Australia - you're standing in it

further to that andy-mac, as it is being embraced by universities, and the tools are very good for picking up AI use.. they get got. For now.
If used appropriately, AI is really handy tool. ESL students, and those that hated high-school or get overwhelmed easily, can openly use AI to get an idea of what's required. Then approach it for themselves. Small group seminars and discussions are fast becoming of the utmost relevance.
Together with discussions in tute groups, and encouraging students to talk to their own experiences, rather than pumping out bland generic essays, many lecturers are finding AI more interesting than a problem.
Though having to talk with half a dozen students a week for using it inappropriately is a pain. Those guilty of this are usually entitled international and Australian students trying to lazily tick a box, confused (int and Aus) students who don't understand why it is a problem to use it, or overwhelmed (int and Aus) students who break down and cry.. kinda have to use your judgement, and again, time consuming.
I agree with stunet's wife re research (onus is on institutions to make traditional research targeted, engaging and relevant), and Wyre's post is a big heads up to what's coming. at it's best, it is an opportunity to re-evaluate what the aims of education are into the future.

basesix wrote:further to that andy-mac, as it is being embraced by universities, and the tools are very good for picking up AI use.. they get got. For now.
If used appropriately, AI is really handy tool. ESL students, and those that hated high-school or get overwhelmed easily, can openly use AI to get an idea of what's required. Then approach it for themselves. Small group seminars and discussions are fast becoming of the utmost relevance.
Together with discussions in tute groups, and encouraging students to talk to their own experiences, rather than pumping out bland generic essays, many lecturers are finding AI more interesting than a problem.
Though having to talk with half a dozen students a week for using it inappropriately is a pain. Those guilty of this are usually entitled international and Australian students trying to lazily tick a box, confused (int and Aus) students who don't understand why it is a problem to use it, or overwhelmed (int and Aus) students who break down and cry.. kinda have to use your judgement, and again, time consuming.
I agree with stunet's wife re research (onus is on institutions to make traditional research targeted, engaging and relevant), and Wyre's post is a big heads up to what's coming. at it's best, it is an opportunity to re-evaluate what the aims of education are into the future.
Definitely going to have a major impact on education and work.
As Donald Rumsfeld would say, ' a lot of unknown unknowns'....

basesix wrote:further to that andy-mac, as it is being embraced by universities, and the tools are very good for picking up AI use.. they get got. For now.
If used appropriately, AI is really handy tool. ESL students, and those that hated high-school or get overwhelmed easily, can openly use AI to get an idea of what's required. Then approach it for themselves. Small group seminars and discussions are fast becoming of the utmost relevance.
Together with discussions in tute groups, and encouraging students to talk to their own experiences, rather than pumping out bland generic essays, many lecturers are finding AI more interesting than a problem.
Though having to talk with half a dozen students a week for using it inappropriately is a pain. Those guilty of this are usually entitled international and Australian students trying to lazily tick a box, confused (int and Aus) students who don't understand why it is a problem to use it, or overwhelmed (int and Aus) students who break down and cry.. kinda have to use your judgement, and again, time consuming.
I agree with stunet's wife re research (onus is on institutions to make traditional research targeted, engaging and relevant), and Wyre's post is a big heads up to what's coming. at it's best, it is an opportunity to re-evaluate what the aims of education are into the future.
Great points.
I've heard breathless exclamations around AI for languages, which makes sense in some ways - I mean, if you just hold up a phone in front of someone whose language you can't speak, it will immediately translate for you I guess - but actually processing a new language must surely need immersion/structural knowledge.
Or maybe no need to learn anymore?

All good points above. One take is that it means the tasks being set need to be more than information aggregation exercises, and involve more higher level thinking and analysis. Can't be a bad thing if this becomes the new normal. The guidance must also be clear about what is acceptable and what is not.

There's a cultural component to learning languages. Some cultures can be very direct, whilst others will beat about the bush. Also how will AI deal with slang?
For the moment at least, to truly understand, immersion in the culture and language is still important.

Brilliant.....but Roberts not Happy

No doubt poorlean will have a gofundme page up soon .

Irwin being a princess.
No one really cared or knew until he cried and threatened legal action. Satire and defamation are very different things.
A bit a a Gina Rinehart move by Irwin. Just like her one knew until she cried about it.

ha-ha, the old Streisand Effect. Silly boy.
Harden up Robby.

Yeah, I read that too. I'd be stoked to be parodied.
What a fucken' nancy.

Son of an Australian legend who did a huge amount for Australian wildlife and was an all round legend bloke getting the piss taken out of him by a bogan racist ranga spiv.... Yeah go you good thing.

Hmmm I have mixed feelings on this one.
I think her cartoons are pretty good even if i dont agree with all points of view and im not a fan of Robert's, but unless i missed something? i dont see why there was a need to use him in a cartoon like this.
Politicians are fair game and if someone throws themselves into an issue like say Greeta then yeah fair game.
And If he has also and im just not aware of it, then okay fair game, but has he been vocal on these issues with those views?

andy-mac wrote:Son of an Australian legend who did a huge amount for Australian wildlife and was an all round legend bloke getting the piss taken out of him by a bogan racist ranga spiv.... Yeah go you good thing.

indo-dreaming wrote:Hmmm I have mixed feelings on this one.
I think her cartoons are pretty good even if i dont agree with all points of view and im not a fan of Robert's, but unless i missed something? i dont see why there was a need to use him in a cartoon like this.
Politicians are fair game and if someone throws themselves into an issue like say Greeta then yeah fair game.
And If he has also and im just not aware of it, then okay fair game, but has he been vocal on these issues with those views?
Why not a fan of Rob Indo?
Pretty inoffensive bloke I reckon

Personally, I can see how he'd be offended, I get it. I just think he's overreacting a bit.
That clips got nothing on what South Park did to his old man.

Son of a legend took Govt money. A paid mouthpiece.
100% a fucking sook.

GuySmiley wrote:andy-mac wrote:Son of an Australian legend who did a huge amount for Australian wildlife and was an all round legend bloke getting the piss taken out of him by a bogan racist ranga spiv.... Yeah go you good thing.
Oh geezeees…2 princesses enter the discussion after being so offended by nothing.
This is more sooky than Irwin’s dummy spit. Preciousness personified.

goofyfoot wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Hmmm I have mixed feelings on this one.
I think her cartoons are pretty good even if i dont agree with all points of view and im not a fan of Robert's, but unless i missed something? i dont see why there was a need to use him in a cartoon like this.
Politicians are fair game and if someone throws themselves into an issue like say Greeta then yeah fair game.
And If he has also and im just not aware of it, then okay fair game, but has he been vocal on these issues with those views?
Why not a fan of Rob Indo?
Pretty inoffensive bloke I reckon
I dont mean that in a negative way, just that my view isn't shaped by me being a fan of his, i just dont have much of an opinion or view on him either way, all i know of him is he is Steves son and then mostly just seen snippets of him in magazines or TV including seeing little bits and pieces of him on that celebrity get me out of here crap. (BTW. do agree with comment below it was kinda cringy the bits of saw)
If he has been vocal about different thing's which he might have been seeing his line of work, then maybe fair game, but if not maybe not.
Dont mean to fence sit, but im trying to think how id react if it was someone i did like or respect and they were then unfairly made fun of around things that they migfht not have made public views about.

cringiest thing on free-to-air this year.. far more eeeeeww, than anything the robot ranga could conjure in her dinky little propo-comicommercials..

Holy fuck, is that what's on free to air tv these days?

yep. it's what the 1950s wish they could have been..

I thought it was funny. Bit of a roasting. He should be rapt- you haven't made it till you've publicly had the piss taken out of you. Didn't even make him look bad I reckon.
What does make him look bad is being a big sook. Son of a legend. That's pretty much it, not much to add.

The art of giving and taking a pisstake is well dead. Everyone is too sensitive these days. Fragile egos

where did 'robert' get precious.. I haven't seen it. was it on social media or telly?
(haha, yeh, just was a funny for you seeds ; )

Shit!! Where’s the Kleenex
ps I saw it hahaha

basesix wrote:cringiest thing on free-to-air this year.. far more eeeeeww, than anything the robot ranga could conjure in her dinky little propo-comicommercials..
Crikey,that looks dreadful!

Roadkill wrote:GuySmiley wrote:andy-mac wrote:Son of an Australian legend who did a huge amount for Australian wildlife and was an all round legend bloke getting the piss taken out of him by a bogan racist ranga spiv.... Yeah go you good thing.
Oh geezeees…2 princesses enter the discussion after being so offended by nothing.
This is more sooky than Irwin’s dummy spit. Preciousness personified.
Not offended at all mate.
Little Pauline fanboy ey?
No surprise there.

andy-mac wrote:Roadkill wrote:GuySmiley wrote:andy-mac wrote:Son of an Australian legend who did a huge amount for Australian wildlife and was an all round legend bloke getting the piss taken out of him by a bogan racist ranga spiv.... Yeah go you good thing.
Oh geezeees…2 princesses enter the discussion after being so offended by nothing.
This is more sooky than Irwin’s dummy spit. Preciousness personified.
Not offended at all mate.
Little Pauline fanboy ey?
No surprise there.
Can’t stand her or her politics. Just another self promoting politician, a career spent at the public trough.

I like that Australia has Pauline and I admire her , a bit .
I like Lambie and like we have a few Independents .
Also can just like Brandt , being in our Parliament's .
Hansen , like Katter , can be a bit Mad , but are consistent and their continents , keep voting them in .
Like a broken watch , Hansen's views on Immigration , are Right On Time , this time .
We ALL can feel our Immigration Intake is , atm , way too high .
It's turned into the Number 1 issue in Australia .
That's why we are talking about PH and why We will see a lot more of her .
Immigration is also the Number 1 Election Issue , in many other Countries .
Dutton has 140 k and he continues to talk about it .
Dutton's on the Front foot and has momentum .
What happened 2 Voldy ?
What happened 2 Labor's Numbers ?
Now , everyone believes their 2030 Targets/Numbers are Cooked !
Albo needs some good suggestions , 4 action imho !

Ms Hanson suggested Irwin’s father would not have responded in the same way.
“Lighten up Robert, your father, Steve, he was a larrikin, he had a laugh, he could take the mickey out of himself and you’re complaining about this,” she said.
Ms Hanson told the Sunday Mail the video was “not about (Robert)”, but about issues in Queensland, and suggested others would have been grateful to be included in the clip.
“I’ve got members of parliament asking me when they get to be in the cartoon, we have people pay to get in it, so I’ve given him a free kick,” Ms Hanson said.
“And he wants to sue me over it.”

udo wrote:Ms Hanson suggested Irwin’s father would not have responded in the same way.
“Lighten up Robert, your father, Steve, he was a larrikin, he had a laugh, he could take the mickey out of himself and you’re complaining about this,” she said.
Ms Hanson told the Sunday Mail the video was “not about (Robert)”, but about issues in Queensland, and suggested others would have been grateful to be included in the clip.
“I’ve got members of parliament asking me when they get to be in the cartoon, we have people pay to get in it, so I’ve given him a free kick,” Ms Hanson said.
“And he wants to sue me over it.”
It's not about Robert.
It's about using Bluey, a 6 year old heeler.... Not appropriate....
Keep kids out of politics. ;)

After being subjected to Robert singing and dancing advertising that stupid " I'm a celebrity" show I don't think he can be arguing about saving credibility ,its long gone (if it ever even existed after spruiking stuff his whole life) Bobby .

Robert Irwin is only 20 years old. I’m not aware of him making any political statements. It seems not unreasonable to be a bit indignant about seeing your image being mockingly used in some One ‘white’ Nation party propaganda.

It's not unreasonable at all.
Maybe a simple statement to the public that he is in no way associated with the Ranga or the clip would have sufficed. I doubt many would assume he was anyway.
Pauline has called his bluff though.
I'd advise Robert not a make a song and dance about it. :):)

Could have easily left out the introduction as being Bob and kept video otherwise the same, the innuendo is there but could also be modeled on any steryotypical tv Aussie bushman ,Steve I, Bushtucker man, Harry Butler , Russell coit etc Prob didnt think Bob was going to have a cry about it

tubeshooter wrote:It's not unreasonable at all.
Maybe a simple statement to the public that he is in no way associated with the Ranga or the clip would have sufficed. I doubt many would assume he was anyway.Pauline has called his bluff though.
I'd advise Robert not a make a song and dance about it. :):)
Aren’t you a Qlder TS? From the morally corrupt SE or from the good ole boys FNQ homeland?
Taken a laboratory test to determine how much of Joh’s DNA is floating around in your body?
Just saying you may be conflicted here :/

Irwin’s will do anything for a buck.

GuySmiley wrote:tubeshooter wrote:It's not unreasonable at all.
Maybe a simple statement to the public that he is in no way associated with the Ranga or the clip would have sufficed. I doubt many would assume he was anyway.Pauline has called his bluff though.
I'd advise Robert not a make a song and dance about it. :):)Aren’t you a Qlder TS? From the morally corrupt SE or from the good ole boys FNQ homeland?
Taken a laboratory test to determine how much of Joh’s DNA is floating around in your body?
Just saying you may be conflicted here :/
Qlder? Joh's DNA?
You are wrong Guy, wrong, wrong, wrong.
You, you've caught your feet on the sticky paper and you are wrong.
I'm telling you it's not true and you have gone up a dry gully.

Sounds like being married for 30 years;)

Dry gully?
Fnarr fnarr...

tubeshooter wrote:It's not unreasonable at all.
Maybe a simple statement to the public that he is in no way associated with the Ranga or the clip would have sufficed. I doubt many would assume he was anyway.Pauline has called his bluff though.
I'd advise Robert not a make a song and dance about it. :):)
I reckon that's about right. It's different to having the piss taken by a comedian, I reckon you would feel kind of unclean having that crew use your IP like that.
I do see James Ashby has invited him for dinner with himself and Pauline. How could you say no to that? Maybe Peter Slipper could chaperone.

tubeshooter wrote:It's not unreasonable at all.
Maybe a simple statement to the public that he is in no way associated with the Ranga or the clip would have sufficed. I doubt many would assume he was anyway.Pauline has called his bluff though.
I'd advise Robert not a make a song and dance about it. :):)
I reckon that's about right. It's different to having the piss taken by a comedian, I reckon you would feel kind of unclean having that crew use your IP like that.
I do see James Ashby has invited him for dinner with himself and Pauline. How could you say no to that? Maybe Peter Slipper could chaperone.

Oh no. Slipper got screwed by them. And by that scumbag Mal.

Brucey from Toowoomba is back in court today.

Hanson believes Irwin should "lighten up", and his father would see the funny side of it.
That certainly was not her attitude in 2009 when pictures allegedly of her, were posted on the web.
It's only funny when it's someone else in Hanson's view.
Hope she loses her house.

Good point. Or when Pauline Pantsdown put out that song.

I think it was probably Mummy that pushed the C&D direction.

Devine Madness wrote:I like that Australia has Pauline and I admire her , a bit .
I like Lambie and like we have a few Independents .
Also can just like Brandt , being in our Parliament's .
Hansen , like Katter , can be a bit Mad , but are consistent and their continents , keep voting them in .
Like a broken watch , Hansen's views on Immigration , are Right On Time , this time .
We ALL can feel our Immigration Intake is , atm , way too high .
It's turned into the Number 1 issue in Australia .
That's why we are talking about PH and why We will see a lot more of her .
Immigration is also the Number 1 Election Issue , in many other Countries .
Dutton has 140 k and he continues to talk about it .
Dutton's on the Front foot and has momentum .
What happened 2 Voldy ?
What happened 2 Labor's Numbers ?
Now , everyone believes their 2030 Targets/Numbers are Cooked !
Albo needs some good suggestions , 4 action imho !
Divine Pop,
While in Government, Dutton committed to reducing immigration, but then proceeded to import even more people. I would take anything he says with a couple of truckloads of salt.
His response to the ALP's 2030 emissions targets is typical LNP. It doesn't really matter if we make by 2030 or 2032 even, but Dutton maintains the target is unachievable, so we may as well make it 2050.
That is the attitude of a defeatist.
If even the smallest chance of failure was the over-riding criteria in any task undertaken by humanity, we would all still be living in caves.

Knew Craig, trained and hung with him a bit when living in Bali.
Fark he cleaned up!!
Not a great look for our leader of the opposition, but no doubt will be ignored.

andy-mac wrote:Crazy!
Knew Craig, trained and hung with him a bit when living in Bali.
Fark he cleaned up!!
Not a great look for our leader of the opposition, but no doubt will be ignored.
Jordie should stock up on fire extinguishers: someone will get their Calvin Kleins in a twist over this.
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.