So who are you going to vote for?

I'm with OLD DOG,I'll tick the FUCK OFF POLLIES box.....we aren't blessed with a great crop right now, 2 donkeys in a thoroughbreds race!

Trolling around the alternatives to the two largest groups of gronks and came across this and I'm very suprised.
If they hadn't stained everything they'd ever said and done with the whole Pauline Hanson debacle, I wouldn't be ashamed to say that a lot of their policies align with my own beliefs.
I've certainly got more in common with these crew than Labour or Liberal.
That's how fucked it's become.

yeh I'd like to see liberals flounder through what's going to be tough times regardless
but I reckon if you're a two party swinging voter type not looking for schedenfreude there's no choice
I won't vote for them, but it's a pleasant change to have something worth choosing in an either/or situation, it's been a long time
brexit/no brexit,
trump clinton
I am so so so happy I didn't/ dont have to seriously choose those little conundrums
I really thought turnball would come out with something, I fell for the messiah

Old dog writes; "Vote Green if you want Aust. to become a Muslim country in ten years instead of fifty. (sorry sheepdogs.)"
No need to be sorry old dog...... I'm not a green voter..... And as far as Australia becoming a muslim nation, Don't apologize to me for being conned.... Apologize to yourself bro......
Here in S.A, I'll probably vote Xenophon, as there are no decent independents in my seat.. I'll give my preference to Blurt Shortle.

Three days out and I'm still split between Labor and the Greens. When the Greens came heavy on the scene I always dreaded them splitting the progressive vote....and, well here we are. Both local candidates have similar offerings, almost interchangeable head shots, policies etc. so I think my vote might come down to ideology and long term interests of the country.
I reckon we've got great choices this election. Best in recent memory. Malcolm is the visionary in waiting, still beholden to the party right, and his corporate tax cuts are despicable but he's moderate on other matters. Bill Shorten turned into Bill 2.0 while no-one was watching - and none of us were - and all of a sudden he's created real differnce between the parties on matters economic (negative gearing) and social (gay marriage). While Richard de Natale might be more vanilla than Neopolitan, despite the Italian heritage, but he's the good doctor who brings conscience into parliament, backed by a solid team to boot.

Wowee! Best calm your teats, Sheepster.
So you're not saying one isn't less shittier than the other?! Or that you can ingest one without getting your hands dirty and that's, what? The better option?
Who's shittin' who here? Which is the burger and who's the sanga?
Sheeeit! What you been eating, old fella?

Liberals -simply Cannot wait till the minimum wage is abolished.
Labor- Not happy with the furious rate of foreign ownership of agricultural buy ups , are raising the threshold for national interest review from $15M to $50M start with.
Greens - Too many people in Australia is never enough.

Has anyone got population stability on their platform, Blowin?
What's their remedy for when the economy tanks?

OK, Sheepy. The uncanny X man's team and Labor in the house of reps, hey? Shorten, the burger or the sanga?
X man's team would be handy if they ousted Briggs. And Pyne. I reckon Mayo is their best bet in the reps.

Why would the economy tank ?
Unless you're referring to the aging demographic , surely we've nipped that in the bud by now by increasing our population by 10 percent in 5 years has to have some effect surely ?
Why would no one address this issue ?
It affects every aspect of our quality of life - environment, standard of living , housing affordability.
Does a larger population actually guarantee a stronger economy or a better life for each individual or a more cohesive society ?
You tell me who I could vote for who has an eye on what I consider the most important consideration in Australia's future .

Greens, preference labour. I need to check the latest on my electorate but previously my non liberal vote amounted to 2/3rds of fuck all anyway.

It's strange Stu, I wrote a Wishlist of ways I thought Australia could be improved and yourself and a couple of others agreed ....and now it comes to the single moment in years that you could make an attempt to create change and you'll vote for more of the same dirge that is taking us down the current path ?
Least worst evil, a happy compromise , sad unimaginative reality we must deal with or are you truly content with the option of Labor/ Greens ?
Short of forming your own party or standing as an independent , how else would you hope to enact change except by attempting a different approach to deciding for who to cast your vote ?

Does a larger population actually guarantee a stronger economy or a better life for each individual or a more cohesive society ?
no it doesn't, it's just the only desperate plan they have to encourage growth. it's an 80s pyramid scheme repackaged. don't fall for it, don't slave for your assets, enjoy them, life is short

Not a larger population but a growing population. Our current configuration is predicated upon it, which isn't to say it's possible to have a stable or declining population but it'd require wholesale economic changes and no-one is advocating that.
It's all well and good for minor parties to say they'd fix the population issue, but really, they haven't got a clue what the wider ramifications are, leave alone how to tackle them. I'm all for stable population, but I'm a realist about what it would take, and it's a fuck load more than just 'stopping the boats', ending immigration, or simplistic measures such as that.
Nothing strange about it Blowin; I've voted independent in the past, likely do it again sometime in the future. However, at this juncture I'd like to see the progressive vote consolidated, not further fractured by minor parties/independents. Non-thinking bozos tend to give their vote to the Liberals so there has to be a counterweight without splitting the left vote.
I'm troubled by what's going on elsewhere around the world, we're seeing the sparks from 40 years of the neoliberal experiment, and unless radical change happens they'll soon be an inferno. The Liberals are further taking us down that road; Turnbull's proposal for business tax cuts in the same year that the Panama Papers were exposed, amongst many other examples of corporate duplicity, shows how little he's got a handle on that issue even if he is moderate on others. Far more people are employed by small businesses anyway. Meanwhile, the state is being further eroded leaving desperate people to push the red self destruct button when the vote comes their way be it Brexit or Trump.
If we continue down this path our 'red button' moment will come.
I don't agree with nationalism, the history books show where that leads (don't say it won't ever happen again), hence I've no interest in the smaller national parties fortifying themseles in antiquated ideas of nationhood. I want a party that operates on the idea of sovereignty without taking the inward view of isolationism.

A concise (and respectful) reply, Stunet.

And then there's this...
oh dear.
(please don't explain)
Surely, things can't get any more ridiculous and embarrassing on here than that revelation, Blowhard?!

Hold the phones...
"So your name ?
Is that Blowin as in "with the wind" or as in the transitory pest that assumes local status after a fortnight of peak season surf ?
Jesus wept, Not you too ....?
Ok ,ok. Next question - where did you surf today ?
Kuta beach break .
Excuse me ? Kuta beachie ? What the fuck were you thinking ? An island full of perfect reefs and you're surfing a literally, shitty beach break ....that cops very little swell ! What's that about ?
I know. But that's what it's come to. Dry season on Bali does my head in if I'm feeling lazy or I'm just here to recharge. Crowds do my head in , full stop. But Bali crowds .....fuck me. Talk about Heaven and Hell. So after a couple of days of battling the crowd I'll just hire a fun board and catch a couple of high tide shoulders so I'm surfing for fun and not the Ego war of the reefs. Keeps me off the piss , gives me a bit of exercise and allows me to remember why I'm here and why I surf...for fun.
Fair enough, sounds sorta queer but there you, you seem to like Indonesia . Best waves in the world ?
It would be so easy to say yes. Because it's true. But I reckon Australia gives it a run for it's money.
Australia over Indo ? You're tripping.
Nah , your right. It's Indo all the way. The reefs just have that truly perfect foil, the winds are often light or at least they're often complimentary of those same reefs and the waters warm. What's not to love ? But.....there's just something about Oz. The space, the's home. And it's pretty fucking good on its day. I'd have to say that the best individual waves I've caught were in Australia. Indo for dreamy sessions, Oz for waves that blow your mind.
Where the fuck are you talking about ?
Holy shit - river mouths for a start. Some of the best waves I've ever surfed have been river mouths . Offshore reefs, some of the East coast points. Waves everywhere.
So Australia. The good , the bad and the ugly. Name 'em.
The good ? Got to be the natural environment. Still pristine mostly. Expansive. Beautiful. It's got the lot...deserts, jungles and the prettiest beaches you'll lay eyes on.
The people, it's safe and stable.
The bad ? The expense. I realise that the cost of living enables others to enjoy a decent standard of living as well as yourself, but sweet Jesus, it's dear.
The ugly ? The politicians. I suppose it's the same the world over, but I'm so sick of the sight , sound and mention of individual politicians. You're a public servant ! Pull your head in and just do your job. There's no need for me to see or hear from you on a daily basis. The new celebrity ....with even less talent than the Big Brother retards. Just go away and make sure that rubbish doesn't pile up on street corners and ensure the trains run on time.
You honestly think that's ugly compared to say - North Korea ?
Probably not, I'm just venting. It's your shout mate and this bottles feeling very light....
Yeah, yeah, keep your shirt on. ( Permisi , dua lagi Bintang Besar terimah kasih ). There you go missy. So , what's with this interview and commenting on Swellnet ?
Mate, why not ? Some people like to paint , some like to bat off....I enjoy both and I also enjoy adding my two cents worth on the forums. I don't do Facebook, or Instagram or any of that dross so it's a great way to stay social whilst I'm in some other prick's home town. It's great to hear the opinions of others and there's some clued in bastards on Swellnet. Some are educated, some are good at what they do. Some just understand what's what. I like the to and fro.
Why the anonymity ?
It allows certain liberties. I can say what I want without the consequences. Does that make me a fuckwit ? Probably. But it's not all bad. Sometimes I like to play devils advocate. Is that the same as trolling ?
I think it is.
Yeah, well, there you go. I only try to rev up the sanctimonious, the wankers and the deluded.
Doesn't that make you a deluded wanker ?
Honestly mate, a deluded wanker worth his salt ain't going to face up to that rap. Especially not with a few Binnies under the belt. Next question .
Ok...the state of modern surfing . Opinions ?
Modern surfing ? It's incredible. Crew are ripping. Everywhere. All kinds of people. A couple of days ago I surfed with an Italian fella that surfed rings around me. Not that that's such an amazing achievement , but Italian ? Proper ripping. And he's not alone, everyone is into it. From all over the globe.
Boards ! Got to be the best time to be a board buyer in the history of the world. Any style, mode, method, whatever you want to call it, your next best board is a mere internet stroll away. So much variety in physical board shops and most shapers are open to your requirements as opposed to punching out your dimensions of their greatest idea.
Travel is so easy...for better or worse.
But....and it's a big but. Those crowds I was talking about. They're full on in a lot of places. Most A grade waves that are known are prohibitively over crowded. There are still plenty of empties out there though. You've just got to put in the effort.
I like the availability of media such as Swellnet too.
So many interpretations of the same good time in the surf world these days.
Such as ?
Mate, there's a world full of interesting stories out there. Here's a couple that span the Aussie experience - Coral Durant and Marsupial . One's a young girl with a heart full of surfing that rides the North West reefs with a smile that could raise an army with its happiness. Surfs with sharks over sharp limestone, often alone . Rips.
The other is a fella from Ulladulla that is surfing on borrowed time as the medics would have you see it. Great surfer, charges, respected near and far for his ocean knowledge. Nice guy. He could and often does , put people onto the waves of their lives.
Nice. How's your beer ?
Let's make a move then. You up for another paddle ?
Can't see why not.
Before we go , let us know a little something about yourself that no one could know.
Cool. 1. I once sat in a caravan for weeks and manicured over a hundred pounds of marijuana.
2. For a brief time in my youth I was famous nationally and widely recognised as the star of a series of television commercials.
3. I tested in the top percentile of IQ in the state I was educated in and attended a school for talented and gifted students.
4. One of my eyes is pale blue whilst the other is a dull brown.
5. I see dead people.
6. I can read Braille .
Are you trying to be clever ?
A couple of those things are actually true.
Which couple ?
That's for you to guess.
You are a fuckwit.
Did you only just realise this ? You're not real bright are ya ...."

oh dear.

Turkey,where do you get the stuff yr on?

Blowhard's caravan (see above)?

Shats writes;
"So you're not saying one isn't less shittier than the other?! Or that you can ingest one without getting your hands dirty and that's, what? The better option?
Who's shittin' who here? Which is the burger and who's the sanga?"
Am not, you are.................
Turkmanistan......... There's nothing wrong with benzos as long as you follow the doctors orders..... Mate, Blowie is a lost cause.... He's went to the dark side eons ago..... There will be no "Darth see the light and saves Luke" moment......
Walk away , you must....... bahahahahaha

Blowhard is the original 'milky white kid'?!
Tony Barber is Nicolas Cage?!
Boris Johnson as Pommy PM?! Trump as US prez?!
Abbott back in the mix?!
Yeeeeeeeew! Exciting times!
"Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."

Turkmanistan..... Did you see John Safran's show the other night? I'm sure there were swellnutters on it..

Low hanging fruit.
It'd be funny and really eye-opening if Safran infiltrated the Young Liberals. Less so, the others. You kind of get what you expect these days from the Labor and Greens young 'uns.
But the Young Libs! Phew, what a bunch of complete fuckwits. And coming to a branch near you!

Did you see it, shats? I was just sitting there with my jaw on the ground.... The sheers idiocy, the hypocrisy among "our fellow Australians"..... The bit on hanson saying she never mentioned "Asians", then the footage of her mentioning "Asians"..... The jews aligned marching with the nazis.... I was fucking dumbfounded....
Nearly time to form a party lol

Or perhaps be a trojan.... Join the libs..... Cause mayhem....

"I'm troubled by what's going on elsewhere around the world, we're seeing the sparks from 40 years of the neoliberal experiment,"
This what your talking about Stu?
This is what some of the radical nationalist parties could become and innocent people will become scapegoats for a situation caused by the government/s such as the demise of manufacturing, workers on 457 visas, offshoring of government jobs etc as well Australia's increasing debt level.
Do I know the answer no but I am looking very closely in the senate at independents and minor parties whose policies seem to meet my values the problem is some of these parties have good policies that are overshadowed by policies that are too radical for me to support.
Even though I don't agree with all of Golden Dawns principles the issues the interviewee speaks of could become a threat to Australia if theres less employment opportunities for Australians, the demise of our industries and crime rates increase from the likes of the Apex Gang in Dandenong.

None of them do it for me but alas I watched a add today with the headline
vote against political correctness now I'm all for that because this country is
obsessed with it to the point unless your female you are to worried to voice
your own opinion.

Yep, likewise where's the box for against political correctness ? Get rid of Triggs would be a starter.

Why get rid of Triggs?

Complaining about political correctness irritates me. If you're too scared to voice your opinion because of what other people might say or think, that's on you not them. Harden up and defend your opinion.
If what you say is rubbish, like something along the lines of Muslims are terrorists and we need to get rid of them, why wouldn't you expect push back on something like that? And if you think you've got a point, then argue it. If your view is something more moderate that some might find offensive but you think is reasonable, speak up and point out why it's reasonable and they're being unreasonable. Whimpering away complaining about political correctness is weak.
As far as I can tell, at its heart the PC phenomenon is about not letting unreasonable views and statements go by without scrutiny. Often its views or comments that were previously considered unremarkable (like, what the housewives of Australia need to understand while they do the ironing...) but as society has moved on, are now seen as out of date (why would we think only housewives do the ironing these days?).
If you don't like scrutiny of your views, are you arguing those scrutinising should stay quiet? Are you asking them to suppress their own free speech? That is what it sounds like when we should quash political correctness. Scrutiny and ridicule of your views is not suppression. It's all part of the ongoing conversation and if you don't like it, argue why. No one is preventing you from doing so, except yourself.

Well said, Benski. I also think "policital correctness", like "freedom of speech", means different things to different people..... To some, it's wanting the freedom to personally intimidate, threaten, and defame...... To me it's the freedom to view and express ideology, even if the idea may seem heretical at the time.

Political correctness:
Realise the power of language especially when it's 'legitimated' through certain vessels e.g the media.
Own your opinion.
Take responsibility. Be accountable.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from responsibility and accountability.
Now, as for 'patriotic correctness'...
("don't mention the [first world] war")

Benski if you think I don't have the balls to speak for what I believe is right
then not be able to defend myself it just shows you know SFA about me.
I will totally self destruct myself into oblivion into defence of what I believe
is right. That's why I'm not the most popular person around but I really
don't care too much about that.

Benski, you may wish to read the QUT and Human Rights Commission case re students being told to get out of a computer lab. How much money, yes money do you have to voice your opinion. Be prepared you may not get assistance or clarity from government bodies that are supposed to assist the public. What about Windsor's 'cup of tea' comment on Credlin. There is an experienced politician being totally politically incorrect, so how is the public expected to understand this. It is not understood here nor out there in the community.

Triggs is a major problem for human rights. It seems to be her way or no way, Stu.
the QUT case is a major embarrassment.

The day the election was called I posted this.
"And so it begins.
Interesting to see the sway the corporate media's power will hold this time round. Ditto for the cowed & chicken-shit, forelock-tugging ABC.
No doubt what horse they'll all be backin'."
Now if you could fucking post external links (FFS, sort it out!), this is where the Guardian article would be. The one titled:
"Election editorials overwhelmingly endorse Malcolm Turnbull and Coalition -
Only exceptions were the Sunday Age, which endorsed Labor, and Guardian Australia, which did not endorse a party."
Google that!

Tony Barber, any truth to the rumour that Kathy Jackson is your 'special lady friend'?

The ABC has been so transparently lop-sided towards the LNP that even old nannas from the 'Friends of the ABC' are getting up a petition to complain.
Talk about 'turkeys voting for Thanksgiving'.

Don't dare mention the ironing. PC gone mad, I never wear anything that needs ironing but the wife ( or should I say carbon based unit of the opposite gender) is at it constantly, so hands up how many of you blokes iron your hankies. Women buy handbags but you will get crucified if you mention it. Why?

Simple really women are not accountable for anything. Just look what happened
today about that isis bitch who got off almost scott free by female judge naturally.
That's after all the pollies said how hard theyre going to come down on anybody
involved with this gutless shit. Makes my brain explode.

Both you blokes muslim? Serious question. You both seem to have more in common with them than not regarding chicks.
But then again, Tones Abbott was our minister for chicks too talking about ironing and stuff. But he hates the Muslims.
Sorry fellas, you're Liberal voters?

If not, vote those LNP pricks's where they put you.

Evo, I definitely don't know anything about you but if you're prepared to speak up with an unpopular opinion, meaning you're not silenced by political correctness, what's the problem? Some one getting outraged at your views is just the pc brigade expressing their own views isn't it?
Tonybarber, from what I could ascertain from the qut thing is it's nothing more than the racial discrimination being used in a dispute between a few people. If you don't want that act to exist, or section 18c, that's an argument to make. No one in this pc world is stopping you from doing that.
The only speech suppressive aspect to that is the use of racial slurs to belittle or whatever the act says exactly. Is that what the problem is? That we should be free to abuse someone on the basis of their race without recrimination? That's what it seems to boil down to in the speech element. If so, argue that. Nothing and no one is stopping that argument.
If it's the existence of that particular computer lab that is the pc driven problem, segregation as it was called, are you arguing that a private institution should not be able to decide for itself how it uses its own resources and who has access to them? It seems to me that qut has the right to determine who gets access to what resources on their campus. There would be plenty of different resources from which many or most students are excluded. Why should outsiders like us be able to tell the uni what to do? People with different needs get preferential access to some things in many cases (disabilities, disadvantaged backgrounds etc). I don't see how this is any different or how that's a bad thing.
I'm not convinced that complaining about society being too PC isn't just people being upset about being told their words or opinion is crap. You get crucified if you say something "wrong"? Well toughen up, you're just getting mocked or yelled at on the internet by someone like sheepdog. He'll go you, for sure, but only with links and long posts and graphs. It's not that bad ;-)

Typical Comrade talk - telling how to vote. I will be thinking about my truckie mate when the muscle trashed his car.

Benski, my main thrust of the point was that if the Human Rights Commissioner is behaving in this manner, re QUT, then what hope has anyone got to understand the pros or cons or how or when of free speech, or for that matter political correctness. As mentioned, I trust you heard of Tony Windsors statement about Credlin, just recently. And that comes from a experienced politican.
I normally put both major parties last and any crazy independent parties first, as for me there all as bad as each other and anything they say they will rarely do.
But this time, im voting labour for Kevin, i was happy to see karma come around and bite Julia and of all the people in politics since good old Bob Hawk, i like Kevin the best.
He's proven him self to be a fighter hes come back from what seem like the dead, to me i think he has what it takes to be a leader a leader needs to be a bit arrogant and do what they believe, I also like that he understands the importance of Australia's relationship with SE asia, obviously like any politician and political party, he's far from perfect and any government is going to waste money, the way i look at it at least with things like NBN we will all be of benefit, and i want damn fast internet through my smart TV.
On the other hand i cant stand Tony, he just seems so negative plus i know its silly but i just cant trust people who wear budgie smugglers, i really have no idea why the Liberals stick with him, plus Liberals seem good at managing money but they only seem to look after the people who have heaps of money.
So who ya, going to vote for?
PS. lets keep it civil yeah :)