
Some newish Dublin sounds.

picked up today @blackers, cheers legend!

Glad to hear it B6. . Some relaxed tunes for my mid week go slow.


thermalben wrote:"THE DRONES will reunite for the first time in nine years for two shows in Melbourne with a bunch of our mates. These shows are a fundraiser for a dear friend to improve their life circumstances in a time of need. All proceeds, aside from venue hire and ticketing fees, will go directly to the cause."
The Drones || Paul Kelly & Dan Kelly || Don Walker
The Nation Blue || ModCon || Cease And Desist DJsThe Croxton Bandroom, Melbourne May 28th and 29th
Can't wait! Only bummer is that Paul/Dan are on one night and Don is on another (I want to see all three of 'em!) but in addition to The Drones, it'll be great to see The Nation Blue, I haven't seen 'em for probably twenty years.
Huge! Tom from the Nation Blue has (another) new band, Metho, who are playing around atm. Been playing songs from his last, and very very good solo album, Raging Head, and other new stuff. Band features Jackson from Split System, Jay from Mid Youth Crisis/Fuck...I'm Dead/The Kill etc and CJ Foley from the Stevens. Get on it. (Not their publicist)

the only accom within staggering distance of the croxton, a 2 b-r townhouse, has been snapped up 27-30th. someone doing it in style. may be even blowing a load on both nights.

basesix wrote:the only accom within staggering distance of the croxton, a 2 b-r townhouse, has been snapped up 27-30th. someone doing it in style. may be even blowing a load on both nights.
Public transport options aplenty. Stay in one of your usual haunts.

wasn't going to make this one, busy time for me, always fun to have a look though.
(lucky I wasn't gagging for it, both shows sold out.)

Keep Live Melbourne Bands thread going...
The Ground Components wear an unusual prestigious label of being [Uniquely Melbourne]
Another band from tbb's Alt Bin...but this Track is way blown away by this Mega Monster...
Most of the band's stock & trade is off key Punk / R&B Jam Sessions for Festivals & big tour acts...
Band was about from 2002-2007...can any crew share more on this Live wire act.
Coz they really do pack a punch...happy to hunt down this Mystery Melbourne Megasaurus!
Band could give Roary a breather to Power up yer Wave Pool...ramp some heavy sounding tidal waves
YouTube comment : { Pretty fucking amazing song! }
Another Comment : { Rock and Fucking Roll! }
Agree that the Artzy Melbourne Vid is also a perfect companion...goes off like a bomb...{Kaboom!}
Ben's Tunesmith's luv that 'Unique Melbourne Sound'...our components have been well'n'truly grounded.

Nice one TBB, I have heard of them but can't say I saw them play, kiddies were bubs in that era so no playtime for me.
Heard this the other day, popped up in my insta feed. Not my usual cup of tea but some pretty awesome fretboard work and allround groovy goodness going on. Short and sweet.

I notice Apple Cider Vinegar ep 1 has dropped on Netflix, @RK.
here's an early (unrelated) Apple Cider song from Beabadoobee.
coming to a Laneway Festival near you.

Why not lock in some weird unknown Oz Alt Chix Supergroup ...[ SPLINTER ]
Focus on ... Strange Parade ep.
Suzie Higgie : (Canberra) Rock Xcert Band : The Falling Joys (Check Brilliant LP Psychohum!)
Anrdea Croft (WA Country/pop) The Honeys / Catherine Wheel
= [Splinter]
Autumn 1991 : Hiding away in tbb's Alt pile...gonna polish up this gem...
Can offer up the whole Alt Sisters Supergroup ep...Recorded up in that mystical Blue Mountains studio...
Doubt if any are gonna dig this up outside of Ben's Tunes...
Trust tbb...has a real cool vibe...some may recall this...see how ya go...enjoy!
Kinda teams with 1991 The Clouds (Got it!) cue Soul Eater (Chix night in...Yew!)
tbb got that Record too...Super Cool!
So we got these Oz Chix competing with Sonic Youth etc...& our Gurlz put out...Go For it!
Quality recording...long overdue to Salute & enjoy these Oz pioneering Splinter Sisters
Some real deluxe layering on this Splinter ep...

I hear you TBB.
And one seeds may like.

I don't want to comment, good to keep the music on the homepage, but lest this thread drop off the homepage completely, loving the direction it's been taking. cheers as always @tbb.

Wow! Guys...this is some damn fine session...happily crack open the private reserve...
Top Shelf...think the missus or neighbour confiscated tbb's fav 1993 Comp CD [SPARK]
Bloody Furious...Where the Hell is my fav CD...
If ya see this '90's CD Briz Bands Comp [SPARK] ya gotta sell yer house to have it...
1994 Goldie BDO Boiler Room went into Meltdown..
Dream Poppies lure in their prey...OMG this band has an infectious sound...
Ya hear them in the distance & fly threw the air knocking everyone over...outta my way little people...
Land face first in the mosh & yer now front row drooling...
If ya haven't guessed tbb is seranading another Chix Band...
This is a local Brizzo Chix band that tbb has seen & went ga ga!
Once again...another secret mystery band with a way fewer YouTube views...,than just a few!
But they will blow yer tiny minds...
Like how come this wasn't #1 Track in Oz for months on end...What gives?
All yer fav powerpop bands rolled into one group
But how is that even possible...from first listen you'll be mesmerized...
Think how does this band hum & buzz neath our Police State Radar.
Outsmarting all other Brizbands to claim our best Alt Band Title...
Can promise least Youtube views for each track tbb cues = #1 Alt Band
Dream Poppies ~ Cool You Down (Yes Please...Oh man, that hits the spot...Brizzo sound therapy!)
Another Way
Dream Poppies 1992-1999 Sampler $20 > (Today!) Free for Ben's Tunesmiths...(Shh!)
Listen to clever razor sharp pop cult politico lyrics & riffs...
Almost like a posh Melbourne Band but from Brisbane...say wot!
They're too good for Brisbane...Please won't someone love them...
Very cute'n'clever power pop band...ticks all yer fav alt band boxes!
Stoked to present Dream Poppies...yer Next Fav band...Luv all their Old Stuff + any of their stuff...Shh!

Nice one TBB. Will have to do a deeper dive.
Down a notch and a bit sideways, but mentioned in passing above and in the "I can't believe its not the 90's" thread, these guys are pretty good.

Eric Claptons hero J J Cale

thanks, @jef, you made me get out some sentimental 80s pop faves.. has raised a little observation -
these songs were both released the same year, 1987. How's the clip similarities.. some camp cyberpunk gang zeitgeist? (actually, reckon Bad was 87... so, yeh, haha.. two years after thunderdome).
Bowie's film clip by Tim Pope (of 37 cure videos fame), the accompanying Glass Spider tour choreographed by Toni Basil.
New Order's filmclip choreographed by frenchy Philippe Decouflé (a large spectacle choreographer) who won best clip at the Brits in 88 for it.

basesix wrote:thanks, @jef, you made me get out some sentimental 80s pop faves.. has raised a little observation -
these songs were both released the same year, 1987. How's the clip similarities.. some camp cyberpunk gang zeitgeist? (actually, reckon Bad was 87... so, yeh, haha.. two years after thunderdome).Bowie's film clip by Tim Pope (of 37 cure videos fame), the accompanying Glass Spider tour choreographed by Toni Basil.
New Order's filmclip choreographed by frenchy Philippe Decouflé (a large spectacle choreographer) who won best clip at the Brits in 88 for it.
Yes cool beat on the New Order,
Similar film clips, simulated violence?
Not sure if they enhanced the music or not?@
This a lot more up to date
North East Party. House

um. yes. got me there. it is without-a-doubt an 'a lot more up to date' music. i might go drop it in @indo's grunge 2.0 party..
..actually, now I'm listening to it, if I was to wake up at 2am, go through to the kitchen and peruse my vast tea collection, decide I have the energy and inclination to knock out a handmade genmaicha using sencha and popping my own organic brown rice.. I reckon this would absolutely be the up-to-date track I'd choose to chillax with.
(I agree with what you said re rotating favourites @jef, very healthy, gotta evolve..)

basesix wrote:um. yes. got me there. it is absolutely an a lot more up to date music. i might go drop it in @indo's grunge 2.0 party..
..actually, now I'm listening to it, if I was to wake up at 2am, go through to the kitchen and peruse my vast tea collection, decide I have the energy and inclination to knock out a handmade genmaicha using sencha and popping my own organic brown rice.. I reckon this would absolutely be the up-to-date track I'd choose to chillax with.
What are you doing having caffeine at that time, of night .
You need to look at tea’s other than
Camellia sinensis , which has its place , but there’s plenty of other options.
I like to mix different herbs with the camellia,
Sometimes different herbs with a bit of coffee as well,

Killer band! Top blokes too.
blackers wrote:Nice one TBB. Will have to do a deeper dive.
Down a notch and a bit sideways, but mentioned in passing above and in the "I can't believe its not the 90's" thread, these guys are pretty good.

Been rinsing this
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.