Tiger the Timber Surfcraft Master does one for Seeds

Glad to hear your getting a few runs on it Seeds. And yes a set of semi keels will give a bit more hold and carry on the rail.

So Tiger - Your Beautiful board has turned out , as quoted by Seeds 2B " A Speed Machine " .
Gee , that's a bloody good first Report IMHO .
Seeds , my comeback is on , as Flaty rightly pointed out , is on a 9 foot Ironing Board that turns like the QE2 .
U are on a fn Speed Machine and U are. trying to find tune the steering ( gosh , I would need 2 chuck out some Sea Anchors as well ) .
Keep flying U2 .

Seeds some thing to think about I was told recently is the bigger the fin can equal more lift and hence twitch don't be afraid to drop the fin size on that board as you have good rails that will hold and release nicely.

The allure of pretty 3-4ft beach breaks got the better of me yesterday and I just had to take the new 6'7" for a run. Suffice to say I'm not missing my 6'8" middy anymore. Super happy with the new materials, both production and performance wise. I made a few very minor rocker tweaks on this one, and I'm pleased with the results.

Gee I am so slow , unlike a Tiger Speed machine .
There is a Beautiful Litter , of The Tiger Creature Critters .
Not One new Species , but a Beautiful Family of Cool Cats .
U just turned triply cool imho !
We Can all get a bloody Tiger , in the Tank .
Create a Bigger Family Tiger ( 8'2 , 22 3/8 and 3 ) , that We All can join , please :) .
Can U put a H on my board , Tiger ?
Can use it as a Help sign if in a spot of bother , in the surf ,2 .

Thanks as always Pop and everyone else for your kind words and support. As Seeds alluded to I'm currently limited to making boards under about 7'8". I need to make a new rocker/vacuum table to go bigger, as it is such a critical tool in my build style. Plus I would need longer lengths in all the materials/foams etc. and more space to fit it all!
I'll get there eventually, but for now I'm happy continue to refine what really are my strengths, short boards/fishes/midlengths etc. I feel I've hit a real sweet spot with my midlength twins in particular.
The missus managed to get a few pics of me yesterday, of the new 6'7" in action.

hell yeah!


Tiger , gee U CAN really ( still :) surf 2 , mate !
I am Tongue Tied , this time :)
2 2 shot sequences , with the 2nd shot of each , a bloody Wave of The Day shot imho .
A Vacuuming table Rocker Longer thing , will appear when needed , I'm guessing it's an Opti Job , nearly :) .
Your Misses sounds very cool 2 !
A Great Team , U seem 2 have .
I love the last shot :) !!!

Now I'm happy with my new materials it's time to get on with Seedsies new assym. We talked and made some minor changes to the tail. The new blue line will be the finished outline. You can see the pencil line that I will actually cut the core at which is 25mm in on each side, to allow for the rail foam later.

A Pop Sun spot .

Just walked back from checking the surf at Bondi and my Old eyes were Stained by the Sun and Strained by some of the Sights , or visa , versa .
A minor change 2 the tail , looks more a major , than a minor imho .
Gents , the Tail might B an deliberate Opti Job , but sure looks like it's missing a bit asymmetry 2 me , perhaps nearly ?
I must have missed something again .
What aesthetically pleasing functionality stage air U2 conjuring Up ?
Bloody Winged Keel invention Stuff , imho !
I am amazed at ALL the old dead trees that have been washed Up on the Beach here !!!
They must have been sitting in some river 4 ages , look like driftwood on steroids season .

Yes very nice. What were the final dims on your 6'7" tiger? Asking for a friend:)

It'll really sing when the rails and tail detail are on it Seeds. Blackers the 6'7" is 21" wide and 2 11/16" thick. Been having a blast on it!

tiger wrote:It'll really sing when the rails and tail detail are on it Seeds. Blackers the 6'7" is 21" wide and 2 11/16" thick. Been having a blast on it!
Sweet, it looks great.

I swear that board looks nicer than the last which i thought was awesome .....good work tiger !

Cheers Simba. Seeds' there is no such thing as clear fin plugs, as far as I know anyway. You have a choice of either white, or white. Actually you don't even have a choice, there's white futures boxes already installed.

+1 Simba.
I can only imagine how sweet they'd look in the flesh because they look pretty damn nice in the photos.

Clear Plugs - VJ Will Sort it

Geezas Tiger, that tail block, rails look great.

Sweet. Rockin the beige rails! Other dims?

6'4"/6'2" X 21 3/4" X 3"

tiger wrote:6'4"/6'2" X 21 3/4" X 3"
Thanks. Looks schmick, great work!

beautiful work, tiger, the asym looks like a shark tooth with the beige rails.. going again @seeds, or is the bank tapped? (any of those rotating-shots about @I focus?)

^ sorry @I focus, just saw that there was, cheers.

This one Basesix its a beautiful thing check out the wave in the tail block and marvel how Tiger got it there

A few more waves of the 6'7" mid length twin in action.

tiger wrote:A few more waves of the 6'7" mid length twin in action.
Very nice surfing tiger!

x2! Loosey goosey. Great surfing. That board looks insane.

Ripping, Tiger!

Haven't put up any boards in a while. Here's a 7' mid length twin I've just finished.
special letters copy and paste

Very Nice Tiger. . . Lots of Tail Rocker ?
I’ve bitten the bullet and ordered a board off Tiger. Bit of to and fro about outline, length, fins, bottom contours and tail shape and this is where we’re headed.

Pretty stoked and hoping it’s the catalyst to get me in the water more than I have been last couple of years.