All Things Religion Thread

@ashsam, in the same way that I think someone has had a lend of @Pop (because he clearly uses 'ffs' where he means 'fer fucken sure', not what it really stands for),
I feel someone has led you to believe that 'lol' means something other than 'lots of love'... no shame in it, it certainly has made you come across as a lovely chap.
Lol to you and yours, @ashsam. Lol, @basesix : )

burleigh wrote:Why did god put the male g-spot up the back door?
Seems like a design fault according to the bible
Secrets out burls you bat for both

basesix wrote:@ashsam, in the same way that I think someone has had a lend of @Pop (because he clearly uses 'ffs' where he means 'fer fucken sure', not what it really stands for),
I feel someone has led you to believe that 'lol' means something other than 'lots of love'... no shame in it, it certainly has made you come across as a lovely chap.
Lol to you and yours, @ashsam. Lol, @basesix : )
Better than ending with ;) like belly fat lol


; )




andy-mac wrote:basesix wrote:aqueducts for the seals and dugongs, dr suess angel crest freeways, linear jogging-paths, conveyor belts for those maimed or infirmed at the hour of death. But no, andy.. 0.0 I'm afraid bwahahahaha...
I'm going to hell where they serve Great Northern!
Is it really beer?
That would be hell!

Base..... i had to look up "have a lend of" and good ol Google sent me right to this thread on this website. You are the current InterWebZ ambassador of the phrase. Congrats.

Up early for a road trip…I see many of Jellyguys alter egos have been busy.
We are all on a journey through life ….and a journey requires a path to be taken..
You wouldn’t go on a trip in the car without having a destination in mind ,or at least a rough idea of where you wanted to get to and what you wanted at the end.
It’s important to choose a right path and follow it best you can.
When difficulties and roadblocks come about , having a navigation aid is helpful.
Without assistance, you can get lost or take side roads that will lead you nowhere and waste your fuel….
For the seeker of Christ, he will guide you and show you a clear path to a promised destination. He will never let you down even if you drift down side roads He will guide you back on the path.
That small voice behind you will help you…..we can all hear it if we wish to.
Isaiah 30:21 says ….and your ears shall hear a voice behind you say…”this is the way walk ye in it “ when you turn to the right hand or the left….
Choose the right path and enjoy the journey…Jesus Christ loves us and wants to help,……all we have to do is allow Him to navigate….the destination is something special.
Have an awesome day !…

"All human experience is either a blessing or , a blessing in Disguise " .
Have an awesome Sunday , Opti !

Optimist wrote:Up early for a road trip…I see many of Jellyguys alter egos have been busy.
We are all on a journey through life ….and a journey requires a path to be taken..
You wouldn’t go on a trip in the car without having a destination in mind ,or at least a rough idea of where you wanted to get to and what you wanted at the end.
It’s important to choose a right path and follow it best you can.
When difficulties and roadblocks come about , having a navigation aid is helpful.
Without assistance, you can get lost or take side roads that will lead you nowhere and waste your fuel….
For the seeker of Christ, he will guide you and show you a clear path to a promised destination. He will never let you down even if you drift down side roads He will guide you back on the path.
That small voice behind you will help you…..we can all hear it if we wish to.
Isaiah 30:21 says ….and your ears shall hear a voice behind you say…”this is the way walk ye in it “ when you turn to the right hand or the left….
Choose the right path and enjoy the journey…Jesus Christ loves us and wants to help,……all we have to do is allow Him to navigate….the destination is something special.
Have an awesome day !…
After a short pitstop, Jesus has put more petrol in the tank. Thank god he loves all his children-

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel Sermon { Anzacs died for Freedom of Speech }
Just wanna say a few words in reference to the eSafety Commissioner!
Very emotive powerful message for peace!


Humans hey! Some strange, funny types. I don’t think Jesus would approve of any of the above. I think he’d roll over in his grave if he knew the nonsense that has become in his name.

Yep, true dat
- he might approve of this tho ;)

Jelly Flater wrote:Yep, true dat
- he might approve of this tho ;)
Beautiful sounds and voices!

Just had a Google
God does sound a bit narcissistic.

;) “beautiful sounds and voices” (probably the worst descriptor ever)

TBB thanks for posting the formal announcement for freedom of speech by the bishop that was attacked.
He’s a really nice guy and his speech was excellent. It was nice to learn a bit about him… Worth a watch if people haven’t already.
Always a shame jelly dumps his junk on top.

Counter points Opti.
I agree the Bishop’s speech was very good.

The Bishop pouring such calming oil on troubled waters sets an example that is needed more and more these days.

Awesome docco and what an amazing find.

If somethings in the air don’t ignore it….
For hundreds of years before Jesus, the Greeks were talking about the LOGOS…
…it was in the air…the Logos is coming….something big was coming and they knew it was both celestial and spiritual but didn’t know what.
Greek antiquity’s great philosophers discussed it and debated it….
…John’s gospel chapter 1 … the beginning was the LOGOS ( word) and the word was with God and the word was God…He was in the beginning with God.
The thing that was in the air at the time was the coming of the divine nature.
The Greeks could understand a basic “big picture” ….they could see a divine creative force and the depth of creation but ended up erecting a statue to “ the unknown God”.
From the beginning, God had a son. A visible walking talking ( word) son.
The visitor the speaker and the doer , visible to creation as God the father is too big to see.
Not less than His father though and co equal in every way as they have the same ghost or spirit.
John writes….” and the Word ( logos) became flesh…and dwelt among us …and we beheld His glory, the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
We now know Him as Jesus…all things were created through Him and for Him…
We will see Him again soon enough….but this time not as a humble carpenter from Nazareth …..this time we will see Him as He actually is….in full glorified form.
Something is in the air…..look around you….the world is about to shift.….stop and think….can you feel it….???

Like a fart in an elevator ;)
- something is in the air.
And with thy plank in thine eye, the priest said to the little kids :
- ' can you feel it? '

Mmm- smells like Engadine Maccas!

- good ol scummo, just another odious religious charlatan ;)
The technique he employed to avert another engadine portfolio has been immortalized in song.
Grab that glue gun scotty grub ;)

Shit, I’ve had a few laughs this morning. Good way to start the day. Cheers

suchas wrote:Mmm- smells like Engadine Maccas!
Fuck….surely the Australian people can launch some kind of civil action against this piece of shit for misrepresentation or something. Here’s the most recent Ex- Prime Minister of Australia saying we shouldn’t trust governments. Simultaneously Mind blowing and completely unsurprising. These people don’t have our best interests at heart. Nor does Albo and whoever fills the PM chair once he’s booted.
Morrison literally was the government. Morrison just told us to not trust…..him.
Like we needed telling.

Didn’t he make these statements when he was Prime Minister? Must have been after when he was warming the back bench. Still being paid by the taxpayer anyway.

Scomo the wolf in sheeps clothing.

The thing I got about Morrison’s PMship was how he proved beyond doubt how much Pentecostal Christians and their prosperity gospel tolerate, turn a blind eye to, inequality and disadvantage in the community. As so-called Christians they love inequality because it re-enforces their beliefs.
Morrison’s lack of empathy for the less fortunate coupled with his so-called Christian faith was on full display in his punishing Robodebt policy and even worse so later when he attempted to bullshit his way out of any responsibility.
Of course in Morrison’s “prosperity gospel” mind the people relying on Centrelink to survive in life had it coming because they were not believers in his “one true god” because as @opti often tells us god (again his one true god) only rewards his believers and everyone else is on their own as evidenced by today’s triple tripe treat.
Jebus wept

Crikey!…I talk about Greek philosophers and something in the air and team jelly Guys alter egos ends up with Scott Morrison….AGAIN!
Your fixation on that man is disturbing….what on earth has he to do with the topic.
Your confessed Marxist religion YOU serve with vigour gives people NO choice…
…the rest of us have the freedom TO choose……
….but the powers of darkness you serve are gathering for the final global bout….
…and people like you make it even more ugly….
….if people can’t feel it in the air you should check your pulse.

Haha ;)
- all u can do is go greek style putting ya head up ya clacker flopti.
It's just continual superstitious nuttery with u
- 'the final global bout' haha, choices
Keep tightening your straight jacket ;);)

- paging ummm pulse ;)

^ haha

Actually @opti my attention on Morrison was due to his faith utterances during this last week coinciding with the launch of his book that SF’s meme correctly suggests is a fictional story.

Nothin quite like a good 'ol fictional story haha
Go flopti. Go!
- "There are actually 3 heavens in translation, the sky above is the first, space is the second and planet Heaven the third. ( paul talked about the third heaven) You get to planet heaven after your spirit leaves your body. When you die your spirit descends into the heart of the earth and waits. Then if approved by God you are lifted up and go through the tunnel which is probably like a wormhole in Sci Fi. If unapproved you will wait for judgement but there is no time there so you wouldn't know if you've been there a year or a hundred years. At the end of the tunnel you will be greeted by The Christ Himself in His glorified form and put on planet Heaven, a very beautiful and physical place and in your brand new physical body. Earth will also be renewed after the great tribulation so for a time there will still be two seperate habitations and eventually just one."

GuySmiley wrote:Actually @opti my attention on Morrison was due to his faith utterances during this last week coinciding with the launch of his book that SF’s meme correctly suggests is a fictional story.
…. Soooo, apparently he’s saying that Australians don’t know who the “real” Scot is …. just goes to show how far from reality he really is as I would hazard a guess that the vast majority of Australians know exactly who he is and what he represents

Russell brand gets baptised, i assume that means he is a Christian now?
Hmmm hard to know what to make of him, i like aspects of him, but i also wouldn't trust him, most likely just a publicity thing for his rape allegation's.
But hey i could be wrong.
Chosen Sky news just for the trigger factor
BTW. that flat footed squat of his would make any Indonesian proud.

haha, do it @indo, you and @PopD could get a couples deal. I get people like TS Eliot engaging in social-tradition for pragmatic reasons, but dead-eyed popularist provocateurs that speak nice words with their expressive hands and vacuous souls.. well, that makes sense too!

indo-dreaming wrote:Russell brand gets baptised, i assume that means he is a Christian now?
Hmmm hard to know what to make of him, i like aspects of him, but i also wouldn't trust him, most likely just a publicity thing for his rape allegation's.
But hey i could be wrong.
Chosen Sky news just for the trigger factor
BTW. that flat footed squat of his would make any Indonesian proud.
@Indo, I think you will find old mate Rusty has recently inked a very lucrative deal with a new prayer app. company to promote their product. He's been searching for ways to monetise his online profile since the sex assualt allegations and he may just be following the tried and true flock fleecing business model and the baptism is all a part of establishing himself into that space.
I expect a lot of religious "product" will be making it's way into his web work in the future.
And yes, it is the perfect foil for his rapey image.
Call me cynical but I doubt he's taken an actual leap of faith.
It's a hustler's move. The God con.

^ haha, he's baaaaaaack ;)
"Rusty has recently inked a very lucrative deal with a new prayer app. company to promote their product."
- www. canufeelit. com
Also a re release of rusty's hit single, it's a favourite among clergy.

adam12 wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Russell brand gets baptised, i assume that means he is a Christian now?
Hmmm hard to know what to make of him, i like aspects of him, but i also wouldn't trust him, most likely just a publicity thing for his rape allegation's.
But hey i could be wrong.
Chosen Sky news just for the trigger factor
BTW. that flat footed squat of his would make any Indonesian proud.
@Indo, I think you will find old mate Rusty has recently inked a very lucrative deal with a new prayer app. company to promote their product. He's been searching for ways to monetise his online profile since the sex assualt allegations and he may just be following the tried and true flock fleecing business model and the baptism is all a part of establishing himself into that space.
I expect a lot of religious "product" will be making it's way into his web work in the future.
And yes, it is the perfect foil for his rapey image.
Call me cynical but I doubt he's taken an actual leap of faith.
It's a hustler's move. The God con.
Argh that would make sense, its a pity and the rape thing a real pity too.
Russell seems a bit nutty but there is something i really like about him too, he has a certain air of charisma, i think he would make a good cult leader.

Yes Indo because he’s an absolute narcissist

- good ol strength n powa ;)
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!