Vaccinate or not

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak started the topic in Tuesday, 24 Nov 2020 at 6:20pm

I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 17 Jan 2025 at 10:01pm

Cheers Reform if ya are keeping up...then tbb had better present half decent Qld Data...
Not sure where to get it from... but will re-evaluate when data arrives...
1stly ...our Qld Health Crisis is frontline up close & personal...
tbb ear emergency > GP Mon Morning > to Emergency > rough'n'ready procedure today...
Not sure why but all medicos were terrified of tbb having to live with a Cauliflower Ear!
Doc was on his phone all the time > no wash up just slash, drain & extra ABs? Wow!
Real tough job to get a footy bandaged head in around 10 secs...lasts all of 20 secs.
Likely got cabbage patch kids growing in there by end of next week.

2ndly Qld Covid Data is delayed more so again...back to Joh's Censored Police State is normal for us!

Overarching Fed Directive was more Vax or Govt will Act?
tbb was right to state low vaxed Qld were in Govt sights!
But! That in itself don't make it true...tbb can now further check on this data ....

Surprise! Oz Aged Care weirdly charted a drop in Vax Rollout...during Dec.
Despite new Qld CHO being an Aged Care Vax Queen >
Staff no longer receive Covid Compo > End of year crews likely Tested [+] to score Time Off...(Shh!)
It's possible that many of Qld [+] staff wished to test positive to reunite with interstate families.

So there were less staff on duty in Qld & new Vax never ramped in Northern or any Aged Care.
Kinda like best laid plans...fell in a heap once silly season kicked in!"

tbb was better able to chart Qld / Oz Aged Care Vax Data!
Sept 2023 was last peak = Qld ( 64%) 19.3k / Oz 102k
Jan 2024 low 9k / 51.3k > up monthly to Nov 2024 (50%) peak 18.9k / 99.2k drops to 16.5k / 86.6k
Fed Health minister saw Vax backing down so issued a threat...pretty much what that was about..
tbb apologizes for preemptive Govt threat, was a last minute plea to extend vaxing before Xmas break.

Aged care summer outbreaks do kick again into new Covid outbreaks are still in play!
This data share is more about ruling out Fed Govt Xmas directive that never came to fruition.
If crew wanna see how to politicize similar next...

Somehow the Media has access to Regional Vax / why & will this play out in Election?
Only coz there's some serious Electoral messaging by exploiting Covid Images at will...
Most just assume that Covid won't boss can and looks likely to be exploited!

Even if one never even tries to exploit it...just draft yerselves a basic check list!

Showing Highest Vax = Highest Outbreaks ( Purely to suit base Political Agenda )
'Avg' State Booster doses Vic 14.6% > Qld 10% > NSW 3.9%
Only highest boosted Vic issued a recent 2024 Covid [Alert] + rather early at that...
In itself rather damning by self declaring as an easy target-pin the Oz outbreak on Vic!
Vic CHO advised 7 day Iso / Longest ongoing Hospital [ Amber Alert] Crisis with Mask Mandates
Vic currently still has highest State [+] Rate of 10.5%
Vic also has higher than average Aged Care Vax = Higher Outbreaks > highest res [+] > highest Staff [+]
Even has highest AV scripts
Simply question why Highest Vaxed State is infecting / Hospitalizing / killing Oz at fastest rate.
One could easily be sold on Campaign of more Vax = More Covid Outbreaks

Any child can applaud any Pollie singing Anti Vax...
What's our expert fact checker gonna to e harmony chick to censor Vax / Hospital Data..
All now know this to be true 100x over...bit late to hide Oz biggest hot mess!

Just sharing how easy to tar & feather lead Govt Health Experts!

NSW (Fully boosted 6 month) breakdown...
(As experts predicted before Rollout -Wealthy can Vax more often > Poor less so...)
But tbb will share just how political the Parties can still ramp this...
25% Kiama / Mosman / Hunters Hill / Ku-ring-gai / Lane Cove
2024 North Sydney = 16,816 cases (13%) Ask why this "highly boosted crew" is drowning in Covid!

So are we to avoid these Mass vaxed unhealthy Victoria / Nth Sydney Covid Hot Spots
Now that's not good for business...but during a campaign it's money for jam... Huh!
tbb can only share what media serves up...& it's already a lot!
Least Vaxed dropping to bottom group Cumberland / Liverpool / Fairfield 3%
Sure these areas also have comparative high % covid but massive population to exempt it.

Keep an eye on this...purely coz this Vax data timing is suss...will we see Covid Data in Campaign.

Reminder of 2022 Election...
2022 Nat Cab orchestrated Mass AEC [+] Test Trap to alleviate AEC flooded infected booths
Premiers conspired to cull 200k Vote turnout > to close shitty booths & crowd fav Party booths!
Not joking...tbb shared...sitting members culled / stalled low vote booths > stoked fav booths...cheats!
2022 was largest ever AEC / Fed Govt conspired Voting rort in history of Elections!
Resulting in lowest Democratic turnout in 100 years for lowest % Ruling Govt.
Half a million Votes rorted by States orchestrating perfectly timed Test Traps + Dud Booth Culling.
Sitting AEC member...don't like that Poor booth > please visit our A team Yuppie booth...Better!

Just saying both parties & Media are not supposed to politicize pandemic....Cough!
Expect some wedging from any Health angle here more than other nations...
Covid rises each April thru May 2022 > 2023 > 2024 > 2025?
(Likely a Living with Covid Election > Aged Care > Health Crisis!)

But before the Election we have our current Covid Peak...
49.2% o/s [+] in Oz shows new Global Covid peaks on 26th Jan 2025 [ Made in China Day ]
Affectionately known as Living with Chinese Covid Day 1 (National Sickie Day!)
Every Aussie is mandated to strictly buy made in China Merch to thank China for living with their Covid!
All supermarkets are mandated to stock 100% Made in China merch...Happy viral invasion day!
Biggest blow to Oz economy on 26th Jan each year...well durr!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 19 Jan 2025 at 5:13pm

High Qld Hospital Covid Rates Anomaly.
Mid Sept Spring Outbreak Set of 3 rising waves were nothing unusual
Each peaking higher end Sept 80/day > end Oct 110/day > end Nov 130/day

By 2nd week of Dec (School Holidays) Kaboom > by 15 Dec doubled as media said...
Qld month long spell of over 300 hospitalizations / day.

Qld data reflects Aged Care
Each peaking higher 19 Sept 120/wk> 31 Oct 110/wk > 12 Dec 150/wk
Qld 3 wk spell of over 350 res / 150 Staff each wk.

The timing perfectly aligns with Summer Peak holidays...
Simply a matter of verifying an influx of larger Xmas / New Year tourism numbers
Hospital Data is usually weekly > Tourism figures are usually Monthly...
However this is an anomaly and as such Airports love to brag over record figures.

Bne Airport figures 13 Dec 2024(Xmas) 27 Jan 2025 (New Year)

Bne Inbound extra (9%) 257,000 above 2023
Domestic is now just 6% short on record 2019 pre covid

International (935,000) is setting new records in many ways (Cough)
NZ / US / Japan-Ski (All got Covid Outbreaks) > UK ( Mass Viral Combo Outbreaks)

NSW (Not Stated / Unknown = o/s test cases) since reopen May 2022 @ 16% [+]
1,141 / 2,319 (highest [+] number since Winter) New highest % record 49.2% [+]

Salute ...makes tbb's job easier...
Qld = record high o/s + Interstate tourism covid = Month long 300+ Hospitalizations

Peak [+] Flight data
Domestic Dec = 12th 53k > 13th 55k > 20th 52k (Covid doubled)
International Dec = 21st 23k > 22nd 22k > 4th Jan 23k (Sustained double covid)
Perfectly reflects Qld Hospital Crisis

Jan 6 2025 = 35 seat bus 51.6% infection risk > 300 seat (Plane) = 99.8% infection risk

Now just finishing up on this...roughly 75% are [+] then a further 25% get infected at Hospital.
Crew may know Hospitals are Covid Hubs...(Patient tbb was assigned a neighbouring Covid Patient)
Sept 2024 : Around 25% test [+] in Hospital's%20lead,the%20virus%20after%20being%20admitted.

Wotz New in 2025 fun Covid facts! (Cough!)
Crew now have perfectly even chance of being infected by any on each and every flight
Equal Covid risk of any live Global Strain from any jetsetter on any plane...(How perfect is that!) one go spreading that about to intentionally promote fear and panic...much!

Qld has Plenty of other new beaut ways to Promote fear...ya might like to try...

14th Jan 2025 : (Special) New Hot Rails to Hell Covid Cruise.
Port of Townsville > Queen Elizabeth Cruise to fully positive Mouldy Ghost Townsville
Watch this space...New concept:
Covid passengers can now contract exotic grubby diseases from unkempt Qld Port Cities.
Local chambers of Commerce beg for Townsville to be Cyclone Ravaged...Please Hurry Huey!

Crew's kindness is infectious...let's spread a little more of that Love Boat magic...

Wotz new in CDC Norovirus Cruises.
Still the unhealthiest most fun way to spread the Love...(Cough!)
Did tbb say still? Think that's Industry Standard dream merchant speak!

2023 = 13/14 Norovirus Cruises +
Scarlet Lady (Real name) Gonna feel sick...Salmonella / E coli combo ( Promise! )

2024 fuelled the most Fun loving diseased cruises since 2012
14/18 outbreaks were Norovirus Cruises (12/year average from 2006-2019)
Total [+] 1894 Pass [+] 245 crew
Another 2 harboured strains of E. coli / Salmonella.
Coming soon to your local break...
+ Royal Caribbean / Ocean Nautica ran new {Mystery Disease Cruises}
These Mystery Disease Cruises are starting to catch on...(Gold Club members only)

2025 Diseased cruising continues with yer Classic Norovirus Cruises
Might wanna try new fish poisoning Ciguatera Cruise...or...

For Ship shape Top Deck panic & fear try New 2025 { Mystery Outbreak Cruise}
Choose from Running tract Diarrhea or Moan about in Stomach Cramped Cabins
45/681 + 5/532 Crew Cabins just became available...
Why not treat yerself...hang a don't disturb sign on yer door...ya know ya got to!

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 23 Jan 2025 at 9:09am

I know it's a super shitty source, Daily Mail Video...haha....but just posting for the comments. Maybe all made up(?), but i kinda doubt it. Alot of similar stories too. And some sad ones.
Worth a read of the comments for perspective at the very least.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 25 Jan 2025 at 12:56am

Global / Australian Drug Shortage Crisis
Shortage blows out to 428 drugs > 36 critical Drugs

21st Jan 2025 : AMA
* Forum
* Traffic Light System (Yellow = Ok to continue scripting same Patient but no new Scripts)
* Centre of Disease Control Involvement
* Less TGA Reactive > More proactive with Experts (6-8 week meets)

21st Jan 2021 : Pharmaceutical Guild of Aust...
* Forum
* TGA Med Shortage Action Group (Response is too insular)
* Reinstate (End of 2021) Med Shortage Working Party (More Inclusive)
* Extend Min supply Notices from 6 months > 12 months where possible. (Sorted)

Global Top 6 Shortages are similar across most nations...
tbb has researched each drug to source reason for shortage....

# Antibiotics in a list of their own (recall running a feature on this)
Anyhow...we can recap + add Xmas WHO wrap...

#1 ADHD Drugs : Lisdexamfetamine Deimsylate (Made by one company)
Treatment : Regulates the Nervous System to alleviate Covid Spike Protein lodged effect
Halves Vice effects & Physical-Weight-Cognitive-Heart > Emergencies-Hospitalizations- ICU-deaths
Drug was used in several Trials to alleviate LC Brain Fog /Exhaustion /Stress /Dizziness /Appetite
Also rewards more Sleep / Alertness > can bring on Anxiety / Dry mouth...

April 2020 School Age Drug was hard to get during the use dropped off in Boys
June 2021 (47 Wealthy Countries)[+] 20-24 dieting Psych Girls queued for this smart recover drug.
Can share an Oz Women's example of this exact Drug Shortage (Brand Name)
tbb became aware because of new batch of Adult Prescription in Oz...thought it was odd?
Share this ADHD script explosion for adults during covid...
So it could be MULTI scripted ADHD / Long Covid / Psych Drug...only it sold out? Like this...
Both coz Home Chix seemingly drove parents crazy > swallow pills & Cram Home Studies...DUX.
Possible that Govts scooped it up for National Stocks + Other Companies want in on the Licence.
It's still very much a trial drug but it's very popular...even with Teen Girl Mental Health scripts.
Basically the only drug that will clear the Vaxed Zomboids Brain Fog!

#2 Pain Relief : Morphine
This pain relief Drug has a hidden secret...Oxygenation 10mg/day is safe for 70% of Covid Lungs.
tbb checked...this is used in Oz Hospitals (Roughly 1mg/hr up to 30mg/day)

#3 Chemo : Methotextrate
This drug actually inhibits Covid Replication by down regulating ACE 2

#4 Diabetes Drugs (Obviously Ozempic > Covid/Vax Body swelling is in fashion)
Covid / Vax inflammation is actually increasing diagnosis of diabetes by 11% (67% avg) >276%
Simple as that > Massive uptick in swelling > Body weight = Diabetes ramp > All Drugs as well..
Pretty hard to hide #1 World Problem Drug need / shortage...never gonna make enough...

#5 Drips : Dextrose + (More obviously Sodium Chloride > Climate Disasters Flood Med Plants)
Effective 3x Types of AV Anti Flam 200-500ml Drips
Mostly to avoid Hypoglycema (Low blood sugar) but also for CRRT Home Kidney Dialysis kits

# Menopause : (Not on the list but likely should be soon...massive shortage in Oz)
Estrogen seems to both increase infection but protect against Symptoms & virulence
Basically HRT Women are repeatedly infected but least lung damaged, hospitalized or deaths!
Kinda like Zombie Mother Lab Rats that can't be put down so go around spreading covid .
Better get them some more low on mutant strains...

tbb used this Top 5 to example Global Check tbb's similar in most nations..
eg: Oz sites rank these drugs : Diabetes > ADHD > Menopause > Mental Health (Teens)
Same as you'd read in any nation of what tbb charted & reviewed for that very reason...

Recapping the shortage is down to part censored ongoing mass covid waves.
No! tbb never set out to prove such...nor will you read anywhere that it is Covid related.
This Chart style formats itself as how the data presented...tbb simply goes with the flow...
If it presents this way then that's how it's either hidden or rising to the surface.
Being honest...most kinda thought it links back to Covid...not rocket science is it...
This ward chart is not really news...more so verification of what crew already knew.
There's no point in hiding the obvious truth...all are sick of it...
Crew are free to prove what they said tbb just tried to get to the root of the shortage...
How big & how long is shared where possible...

[Disclaimer] tbb was diagnosed with onset diabetes near end of 2024...part of this data set...True!
Although any treatment / drugs is not deemed priority as tbb has overriding health problems.
Reckon tbb alone exhausted all yer antibiotics...can't recall not being on them for more than 3wks.
Qld Health Prescribed tbb today : Take 2 capsules 4x daily = 8 tablets / day > be a shortage now...
All of this and more...not trying to prove a point...
Not about vax or not unless the research shows such...if tbb shares such then's been said!

There is some base level censoring or shortage of more than usual...
Germany claim 1500 > Oz 430 > US 325 >200 record 320 in 2014) > WHO 300 > UK 150
Just sharing this is news & is very much an ongoing crisis...hence ya read about it in VoN.

Qld Libs Election promise to share more Data + Now [L] bodies push for Drug Forum before Election
Watch this space...these drugs > conditions will likely ramp towards election...
We'll hear from more Oz Diabetics / Chix Teens > Menopausal Mums to rip into both parties!
Chix are biggest swing voters > Would expect Teals will jump on the Menopause gig...
UK News > Way less shortage but are right now running this personal Angst...expect more of this.
Recall Costello ACA milking Elections by Directing all them Funeral Lockouts...more of that...
Dutto's ACA will destroy Oz Health security towards [L] AMA Forum.
Likely to extort their $1300 Pax Scripts outta the Future us...we'll save ya!
Recall Dutto/Costello/ Dr Nick savaged Dan on eve of Covid Response to cover Top end hand outs!
Guessing Dr Nick will run a few ACA Drug Shortage Promos of Albo bumping off family's dearest.
Here's how ugly that looks...

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Sunday, 9 Feb 2025 at 9:23am
udo wrote:

Fuck every single human that pushed the vaccine, the dumb humans that changed their profile pic to a "just been vaccinated" border. What absolute sheep.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 9 Feb 2025 at 9:34am

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Sunday, 9 Feb 2025 at 9:39am
AndyM wrote:

Hi mate, hope you’re well.

How’s things ?

That’s the good stuff right there, honey it’s got the lot,

BTW. Did you receive the book I sent to you via FR76 ?

Al the best. AW

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Sunday, 9 Feb 2025 at 9:56am
AndyM wrote:

Does it give you false positive results for aids?

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Sunday, 9 Feb 2025 at 11:37am
burleigh wrote:
AndyM wrote:

Does it give you false positive results for aids?

Burleigh. Hi hope ya well.

I wouldn’t know, I’m not a virologist.
I’m a plant person.
Plants and insects go hand in hand. So I have knowledge of substances that are produced by either.

But I do know that honey is a great natural antibiotic, antiseptic, antioxidant, anti inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial substance. (Albeit, I am of the assumption that Manuka honey sold as pure, in some circumstances is fake, labelled incorrectly so as to make a high level profit, but thats just my opinion).

Australians could do themselves a favour and rid themselves of all external inputs of refined sugar from soft drinks, breakfast cereals and so on, major drivers of ailments like diabetes, fatty liver, kidney problems etc.
If absolutely necessary, people could garner a sweet taste from something like honey. Way better for you, it’s a bit of a life elixir. AW

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025 at 7:39pm
AlfredWallace wrote:
AndyM wrote:

Hi mate, hope you’re well.

How’s things ?

That’s the good stuff right there, honey it’s got the lot,

BTW. Did you receive the book I sent to you via FR76 ?

Al the best. AW

AW I'm very well thanks, just got back from four days in the bush, first paddling down a river and then driving out into the middle of nowhere to sit beside a creek and do very little. Apart from the paddle, another highlight was sitting out in the bush and listening to a big storm get closer and closer, then seeing the wind push onto distant ridge tops before finally arriving at our camp and drenching the landscape for an hour or so. The sounds and smells were intoxicating.
As good as it gets in my opinion.
I haven't seen Steve for a while but sincere thanks for sending that book, that's exceptionally kind of you. I'll contact him and see how things are going.
As for the honey, it certainly is one of nature's many marvels however I was having a dig at Burleigh who it seems would substitute honey for modern miracles such as vaccinations.
As good as it is, I don't see honey doing the job of, say, the polio vaccine.
All the best AW, I'm sure you've been out and about embracing all the best things.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025 at 8:15pm
AndyM wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:
AndyM wrote:

Hi mate, hope you’re well.

How’s things ?

That’s the good stuff right there, honey it’s got the lot,

BTW. Did you receive the book I sent to you via FR76 ?

Al the best. AW

AW I'm very well thanks, just got back from four days in the bush, first paddling down a river and then driving out into the middle of nowhere to sit beside a creek and do very little. Apart from the paddle, another highlight was sitting out in the bush and listening to a big storm get closer and closer, then seeing the wind push onto distant ridge tops before finally arriving at our camp and drenching the landscape for an hour or so. The sounds and smells were intoxicating.
As good as it gets in my opinion.
I haven't seen Steve for a while but sincere thanks for sending that book, that's exceptionally kind of you. I'll contact him and see how things are going.
As for the honey, it certainly is one of nature's many marvels however I was having a dig at Burleigh who it seems would substitute honey for modern miracles such as vaccinations.
As good as it is, I don't see honey doing the job of, say, the polio vaccine.
All the best AW, I'm sure you've been out and about embracing all the best things.

AndyM. Hi fella.

That trip sounds wonderful, out and about in our best.
You paint a lovely picture. Vicarious pleasure at my end on your behalf.

Being tuned into the rhythm and the heart of natural systems, hearing intricate sounds from various organisms, peaceful away from regional towns and major cities. I love the climax of weather systems, bit , of a lottery, dunno what ya about to get.
I love that petrichor smell right before rainfall, you know you’re out amongst it when that pleases your nostrils.
Birds, plant, other animals, be it vertebrates or invertebrates , lots to see and listen to.
Sounds like you found peace and tranquility. All the best, thanks for sharing.
I’ll go a vaccine any day. AW

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025 at 8:42pm

haha. I'll take the honey thanks. :-P

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025 at 9:33pm
southernraw wrote:

haha. I'll take the honey thanks. :-P

I’ll have both of what she/he’s having. I love honey.
In fact, where I’m working at present my clients have an active bee hive that’s got some system where the honey automatically drains into glass vessels.
I’ve got a real peppermint like tasting one at present.

A few blocks away, a local football ground has a heap of Peppermint Eucalyptus .
That’s the source. AW

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025 at 9:59pm

wow. Unreal @AW.
Fascinating stuff and amazing little creatures!

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025 at 10:25pm

Flow Hive, a revolutionary beehive invention, allowing you to harvest honey without opening the hive and with minimal disturbance to the bees.