What's what?

Love it as well blackers, it's my new theme song for Markup River

biden went hard with his little (pathetic) tough guy routine against putin the other day
I thought to myself... geez its a bit early for that...
and now...



well that was awkward...
Gov officials are asked about their own statistics showing a gender pay gap in Australia.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 14, 2024
They end up being forced to admit that the entire gap could be explained with the fact that women work less hours than men.
Absolutely brutal takedown. pic.twitter.com/GMQXvVZd8E
most people that cook the books are smart enough to be much better prepared than that...


'misinformation' and 'fact checkers' hey...
bit of a self serving cesspit actually
(hardly a surprise)

Sky news calling out facts....
Strange world we are living in.
Any dead girls phones bugged in process?

sypkan wrote:well that was awkward...
most people that cook the books are smart enough to be much better prepared than that...
As far as I know you cannot pay a female employee less than a male in this country. That's law.
The above is an embarassment to all involved. Unbelievable in fact.
So from that do we infer that females can work less hours than males for the same pay? Is that what they're trying to establish?

sypkan wrote:well that was awkward...
most people that cook the books are smart enough to be much better prepared than that...
That's pure gold. If you are a bloke in those organisations, you are going to have to strive hard to bridge the gender pay-per-hour-worked gap. Knock off at 3 each day. On Fridays, take a traditional long luch at 11, and just don't return until Monday morning, like Dad and his mates did in the good ol days.
Towards the end the lady says (paraphrased) they might have people sitting at a desk for 12 hours a day, doesn't mean they are getting 12 hours of work out of them. Too true! I know of a couple of young fellas in one of these departments, they get a list of outcomes to achieve each day, they've satisfied the quota within the first hour, spend the rest of the day playing League of Legends against each other - triple figure salaries. You go boys!

My work life always required me to reach Targets .
Maybe I am not that ambitious , but once a Daily , Monthly or Annual Target had been met , I took it , a bit easy .
As I was , sort of , my own Boss , I could then Do , almost , whatever I wanted 2 do .
U just can't be stupid ( get caught Stuffing Up ) .
Definitely , a few long lunches and FTR's .
Go for a run ( playing footy ) or a surf .
Same as Uni !
I HATED sitting in an Office , killing time .
I retired ONLY , as I was required ( Or get sacked , had 4 Official Warnings and was still going :) 2 sit in an office now , 4 a MIN number of fn hours ( Ex Civid shit which Fair Work AGREED with ffs ) ) , and work stopped being Fun .
If U deliver numbers , U get left alone , in Most organisations .
Some of the women in our office , were also very good at going AWOL , and knew all the cool places 2 eat and drink .
Go Girls 2 .

Wrong thread

seems the wheels have well and truly fallen off the open borders wagon...
Is it any wonder why...
"...After being one of if not the safest country in Europe, Sweden now records the second most bombings out of any country not at war besides Mexico..."

All this trouble for Sweden was foreseeable with a mostly young male influx, who did not want to integrate (maybe the bombs were not foreseeable!), but who could argue with the virtuous idealists in charge of policy - that is before the bombs started. Bombs are hard to ignore.
Soros and the globalists are nodding with approval over their cigars - "going better than we ever hoped". Tick. Another nation weakened, dazed , divided and confused - ripe for harvesting. All we had to do was fund some NGOs, amplify some memes and demonise any objectors as far right. Easy.

hey froggy
Not just foreseeable but bloody obvious at the time , guns and bombs 2 .
Anyone in Europe can get access 2 them , once organised .
Just By George ( Soros , Mr Small Elite )
How can an Influx this big , of new People into a country , NOT lead 2 a Change in the Country's fabric .
The Dutch are trying to Stop this happening , now !
The Only time a Country's Cultural Fabric usually changes , is by Force .
They get Invaded !
Immigration is exploding , as a Political issue , All around the World .

Merkel opened the German boarder , 2 Syrian refugees in 2015 .
Germany ( and Klaus ) ran the EU , and it became an EU Policy , 2 Open the Gate , 2 Europe .
The British ditched the Idea and got out of the EU .
A group called Frontex , are Responsible for Managing the EU , Immigration Programs .
Run by a Dutch bloke called , Hans ( Leijtens ) .
Hans said " Nothing can stop people crossing a boarder , no wall , no fence , no sea , no river . "
His responsibility is " 2 find a Balance between Boarder Management and Respect for fundamental Human Rights " .
That's the EU view on Immigration .
The Dutch are fighting Hans and Brussels , about Who's Human Right's , the Dutch are supposed 2 look after ffs .
Sounds bloody Double Dutch 2 me , again !
While I am on What's What , I will say I will NOT , now , ever write the name of the Prophet of a certain religious group .
It's a strange feeling , but I think , I am happy to let that one , Go 2 the keeper .
My suggestion is that all on SN , try and avoid it .
Pop .

soft power
run amok...
3 African Athletes let Chinese Runner, He Jie win the 2024 Beijing Half Marathon.
— Africa Facts Zone (@AfricaFactsZone) April 16, 2024
He finished first with a time of 1:03:44.
Dejene Hailu Bikila 🇪🇹, Robert Keter 🇪🇹 and Willy Mnangat 🇰🇪 finished second with a time of 1:03:45.
Willy said he let him win because he is his friend. pic.twitter.com/NoZAJ553G6

"The Trans Reckoning Is HereNina Power
Last week, the Cass Report, written by the pediatrician Hilary Cass at the request of England’s National Health Service, made waves by calling into question the medical justification for hormonal and surgical treatments of gender-dysphoric youth demanded by activist groups and embraced by the medical establishment. The report states that the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones should be discontinued, not least because their long-term effects are unknown. Instead of taking narrow claims of dysphoria at face value, Cass adopts a holistic approach, arguing that such statements must be considered “within the context of poor mental health and emotional distress among the broader adolescent population.”Â
There is and will be major institutional and legal fallout to all this, as well as a feeling of relief (mixed with anger) on the part of all of us punished for dissenting from gender ideology. It feels like Britain is waking up from a collective bad dream. But how did any of these terrible and false ideas get taken seriously, let alone get played out, in many cases irreversibly, on the bodies of children? There are deep psychoanalytic questions here. First and foremost, how did the natural process of puberty—entering sexual maturity—become pathologized? How and why did medical professionals, not to mention unqualified people running pressure groups and charities, come to imagine that staving off adulthood through the use of dangerous drugs was the right response to childhood distress?
The desire to suppress puberty in children—who often have autism diagnoses, as Cass notes—must be understood in the context of a culture that is more broadly self-infantilizing. A culture that fetishizes youth but also safety..."

and biden' response...
Insane https://t.co/CvDrBYZXbR
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 19, 2024

Furries are next. Inclusivity knows no bounds.
Full costumes permitted in classroom to ensure inclusivity.
Full access to litter trays in school toilets is a must.
Biting and scratching of classmates to be normalised as inclusive play.
Workplace furry colleagues coming soon.
It all makes sense:

frog wrote:Furries are next. Inclusivity knows no bounds.
Full costumes permitted in classroom to ensure inclusivity.
Full access to litter trays in school toilets is a must.
Biting and scratching of classmates to be normalised as inclusive play.
Workplace furry colleagues coming soon.
It all makes sense:
Full access to litter trays in school toilets is a must

it's all a bit nuts, was going to link most bizarre animals taken on a plane, but have something a bit more thoughtful.
We'll segue into the world of Warhammer 40K, which is in chaos (geddit?) as the company making it are going woke while their fans are not.
At about 7 minutes in, this very intelligent fellow precisely describes how the morals of the past (do good, help others) has been completely replaced by a new morality (inclusion/representation only looks for systemic oppression and pays no heed to any intrinsic moral worth of an act, ergo it is without morality as previously defined) and thus what appear to be completely crazy actions are justified when viewed from a prism of systemic oppression. You will find this neatly explains clown world.
blood for the blood god

It’s about time to realise that it’s not profit- driven motivation turning all these Western corporations towards shooting themselves in the foot with woke ideology.
Perhaps…the key shareholders ( Blackrock , Vanguard etc ) actually want to run these iconic Western corps into the ground. After all….when you’ve got influence/ control of the government and the central bank printing presses ….why do you have to worry about money anymore? When you’re official partner of the private institution who prints the World’s reserve currency…why would you care about cash flow? You don’t. Instead you control corporate boards to direct society.
For example : Disney is not about making money anymore. It’s a dual function institution to demoralise the West through immoral and divisive woke propaganda whilst simultaneously running itself into the ground as a vehicle of Western social iconography.
?si=N5giEK_K8GsUXf0fThis next one is less than a minute and describes the power that Larry Fink has over the world . He’s the CEO of Blackrock if you’re not aware.

Very interesting. I went and read his 2022 open letter to CEOs. I can see where he's coming from, but as a presumed major shareholder in said CEOs companies, the requests for providing plans on these issues, and mentioning a team to monitor them...
Stakeholder capitalism is the term, WEF is big on it. Could be argued it's about capitalism adapting to demands from outside and thus remaining relevant, could be argued it's absolutely necessary given certain perceived threats eg climate, could be interpreted as a hijacking of boards for activists' purposes.
Very powerful man.
PS in other thread SJY you will never convince SR of DV statistics, for it is exactly the place of each group in hierarchy of victimhood that determines the response you will get. Thus, no matter what data you show, no receipt of this will be made, as per video explanation I listed above, and separate from any moral judgement on the issue.

The problem is when the DEI seed of activism gets planted all through business and government and sprouts too vigorously (either organically from managers / employees going too far with the new meme or it is implanted with new recruits who pitched their activism as a selling point).
Such seeds can move from a useful new idea to an invasive weed fed by the fertiliser of virtue signalling and group think.
Disney is full of such growth that is now out of control and has a life of their own. It is written into policies on casting and script writing overriding commonsense. The US goverment has it everywhere with tens of thousands of very activist Obama era appointees still in place.
Here is a simple local real world example of how it can impact. A Company has to submit an environmental management plan to the EPA. A range of concentration levels of a particular substance that occurs naturally in water but also a residue from blasting is seen as acceptable worldwide.
An activist employee (over enthusiastic?) chooses to put in a very low concentration level (unrealistic ... heroic) in the management plan which once approved gets "set in stone" in the approved plan.
Management spot this too late and now cannot proceed with the project without huge additional costs. There are minimal real environmental benefits in the very low concentration level outcome specified but big costs to the business and their customers.
The activist employee was playing paper tiger but now is probably known as the million dollar goose.
That example has clear cause / effect which can lead to not repeating such mistakes.
But often the connections are not so clear and disfunction just builds in systems as in many US cities these days. Thousands of poor decisions made for activist agendas, rather than good practice, end up with San Francisco style crime ridden inner cities and streets lined with human poop.

Ah. Found the true answer. It's the Corporate Equality Index administered by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. Go to 29:00 here if tldr, it seems these guys hold deity power over corporate boards as well:

it's absolutely insane what's going on in the UK at the moment...
the government have literally lost their minds
so have the public for allowing it to happen...
any anti immigrant sentiment is now officially worse than being a pedo
The UK is releasing 5k prisoners to make room for anti-immigration protestors.
pic.twitter.com/ojzVzMOAXp— Europe Invasion (@EuropeInvasionn) August 19, 2024
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Almost every judge I’ve identified as being involved in the rapid prosecution and incarceration of individuals who participated in the Southport riots has a history of letting convicted pedophiles walk free with no jail time.
A short thread on "two-tier" justice: pic.twitter.com/9tIV6sSm0S— pagliacci the hated (@Slatzism) August 10, 2024
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Imagine being a UK journalist reporting this. https://t.co/J6838JgG3M
— . (@naomirwolf) August 8, 2024
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A 51-year-old man in Egremont, UK named Lee Joseph Dunn has been thrown in jail for 12 weeks over 3 MEMES. Memes that show images of migrant gangs with a caption saying "Coming to a town near you". This is absolutely insane.
What kind of Orwellian… pic.twitter.com/6U0ohg6qxq— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 13, 2024
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British police are now raiding homes of elderly people because they posted "offensive" comments on social media.
The stasi has returned.pic.twitter.com/x2hMRM2hy6— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) August 5, 2024
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Should racist thugs be let off the hook?

Dutton is a polarising dickhead.
Same vetting processes in place today as when Liberals were in charge.
Not good enough now apparently.
This grub will do anything to get a vote.

Palestinian au pairs might get a look in.

andy-mac wrote:Should racist thugs be let off the hook?
assuming your responding to my post...
do you really think it is acceptable to lock people up for social media posts?

that guardian cartoon is so mindlessly dumb it doesn't warrant air time
but I'll pick up on this now recently often touted phrase 'social cohesion'
there's one major factor that has undermined social cohesion across the whole western world - over the top migration
this has been brewing for decades - this top down imposition - that never ever considers or even acknowledges people's concerns...
now the shit has hit the fan, big time...
because of many factors, but they're all at boiling point right about now
and governments answer is to display a heavy handed approach to social media and the like
thought policing
there's only one way this ends...
and that is not well

Make a cuppa, go sit on the sunny front steps and breathe in life. Exhale

nah mate
this needs discussing
the mistakes governments are currently making are so fucking reactionary and stupid they beggar belief
I'd like to ignore the UK situation, but albo and co. have already revealed these tendencies themselves, before any of this even happened. and oz - being the mediocre 'lucky' calibre we are - just tend to follow them anyway...
this shit needs airing and nipping in the bud
you could argue the UK voted for this... but really... on about 30% of vote...
and now stamer's approval rating is at negative7%!
these ain't normal times...

I just looked at a kangaroo grazing in my yard.
My magpie friends said hello.
The devil’s parrot has exited the building.
I’m exhaling.
It matters nought in your world either Sypkan.

just in relation to 'the elderly' being used in click-bait headlines, it's funny how we are still collectively meant to think of 'the elderly' as a benign, nice, helpless mass. I had a pisser experience a few years ago. Upon seeing an 'old couple' walk out of a department store, hand in hand.. I got a bit misty eyed. The husband turned to the wife, and said loudly: 'well that was a fucking waste of time, next time you have an idea keep it in your fucking head!'. She didn't bat an eyelid.
Bet he'd be a real peach online.

Ah the old days.
Thankfully they are ending. Maybe?

sounds lovely seeds
but sorry, the shaping of the world matters to me

big ODD!!
(and not totally unrelated....)
augmented reality...
They’re trying to get this video removed from the internet. pic.twitter.com/8s4QMPW7Vb
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 20, 2024
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e-karen busy fingers?

You’ll be dead, as I, before anything shapes up. I doubt it ever will.

^^ I think they won that round Syppy

'God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.'
...but if not, then grant me the energy to post outrage links each and every day.

Must be exhausting

you're smart enough to know it's bigger than outrage links
you yourself occasionally post smarty pants philosopher types that make this very point
or did...
it's about the shaping of the world, and the (mis)use of the power of social media
we're all getting steam rolled
you're damned if you engage... you'll be damned if you don't...
smarty pants philosopher type...
Rowan Atkinson on free speech a few years ago, “When I heard of some of these more ludicrous offences & charges I remembered that I had been here before, in a fictional context…” pic.twitter.com/BMuPcN4vf7
— Elena (@Xerendipitist) June 4, 2023
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'Smarty pants'
And there's you bemoaning the left's lost humour.

sypkan wrote:andy-mac wrote:Should racist thugs be let off the hook?
assuming your responding to my post...
do you really think it is acceptable to lock people up for social media posts?
I don't think it is acceptable for people to destroy and loot businesses due that business being owned by a individual of a certain ethnic or religious groups.
I don't think it is acceptable for a mob to attack and beat up an individual because they belong to a certain ethnic or religious group.
If someone is posting material that directly leads to the above, well yeah they are inciting violence and it should be dealt with accordingly.

In all sincerity, @sypkan, have you been listening to Coleman Hughes' stuff? Give it a whirl if you haven't, I think you'd find his well-articulated points salient, and his demeanour engaging. ABC radio ran him in relation to the festival of dangerous ideas, and the Australian had an article from him today. Another good example of media not being the worst thing in the world. here. yet. I love this subject, as I see both sides clearly, and the price for a good society is eternal discussion.

the first part of your post goes without saying andymac
but the second part slips into wishy washy subjective land...
12 weeks custody for this?
"A 51-year-old man in Egremont, UK named Lee Joseph Dunn has been thrown in jail for 12 weeks over 3 MEMES. Memes that show images of migrant gangs with a caption saying "Coming to a town near you". This is absolutely insane..."
you think that is 'accordingly'?
the judges justification...
"...Here's what the judge said: “I don’t accept that your comments and the emojis that you posted were directed at the police. I’ve read in the case summary of the comments you made on arrest which clearly demonstrate to me that there was a racial element to the messaging and the posting of these emojis.
“That has to be reflected in the sentence as does there need to be a deterrent element in the sentence that I impose, because this sort of behaviour has to stop.
“It encourages others to behave in a similar way and ultimately it leads to the sorts of problems on the streets that we’ve been seeing in so many places up and down this country. This offence is serious enough for custody.”"
sorry to go all qanon on you...
but personally I'd rather see the pedos locked up
suitable... seriousness... equivalence?
A 51-year-old man in Egremont, UK named Lee Joseph Dunn has been thrown in jail for 12 weeks over 3 MEMES. Memes that show images of migrant gangs with a caption saying "Coming to a town near you". This is absolutely insane.
What kind of Orwellian… pic.twitter.com/6U0ohg6qxq— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 13, 2024
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never heard of him basesix
but will look into it
certainly not that bad here yet, but one can see the trajectory...
this is why I call it reactionary
we've clearly entered a new paradigm, with lots of things coming to a head...
but those in power, are just desperately putting out spot fires
what they think to be spot fires...
they are not even close to addressing root causes
you cannot turn this around by suppressing dissent
it's impossible
I'm sure some would love to just call me racist...
truth is, I love our multicultural society, but I see it crumbling apart at the seams
here's something for the woke mob to jump on... I actually find it alarming the overt racism I now see on social media. truly ugly and distressing, only the last few years or so, but it's taken a real ugly turn...
censorship ain't gonna fix it
police state most certainly ain't gonna fix it
dialogue is all we have...