The United States(!) of A

sypkan wrote:soviets and narcicists...
the aloofness and general cluelessness really is next level
I think the Niall Ferguson article makes an astute observation, the Spiked one is a hollow takedown. Really, using Vogue to make a serious political point..?

well, we can't really compare niall ferguson with spiked...
but I thought the vogue quotes were very telling
these people actually think that shit is alright
It just displays the void-ous gulf that has developed
both in reality and inequality

I read if Biden drops out under pressure from inside his party its likely to happen this week.
Going to be so interesting watching this space, and if he does surely kamala harris doesnt take his place, that might be just as bad.

big push from within to hold a rushed primary...
whilst I can't stand the language... I have to agree with dissidents, it would be a huuuuugely energizing process, and would more than likely dethrone trump...
the mystery remains... why wouldn't they?
they literally have nothing to lose at this point...
but #theresistance is huuuuuuge too...
biden now not just gone trump orange man... but gone full trumpy ''s me versus the elites...'
the irony running thick
big donors closed their wallets, as the jill / hunter clown show goes full bunkered down...
'democracy is on the ballot'
irony off the charts!

rats and a sinking ship...

lies unravelling...
angry press corps
these people seem to feel genuinely betrayed...
the whole thing is just weirdness on steroids

Trump now narrows to 1.50 on sportsbet

Anyone know at which point it becomes to late for him to drop out?

indo-dreaming wrote:Anyone know at which point it becomes to late for him to drop out?
Trump can pull out whenever he likes. :)
But if you mean Biden, the Democrat Convention (in September I think, correct me if I’m wrong) is when they formalise his candidacy. So technically, up to that point he can withdraw “cleanly”.

Hey Blackers
The Convention is in August .
Democrats in NY are accusing Kennedy of Electoral fraud , 2 witnesses lol , 2 have him removed from the ballot .
Biden sent out a letter to all Democrats , to Unite behind him , to beat Trump .
August is the killing month and Hilary will emerge 2 Save the Day imho .

Thanks for the correction. Hilary? Hardly.

Well that’s the end of Biden!
Calls Zelenskyy President Putin?
Calls Kamala Vice President Trump and doesn’t even correct himself. WTF?

He’s finished. Even my hardcore Democrat mates had a change of heart with the recent developments. If election was held today Trump wins 100%.

These Democrats are nuts, they need to urgently put someone normal in. We should be talking about how crazy trump is, not analysing every word from this old man’s mouth. So distracting from real issues.

George Clooney intervention - written and authorised by Barack Obama - first step in the plan to ease Kamala out of the succession. As gently as possible. Without provoking an uprising from the base.

flollo wrote:These Democrats are nuts, they need to urgently put someone normal in. We should be talking about how crazy trump is, not analysing every word from this old man’s mouth. So distracting from real issues.
It is time Biden stepped back from public life and let someone else take over. But he is normal flollo, just suffering the effects of ageing like many others. It could happen to you or me. After a lifetime in politics, Biden deserves to see out his days in a relaxed and peaceful retirement.
Sadly most of the Sky News clowns: Panahi, Dean, etc think it's funny, especially that little turd Caleb Bond who was in hysterics while reporting on the debate. They really are low life shit at Sky.


[Breaking News] Warning! Trump Rally Gunshots...

Vote 1 Trump. What a legend

faaaar out. the bald eagle has landed.
4 more years for Trump, maga war hero.
(good find with Mr Chrisy Mertas, tbb!)

Shit! That close to being dead.

No one should be surprised. America is so fucked now it could have been Biden as easily as it was Trump.
A fractured nation full of crazy divisive politics and going crazier every day.

the surprising part is, it didn't happen sooner...
was close, clearly a head shot
just when it seemed the term 'conspiracy theory' had fallen from high rotation...

ladies and gentlemen...
the (new) president of the united states of america
This goes super hard
— UBERSOY (@UBERSOY1) July 13, 2024
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CNN won't be running that photo
CNN's gotta CNN...
CNN has framed Trump shooting as an “interruption”
What would they lead with if this was Biden?
An environment of hatred and hysteria has been created - and not by Trump as they continually claim, but by the technocratic state. They’ll probably find a way to blame him for…— Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) July 13, 2024
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they did run it, sort of...
Worse: they spun this as a fall.
— Harper_Flynn (@Harper__Flynn) July 13, 2024
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sypkan wrote:CNN won't be running that photo
CNN's gotta CNN...
CNN has framed Trump shooting as an “interruption”
What would they lead with if this was Biden?
An environment of hatred and hysteria has been created - and not by Trump as they continually claim, but by the technocratic state. They’ll probably find a way to blame him for…— Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) July 13, 2024
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“An environment of hatred and hysteria has been created - and not by Trump as they continually claim”
Comedic timing on point.
Biden…we must unite as one nation.
Also, comedic timing on point.

Assassination attempt footage...
Metal Detectors > Check Bag Checks / Thermos
Shooter Dead + 1 Bystander Killed {rip}
[00:1-00:3] 3x 2 pops
[00:4] Trump touches Face + "Get Down x...."
[00:6-00:8] 3x 2 pops + 1 pop
[00:18] Crossfire Sniper 1 pop (From opposing direction)
[00:29] #1 BG is a Top Chick ( Watch! )
[00:35] Hawkeye ( Prez Car is Ready )
[00:37] #1 Top Chick (No Armour!) Heads> Clears Trump's path...Hold's Fort!
[00:47] Shooter Down
[1:03] Trump : "Let me get my Shoes"
[1:05] #1 Top Chick rushes back to Prez ...Consoles him...C'mon Move it out!
[1:06] Trump rises with Bloody Face!
[1:11] #1 Top chick 'Unprotected > Shields the Whole Prez Crew'... as Trump gets shoes!
[1:18] Trump : "Wait! (Fist Pumps)
[1:28] #1 Top Chick now Shoulders her Prez down the Stairs...
[1:36] Trump Drops Cap > #1 Top Chick...I Got worries Prez!
[1:36] xX# USA! USA! USA! #Xx
[1:58] #1 Top Chick now spreads to shield whole Prez Team @ Car!
[2:03] #1 Top Chick teams with 3 Chicks to surround the Prez car!
This Vid will go down in history as #1 Heroic Act by any Bodyguard (Male or Female)
tbb salutes Bodyguards & US #1 Hero!
Now! Let's see how long it takes for World to notice the Little Chick just doin' her job!
Holy Fuckin' Shit...That's the true definition of a Hero!
tbb motions for Highest honour for that Chick...Far out Lady...that's the best!
Take a Bow!

....a shaker and a mover ;)

'just an idea'
BREAKING: Butler Police Department confirms the arrest of Mark Violets, identified as the Trump shooter and a known antifa extremist. Before the attack, he uploaded a video on YouTube claiming "justice was coming."
— I Meme Therefore I Am (@ImMeme0) July 13, 2024
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the 'conspiracies' write themselves...
The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 14, 2024
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sypkan wrote:'just an idea'
BREAKING: Butler Police Department confirms the arrest of Mark Violets, identified as the Trump shooter and a known antifa extremist. Before the attack, he uploaded a video on YouTube claiming "justice was coming."
— I Meme Therefore I Am (@ImMeme0) July 13, 2024
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They arrested a dead guy?

All I can think of today is….
How lucky we are to live in Australia.

So for 2-3mins someone was telling them there was a guy with a rifle on the roof and they did nothing till he was shot, ok.

Well done True Blue highlighting , the Top Chick !!!
In a moment of panic , when those around U are loosing their marbles , True character and Grit shine out , like a Beacon in the night .
The Ultimate Shepard !
Got to give Trump credit 2 .
He quickly realised he wasn't stung by a wasp and dropped .
Then , to raise his Fist , face bloodied , the Ultimate act of defiance !
A picture saying a Thousand words .

I can’t believe that didn’t happen sooner.
That country is a basket case.
Fuck he was so close to being dead.

Was lucky he was turning to the right when speaking at that moment, if he was looking straight ahead would of been a clean side head shot.

If it wasn't already, his second term is as good as guaranteed now.

Prettty heavy, but no suprise.
Conspiracy theorys are going to be going crazy for the next few month's.
Surely Biden has to be replaced to have any chance now, but then overlooking Kamala haris who is also unpopular is going to be an issue especially being a women of colour.
Her being overlooked will be seen by many as being based on her ethicity and sex.
Interesting times thats for sure.

Say what you want about Trump but Pretty visually impressive effort to get up off the ground with his fist up in defiance.
It’s the attitude you want a leader to portray.

All see the first respondent Bodyguards were exceptional...
It's the moments leading up to the shooting that defy belief...
Tall Ranga Greg stands out a mile away in a paddock..
Ranga Greg : "5-7 minutes we saw the Assassin climbin' & crawlin' on roof with a Rifle & a beer..
Stands there waving & telling cops for 3 mins > staring at Greg & mates Pointing directly at Gunman
Why are they letting Trump Speak...get him off the stage!
Greg says only after the gunman fires off his rounds do snipers eventually respond to take him out!

role reversal time...
just imagine the hysteria if trump had said this
5 days ago Joe Biden said
"We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye."— Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) July 13, 2024
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sypkan wrote:role reversal time...
just imagine the hysteria if trump had said this
5 days ago Joe Biden said
"We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye."— Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) July 13, 2024
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Bro, there's already hysteria about it, and there will be more.

Hysteria and conspiracy theories aside. Trump by a landslide now.
How is this man's luck?
The contrast between a mumbling, vague Biden at the debate and that Iwo Jima like image of a defiant bloodied Trump, fist raised, with the flag flying in the sky behind him...the election's over. Doesn't matter who the Dems put up, Biden, Harris, Newsom...doesn't matter.
When Trump was President and got covid and did the staged helicopter return to the White House where he stood on the balcony and defiantly ripped off his mask there was a story going around at the time that Trump had wanted to wear a Superman costume under his shirt and wanted to tear open the shirt to reveal a Superman logo. Not sure how true it was.
He's Superman now.
Election over. So too is American democracy. A pivotal historic sliding doors moment, a matter of inches.

Good post above TBB about Top-Cat.
Adam- luck?
Trump already had it in the bag, this just sealed it. Dunno about the end of American democracy right now though. Whatever that is.

zenagain wrote:Good post above TBB about Top-Cat.
Adam- luck?
Trump already had it in the bag, this just sealed it. Dunno about the end of American democracy right now though. Whatever that is.
@Zen, a sniper with an AR takes a head shot and hits his ear?
I'd call that pretty lucky. The man has had incredible luck all his life.
As for American democracy, they are going to dismantle it. I've read their plans.
Just watch.

adam12 wrote:zenagain wrote:Good post above TBB about Top-Cat.
Adam- luck?
Trump already had it in the bag, this just sealed it. Dunno about the end of American democracy right now though. Whatever that is.
@Zen, a sniper with an AR takes a head shot and hits his ear?
I'd call that pretty lucky. The man has had incredible luck all his life.
As for American democracy, they are going to dismantle it. I've read their plans.
Just watch.
I didnt take you you for much of a conspiracy type of person, but seems like in one post you have gone down two conspiracy avenues.

I was kinda referring to his election being consolidated with the shot. But a bullet missing his temple by mere millimetres, oh for sure that is luck in spades.
As for the future, I guess that's a wait and see. Hopefully he might be able to get shit done. Not holding my breath though.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank