Public Access to Our Beaches

Whats your location ...Roughly ?

Great work Krugerb...can share a little on Oz Banned Beach Access.
Open Access Beaches / Waterway shores
95% Native-marine creatures + (Surf Craft-Surfboards-Minority Beach Users)
75% Pets / Fishers
30% Rec Vessels
2% Bodysurfers + Swimmers (Majority Beachgoers are strictly mandated least access)
tbb has been booted out of 100 beach Boardriders/Clubbies/Council/Bouncers/Security
Tried to hide & hold breath underwater around 100x just to keep surfing + bolt exiting Public beaches!
Territories / Stations / WHR / IPA / RAMSAR / NP / NH / MP / GBR / Biospheres
Any / All have Fed/Private Ranger Stations > Includes International Exemption - Secure Ocean Access.
eg: Thru Ongoing Tests / Studies (Not to be disturbed > Endangered Species Recovery Zones)
State Bio Security Pandemics / Pathogens / Red Tides / Weather Hazard / ADF / Police / Crime..
Port Authorities + Emergency Landings of Aircraft.
Frontline Observational-Defence > Radar / Lighthouses / Astronomy / Rockets / Naval Exercises.
State Significant > Events / Air -Sea / Racing / Relay / Film Sets / Gigs / Art-Exhibits / Native Ceremony.
Live Industry : Sea Harvesting Leases of Seaweed / Oysters / Crays / Abalone / Seasonal Sea Stock.
Note : Seaweed Farms boss lineups...(Private Surf Leasing)
Stations / Game Parks cross over onto beaches > Hunting / Herding / Culling / Bio threat Carcasses
eg : Marine Migration = Dolphin Feeding + Turtle Laying + Whale Calving / Sharks / Bait Balls / Stingers
Zoos- (Capture-Training) Seals / Horses / Camel / Lions / Elephants + Invasive-Risk Animals-Evacuation.
Beach Restoration / Paths / Seawalls / Groynes / Reef / Sand Pumps / Dredge works close large sections for months.
Even Timeshare Trolleys boss all to block the Lot!
Marine Authorities Cams time out visits to reefs / fads + Crab pots + Seaway limits
Rock Shelf Laws may cross over to Surfers on BOM Hazardous Days...(Have heard official All Risk bans!)
Reckon it pays to listen to NSW Hazard Warnings as some do now cross over to (All Ocean-Goer Bans!)
Can start Private Ownership Claims research here...
Possibly still some active Seadrome / Golf Links bossing beaches ( 24hr Safety access )
Similar to Air Balloons / Polo Fields that boast international landing priority
Privatized Pilot Stations now as Beachfront / Lock Up / Boathouses / Marinas / Baths have priority.
Some beach baths let boardriders access lineups others don't.
Jetty operations- Users / Fisherman target & take out Surfers & Local wars erupt with Knives & shit!
Some peak Campgrounds sprawl out to block Beach thru-fare with personal leased - Linked gear.
Vic : 2003-2023 Albo reckons Lyndsay Fox owns Point King / Portsea beach
Albo flies in over the beach for Fox's Shindigs...Oz PM Xmas tradition to piss over Aussie beach goers!
Just last week the pig of a man lands Chopper in a school...Outta my way little people...All had enough!
Hands out $3,000/yr Fox Scholarship for School Sports Oval Chopper Pad...20x this year already.
As said...Flying Pig of a Man...squishes a few Milo Gromz for breaky each mornin'...said move it bratz.
Vic Hunting Reserves back onto beaches...could boast seasonal priority.
Qld : Tangalooma Nazis reckon they own the Beach...
Surfers Paradise beachfront Owners claim they're gazetted Frontline Viking Empire defenders.
As in crackpot resident Solicitor ran it up the Flagpole pre Gold Coast City Council...
Burleigh Beach Bar blocks access under same pre GC City Ocean Tide lease...
Just sharing that pre Council era loons reckon they can flow their thunderbox 'cross all 7 seas!
Refuse to hook into Council Stormwater...just gushes out into lineup...fuck Wave rebound Wash...
Pigs just chuck Restaurant Scraps / Bones / Butts / Glass / Bottle Tops + Serviettes into WSR lineup!
Some Isthmus SLSCs also test Council access...flexi blocking as weather risk changes.
Consider safety number caps during Events + Look out access...
New Wheel Chair Mats / IRB / Rescue / Clubbie-Nipper Comps /[L]2SURF have priority Ocean Entry.
NSW Beach Defence Argument similar to Gold Coast. (Goes back 500 years to UK it does!)
Can recall Defence blocking Evans Head (Kinda) Not really ...many leave cars & walk or detour!
Jets fly low & loud overhead to rattle ya!
Many behaviour Bans...
No- Pets / Nude / Grog / Ciggies / Vapes / Cams + No Cabanas or sunscreen on some beaches

Thanks for the Forum them sleepers...all think it free'n'easy!
Got me older brother over from WA...Reckons the same...bossed off a few beaches over there.
Travelled around a bit for work...
Most assuredly he reckons a few local folk swore it were their beach...get off their land.
Opened up the right forum alright...not as open & free as near all media claim...not what tbb is hearing!
Recall the NSW WSL Ballot during Covid + 3 other comps all locked off Comp site access.
And remember this Vic Paddleboarder trawled in by Border force half way to China.
Probably check on UK / France / US...surfers are blasted off beaches with shotguns..
Here's some homework for Krugerb...
Crew recall old Tracks stories of Farmers and Shotguns...
Now any here watch that recent ABC Series Barons on Vic Surf Brands...RipCurl / Quiksilver
Script played off the Mystery Dream Wave being guarded by Farmer/family with Guns.
Think they let the Hippy Chix Share...but the Chiko Chick swung her Merch mates in...big Ruckus!
This seems to be actual Historical account...Check for any past early '70's Women's Hippy Farms.
Reckon ya might be unearthing that exact same off limits mysterious Spot X ...give it a watch Krugerb!
S1E1 "Paradise Lost"
"A man shoots at several Surfers 'Trespassing' on his property'!"
This is crucial to the script as their local crew ever dream about surfing this off limits Hot Spot!
It doesn't seem to be far from Torquay...RipCurl Barn (Short drive as it's a local Quest not a safari!)
Seemingly over 'across less accessible headlands but can only access by Farmer's private track.
Then ya still gotta run the gauntlet across these paddocks then more beach forest.
Noting the Series was filmed in NSW...likely couldn't get the access to Vic Farmer's Beach....well durr!

I’m not sure why anyone here would be naming any rural coastal area of the country ^^^ surely we can agree not to do that in acknowledgement of the days past when people needed to look and fail more times than not in the hope of the surfing gods looking favourably down on the unworthy!
I live in area of the coast where access to some of our best beaches and reef breaks is restricted or exclusive to few . Via private roads that are gated & locked or farms. Yes if you have a ski you can get in.
I have been told by some that have access that some places are just exclusive .
This comment made me more motivated to pursue the access issue through my local Council ,Government & Media.
Prescriptive easement Law / egress for the Public to crown land /beaches
Why do we not have easements in place for the public to gain access to our beaches or is this an Exclusive Ocean Syndrome of these privilege few .
The point I do understand from the privilege few is everyone wants to surf with no crowds and this is there secret spot .Well google word of mouth and the surfing population of 2022 dictates we all want access to our beaches for all recreational activities .
I have started to email our local politicians councillors local papers in regards to easements/ access to all of our beaches for all people .