed subscribe to opinions which I would find objectionable – not only about Israel but about sexuality and individual rights – but it is clear that they have found a way to live in peace and mutual respect with the majority population of the country. How much longer can that go on? The Left’s adoption of the most aggressive Islamist position means that it is now being propagated with all the professional assiduousness that the Left-wing propaganda expertise of the past century had perfected. (Most of the placards carried on those famous marches have been printed by the Socialist Workers Party, as is proudly advertised along their top edge.)
"So the whole of the Muslim community in Britain is being cast into this picture of alienation, hatred and defiance. In the great tradition of Leftist infiltration, the agitators have achieved their objective. There are now representatives of what would once have been the respectable (even socially liberal) Right talking in rabble-rousing nativist terms about an invasion of outsiders – the enemy that is now embedded in our society – who are threatening the destruction of our heritage and our culture. In an ironically perverse twist, some of them are using almost identical words to those used by the Nazis to attack the Jews in 1930s Germany.
"This is the universal language of generalised accusation and indiscriminate race hate. To the extent that our culture and our political traditions are under threat, it is as much from this response as from the initial provocation.
"To my well-intentioned friends who believe they are defending democratic values, I must, as an old hand at Left-wing propaganda techniques, offer a warning. What the hardcore Left wants more than anything – what it regards as the ultimate triumph – is to drive you to such vengeful fury that you demand vengeance. It wants to make the impressionable public see you as repressive tyrants – “fascists” in common parlance. If you play into its hands by doing and saying precisely the things it wants you to do and say, you – and the country – will lose the most important battle of our time."

pretty funny
I see owen jones is now referred to as a 'hamasexual'...
some might not like it, but my inner child finds it pretty clever

sypkan wrote:interesting...
warning: the god botherer botherers wont like it, but interesting...
and very funny really
Hmm. Interesting.
But what if i was bothered by a god botherer? Where does that leave me Syp. Gothered??
I had no choice. Couldn't get away. Got the spiel about how this war is 'it all coming together'. "it's just beautiful isn't it'.
That kinda talk...i'm not sure i can handle that.
Who are the real satanists?
So sorry to bother. I mean i wouldn't have, except they forced their bothering upon me.

The Times of Israel, is an online newspaper you can stay up to date with what’s happening there….covers all aspects.


… no killing or stealing.
- ‘you must not rule over your fellow israelites ruthlessly, your slaves are to come from the nations around you’ ;)

green room wrote:Truth Bombs™
"Corrupted by extremist Islamists, the Left is now openly anti-British
"We will lose the battle for hearts and minds if we allow ourselves to become radicalised by this hateful ideology
"It might look as if we are in the midst of a major political realignment. What we would once have thought were wildly disparate groups – some of whom should be vehemently opposed to one another – are falling in behind a single unifying cause. The Left as we knew it has reconstructed itself and now virtually every form of protest and anti-capitalist dissident is finding a home with the pro-Palestinian front. There is the grotesquely bizarre sight of banners inscribed “Queers for Palestine” paraded through the streets of the most sexually liberal cities in the world when the government of the putative Palestinian homeland they are calling for would probably condemn homosexuals to death.
"There are young British women, raised in a society where they are accustomed to saying whatever they like, expressing vehement support for a movement whose “morality police” would beat them to death for appearing in the street without covering their hair. Climate activists whose cause, you might think, has little reference to Islam or Zionism, are being harangued by none other than their own child saint, Greta Thunberg, to join the pro-Palestine brigade. (I wonder how the Western political leaders who gathered to touch her hem, feel about this.)
"Then there is a whole cohort of the Labour party apparently willing to give Hamas the greatest possible strategic advantage by freezing the current conflict with a “ceasefire” to prevent it being defeated. Even Labour MPs and councillors who do not explicitly describe Hamas as their “friends” seem ready to align themselves with this pro-Palestine lobby which has become the defining condition of Leftist belonging.
"If this is truly the new face of the British Left then the frame of reference of political life must be redrawn. Shall we forget all that social liberal stuff about the rights of women and gay people, not to mention the representation of traditional working class interests and the promoting of equal treatment for everyone regardless of their race or religion, which used to be the fundamental principles of the Left-liberal position? Must all of that be discarded – or pushed into irrelevance – by the great unifying Palestinian cause which has to be excused its transgressions (even the murderous ones) because of the desperation of its plight?
"In truth, what is at the heart of this apparently perverse alliance between groups whose values should be inimical to Hamas, is anti-Western self-loathing. Israel is cast as the Western proxy whose usurpation of what would otherwise be a Palestinian state is an unforgivable embodiment of colonialism. (Note: there has never been a Palestinian state.) The key to understanding this perverse phenomenon is that it is not politics at all. What we are seeing is not an ideological revolution – which is why so many of those vociferous demonstrators cannot engage in argument when they are challenged. It is not even a purely opportunist collaboration between forces whose interests momentarily align, although there is certainly an element of that.
"This is a mix of well-organised moral coercion on the part of extremist Muslim leaders and the neurotic self-hatred which seems to have permeated what were once liberal circles in Britain. A generation of young people who have been schooled in the repudiation of their own history and culture are particularly susceptible to this thrilling formula.
"But let me turn the argument around and give some thought to the people most likely to suffer the greatest damage from this malign fervour. Grateful as I am for the concern that is being expressed for the Jewish community to which I belong, I genuinely believe that it is moderate Muslims who will ultimately be most damaged by this. I have contact with such people on most days: friends and colleagues, the people who run my local pharmacy and manage the health centre, most of the friendly technical support advisers and tradesmen who come to my home.
"Some of them may indeed subscribe to opinions which I would find objectionable – not only about Israel but about sexuality and individual rights – but it is clear that they have found a way to live in peace and mutual respect with the majority population of the country. How much longer can that go on? The Left’s adoption of the most aggressive Islamist position means that it is now being propagated with all the professional assiduousness that the Left-wing propaganda expertise of the past century had perfected. (Most of the placards carried on those famous marches have been printed by the Socialist Workers Party, as is proudly advertised along their top edge.)
"So the whole of the Muslim community in Britain is being cast into this picture of alienation, hatred and defiance. In the great tradition of Leftist infiltration, the agitators have achieved their objective. There are now representatives of what would once have been the respectable (even socially liberal) Right talking in rabble-rousing nativist terms about an invasion of outsiders – the enemy that is now embedded in our society – who are threatening the destruction of our heritage and our culture. In an ironically perverse twist, some of them are using almost identical words to those used by the Nazis to attack the Jews in 1930s Germany.
"This is the universal language of generalised accusation and indiscriminate race hate. To the extent that our culture and our political traditions are under threat, it is as much from this response as from the initial provocation.
"To my well-intentioned friends who believe they are defending democratic values, I must, as an old hand at Left-wing propaganda techniques, offer a warning. What the hardcore Left wants more than anything – what it regards as the ultimate triumph – is to drive you to such vengeful fury that you demand vengeance. It wants to make the impressionable public see you as repressive tyrants – “fascists” in common parlance. If you play into its hands by doing and saying precisely the things it wants you to do and say, you – and the country – will lose the most important battle of our time."
Its completely insane the world has gone crazy, there is chunk of western society mostly on the left in all developed countries that now rally side by side with our enemies.
Because they share a common goal of destroying what the west is based on and that is a Christian/judaism based society, and Israel is a strong symbol of this being the land where it all started.
But the craziest thing is these people, will quite literally side with and support terrorist and jihadist, siding with people who's beliefs are in polar opposite of their own, the extreme example of this craziness would have to be Queers for Palestine.
Its mind boggling and scary because its so self destructive, our worst enemy now in some ways now is from within.

Haha ;)
- “Its mind boggling and scary because its so self destructive, our worst enemy now in some ways now is from within. “
… just as applicable to israeli doctrine ;);)

More Truth Bombs™
🎯Progressives view most issues through the (Marxist) oppressed/oppressor paradigm. The victim is morally righteous & can do no wrong. No amount of facts-eg Hamas atrocities-can change this (see recent @jordanbpeterson & Bill Maher)
— Rafe Heydel-Mankoo (@RafHM) November 20, 2023
But it goes further. Yuri Bezmenov was a KGB…
Important point: "The DEI bureaucracy has fostered a hostile environment for Jews on campus. Expecting these bureaucrats to fight anti-Semitism is ludicrous."
— Joanna Williams (@jowilliams293) November 20, 2023
"As the Left condemns settlers, they celebrate migrants. How are they different? Migrants move to a place that is not their ancestral home w/ the intention of making it their permanent abode & building community that reflects foreign traditions & values."
— The American Mind (@theammind) November 20, 2023
Antisemitism is never about the Jews; it’s a warning system. It’s a sign that the society itself is breaking down, that it is dying. It is a symptom of a much deeper crisis.
— The Free Press (@TheFP) November 13, 2023
Watch our founder @bariweiss’s speech at @FedSoc.
Decolonisation and the distortion of global military history
— History Reclaimed (@History_Reclaim) November 20, 2023
Professor Jeremy Black
30th November - 5PM
Register here👇

… and for those with ‘boggled’ and ‘scared’ minds ;)
- it’s worth educating yourself on your false interpretations and representations of ‘judeo christian’ that the msm feeds you…
Unless, of course, you are starving for some wholesome sustenance to appease your insatiable appetite for hasbara ;)
… that huge tunnel system and command centre under the hospital must be tucked away in the wmd section of the evidence pile ;);)

Nah, incorrect, stunet bro, shamefully dumb.
This war is well and truely a mix of false narratives of history, religious grievances, fanatical Islamic terrorism, ethnicity, the long march of the anti-West left permeating our institutions, the ongoing global power struggles and realignments, and more.
It's way beyond just fighting for land.
Your comment, stunet dude, either screams your political bias or straight-up lack of smarts and education.
Pathetic and embarrassing man.

another dumb trolling Aussie dude

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude …
That’s quite a display of… ummm
‘… political bias or straight-up lack of smarts and education.
Pathetic and embarrassing man.’
- pot calling kettle black much ;);)

It’ll all be ok ignorant green room seppo dude ;)
- lawd of takin the peace is returning soon to save us
… mr fix it US style ;);)

Jelly Flater, the dude who's always dissing the US and the West, dropping fake vids non-stop, seems like he's all in for Hamas and Islamic terrorism, no doubt a Chinese or Russian mole.

indo-dreaming wrote:green room wrote:Truth Bombs™
"Corrupted by extremist Islamists, the Left is now openly anti-British
"We will lose the battle for hearts and minds if we allow ourselves to become radicalised by this hateful ideology
"It might look as if we are in the midst of a major political realignment. What we would once have thought were wildly disparate groups – some of whom should be vehemently opposed to one another – are falling in behind a single unifying cause. The Left as we knew it has reconstructed itself and now virtually every form of protest and anti-capitalist dissident is finding a home with the pro-Palestinian front. There is the grotesquely bizarre sight of banners inscribed “Queers for Palestine” paraded through the streets of the most sexually liberal cities in the world when the government of the putative Palestinian homeland they are calling for would probably condemn homosexuals to death.
"There are young British women, raised in a society where they are accustomed to saying whatever they like, expressing vehement support for a movement whose “morality police” would beat them to death for appearing in the street without covering their hair. Climate activists whose cause, you might think, has little reference to Islam or Zionism, are being harangued by none other than their own child saint, Greta Thunberg, to join the pro-Palestine brigade. (I wonder how the Western political leaders who gathered to touch her hem, feel about this.)
"Then there is a whole cohort of the Labour party apparently willing to give Hamas the greatest possible strategic advantage by freezing the current conflict with a “ceasefire” to prevent it being defeated. Even Labour MPs and councillors who do not explicitly describe Hamas as their “friends” seem ready to align themselves with this pro-Palestine lobby which has become the defining condition of Leftist belonging.
"If this is truly the new face of the British Left then the frame of reference of political life must be redrawn. Shall we forget all that social liberal stuff about the rights of women and gay people, not to mention the representation of traditional working class interests and the promoting of equal treatment for everyone regardless of their race or religion, which used to be the fundamental principles of the Left-liberal position? Must all of that be discarded – or pushed into irrelevance – by the great unifying Palestinian cause which has to be excused its transgressions (even the murderous ones) because of the desperation of its plight?
"In truth, what is at the heart of this apparently perverse alliance between groups whose values should be inimical to Hamas, is anti-Western self-loathing. Israel is cast as the Western proxy whose usurpation of what would otherwise be a Palestinian state is an unforgivable embodiment of colonialism. (Note: there has never been a Palestinian state.) The key to understanding this perverse phenomenon is that it is not politics at all. What we are seeing is not an ideological revolution – which is why so many of those vociferous demonstrators cannot engage in argument when they are challenged. It is not even a purely opportunist collaboration between forces whose interests momentarily align, although there is certainly an element of that.
"This is a mix of well-organised moral coercion on the part of extremist Muslim leaders and the neurotic self-hatred which seems to have permeated what were once liberal circles in Britain. A generation of young people who have been schooled in the repudiation of their own history and culture are particularly susceptible to this thrilling formula.
"But let me turn the argument around and give some thought to the people most likely to suffer the greatest damage from this malign fervour. Grateful as I am for the concern that is being expressed for the Jewish community to which I belong, I genuinely believe that it is moderate Muslims who will ultimately be most damaged by this. I have contact with such people on most days: friends and colleagues, the people who run my local pharmacy and manage the health centre, most of the friendly technical support advisers and tradesmen who come to my home.
"Some of them may indeed subscribe to opinions which I would find objectionable – not only about Israel but about sexuality and individual rights – but it is clear that they have found a way to live in peace and mutual respect with the majority population of the country. How much longer can that go on? The Left’s adoption of the most aggressive Islamist position means that it is now being propagated with all the professional assiduousness that the Left-wing propaganda expertise of the past century had perfected. (Most of the placards carried on those famous marches have been printed by the Socialist Workers Party, as is proudly advertised along their top edge.)
"So the whole of the Muslim community in Britain is being cast into this picture of alienation, hatred and defiance. In the great tradition of Leftist infiltration, the agitators have achieved their objective. There are now representatives of what would once have been the respectable (even socially liberal) Right talking in rabble-rousing nativist terms about an invasion of outsiders – the enemy that is now embedded in our society – who are threatening the destruction of our heritage and our culture. In an ironically perverse twist, some of them are using almost identical words to those used by the Nazis to attack the Jews in 1930s Germany.
"This is the universal language of generalised accusation and indiscriminate race hate. To the extent that our culture and our political traditions are under threat, it is as much from this response as from the initial provocation.
"To my well-intentioned friends who believe they are defending democratic values, I must, as an old hand at Left-wing propaganda techniques, offer a warning. What the hardcore Left wants more than anything – what it regards as the ultimate triumph – is to drive you to such vengeful fury that you demand vengeance. It wants to make the impressionable public see you as repressive tyrants – “fascists” in common parlance. If you play into its hands by doing and saying precisely the things it wants you to do and say, you – and the country – will lose the most important battle of our time."
Its completely insane the world has gone crazy, there is chunk of western society mostly on the left in all developed countries that now rally side by side with our enemies.
Because they share a common goal of destroying what the west is based on and that is a Christian/judaism based society, and Israel is a strong symbol of this being the land where it all started.
But the craziest thing is these people, will quite literally side with and support terrorist and jihadist, siding with people who's beliefs are in polar opposite of their own, the extreme example of this craziness would have to be Queers for Palestine.
Its mind boggling and scary because its so self destructive, our worst enemy now in some ways now is from within.
“But the craziest thing is these people, will quite literally side with and support terrorist and jihadist” 100%. The same people give zero thought or care for Israeli innocents.
It’s the thing I struggle with most…I can’t get my head around how people offer support which is just offering support to militant Islam. Crazy.

Haha g r (grand retard) ;);)
‘ no doubt a Chinese or Russian mole.’
- sure thing …ummm … nonstop twitter/x vid duuuuuude
… really showing your ‘smarts’ now
- u certainly got the embarrassing bit covered ;);)
Just coz someone is all in on US / israeli propaganda…
- alternate viewpoints are a democratic right ;)
- I’m exhibiting freedom of speech ;)
Stop trying to dictate to others and attempt to enforce your beliefs.
- the us vs them mentality has never worked… never will
Oh… but you’re a farkn know it all seppo… whoops ;)
- freeeeeeedumb ;);)

What I have learned from this forum is that if you are against innocent families and kids being killed in an open air prison by a modern equipped military state, then well you are an antisemite, woke lefty and hope for the destruction of western civilisation (as if the neoliberal project has had nothing to do with that!).
Edit: nearly forgot to add also an Hamas, Isis Islamic terror supporter...
Carry on.....

Hey, you Aussie dudes still fallin' for the Hamas terrorist BS? I mean, seriously! These guys are offin' their own civilians and kids, slaughtering innocent Israelis to dive into big-time wars with Israel, using regular folks as human shields, setting up shop in hospitals for military ops, and gunning down Palestinians just tryna escape the chaos in the streets. They're even keepin' hostages to drag out the war. When are you gonna wake up, huh?

Nice work andy-mac ;)
- but how dare you ever challenge the reasoning or logic behind zionist inspired apartheid and genocide…
Accept and support vengeance and violent reprisal…
- or get shouted down ;);)

If you're buying into that Hamas BS, it's either 'cause you're all about supporting terrorism or you've fallen for the long march of that lefty decolonization ideology that's infecting the minds out here in the States. Wake up, man!

green room wrote:Hey, you Aussie dudes still fallin' for the Hamas terrorist BS? I mean, seriously! These guys are offin' their own civilians and kids, slaughtering innocent Israelis to dive into big-time wars with Israel, using regular folks as human shields, setting up shop in hospitals for military ops, and gunning down Palestinians just tryna escape the chaos in the streets. They're even keepin' hostages to drag out the war. When are you gonna wake up, huh?
Haha, I rest my case your Honour.....

Hey Green Room, you never answered. When are you lobbying for the return of the US to its First Nation people. You’re a goose mate.

And…. ummm…
- amongst all the persecution of these poor israelis ;)
… I’m outraged at china too !
- fark them ;);)

another stupid, uneducated trolling Aussie believing Islamic terrorists
Judging by this website, you'd swear Australia's like 90% filled with dumb folks either brainwashed by the long march of lefty ideology we got over here in the States or that Hamas BS & lies.

Well… fark off then ;)
- it’s not like an occupying force has taken u over and is keeping u here…

Wake up Aussie dudes. You be repping exactly what China and Russia wants.
The Long March of the Left™
China is expanding its influence in American K-12 education.
— National Association of Scholars (@NASorg) November 20, 2023
Watch our latest event to learn more about the CCP’s K-12 influence strategy and what this means for the future of American education.
32% of young people get their news from TikTok.
— The Free Press (@TheFP) November 17, 2023
Our mission has never been more important. Subscribe today at
The problem is Tik Tok.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 16, 2023
Anyone who thinks it’s a coincidence that the CCP app is making anti-American takes go viral isn’t paying attention. American kids are being manipulated and misinformed and we refuse to do anything about it.
Government schools are indoctrinating the next generation with the left’s woke agenda and even encouraging children to keep secrets from their parents.
— American Principles 🇺🇸 (@approject) November 20, 2023
This is wrong. Parents should be directing their children’s education.
"We don’t win a war against bad ideologies unless we know who we are, what we stand for, and where we’re headed." -- wonderful essay h/t @allsupchris
— Michael Green (@profplum99) November 20, 2023
"Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction."

andy-mac wrote:What I have learned from this forum is that if you are against innocent families and kids being killed in an open air prison by a modern equipped military state, then well you are an antisemite, woke lefty and hope for the destruction of western civilisation (as if the neoliberal project has had nothing to do with that!).
Edit: nearly forgot to add also an Hamas, Isis Islamic terror supporter...
Carry on.....
I like how you conveniently ignored that if anyone in this forum supports Israel's right to defend itself then you are an Islamaphobe and simply hate Muslims and Palestinians and hope for the destruction of Gaza.
Edit: nearly forgot to add that also a supporter of civilian deaths and children being killed is irrelevant.
Carry on....

Roadkill wrote:andy-mac wrote:What I have learned from this forum is that if you are against innocent families and kids being killed in an open air prison by a modern equipped military state, then well you are an antisemite, woke lefty and hope for the destruction of western civilisation (as if the neoliberal project has had nothing to do with that!).
Edit: nearly forgot to add also an Hamas, Isis Islamic terror supporter...
Carry on.....
I like how you conveniently ignored that if anyone in this forum supports Israel's right to defend itself then you are an Islamaphobe and simply hate Muslims and Palestinians and hope for the destruction of Gaza.
Edit: nearly forgot to add that also a supporter of civilian deaths and children being killed is irrelevant.
Carry on....
It's how they go about that right....
Anyway I got work to do....

Haha grand retard ;)
…” Wake up Aussie dudes. “ (whilst you’re asleep at the wheel)
- maybe try cutting the whole attempt to convince anyone that you’re really smart and educated … it’s a bullshit spiel ;);)
… along with how you reckon your take on things is absolute.
Consider there are valid opinions and viewpoints that don’t align with your dictatorship stance on particular issues ;)
Assuming you are the ‘educated’ one etc is simple arrogance…
- your ego driven self appraisal is one thing ;)
… pretending you are smarter than professors and historians etc while accusing others of stuff like supporting terrorists only shows you up to be a paranoid brainwashed fool.
Freedom may be a fragile thing… same can be said for your emotional state and intelligence ;)
- but you’re probly smarter than your pretend aussie mates…
Oh… and this bloke ;);)

Bro, China, Russia, North Korea, Iran - you name it - they got thousands of Jelly Flaters planted all up in social media, forums, online hangouts, just trying to steer the conversation.
Who's running the show on this site? Yo, website mod crew, gotta be on your A-game.
Foreign meddling is a massive issue, man.

Faaaarkn hell ;);)
- ‘ Foreign meddling is a massive issue, man. ‘
…unless it’s meddling of american or israeli origin ;)
Haha…your hypocrisy keeps rearing its ugly head.
- an indefinite stream of bullshit and hysteria accusing others of what you’re guilty of…
Almost like a rules based order that is only applicable to the rule makers.
Get the fark outta here ;)
Like… ummm… duuuuuuuude y’all…
- “ What are you… some kind of wise guy ? “ ;);)

- taking the peace… for freeeeedumb !
…without …any …foreign meddling …at all ;)

"This is nuts, mate. Everything you say and accuse others of being, you then go and do yourself." Now where have I heard that? If this is some alter-ego @gsco schtick, I'm impressed, 2-dimensional as it is.

green room wrote:another stupid, uneducated trolling Aussie believing Islamic terrorists
Judging by this website, you'd swear Australia's like 90% filled with dumb folks either brainwashed by the long march of lefty ideology we got over here in the States or that Hamas BS & lies.
probably not best to continually bag Aussies on an Aussie site...longevity obviously not a high priority. :)
Because the world would be a better place if leaders only listened to Swellnet commenters, we've created a forum that makes it easy for them to gather our thoughts.
Today's shit talk is tomorrow's policy.