# Bitcoin #

Nearly but not quite

Roadkill wrote:$99,600
Nearly but not quite
Theres typically some volatility on Sunday nights so I’m thinking we could see it break the elusive $100k then or we could see a dump back below $90-95k

Trump + Nations > Massive uptake of Crypto (Now hitting 50% of National Currency) Why?
Cops now got a Crypto Crypt to bust $1m-$10m Bit Coin Drug Dealers > banking $1m each visit.
Cops Take 'em to Courts ....There's his Crypto Finger Print...yer Honour
Could not give a flyin' fuck...Don't want my house shot at & Daughter raped...see ya next week mate!
80% of Drug offences are now Crypto ...but it means shit...
Oz 2022 / $220m Crypto Scams reported = That's just 13% of total Scams
87% of Crypto victims refuse to report being ripped off> coz Courts set 100% Crypto Overlords free...
Crypto King Drug Overlord Sam tells Albo to suck up his Souvlaki
As a result the World Drug dealers are laundering 10% more Crypto thru their Banks each year.
In 5 Years Drug Mobsters be laundering $1m next to Gran in 15min Queue @ Australia Post.
Gran : Sick of these Queues....Drug Mobster Shoots out the Lights...Said serve Gran Now Fuckers!
Most are coming outta Mid Asia / North / South Korea hittin' the big time...Snortin' Crypto.
Now off the charts...Crypto is #1 Drug Mule...World is imploding with Mobsters running the Show!
Today... here in tbb's town...Just another $1m Korean Crypto Drug Lord deposit...now a fuckin' plague!
Oct Vic scores 100 Tobacco Shop Explosions...
by End on Nov Melbourne alone scores 100 Explosions.
Trump..."Everyone Snort Crypto...get on this shit!"
Within 5 years Crypto will wash 50% illegal tax free Drug money thru every Tuck Shop.
Albo / Trump or Woteva Cowardly Dickhead > Instruct the Courts to let them walk....
Whole world Leaders are Trippin' out on K Pop Pop Tarts..
"Crypto Crime Wave".... e harmony envoy Warning -(Stop picking on Crypto mate or else!)
This Global Crypto uptake % reflects the 80% Drug Lord Empire in each Nation.
Can't half tell by checking out the Sleazy Crypto Pecking order...Drug nations jump 5-10% / year..
Again...reflects the News on yer Telly ...more'n'more dopes depositing $1m CASH in yer bank...WTF.
47% Nigeria / Turkey 44 Thailand 31 UAE / Dubai 30 Argentina 29 Indo 27 Vietnam 25 Singapore 24 Brazil 23 Saudi / Malaysia 22 India / S.A. 20 Portugal / Philippines 19 Swiss / Egypt 18 Pakistan / Chile 17 Australia / Mexico 16 US / Morocco / Netherlands / SK / HK / Ukraine / Belgium 15 NZ / Spain / Poland 14 Ireland / Austria / Hungary / Taiwan / Norway / Peru / Iran 13 Germany / Greece / Italy /UK / Lithuania / Canada / Czechia 12 Columbia / Romania / Sweden 10 Venuzuella / Kenya > Tax havens fill out the rest...Why the Fuck Not...Caymans / Bermuda / Dominican / Vanuatu / Peurto Rico / Gibraltar then all them Eastern Block Dictators....so on & so on...until ya run outta crooks!
Have a Happy Crypto Xmas Fire Works Spectacular Crime Wave....Kaboom!
Judge...Luv these Guys....Can't Breathe!


USD$103,000. AUS$163,000
And rising

And pausing.

Please... when will 2024 end.

you wanna jump into what 2025/6/7 brings?
I think I'll milk my last 3 weeks luxuriating in the relative buoyancy of this floating door, thank you.

Nah, I'm just stirring - 2024's been a good year and I'm expecting '25 and '26 to be even better.
Just continue to be gobsmacked at what is happening daily in crypto world.

Let the daily crypto gobsmacking continue.
Mad crazy stuff.

Crazy stuff in crypto. And even more craziness in the AI space. Incredible amount of capital being deployed, mind blowing stuff.

flollo wrote:Crazy stuff in crypto. And even more craziness in the AI space. Incredible amount of capital being deployed, mind blowing stuff.
The new Space Race, eh, Flollo?

Another ATH for BTC.

Was a pleasant surprise to see that new high. Crazy at.

BTC dominance is peaking (though should still gain quite a bit of value from here) which means alt coins are next to move up

Take that with a grain of salt of course, that’s only if it follows the previous cycles. A bit like trying to forecast a cyclone really..

Hope everyone cashed out.

I hope everyone is holding
Don’t forget Craig, you’ve been saying that every 6 months since it was at $20,000
Which means no matter what happens from here, you were way wrong on this one. As was Warren Buffet

I'd just avoid being greedy and would cash out now. I'm with Ben re this being a big ponzi and having no real world applications as of yet, while also using soo much energy (BTC). Etc. I held and got out a year ago and was happy with that.

That’s confusing. So you were bagging it’s worth out, telling people to sell, but joining in and holding in the back ground, and now claim anyone who holds longer than you is greedy?
It’s all just like a giant lottery / game of chicken between players
Got to be happy with that, I also cashed mine in at the same time, put it into my house, and then sold that
And yeah, I think everyone sees it that way don’t they?

The whole thing never sat easy with me and I missed my exit point because a guy who worked for one of the big trading companies a couple of years ago told me to hold as it was going to blow up. Over the next couple of days it tanked 20% and then continued down from there.
I just left it there and cashed out on the next climb, but seeing how it all went I'm just sceptical of it all and if was still in wouldn't be hanging on for the next high.

Did the downturn have anything to do with this announcement ? Will others hold on hoping Musk & Donny change things ? I understand only congress can do this but when the incoming take control they control the majority of everything. https://www.reuters.com/technology/fed-cant-hold-bitcoin-not-seeking-cha...

One thing everyone can agree on with crypto, is that we will all be glad when it’s over. None more so than this poor fella

Ha, indeed.

There’s plenty of growth to come in the crypto space. I’m still buying and have no intention of selling anything. I went for dinner yesterday and even split the bill with a mate who sent XRP to me.
But I’m not relying on any of that money for short term liquidity. That’s very important, crypto is a very volatile market.

Supafreak wrote:Did the downturn have anything to do with this announcement ? Will others hold on hoping Musk & Donny change things ? I understand only congress can do this but when the incoming take control they control the majority of everything. https://www.reuters.com/technology/fed-cant-hold-bitcoin-not-seeking-cha...
I think that last sentence is the most important - ‘Cryptos are assets, but they are not currency’
It is important to distinguish the differences between blockchain and tokens. Blockchain is a great technology but it doesn’t need tokens to run. Tokens/coins are actually products being sold by companies (with heaps of scammers in the mix) working with different blockchain technologies. If company’s blockchain proves to be popular and usable you could safely assume that revenues will follow. But those revenues might have nothing to do with the actual token. A good example is Santander, one of the world’s top banks, using RippleNet. But they’re using it with fiat currencies, not with XRP. Technically speaking, the whole global financial sector could implement Ripple while throwing the XRP coin into the bin.
So why do we have coins? You have to go all the way to the beginning of decentralised finance. The whole idea is to use decentralised network to validate the transactions. So called ‘mining’ and later ‘staking’ etc. Basically, my computer at home can be used for this work. But why would I bother with that? Well, this is why coins were created. It was an incentive for miners to do the mining.
Fast forward to current times; these coins have created a market of their own. They are bought/sold in 3rd party markets (exchanges) independently of the companies that created them.
This is very important as it lets companies get away with minting coins without those coins being a security in the company (completely different ball game if this was the case). I don’t think that most people buying crypto understand this. They are not buying an equity in the ‘project’, they are buying a product same as car is a product. The only difference is, the car diminishes in value while some cryptos appreciate.
So coins are assets that people believe in. Trump can buy an asset, call it some bullshit name ‘strategic reserve fund’ and market will go wild. He doesn’t even need to worry about this being a currency. To be honest, Bitcoin has zero chance of being a currency. The tech is shit, slow and expensive. Energy consumption is ridiculous. No hope for that one. Also, I don’t see much impact from central banks objecting against using bitcoin as a currency. That’s not the point.
And finally, don’t underestimate the value of cold wallets. There are plenty of people who want to hide their money from banks, governments etc. Cold wallet is invaluable for that. And this demand will never go away.

And getting it off the cold wallets and back into circulation to use, without being tracked as it's all on the blockchain, proved a major problem for Bitcoin's Bonny and Clyde. We watched a hilarious and truly cringe Netflix Doco on this recently. I will leave you with this music that these funds enabled to exist. (As I link it up my partner is loudly saying "No, we don't want that, put it on headphones if you are going to listen to it!")


flollo wrote:XRP!!!
Yeah if you'd bought back in the early Nov lows you could be 6X by now.

donweather wrote:flollo wrote:XRP!!!
Yeah if you'd bought back in the early Nov lows you could be 6X by now.
Yeah, a family member bought $20k USD back then. I wasn't that lucky but I still managed to squeeze in.

flollo wrote:donweather wrote:flollo wrote:XRP!!!
Yeah if you'd bought back in the early Nov lows you could be 6X by now.
Yeah, a family member bought $20k USD back then. I wasn't that lucky but I still managed to squeeze in.
Wow big call buying that much in the Nov lows. At that stage no one knew if XRP was destined to die or pump.

flollo wrote:donweather wrote:flollo wrote:XRP!!!
Yeah if you'd bought back in the early Nov lows you could be 6X by now.
Yeah, a family member bought $20k USD back then. I wasn't that lucky but I still managed to squeeze in.
It’s awesome to hear when people get lucky.
I have a customer that is battling icare workers comp over a back injury. I bill icare and they deny everything and we battle away and his lawyers get involved and it’s just an ongoing denial battle. He can’t work now and has very little. He lives in a caravan but has 160k of XRP which he has had for years.
He is selling to buy a unit for himself and his daughter to get their first real home. It’s a good outcome and life changing.

This is one of the craziest articles I ever read.

flollo wrote:XRP!!!
my neighbour has been banging on about xrp , since the bloodbath 3-4 yrs ago .
crypto mad the bloke

Trump meme coin.
The ultimate grifter with a willing bunch of fools. And people think he is doing what he does for them, the people.

I think Trump will instruct the Fed to buy and hold bitcoin. Wall Street and others have been buying up BTC as an asset. If the Fed does buy on Trump’s instructions it is a way for Trump to indirectly reward and enrich many of his backers.
Billionaires good…common folk, meh, fuck them as they have done all they can for him now and don’t have much more to offer.

So the incoming POTUS announces - just a few days before his inauguration - a new meme coin called $Trump.
That was 36 hours ago.
It now has a market capitalisation of US$13 billion (A$21 billion).
How? Why? Wot?

thermalben wrote:So the incoming POTUS announces - just a few days before his inauguration - a new meme coin called $Trump.
That was 36 hours ago.
It now has a market capitalisation of US$13 billion (A$21 billion).
How? Why? Wot?
“ According to the Trump meme coin website, a Trump-owned company called CIC Digital LLC owns 80% of the coin’s supply of 200m tokens, which is expected to grow to 1bn over three years.”
Trump owns 80% of the coins total supply which is 1 bn…200m is currently in circulating supply.

Trump, the ultimate grifter. And now we also have Melania's coin. My family member managed to get in on the Trump somewhat early with $2,000. Turned it to around $10k. Not sure if he sold it as it crashed overnight. Trump triggered a market sell off. What a circus. Freaking casino, haha!
And just to add, I bought some Trump coin but I watched it like a hawk. I don't trust any of these and I usually never trade this rubbish. I followed it dollar for dollar with stop loss orders. As it hit 74$ I had a stop loss order on $72.5. It peaked and reversed, my order got filled and then it dropped I kid you not like 40-50% in like 30 sec. This business is on par with a slot machine at Las Vegas airport at 2AM. Zombie land.

This is an epic read. We reached peak stupidity.

I thought we got there with dogeelonmars and squid game NFTs back in the last cycle. Perhaps stupidity is an infinite resource?

Trump Coin creates $Billions outta thin air...
Now worth more than Qantas
Don't stop...does it...just print as much on anything ya like...
Melania Coin worth more than Monopoly Money maybe...
Prez accused of profiting from office or something...
No idea...apparently a piece of Trump's Dog shit worth more than Gold Nuggets
Used US Toilet Paper worth more than Oz Dollars

Roadkill & flollo, do you mind sharing what services you use?
I'm trying to get my head around this stuff. What are the trusted, or at least trusted by you, services?
What broker? What exchange? How do you store it... cold or hot wallets? Some other way?
There seems to be so many dodgy and vulnerable operators out there.
The Bitcoin graph looks Interesting ! ?