The United States(!) of A

Word salad Harris….she seems hopeless to me.
Wax, what say you? She a winner?

Amazing , that most see that Harris has been a terrible VP .
She just seems totally unable to do her job , another Muppet .
However , due to the colour of her skin and sex , she HAS to get the Nod .
No discussion , no others to be considered .
Talk about a Woke World .
I don't think a White Witch , will care about that stuff .
The DOF , FBI , Media , CDC , courts other than the Supreme , are all NOT working like the Founding Fathers of the US intended .
The Constitution has been messed with and it needs a Spring Clean , 4 sure .
They have all been turned into Political Weapons .
Changing THIS Status Quo , is Trumps biggest Mission imho .
Giving Power , back to the People !
Harris will be another Biden .
Somebodies Puppet .
Americans would like a talented female President , it sure is about time imho .
A Black ( can I say that ? ) female , that has proven herself incompetent , will be a bridge , way too far .
Trump will have Mouse to play with , unfortunately .

ashsam wrote:Too excited to sleep supre lol ;) 2:27am ;)
I knew you would be trolling giggles , some of us boomers wake up to pee like clockwork at that hour . gol gol gol

Speaking of Clockwork , Adam12 namethed the hour 2 .
Supa was probably using the light in his phone , to ensure the P was in the PT/WC and not woke up anyone , nearly .
A Kamala ?

some gems in here..
"Another is the incoherence of the Resistance. If you want to protest potential abuse of the justice system by a future president Trump, don’t bring an obviously flimsy, political case in New York City that merely helped Trump sweep back to dominance in the GOP. If you want a saner GOP, don’t demonize every other possibility, from DeSantis to Vance. If you emphasize the danger of political violence, don’t turn a blind eye as BLM burns America’s cities to the ground, or ignore Antifa. If you want to accuse Fox News of propaganda, don’t push out equal and opposite propaganda on toxic MSNBC. If you think democracy dies in darkness, why try to get Trump legally excluded from some state ballots, and prevent any real primary among Democrats.......
.......The lies the Democrats have been telling us these past few years are legion: inflation won’t happen/is temporary/is good for you; the Southern border is secure; “equity” is “fairness”; biological sex is a “spectrum”; Ukraine is about to win the war; Russia’s economy can be sanctioned to death; political violence is entirely on the far right; children can meaningfully consent to sex changes; the only thing holding black Americans back is white bigotry; the mainstream media is fair; and women have penises. Yes, Trump is a shameless liar. But the left’s propaganda has muddied the waters. When NBC’s higher-ups took Morning Joe off the air this week, it was a real moment. Even the muckety-mucks couldn’t take the lucrative propaganda anymore.
I will never vote for Trump — because he is so psychologically disturbed and so contemptuous of the rule of law that he remains a danger to us and the world. But I can see the logic of Trumpism. Those who feel left behind — culturally, economically — need at least one party to represent them and their values. As Biden has proven, protectionism is not all bad, especially when related to supply chains and national security. Mass immigration is out of control, and only one party gets it. Support for those who have lost the most from globalization seems to me a defensible conservative position, after migrant winners like me have had such a good run of it. And the madness of the neocon war machine demands a president able to spurn it."

A good piece Bonza , imho .
The personal reasons why he would Never vote for Trump , are exactly the same personal traits that Trump has to HAVE , to Stand for President .
He is the Trumpism Party , standing for the Values of most American's , that sure are pissed off with the Current Rule of Law !
It's turned bloody political .
We would be freaking out here , if this shit happened .
Imagine our Tax Dept getting 5000 new snoopers !
Trump does have to be totally different Psychologically !!!
I have never seen ANYONE like him !
If I was treated like him , I sure would be fn disturbed !
Only a Trump Type , with all his warts , would B able to take ON , such a monumental FIGHT !
It's to the death !

What a right royal mess.
Ol’ Barak must be ruing the night he awoke the Monster. Humiliating The Donald at the Correspondents Dinner. All those woke liberals laughing at him.
Sure did put that one to rest, ol’ Barak.
Trump never rolls down the escalator. 8 prosperous years under Hillary.
Regrets regrets.


Supafreak wrote:No surprises with this announcement.
"Johnson alleged that Democrats "invalidated the votes of millions of Americans by forcing their nominee, Joe Biden, off the ballot."
"Democrat party bosses just proved that they have absolutely no respect for their own voters. After lecturing others about democracy, they just forced Joe Biden off the ticket, trashing the primary choice of 14 million of their own voters, said House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.)."
I was thinking this the other day.
The primarys are the only thing about USA poltics that i think is good that Australia doesnt have, its like another level of democracy, but forcing Biden to stand down is kind of undemocratic as going agaist the will of the people.
But yeah totally expected.


bonza wrote:some gems in here..
"Another is the incoherence of the Resistance. If you want to protest potential abuse of the justice system by a future president Trump, don’t bring an obviously flimsy, political case in New York City that merely helped Trump sweep back to dominance in the GOP. If you want a saner GOP, don’t demonize every other possibility, from DeSantis to Vance. If you emphasize the danger of political violence, don’t turn a blind eye as BLM burns America’s cities to the ground, or ignore Antifa. If you want to accuse Fox News of propaganda, don’t push out equal and opposite propaganda on toxic MSNBC. If you think democracy dies in darkness, why try to get Trump legally excluded from some state ballots, and prevent any real primary among Democrats.......
.......The lies the Democrats have been telling us these past few years are legion: inflation won’t happen/is temporary/is good for you; the Southern border is secure; “equity” is “fairness”; biological sex is a “spectrum”; Ukraine is about to win the war; Russia’s economy can be sanctioned to death; political violence is entirely on the far right; children can meaningfully consent to sex changes; the only thing holding black Americans back is white bigotry; the mainstream media is fair; and women have penises. Yes, Trump is a shameless liar. But the left’s propaganda has muddied the waters. When NBC’s higher-ups took Morning Joe off the air this week, it was a real moment. Even the muckety-mucks couldn’t take the lucrative propaganda anymore.
I will never vote for Trump — because he is so psychologically disturbed and so contemptuous of the rule of law that he remains a danger to us and the world. But I can see the logic of Trumpism. Those who feel left behind — culturally, economically — need at least one party to represent them and their values. As Biden has proven, protectionism is not all bad, especially when related to supply chains and national security. Mass immigration is out of control, and only one party gets it. Support for those who have lost the most from globalization seems to me a defensible conservative position, after migrant winners like me have had such a good run of it. And the madness of the neocon war machine demands a president able to spurn it."
Yeah good read.

glad you put that clip up. I've thought about that speech/stand up routine a lot over the years. A pivotal and significant moment in American history that gets overlooked by many. It was actually quite a funny speech, Obama riffing on Trump and you could see Donald was seething. it was a bit of payback for Trump's birther boosting. Trump had boasted about running since the 80's, but that was the moment that decided him. Ego is a powerful motivator and Trump's ego can be seen from space.
I thought about that speech the day Trump was inaugurated and Obama had to hand over the White House keys, I bet Obama didn't think it was too funny that day.
I've always blamed Obama and that speech for unleashing Trump.
Another good post from you @Roker.

Jelly Flater wrote:;);)
@JF , do you think Kamala ends her sentences with lol ?

^ haha @supa
yep.... in this moment, the past and the future
- a lol, a gol and a wtf did she say ;)

adam12 wrote:@Roker,
glad you put that clip up. I've thought about that speech/stand up routine a lot over the years. A pivotal and significant moment in American history that gets overlooked by many. It was actually quite a funny speech, Obama riffing on Trump and you could see Donald was seething. it was a bit of payback for Trump's birther boosting. Trump had boasted about running since the 80's, but that was the moment that decided him. Ego is a powerful motivator and Trump's ego can be seen from space.
I thought about that speech the day Trump was inaugurated and Obama had to hand over the White House keys, I bet Obama didn't think it was too funny that day.
I've always blamed Obama and that speech for unleashing Trump.
Another good post from you @Roker.
For mine, Obama remained stately coy about the lies Trump and the birther movement spread about him, even after he produced the birth certificate. This was an opportunity to push back. It wasn't wanton laughs but the punchlines came off the back of Trump's lies, so it's hard to see how anyone could blame Obama for Trump rising to power.
Also for mine, Steve Bannon was the architect, motivator, and operator of Trump's first term. No questions. Trump could simmer all he wanted, without Bannon he was nothing.

- the cackling dingus is not alone ;)

....for any and every moment in time

every retard I've ever met in the workplace loves Venn diagrams, mind maps and lotsa different colours in timetables. They think such things unleash special secrets to how the world works, that the rest of us didn't already see. The worst bit is when they Vennsplain their breakthroughs to everyone.

nice to see the dems energised a bit...
not sure about these claims she'll smash trump in the debates though...
I know we live in an age of toxic positivity and propaganda
but really?
you seen the border?
(her responsibility)
this is the especially case when you look at some of her past performances
she's just weird
interesting the clinton's have endorsed her and the obama's have not...
who really runs america?
is the nominee still up in the air?
(I kinda hope so)
if not... her vp choice gonna b interesting...
lotsa fawning for big gay pete
interesting times all round
(at least the trumpy gop gloating's on hold now... for a while... that shit's really nauseating)


Dem Vice Prez is her own worst enemy!
* Lack of Trust = VP willfully constantly lied and hid Commander in Chief's ability to defend USA.
* Boycott of Democracy = VP Accepted a Parachute drop with Zero Dem Process by supporters.
* Misappropriation of Funds = VP stole funds from a sick and elderly incapacitated President.
* Polling Booths = Greets Voters with Marshall Amps & Armed Goons..."You heard the little lady!"
* First Husband = Renowned for Politicizing & Weaponizing The White House as Israel Defence Bunker.
4th July White House Fire Works...lock that in!
Dem Prez Candidate : "I know one VP I proved to you, that I can't tell the truth!"
* Vote #1 Lying cheating thieving unstately bully thug as Prez
Ask : How the hell does a Trusted Political Party shake off that shit with a button smile & a handshake!
If Dems go down this road... they blow 100 years of Democracy to exempt tainted Undemocratic Rivals!
Shoot themselves in both left feet to fast track Trump into the White House!
The Clintons just endorsed Kamala & in doing so just handed Trump the Presidency by default!
[Factcheck] 1992 President Elect Clinton is 77yrs/old (vs) 2024 Prez Candidate Trump is 78yrs/old
Only Obama hangs true to uphold their Democratic Oath...for how long before he too sells out!


Well, I was wrong.
Obama and Pelosi must've had a gun to his head to make him sign that pre-written letter, with Jill gagged and bound to a chair.
Kamala. Unburdened. , ,,,,,,,,,, Coming Soon

no matter who the dems put up, trump is going to steamroll over them, MAGOA

Milwaukee RNC 300% increase in Black Delegates...That's good right!
2016 RNC 18 Black Delegates > 2024 RNC 55 / 2,429 = (2%) delegates (US Black Pop =14.4%)
Crew might have picked up on Indian Sikh influence at the heart of the Global Far Right Revival...
tbb will share this intro for some background to Indian / US / UK Far Right Conventions.
Breitbart is at the Heart + also the very public hot apple pie face of Vivek Ramaswamy
Here's the current update...all are falling into line behind Trump...
2024 RNC...It's all good...Right! Nothing suss until this...
Now all be silent for Ardas Sikh Prez Prayer...Say Wot?
Ok! That's some mighty leap for Republican did they react to their drinks being spiked? the RNC...Most (Cough!) Delegates were likely massaged with a Hipster Translation or such!
Then came the Online Trolls...that's a little bit of a hard sell...a bridge too far!
"Satanic Chants to False Godz!"
"Anti Christian / Blasphemous / Witchcraft > Praying to a Foreign God! At a GOP Event!
"How about you get Deported instead...You Pagan Blasphemer!"
"God saves our Prez & RNC mocks him with Witchcraft!"
Uniformed Unity! Not ONEOFUS!
Indian News Chick acts why they not like the Psychedelic Lady's Trump Vigil?
Gee! Like I don't know Miss News Chick... Indians ya Say! We still got them...FFS!
RNC VIP Sikh Guru Chick : {{( The Universality of God dismisses the online Negative Energy )}}
Gotta Luv that Positive Vibe...all hail the New Wave Republican Groove! Hmmmmmm!

Roadkill wrote:Word salad Harris….she seems hopeless to me.
Wax, what say you? She a winner?
Hey Roady, just saw this. As far as do i think she can do the job, i have the same hangup with her that i do with Vance. No experience in foreign affairs. She's picked up some as VP, but she'll have a steep ramp.
But, i think your question was just 'can she win?'
Again. Steep ramp. I have come away from watching her on C-Span in the past being very impressed, and i have come away feeling like she just ain't got it. She's tough as nails, maybe too much.
This race was looking tight for much of this year. How much defection has occurred by the Trump-curious? She'll have to solidify the coalition, first, then regain those defectors, and that might not be enough. So, like i said a few days ago, if you made me bet my money, i'd bet on Trump.
The Dems would do well to remodel their messaging now that they have a new face. But, the Dems don't do politics well.

Geez you talk about politics the same way the Aussies did for most of my life @wax. They had a view, fairly informed opinion and a preference, then jovially observed the circus in a mildly detached way, free from hyperbole, hysteria and rhetoric. Just a bit of piss-taking and harmless blather. Not sure we do that so well any more. Hope you had similar glory days on the US west coast.

I sort of feel for Old Joe in this moment, it's gotta be a very bitter pill for him to swallow.
It could take days before they have him believing he was the greatest POTUS of all time.

^ haha, "don't cry, he's senile".

etarip wrote:The thing with the ‘Biden old, Trump nasty’ argument is that Trump is showing as much, if not more cognitive decline. It just doesn’t capture the limelight due to his manifold other shortfalls. There’s plenty of evidence - most recently a rally where one where the teleprompter stopped… and so did he…. For almost a minute. Silence. Nothing but confusion.
As for politically motivated / activist judges - how about Carroll in FL? Trump appointed judge, pretty much running an interference campaign of her own. But again, you don’t hear about that.
Do you still think Trump is showing as much or more cognitive decline ???

Sept 2023 Kamala's College Voter Rego Emergency Lockdown Motorcade
18 Secret Service / cops-includes the Blocking Cars + 4 MPV + Ambo
(Just 3,600 folk care enough to witness $ Millions x $Millions Self indulgent Civic waste!)
May/June Seattle Dem Fundraiser $10,000 (Entry) > $20,000 (photo) > $150,000 Big Naming at Event.
Just 3,200 view Kamala's Emergency Town Lockdown for $10,000 -150,000 Dem Fundraiser
Kamalacade : 34 Cop Bikes +15 Secret Service + 3 MPVs + 2 Fire Trucks + Cops Donut Van
Motorcade continues in town with just 454 views for this exorbitant waste of Civic money!
Only in USA....
None give a fuck that VP Kamala blows $Millions x $Millions just to attend a Dem fund raiser!
All Emergency Services / Resources + Town is shut down for $150,000 Ticket to her reelection Gig!
Crew can try to convince tbb to enrol to Vote...good luck with that...fuckin' feel sick watchin' that shit!
Democracy is fuckin' Dead! Dead! Dead! & buried beneath some Greek Ruin somewhere.
Dumbass Chick should mandate herself outta the far removed from reality!
Represents herself & nothing more than that...apologize & give back the money!
Just run an online reffo with each week's Lotto...gotta be better than this corrupted shit!

Hey Base. Yeah, that is how politics have always been here, too. Until the current iteration of Populism. I wonder can that ever return (taking long view), or is it a matter of Can't put toothpaste back in the tube once it's out.

indo-dreaming wrote:etarip wrote:The thing with the ‘Biden old, Trump nasty’ argument is that Trump is showing as much, if not more cognitive decline. It just doesn’t capture the limelight due to his manifold other shortfalls. There’s plenty of evidence - most recently a rally where one where the teleprompter stopped… and so did he…. For almost a minute. Silence. Nothing but confusion.
As for politically motivated / activist judges - how about Carroll in FL? Trump appointed judge, pretty much running an interference campaign of her own. But again, you don’t hear about that.
Do you still think Trump is showing as much or more cognitive decline ???
Both Biden and Trump are hopeless without the teleprompter. Biden showed it in the debate, Trump seems like he is giving two speeches at once, one written for him off the teleprompter and another as he wanders off script into rambling madness or like @etarip says he just stops. The Republican House leader did the same thing at the RNC. The teleprompter stopped on him and he froze, couldn't continue and just wandered off.
Obama gave some great speeches but they too were read off the prompter.
There was a time when great leaders had the ability to speak without notes. Two of the greatest speeches in American history were made without a prompter, without reading from notes, they were not planned, made spontaneously and happened within hours of one another.
Most people when they think of Martin Luther King speeches think of the "I have a dream" speech, a remarkable speech, but to me it's his "Been to the mountaintop" speech that still chills every time I see it.
King wasn't going to speak this night, he was struck down with flu and had sent others to appear for him. But the crowd had waited and wanted to hear him speak and he was persuaded to come. What is amazing is King's apparent premonition as to what would happen the following day. King made this speech unprepared, no notes, no teleprompter. He would be shot dead by James Earl Ray standing on his hotel balcony the next day.
America exploded the night of King's assassination, over a hundred cities burned. Bobby Kennedy was campaigning for the Democratic nomination at the time and was due to make a campaign speech in Indianapolis that night, at a rally to be held in the African American section of the town, he had already made two speeches that day. When news of King's murder came in his people didn't want him to attend fearing a riot, but Kennedy insisted. Many attending had not yet heard the news, Kennedy threw out his campaign speech, got up to the podium and made the following, including reciting lines from Agamemnon by Aeschylus. No one rioted in Indianapolis that night.
Where are the men, or women, like this today?

Hey Waxxy
When do you consider this current form of populism started over there?
I can only ever remember mindless flag waving, cheering, bloods or crips style support for political parties over there.
Has there ever been a centre(center) over there that gets a say in the media? Are the centre the ones that don’t bother voting?
It’s very strange in my view.
basesix described the attitude to politics/politicians in Oz quite well.

Wow. Powerful stuff. Thanks for sharing @adam12 along with the background to it.
That Kennedy speech, unrehearsed in such a supercharged and pivotal moment was incredible.

^ very true... both admirable humans and leaders
- big difference between speaking from the heart vs a script ;)

adam12 wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:etarip wrote:The thing with the ‘Biden old, Trump nasty’ argument is that Trump is showing as much, if not more cognitive decline. It just doesn’t capture the limelight due to his manifold other shortfalls. There’s plenty of evidence - most recently a rally where one where the teleprompter stopped… and so did he…. For almost a minute. Silence. Nothing but confusion.
As for politically motivated / activist judges - how about Carroll in FL? Trump appointed judge, pretty much running an interference campaign of her own. But again, you don’t hear about that.
Do you still think Trump is showing as much or more cognitive decline ???
Both Biden and Trump are hopeless without the teleprompter. Biden showed it in the debate, Trump seems like he is giving two speeches at once, one written for him off the teleprompter and another as he wanders off script into rambling madness or like @etarip says he just stops. The Republican House leader did the same thing at the RNC. The teleprompter stopped on him and he froze, couldn't continue and just wandered off.
Obama gave some great speeches but they too were read off the prompter.
There was a time when great leaders had the ability to speak without notes. Two of the greatest speeches in American history were made without a prompter, without reading from notes, they were not planned, made spontaneously and happened within hours of one another.
Most people when they think of Martin Luther King speeches think of the "I have a dream" speech, a remarkable speech, but to me it's his "Been to the mountaintop" speech that still chills every time I see it.
King wasn't going to speak this night, he was struck down with flu and had sent others to appear for him. But the crowd had waited and wanted to hear him speak and he was persuaded to come. What is amazing is King's apparent premonition as to what would happen the following day. King made this speech unprepared, no notes, no teleprompter. He would be shot dead by James Earl Ray standing on his hotel balcony the next day.
America exploded the night of King's assassination, over a hundred cities burned. Bobby Kennedy was campaigning for the Democratic nomination at the time and was due to make a campaign speech in Indianapolis that night, at a rally to be held in the African American section of the town, he had already made two speeches that day. When news of King's murder came in his people didn't want him to attend fearing a riot, but Kennedy insisted. Many attending had not yet heard the news, Kennedy threw out his campaign speech, got up to the podium and made the following, including reciting lines from Agamemnon by Aeschylus. No one rioted in Indianapolis that night.
Where are the men, or women, like this today?
Theres no comparison between Biden and Trump in cognitive decline, Trump is a lot of things but he is pretty quick witted for his age not only when he talks but also his actions.
The most recent example him.being so switched on after being shot at that he ceased the moment with a raised fist.
Many have been in denial about Bidens cognitive decline for years now making all kinds of excuses, but it finally got to the point recently that even those is his own party couldnt deny it any longer.

great orating is a symptom of the confidence of a constant thinker. you see a person's mettle and character and sorrow and hope when they have a good fukn off-the-cuff rant. and there's seldom taking those sorts of rants back. May they stand the test of time.
^ heartening to hear, @wax, we suffer from an assumption that you guys always need to have a dog-and-pony show to get voters out (I think you are at about 2/3 voter turn out for presidential. We preen out feathers about our compulsory voting every chance we get.. tbb knows what that stuff all means).
like 'seppos' think Aussies have tanned pet kangaroos and spend their days dodging crocs and spiders, we tend to think of the US pollies as always pressing-the-flesh and playing the angles, as we do our own to a degree (minus the engaging cult of personalities.. ours are all pretty much all the same person like UK/NZ. Canada has caught up, takes an actor to send the signal it is a job for literally anyone.. you guys opened a world of possibilities up with cowboy Reagan).

Hold on Base.................. you guys DON'T spend a lotta time dodging crocs and spiders?!?!

nah.. the snakes and sharks take up most of our time because mostly we get drunk in the bush and then fling ourselves into the ocean.

indo-dreaming wrote:bonza wrote:some gems in here..
"Another is the incoherence of the Resistance. If you want to protest potential abuse of the justice system by a future president Trump, don’t bring an obviously flimsy, political case in New York City that merely helped Trump sweep back to dominance in the GOP. If you want a saner GOP, don’t demonize every other possibility, from DeSantis to Vance. If you emphasize the danger of political violence, don’t turn a blind eye as BLM burns America’s cities to the ground, or ignore Antifa. If you want to accuse Fox News of propaganda, don’t push out equal and opposite propaganda on toxic MSNBC. If you think democracy dies in darkness, why try to get Trump legally excluded from some state ballots, and prevent any real primary among Democrats.......
.......The lies the Democrats have been telling us these past few years are legion: inflation won’t happen/is temporary/is good for you; the Southern border is secure; “equity” is “fairness”; biological sex is a “spectrum”; Ukraine is about to win the war; Russia’s economy can be sanctioned to death; political violence is entirely on the far right; children can meaningfully consent to sex changes; the only thing holding black Americans back is white bigotry; the mainstream media is fair; and women have penises. Yes, Trump is a shameless liar. But the left’s propaganda has muddied the waters. When NBC’s higher-ups took Morning Joe off the air this week, it was a real moment. Even the muckety-mucks couldn’t take the lucrative propaganda anymore.
I will never vote for Trump — because he is so psychologically disturbed and so contemptuous of the rule of law that he remains a danger to us and the world. But I can see the logic of Trumpism. Those who feel left behind — culturally, economically — need at least one party to represent them and their values. As Biden has proven, protectionism is not all bad, especially when related to supply chains and national security. Mass immigration is out of control, and only one party gets it. Support for those who have lost the most from globalization seems to me a defensible conservative position, after migrant winners like me have had such a good run of it. And the madness of the neocon war machine demands a president able to spurn it."
Yeah good read.
I agreed with most premises and disagreed with a smaller number. I gauged this as Center-Right. (subjectively) So, that seems in line. I agree, Indio. It was a good read. Thanx, Bonza.

Adam, thanx for giving me the excuse to listen to that Bobby Kennedy speech, again.
That is my all time favorite political speech, and i never pass up the chance to hear it again.
It gives me goose pimples every time.

wax24 wrote:Hold on Base.................. you guys DON'T spend a lotta time dodging crocs and spiders?!?!
hehe Base. you’ve somehow tickled my memory to this:
It is 1977 and i am playing stairball.
Stairball is a game i invented throwing a tennis ball at my front steps (14 concrete steps) Modeled after baseball, OF COURSE, i had all sortsa rules and kept score…. what can i say? i was 9 yrs old.
I am digressing.
So, i am playing stairball and it is a foggy day. The sorta foggy day where you can see the neighbors house, but not the next house down. Lotsa days like that where i grew up. Ocean gray far more than ocean blue. (which, here, is really ocean green)
Suddenly! Outta the fog! A gray haired man in a SUIT comes jogging at me!
For whatever reason, i wasn’t startled. He looked really nice.
And he was out running other, younger guys in suits. Which i thought was cool.
He turned out to be Tom Lantos. A Democrat. He was running for I Don’t Remember What and wound up being a bit of a legacy pollie, ascending to I Don’t Remember Where (the US Senate, i wanna say?)
He was pressin my flesh. A nine year old. It worked. I liked him and promised i’d vote for him.
He asked were my parents available.
I ran up the stairs and got Mom. She shut me a dirty look and went down to chat with the Pollie.
We wound up with all kindsa Tom Lantos Swag that day. I had bumper stickers of his motto, I Can’t Remember What, on my wall that whole year. Doin my part for my new friend. Peeled the paint off when i went to remove em.
My parents had a talk with me about politics that night. I don’t remember what was said, but it was IMPORTANT.
There is no point to this story (though it seems to contain some “sub points” within it).
Just a nice memory for me.
(and we all know how those work!)

wax24 wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:bonza wrote:some gems in here..
"Another is the incoherence of the Resistance. If you want to protest potential abuse of the justice system by a future president Trump, don’t bring an obviously flimsy, political case in New York City that merely helped Trump sweep back to dominance in the GOP. If you want a saner GOP, don’t demonize every other possibility, from DeSantis to Vance. If you emphasize the danger of political violence, don’t turn a blind eye as BLM burns America’s cities to the ground, or ignore Antifa. If you want to accuse Fox News of propaganda, don’t push out equal and opposite propaganda on toxic MSNBC. If you think democracy dies in darkness, why try to get Trump legally excluded from some state ballots, and prevent any real primary among Democrats.......
.......The lies the Democrats have been telling us these past few years are legion: inflation won’t happen/is temporary/is good for you; the Southern border is secure; “equity” is “fairness”; biological sex is a “spectrum”; Ukraine is about to win the war; Russia’s economy can be sanctioned to death; political violence is entirely on the far right; children can meaningfully consent to sex changes; the only thing holding black Americans back is white bigotry; the mainstream media is fair; and women have penises. Yes, Trump is a shameless liar. But the left’s propaganda has muddied the waters. When NBC’s higher-ups took Morning Joe off the air this week, it was a real moment. Even the muckety-mucks couldn’t take the lucrative propaganda anymore.
I will never vote for Trump — because he is so psychologically disturbed and so contemptuous of the rule of law that he remains a danger to us and the world. But I can see the logic of Trumpism. Those who feel left behind — culturally, economically — need at least one party to represent them and their values. As Biden has proven, protectionism is not all bad, especially when related to supply chains and national security. Mass immigration is out of control, and only one party gets it. Support for those who have lost the most from globalization seems to me a defensible conservative position, after migrant winners like me have had such a good run of it. And the madness of the neocon war machine demands a president able to spurn it."
Yeah good read.
I agreed with most premises and disagreed with a smaller number. I gauged this as Center-Right. (subjectively) So, that seems in line. I agree, Indio. It was a good read. Thanx, Bonza.
Hey Indo. Just realized i misspelled your name. So sorry. I was puttin my stuff away, changing clothes (just gettin home from work… bout 8:30am, my time) And tryin to do SwellNet at same time.
Lesson learned, lol.
Go well and don’t take offense.

seeds wrote:Hey Waxxy
When do you consider this current form of populism started over there?
I can only ever remember mindless flag waving, cheering, bloods or crips style support for political parties over there.
Has there ever been a centre(center) over there that gets a say in the media? Are the centre the ones that don’t bother voting?
It’s very strange in my view.
basesix described the attitude to politics/politicians in Oz quite well.
Hey Seedsy. I put the origin point for THIS populist uprising at 1994.
To explain, i view Populism as being ever present and believe that it always has been here in SeppoLand.
It just needs to be legitimized to touch off.
Kinda like mold in the walls. Without moisture, it just lies dormant. Introduce condensation, it starts to animate. Introduce moisture and it touches off. Spores in the air, now. Not too long before your a moldy-fuck if you don’t recognize the symptoms early.
I am digressing again.
In 1994, Newt Gingrich ascended to Speaker Of The House, second in line behind VP should the President need to be replaced. (meant: as in died while in office)
He used the bare knuckles, crass, offensive-and-i-don’t-care style to get there. Because Newt resonated. And his style was so less than becoming, to say the least. The Dems didn’t see the desperation of many then. Right then and there. In 1994. Because that was the shift.
The Dems shoulda seen this all coming, but they got fat, happy, and old. Geezus, the GOP shoulda had it’s way with the Dems, given this advantage.
They had tapped into a growing discontentment amongst the masses.
The problem for them is, they have had to embrace all the Crazy that comes along with courting the folks they were now courting.
They still have this problem.
Anti-Abortion is a major loser in this country. Whatever your own personal opinions of this are.
They have to consistently throw red meat to those activists to maintain “street cred” even as they KNOW how risky that is.
As an example.
There’s 3 decades more to cover, mate, but this is already too damn much.
There is an under served massive Centrist coalition in this country.
I have referred to them recently here as the Silent Majority.
It has always been them who have steered US politics.
FDR wanted to get into WWII a coupla years before we did. And that was only cuz of Pearl Harbor.
The Silent Majority didn’t allow it.
As an example, and, in this case, one where the Silent Majority was wrong.
This coalition is immeasurable because they tend to only speak in the voting booth.
That is why pundits, and anyone else, have so often been made foolish with predictions.
They were made mass foolish when Trump won in 2016.
So, come November? Mate, we have a new Dems ticket. To be shredded or rise. We have a stubborn coalition that always steered the country that is dominated by Never Trumpers…
as Base said… i have my views, girly formed opinions, and preferences.
Beyond that, i have all my personal resources. I humbly possess a very deep well. Haven’t found the bottom yet.
Not worried.

wax24 wrote:seeds wrote:Hey Waxxy
When do you consider this current form of populism started over there?
I can only ever remember mindless flag waving, cheering, bloods or crips style support for political parties over there.
Has there ever been a centre(center) over there that gets a say in the media? Are the centre the ones that don’t bother voting?
It’s very strange in my view.
basesix described the attitude to politics/politicians in Oz quite well.Hey Seedsy. I put the origin point for THIS populist uprising at 1994.
To explain, i view Populism as being ever present and believe that it always has been here in SeppoLand.
It just needs to be legitimized to touch off.
Kinda like mold in the walls. Without moisture, it just lies dormant. Introduce condensation, it starts to animate. Introduce moisture and it touches off. Spores in the air, now. Not too long before your a moldy-fuck if you don’t recognize the symptoms early.
I am digressing again.
In 1994, Newt Gingrich ascended to Speaker Of The House, second in line behind VP should the President need to be replaced. (meant: as in died while in office)
He used the bare knuckles, crass, offensive-and-i-don’t-care style to get there. Because Newt resonated. And his style was so less than becoming, to say the least. The Dems didn’t see the desperation of many then. Right then and there. In 1994. Because that was the shift.
The Dems shoulda seen this all coming, but they got fat, happy, and old. Geezus, the GOP shoulda had it’s way with the Dems, given this advantage.
They had tapped into a growing discontentment amongst the masses.
The problem for them is, they have had to embrace all the Crazy that comes along with courting the folks they were now courting.
They still have this problem.
Anti-Abortion is a major loser in this country. Whatever your own personal opinions of this are.
They have to consistently throw red meat to those activists to maintain “street cred” even as they KNOW how risky that is.
As an example.
There’s 3 decades more to cover, mate, but this is already too damn much.
There is an under served massive Centrist coalition in this country.
I have referred to them recently here as the Silent Majority.
It has always been them who have steered US politics.
FDR wanted to get into WWII a coupla years before we did. And that was only cuz of Pearl Harbor.
The Silent Majority didn’t allow it.
As an example, and, in this case, one where the Silent Majority was wrong.
This coalition is immeasurable because they tend to only speak in the voting booth.
That is why pundits, and anyone else, have so often been made foolish with predictions.
They were made mass foolish when Trump won in 2016.
So, come November? Mate, we have a new Dems ticket. To be shredded or rise. We have a stubborn coalition that always steered the country that is dominated by Never Trumpers…
as Base said… i have my views, girly formed opinions, and preferences.
Beyond that, i have all my personal resources. I humbly possess a very deep well. Haven’t found the bottom yet.
Not worried.
Wax24. Hi fella, hope you’re well.
Wow, nice writing.
You could put your hand in my opinion. I have enjoyed what you’ve presented.AW

The gloves are off , don’t think donny will try to grab her on the ….. it got pretty nasty with don & killery but I’ve a feeling this will go next level.

A great discussion !
So U have eaten an Onion Waxy , that so cool .
A bit of Spanish onion is lovely in a Greek Salad .
Abbott is really out there , on the Fox Board , but is a Surfer , so crazy good imho .
Adam12 2 , he does remember the Classic Speeches and not so classic 2 :) !
The Silent Majority , I think we have 1 2 !
Maybe not as big , as the US ?
So interesting that they were able to STOP the President , going into WW2 !!!
It WAS a big mistake , but love that they were able to Enforce their View .
America was always so different , the people had power to defend themselves !
Don't Fuck with the people , be U a King or a Queen , get nicked !
This Group WILL decided the fate of the World again .
The NEOCON's will , as now shit scarred of Trump winning , REALLY try and start WW3 .
The Blocks are in place , there is Massive Government Dept to wipe Out and they don't care about the Human cost .
Something terrible , that Trump can't stop .
My guess is the Silent Majority , now KNOWS what the Establishment are up 2 .
The Establishment has gone Way too Far , being unAmerican Tyrants !
Now Not working 4 , the Silent Majority .
They did stuff UP in WW2 , the cavalry came way too late then .
THIS time THEY can show us , how to Stop the Crap and stop WW3 happening in 2-3 years , IF they can Enforce their Views again .
Bon Chance !
Watching the Web cams on SN , looking for a Flying Blue Bandicoot and about to find a new , Devine Madman's Pad .
Another interesting day , on Planet Earth !

Calling Abbott a surfer could be pushing it a bit @ popdown. I could be wrong, but imho he can barely stand on a log, and he does it now and again for a photo opportunity to be cool and appeal to the masses.

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank