Vaccinate or not

Just remember Burls, I would bring you frankincense and myrrh if I could.
Probably not gold though.

AndyM wrote:Ok, data shows that COVID-19 was the sole cause of only about 5% of listed COVID-19 deaths.
When doctors determine that COVID-19 is not the sole cause of death, they record other causes on the death certificate.
In the U.S., at least 90% of such recorded deaths had COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death rather than a contributing cause.
Note the word underlying.
Maybe a bit like if you have a stroke and die from a related heart attack, the underlying cause is still the stroke.
So in other words, you most likely wouldn't have died without Covid and you most likely wouldn't have died without the stroke.
But death averages didnt increase........ Im not surprised you left that minor detail out.

AndyM wrote:Just remember Burls, I would bring you frankincense and myrrh if I could.
Probably not gold though.
i'll bring you some sticky tape to replace your seatbelt.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr:
In 1999, the CDC said "let's see if these mercury vaccines are causing autism".
"So they looked at one vaccine, the hepatitis B vaccine... and here's what they found: The relative risk of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years and lung cancer is 10. This was 11.35. They knew."
"They pushed the panic button and they had a secret meeting... They had a two day meeting with 52 individuals, including all the major vaccine companies, regulatory agencies that administer vaccines, WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS."
"And somebody recorded that meeting... I got a hold of the transcripts in 2005, and it is horrific. It's a nightmare."
"The panjandrums of the American health care system, these regulators who are supposed to be protecting us... they're looking at the science and they are saying: It's bulletproof. We are causing autism."

Reckon if you got in an accident you'd like to have a seatbelt on.
Surely you've got seatbelts in your VN Commodore?

AndyM wrote:Reckon if you got in an accident you'd like to have a seatbelt on.
Surely you've got seatbelts in your VN Commodore?
I do. It's my healthy immune system which i work hard every single day. Its a good seatbelt. Better than the sticky tape you're wanting every person to wear.

Chelsea L wrote:Robert F. Kennedy Jr:
In 1999, the CDC said "let's see if these mercury vaccines are causing autism".
"So they looked at one vaccine, the hepatitis B vaccine... and here's what they found: The relative risk of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years and lung cancer is 10. This was 11.35. They knew."
"They pushed the panic button and they had a secret meeting... They had a two day meeting with 52 individuals, including all the major vaccine companies, regulatory agencies that administer vaccines, WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS."
"And somebody recorded that meeting... I got a hold of the transcripts in 2005, and it is horrific. It's a nightmare."
"The panjandrums of the American health care system, these regulators who are supposed to be protecting us... they're looking at the science and they are saying: It's bulletproof. We are causing autism."
- a thimerosal-free hepatitis B vaccine was introduced almost 25 years ago
- vaccines which used to use thimerosal as a preservative raised blood mercury levels after hepatitis B vaccination in babies, particularly premature babies, but the levels were within the ‘normal’ range defined by the US Department of Health and Human Services, which is still 10 times below the upper safety margin.
- for babies at high risk of hepatitis B, the risk of hepatitis B is far greater than the risk of thimerosal
- an association between thimerosal and autism has not been established.
- "the precautions taken in calling for thimerosal removal from vaccines appears to have led to unintended risks, in particular, inappropriate recommendations by autism advocacy groups regarding avoidance of vaccines (e.g., influenza vaccine) may mislead parents to place children at unnecessary risks." (From second link below)
For what it's worth, I wouldn't vaccinate my newborn with a vaccine containing thimerosal.,are....

You can't argue with RFK when he talks about eating well and exercising but generally speaking he's a fucking nut and a bullshit artist.
Or, as Paul Offit, Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia says, "he's remarkably dishonest."

AndyM wrote:You can't argue with RFK when he talks about eating well and exercising but generally speaking he's a fucking nut and a bullshit artist.
Or, as Paul Offit, Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia says, "he's remarkably dishonest."
A director of a vaccine education centre calling someone trying to make people healthy again dishonest is fucking hilarious.
Maybe its the book he wrote about Faucci. Have you read it?
You also didn’t answer as to why deaths didn’t increase during covid with all those excess deaths you mentioned earlier

RFK loves his meat, he says he would anything except human, dog and monkey. He even admitted to taking home a dead bear to put in the freezer, but changed his mind and was caught dumping it in Central Park.
Fancy a Koala burger anyone.

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:You can't argue with RFK when he talks about eating well and exercising but generally speaking he's a fucking nut and a bullshit artist.
Or, as Paul Offit, Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia says, "he's remarkably dishonest."
A director of a vaccine education centre calling someone trying to make people healthy again dishonest is fucking hilarious.
Maybe its the book he wrote about Faucci. Have you read it?
You also didn’t answer as to why deaths didn’t increase during covid with all those excess deaths you mentioned earlier
Give me some evidence for a change.

AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:You can't argue with RFK when he talks about eating well and exercising but generally speaking he's a fucking nut and a bullshit artist.
Or, as Paul Offit, Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia says, "he's remarkably dishonest."
A director of a vaccine education centre calling someone trying to make people healthy again dishonest is fucking hilarious.
Maybe its the book he wrote about Faucci. Have you read it?
You also didn’t answer as to why deaths didn’t increase during covid with all those excess deaths you mentioned earlier
Give me some evidence for a change.
If someone had terminal cancer and died while having covid that was a covid death.
They even did this with kids right around the time they began rolling out the clot shots to children.
You’re a fool mate, nothing but a fool.
They used these figures for useful idiots like you.

VoN Exclusive [ Most dangerous (vs) Least effective Mandates ]
# ATAGI Risk+o/s......Start ................End (Reason)
1. Kids 6mth-5yr= 19 July 2022 >(mRNA / Covid Vax / AV) NOT recommended for Oz under 5 yrs
2. Unvaxed AV.....= March 2022 > June 2022 (No longer considered a High Risk to access their import AV)
#. Florida ...............= Sept 2021 > Jan 2022 (No longer recommend Kids Vax)
3. UQ csl v451.....= July 2020 > Dec 2020 (Batches were destroyed / Cancelled)
4. Kids ...5-11yrs = 10th Jan 2022 > Feb 2023 (No AV + Covid Vax no longer routinely recommended)
5. Kids 12-15yrs..= 13th Sep 2021 > Feb 2023 (No AV + " Not recommended) re: Myocarditis 69.4/100k
6. M.Lockowns.....= March 2020 > Oct 2021 (Got sick of Beating each other up!)
7. Oz Vax Pass.....= 19th Oct 2021> 25th Aug 2023 (Went on for Way too long!)
8. Novavax..............= 19th Jan 2022 > 31st Jan 2024 (Expired)
9. AZ..........................=21st Feb 2021 > 23rd March 2023 (Expired)
10. CovidSAFE......= 26th April 2020 > 9th Aug 2022 (Not one person noticed when it got Unplugged)
#. Texas ...................= 17 Dec 2020 > (1st Sept 2023 - 31st Aug 2025) Ban $tate Promotion of Covid Vax
#. Japan.....................= 31st March 2024 (End free Vax U65 years)
11. No 2nd Dose..= 21st Feb 2021 > 19th March 2024 (1 Primary Dose > 75yr+ 2nd Dose 6mths)
12. Pregnant Oz...= 23rd July 2021 > 20th Nov 2024 (No longer routinely recommended)
13. Port H'land......= 21st Feb 2021 > 11 Oct 2024 (Vax Contamination > All Groups Suspended)
#. Oregon/Idaho....= 17 Dec 2020 > 22 October 2024 (Boise / Covid Vax Ban)
#. Pregnant UK......= 16th April 2021 > Spring 2025 (No longer Eligible for free Covid vax)
Still Got : Alerts > Free Vax > Mask Mandates > 1.5m > Crowds > RATs > Iso > Hosp Crisis > Deaths > Data
Again...another VoN exclusive Intro Covid Mandate Chart...feel free to add more punitive puke!

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:You can't argue with RFK when he talks about eating well and exercising but generally speaking he's a fucking nut and a bullshit artist.
Or, as Paul Offit, Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia says, "he's remarkably dishonest."
A director of a vaccine education centre calling someone trying to make people healthy again dishonest is fucking hilarious.
Maybe its the book he wrote about Faucci. Have you read it?
You also didn’t answer as to why deaths didn’t increase during covid with all those excess deaths you mentioned earlier
Give me some evidence for a change.
If someone had terminal cancer and died while having covid that was a covid death.
They even did this with kids right around the time they began rolling out the clot shots to children.
You’re a fool mate, nothing but a fool.
They used these figures for useful idiots like you.
Ahh Burls, the suppository of all wisdom :)

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:You can't argue with RFK when he talks about eating well and exercising but generally speaking he's a fucking nut and a bullshit artist.
Or, as Paul Offit, Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia says, "he's remarkably dishonest."
A director of a vaccine education centre calling someone trying to make people healthy again dishonest is fucking hilarious.
Maybe its the book he wrote about Faucci. Have you read it?
You also didn’t answer as to why deaths didn’t increase during covid with all those excess deaths you mentioned earlier
Give me some evidence for a change.
If someone had terminal cancer and died while having covid that was a covid death.
They even did this with kids right around the time they began rolling out the clot shots to children.
You’re a fool mate, nothing but a fool.
They used these figures for useful idiots like you.
So how many of those who had terminal cancer and died while having covid were vaccinated? And how many not vaccinated?
Give me some facts for a change.

Pfizer Process 1 was Tested...but was never intended for Public use.
Nor did one of Trump's Warp Speed Process 1 vials ever leave the lab...
In fact German/US Big Pharma conspired with Biden to ramp false Death Data + Stall Rollout...
The Deal was to cut Trump outta the Game as a Killer Kook (Not) US Saviour!
Their Goofball pet Biden took Control & flicked the Big Pharma Rort Switch
Result...December 2020
Pfizer Process 2 was & has never been fully tested was rolled out Globally & illegally imported by all.
The following is a VoN exclusive exhaustive List of Components known to be in Process 2.
Promoters / Enhancers WHO 10/ng DNA guidelines
SV40 : Simian Vacuolating Virus 40 (Oncogenic DNA virus that induces Cancers)
Pfizer : 22.52 > 24.53 ng + Moderna : 25.24 > 30.10 ng (188x / 500 fold Legal limit)
Escherichia Coli : (Gut Bacteria)
Kanamycin : (Fermented Streptomyces Kanamyceticus Bacteria)
Doubles illicit mRNA Brew each 30 mins.
N1 Methyl-Pseudouridine : Mop up Solution
The Plasmid DNA inside the LNP contains billions to 100's of billions of DNA molecules per Dose.
EMA / BMJ note Residual DNA in [Process 2] mRNA products (vary significantly) per dose!
TGA + other regulators admit that SV40 can transfer DNA into nucleus of Cells
[ Process 2 ]
Sequence was never disclosed to National Regulators as it breaches International GMO import trade!
That's the whole point of Orchestrating Mass drug mules of #1 illicit contraband...(Tell no one!...durr!)
Recap EMA / BMJ / TGA all openly acknowledge varied unknown DNA process in each Rollout dose.
8th Oct 2024 VoN revealed the Post Lab / Brew > Complete Chemistry of [ Process 2] Formulation
Again tbb had revealed this much earlier by part but decided to share the full Chart as again here!
Unmeasured varying mRNA Process is further added / formulated > Storage / Handling / Mixing.
Like this...
Process 1 (Tested / Approved straight was never a frozen brew ...but likewise was never used)
Nor was Vaccine or any Vials / Syringes / Stoppers / Caps ever tested beyond minus 50 degrees.
Even then it was mostly water & absurdly just brought to a freeze for an hour > not months / years!
Everything in them Pizza Trays mixed as one Gas & delaminated @ thawed > Dip sticked into flesh.
Even to this day > It's impossible to freeze minus 80 degrees human chemistry safely...
If so then bring it...they can't and it's all a fucking lie as it's nothing but a mess of Gassed Slurry!
Please anyone share here & now this miracle Vial / Cap / Plunger / Syringe / Needle Shaft combo kit!
All know it doesn't exist...Meaning all Lab process if disintegrated as Toxic slurry at minus 40 onward.
Pretty fucking simple...ain't it, but these Experts keep yanking yer chain...'We know best' = Shit all!
mRNA Pfizer Covid Vaccine ingredients (World exclusive #1 swellnet Vax or Not) other expert Lab has come close to sharing VoN Complete Ingredients (Effect)
Very reason why tbb is is open to all & tbb maintains VoN is the best Vax site!
BNT162b2 (Main ingredient)
Other Ingredients ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexldecanoate) (ALC-0315)
Inactive ingredients 2-[(polythene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide (alc-0159)
Distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC)
12 years or older contains 1 of the following sets of additional ingredients
Potassium chloride
Monobasic potassium phosphate
Sodium Chloride
Dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate
(or) + Bivalent
tromethamine, tromethamine hydrochoride, and sucrose
+ Saline Water for Injections (Varies)
Process 2 (From above is added here to Further ongoing process)
Upon Process 2 we further add yet more processes that are very much part of mRNA Sequence.
These are not all happenstance Lucky Dip Components...
Many were developed over decades to bake, thaw & mix as Vax components...
Yes...with strict strategic 10x Vial rotation measures the like of no other brew...
Wot! Ya think y'all just do this mental shit as a joke...No! Fuck No! This is their twisted science FFS!
Sure...Volumes of the stuff...knock yerselves out...
Additional untested Volatile ingredients of ever increasing unmeasured quantity or reaction.
Cold Chain Storage severely compromised integrity of lucky dip drug cocktail.
No two doses are remotely similar from the same batch to next...all received an entirely stranger dose!
Recapping Lead National Drug Authorities are united & agree even before further Vax corruption.
Every mRNA Covid Vax is of remote unknown ever changing chemistry.
Each wildly different before it's capped & differs further as WR freeze breach & further as it thaws >
Everchanging different chemistry continues to foul each host's genetic makeup.
Each mRNA Vaccine wildly Varies as more different to any other's Vaccine in history of Chemistry!
None could possibly measure similar chemistry to a patient of same Vial in same injecting room.
Yet if it was brewed > Capped > in Lab as Pre-filled of Similar Temp near all are the same.
Any Pollie sells [ONE OF US] Vax Pass for completely different shots > outs as yer village idiot.
(List 1) *Vial Ingredients (Severely compromised during mRNA Cold Change supply
[factcheck] Never Lab Tested > HM kicker thaws unknown icky drug cocktail during 10x shake .
CVD Copper Vapours produce Graphene (Speeds up Filling/Thawing/ Injecting/incubation)
Aluminium replaced Boric Oxide (re: I phone gorilla glass strength)
Potassium Oxide
(List 2) *Rubber Stopper Ingredients [Made in China] from Exxon Mobil Oil
Never tested for emergency mRNA
Halogen 1.2%
Hexane 28.9 ppm
Acetone 8.7 ppm
IPA Ethanol 12.4 ppm
Dionized Water ...
pH2.5 PBS Buf ...
pH9 PBS Buf 1.8 ppm
(List 3) *Syringes (Not tested for mRNA Vax)
Cyclic Olefin copolymer (COC) 1ml lg
Ethylene Oxide
(List 4) *Needle Shaft
Stainless Steel (CVD) Graphene (To prevent rust)
The idea behind Cold chain freezing...with the Vax
Is that the Graphene as with Vial Delaminates upon thaw
These Graphene shards attract & enliven the Dormant Frozen Brew..
To further rocket yer mRNA across the blood brain barrier into yer Brain & Heart.
Sure...Why not ...can track it into yer Brains to see who is Vaxed or if it's reached yer brain!
That's the all here know > Covid camps in yer brain for years = Long Covid.
So..not as silly as it sounds but sound scientific freeze'n'thaw Graphene process..
Ok! Got it...tbb share 2 examples of how Graphene is not in the Vax but added via the Vial / Needle
AS the Baked Vial / Needle Graphene thaws it naturally delaminates > Rotate 10x (Vax comes alive)
Passes thru the Needle Shaft as more Graphene is projected at Rocket speed to reach sweet spot!
Truly ask yerselves...where else are ya gonna read about this science...Huh! Only at VoN...thank you...Shh!
Repeating ...
Graphene is not revealed in any Lab brew but it's the hidden key within thawed Vial & Syringe...Ok!
There would be no rollout without Graphene...can assure the crew of that!
That's how these Experts roll...they think they're smarter than us dumbarse surfer dudes...just humour them.
(List 5) *Deep Freeze (The very reason why ya need Graphene to kick start the show!)
Trifluoromethane + Hexafluoroethane
(List 6) *Refrigeration Gasses ( Enter thru compromised Frozen > Thawing Stoppers)
*Extra ingredients Explanation!
CVD Chemical Vapour Deposition of Alloys (Lustre Film)
300 BC > Vaping Copper > 500* = Fools Silver
(Kinda like Paris Bronze Medal loses it's lustre...only that was a "Bite'ible" seaweed process)
Vaping Copper > 1,000* = Graphene (Modern lightweight highly magnetic rollout for Med /Tech)
Pfizer Tested Graphene to reawaken their Frozen mRNA...(Ok! We'll add that at Injection stage! Got it!)
Not in the Lab formula > Inert in the baked Vial > Deep Freeze > Thaws the Graphene + in Needles.
It gets added 2>3x along the instructional supply chain invisible to all. (Read on...)
Deep Freezing process renders mRNA Vax (inert)
The vials are oxidised with Graphene > As it thaws then shaken it teams & enlivens the Vax fast.
Only 'after' Vax thaws will the Crew see transparent shards of Graphene spike the Vax.
[Pause] Graphine is safe for transplants but deadly as rogue shards shearing thru cells...citokyne Storm!
Each draw up with a 'Graphene Needle' further enlivens the Vax more with each draw of shard dregz.
As a result...Draw 1 is cleanest but slowest to react > Draw 6/7 have more shards & mince thru cells.
Each needle is Dipped & coated 100% > Each injection contaminates whole body before reaching target!
(vs) Prefab packaged uncontaminated doses if strictly injected release all mRNA at it's targeted site.
Just saying ya don't need to be a scientist to correct fact checkers defending 100% impossible clean shot!
Repeat...ALL Westworld got mRNA Jabs dipped in Vials to contaminate everywhere before target.
That's why they made this -100* Syringe...not sure how that partners -50* max rubber Syringe stopper?
Highly magnetic it gathers and rockets to yer brain & heart (re : Easily track magnetic vaxerz!)
The whole point was to track Vax over days into deep brain for 100% defence of Vaxer!
Recall them Forehead Ray Guns [Vaxed (vs) Unvaxed] Weed out unvaxed in seconds
Them Magnetic Lymphs / Brain Tags / Clot Shot are all very real...Graphene contaminated bodies.'s safe when fixed as a transplant but high risk to mince up yer healthy cells...get it out now!
Calcium kicks in to play havoc with the minced cells > resulting in low immunity > repeat infections.
The Aluminium also swells your body > more so upon 2nd injection = They already know this...we don't!
Cold Chain is still not compliant to rollout mRNA Vaxes...
Very reason why Big Pharma reduced the Deep Freeze as it fouled every Dose...
mRNA -80* (Govts mandated -90*) + Whole kit goes in the Freezer! Can't Touch it! Ok!
Vial : (Graphene/Aluminium Coating) Check !
Vial Stoppers (All Made in China) -25* -70* Max
Syringes (Tested 15 with water @ 50* / 12 hrs )
Syringe Stopper (Empty 80* / 24hrs)
All the above ingredients mixed Cold Chain Gasses/Thaws/ Refrozen into highly toxic lucky dip hot shot.
Recapping that Big Pharma was never able to secure mRNA Rollout...all here see & now know that!
There was zero integrity from Lab to supply chain...never once secured what contrived brew approved
Never stopped Govt mandating unknown Lucky Dip knowing none can secure it...still not now!
tbb is happy to share exhaustive ongoing research...that's yer lot for now...Strewth! Bloody Buggered!
Wot does tbb we need more is that possible...(Think we broke poor ol' tbb!)
This all checks out...crew know it's not an anti Vax's a rare exclusive Good Vaxer Guide!
First and foremost to inform Vaxerz of all ingredients that may assist in Vax recovery or Long Covid!
It takes no time to see each Vax Varies by Temp / Vial / Thaw time / Shaking / Needle & Shot #.
Billions of endless combos and no two doses will ever be remotely similar, then nor will any recovery!
Please be more open to believing each are suffering their own private hell...harder to prove otherwise!
Please tbb don't end it on a sad note! No one asked or queued for endless ongoing Mass Health Crisis!
World is mandated to read from the same script...All in this together...ONE OF US...Good Health to all.

AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:You can't argue with RFK when he talks about eating well and exercising but generally speaking he's a fucking nut and a bullshit artist.
Or, as Paul Offit, Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia says, "he's remarkably dishonest."
A director of a vaccine education centre calling someone trying to make people healthy again dishonest is fucking hilarious.
Maybe its the book he wrote about Faucci. Have you read it?
You also didn’t answer as to why deaths didn’t increase during covid with all those excess deaths you mentioned earlier
Give me some evidence for a change.
If someone had terminal cancer and died while having covid that was a covid death.
They even did this with kids right around the time they began rolling out the clot shots to children.
You’re a fool mate, nothing but a fool.
They used these figures for useful idiots like you.
So how many of those who had terminal cancer and died while having covid were vaccinated? And how many not vaccinated?
Give me some facts for a change.
Oh dear. You just don’t get it. Or you do but just don’t want to admit that you were wrong. Why do you prefer to be a useful idiot?

C'mon big fella, I've shown you plenty of stuff which I'm basing my views on.
A bit of name calling is fun but surely that's not your default setting?
What are you basing your opinions on besides Youtube and X?

AndyM wrote:C'mon big fella, I've shown you plenty of stuff which I'm basing my views on.
A bit of name calling is fun but surely that's not your default setting?
What are you basing your opinions on besides Youtube and X?
As I have said over and over. You’re a useful idiot to big pharma/governments. You’re doing their dirty work. If you were protesting for Palestine to be free you would be with the lgtq+ crew not knowing you will be slaughtered if you set foot in the Gaza Strip.

@ burls, so you obviously don't care about the thousands of kids blown to bits in Gaza. Who is the useful idiot now. You don't have to be lgtq+? to see that it's not right to slaughter thousands of innocent people.

old-dog wrote:@ burls, so you obviously don't care about the thousands of kids blown to bits in Gaza. Who is the useful idiot now. You don't have to be lgtq+? to see that it's not right to slaughter thousands of innocent people.
Please point out where I said that.

Unfortunately, his concern for kids is pretty hit and miss.

AndyM wrote:Unfortunately, his concern for kids is pretty hit and miss.
You’re right, I am very concerned with the soup they are given at birth.

80+ dead kids in Tonga, easily preventable.
Though I notice you're backpedalling with the use of "at birth".

US Covid wastewater is up over Xmas
New Mexico now Arizona sets a new record high Covid Waves
5 States running 2nd highest waves + a few more running 3rd highest waves
So apart from mid winter Xmas being peak season...
How to explain with more natural & vaxed immunity US talies record covid waves?
What makes it even more difficult to solve is these high waves are not end destination tourism states...
tbb has explained what's going on here is less so record covid but more so a return to normality.
As each year opens up to more travel we're gonna see more transit hot spots light up holiday traffic.
So we'll see a Covid wave surfing across USA more so as it returns to normal...
Kinda like a return to Spikes at start of Covid....
Past plausible Anomalies (Outgoing Govt is flushing thru record Migration)
Mostly because this gets hidden from media... but not Wastewater...
That is still entirely possible an needs a full wave of data to flush that out...
Each state will ramp wash thru before ...with ...or post wave....too early for this data set!
When one moves around the state we see Traffic merging at Routed Crossroad Cities.
So if crew are keen enough to examine further ...can use this CDC Tracker Map
Now see the neighbouring States lights up from Orange > Red...
Easy to get ahead of yerself here....
Read the fine Print > Shows Current Xmas arrival traffic...Got it!
Map shows westbound traffic orange thru SL City > Red #1 Albuquerque > orange > Red #1 Phoenix
From southern State Freewaves red up thru Charlotte > then orange to Philadelphia > blue NY
From Canada North West Freewaves > Minneapolis > Red Cleveland + From n/e Red Maine into NY
Meaning the next 1-2 wks Maps should show Blue NY / LA turning Orange > Red > Data ramp > Peak.
Post Covid Pop shift to the south + Record Bi directional C of L gaming wave tries their luck in Vegas.
Meaning Vegas is Team USA NYE Hot Spot (Should light up 1-2 wks time on this Data)
Recapping (Record New Mexico > Arizona Covid Anomaly) = Record Las Vegas tourism wave .
We saw the same new southern demographic shift in recent election > all perfectly Covid normal Ok!
Think tbb is making this shit up...Well...shall we check to see if CDC data is on track >
Let's find out...checking right now for any reports of record Las Vegas NYE Crowds....54321..?
Insta = "Record attendance in Vegas Tonight !! SO fun !! Hugs and Here we go into 2025!! xxxooo"
So how could we know that huh?
Data sadly Shows US ain't cruising > they're trying their luck > Record wave of $USA from poor > rich!
So ya can tell all of that from CDC Ward Chart tbb...sure can...speaks volumes don't it...
So what looks like a record windfall is a record kick in the teeth...Map shows losers goin' broke. Yes!
All checks out...Vegas is lighting up...Please Stay in Vegas for 7 days Ok!
Hot Tip ...See Nevada is Moderately Blue
Watch it ramping to top of Very high > Red in Next 2 data sets
Anyhow thought to share US Xmas rush > may check back for peak NY / return covid transit waves
Covid is Lighting up all Dials across whole US CDC dashboard (2wks behind real time)
30 Dec 2024 US = 2% are infectious
Right now Rising higher than all US (Aug-Sept) Summer waves...
Surpassing Xmas wave of 2020/21 > rising to 2022/23
NYE Party of 35+ > Yer more likely than not to test [+] Happy New Year USA

Oz Covid is a basket case of Paranoid Natcab Party Poopers censoring rising C of L Covid Wave.
Flood the Malls with Covid > Spend Spend Spend KILL KILL KILL...for the Economy stupid!
You bet that includes Newbie [L] Qld promise of real time daily data > blows out to record censorship.
Still a week away from any sign of life > Qldurr Martini Mussolini burying his head until 14th Jan!
Good one Davy > in no time at all wins biggest fake ai loser of 2024....Wot a NYE fizzer...
Not one voter takes responsibility nor his Media Boot Camps...."How were we to know he's #1 Liar!" FFS!
Yeah...lucky not one Voter is stupid enough to think [L] can keep an election promise that long #@!*
Ok tbb! ! Is there a pulse beat registering from Joh4PM Star Chamber Ice Station Zebra Censorship Board
Here Comes Cath's Clown Podcastact...try to put on a brave face...
So another broken record then tbb...Well! Not entirely...
*Covid -19 Summer Wave Hits
Still on tbb's turntable...Shit...thought that was another tbb sick Joke...
Why would tbb joke about ABC releasing a Covid-19 Summer Wave Hits (Podcast)
Wot...Ya think that's Funny...A lot of people get off on Silly Season Mix Tapes....
[0:00] Xmas / NY Wave
[1:00] Summer Wave Hospitalizations are now as Heavy as Winter Waves
[1:30] Summer Waves have Peaked in the South? Now sweeping north to Qld
Data : (Xmas 2024 Wave) NZ > ACT > Vic > Tas > SA > WA > NT > NSW > Qld
South Peak
North Peak (Xmas-NYE) Qld Interim CEO is a Private Aged Care Medicare reform Yank Chick.
Goldie tbb confrms Ambo Sirens peaked Xmas-NYE (Backing down now!)
[2:25] 2025 Vax Regime : U65 No Booster / 65+ Annual / 75+ 6mth Jabs
[3:45] "Our immune Systems are Constantly being Boosted if we're out (Not Wearing Masks) fighting off infection, maybe not getting infected at all, but still (Boosting our Immunity).
(That helps to keep our Protection up against More Severe Illness and Against Long Covid)"
[4:10] Vax > 40% reduced hospitalization Protection For Waning Compromised / Seniors
2024 General Global wrap
Asia > Japan > Thailand have rising hospitalizations
Europe stopped Data > General Global review
WHO 5 year Memo > Covid Origin China + Reply
General / Generic Covid Vax Review Gallery Soon...

^ ^ ^
We are now left with little doubt that this “vaccine” production was a vehicle for deliberate genocide of the first order.

Yes! Supafreak tbb exampled > the issue is more than just the Process 2 Residual DNA.
Note FDA / TGA Process 1 Lab Vax never had SV40 + was also never contaminated by frozen breach.
One expert revealed overt storage breached HM / PC compounds delaminating as a lucky dip Toxic soup.
General Vax gallery soon deals further with Contamination and ensuing issues...
Gallery was earlier lazily part shared as a calendar timeline...but it now drives as physicality process.
tbb is not sensationalizing any timeline's purely a natural progression as to when or how it surfaces.
Family is vaxed, so promised to maintain the Mass Orchestration flows of it's own accord...
Meaning it no longer times shock revelation but feels the need to reveal more so in physical anomalies.
Fair to say there is a consensus of boosting damage mirroring being repeatedly infected with Covid.
So next Vax gallery outs itself in what form it shapes itself...can share it's currently purely physical.
Yes! That's the ongoing fear...still a timeline of sorts but of newly revealed physical Covid / Vax anomalies.
Got some new revealing Oz Aged Care Data next up...back soon...

Oz Aged Care Summer 2025 XEC Wave 3 (Update)
Well, said revealing but on closer inspection...Contains Ward Chart Anomaly
So the update actually reads as a wrap...
Report 12th Dec -19th Dec 2024
(No Report) 20th Dec-25th Dec 2024
Meaning the Following Report is more likely to Report 20th Dec 2024 > 2 Jan 2025
Due to 5 days absent data
tbb can only factor moderate Rise Anomalies as Likely continued Drops in Cases.
If any State rises above past weekly report by 2x then we can factor in a rise over one of 1 / 2 weeks.
Report from 26th Dec 2024 > 2 Jan 2025
Report shows Oz > Qld > SA > NSW > Vic all rising into 2025
With ACT / Tas / WA / NT all trending down.
Please feel free to examine data as being from 20th Dec > then all States remain trending down...
Qld seems to have risen to Boxing Day then it also drops...
tbb is prepared to state 'at this time' > all States seem to be trending down into 2025...Ok!
However! Aged Care Deaths do show a delayed slight rise to 2/day into 2025
Usually lags behind into New Year...again...all is in surprises here!
Could be wrong...but what Govt are presenting as a rise in Aged Care reads as a fall...Ok!
Don't be alarmed or go losing sleep of another weird rising yet...
Likely start to rise again at end of Feb...& that's also perfectly normal if it does!

udo wrote:^ ^ ^
We are now left with little doubt that this “vaccine” production was a vehicle for deliberate genocide of the first order.
Look up the 10 stages of genocide.

Of which stage(s) does it meet the criteria?

"Rosa Koire cites the Delphi technique of mass formation indoctrination as the means by which this whole “sustainable” “environmental” “green” “climate change” fraud is perpetrated; to wit: Developed by the RAND Corporation as a Cold War mind control technique, Delphi is used to channel a group of people to accept a point of view that is imposed on them while convincing them that it was their idea"
Agenda 21: Key points.
-Put nature above man: precautionary principle.
-Replace nations with a world government.
-Destroy the family and depopulate the planet.
-Indoctrinate children with enviro-socialism.
-Regulate, nationalise and abolish private property.
-Ration fossil fuels, energy and mobility.
-Ban farming, irrigation, grazing.
-Confine Humans to 'settlement zones'

^ while you're reading Good Works @RC, @Opti put some Micah flake gold on the religion thread that might interest you.
Mica 24:95 DCC.

I never know whether Richard is taking the piss or peeling back the old forey.
As a helmet I don't get Dick cheese.

old-dog wrote:I never know whether Richard is taking the piss or peeling back the old forey.
As a helmet I don't get Dick cheese.
Nice try Diddy..

What's in a name...
Perfectly Honest...was just asked which of the same 5 names is tbb
Heart Clinic 5 of me > GP 4 of me > Psych 3 of me..
Once did a Telehealth Psych appointment as me being a model Mental / Mental Outpatient...Awkward!
Met myself at Supermarket & sat next to myself in Hospital...
Be thankful if ya name is your's alone...'d be cool!
mRNA Vaccine Contamination (Overview)
Largest manufacture & Cold Chain rollout of untested vaccine.
Firstly this in not a lone review & all draw same conclusion.
Cold Chain rollout is prohibitive & invites contamination by sheer scale during a World Emergency.
The one massive difference being tbb is more free to openly explore & detail the Contamination.
So tbb is not critical as each bring whatever value to the table & all wish to share openly as possible.
Being honest it's fair to say most take issue with the Cold Chain than mRNA.
Lab Testing of Original Process 1 was not blind nor had adverse reporting + of restricted demographic.
Process 2 DNA multipliers were never tested / approved prior to rollout...due to GMO import breaches.
Basically it's illegal to import so why would other nations involve in rubberstamping it...
As Pfizer says...Your own people just approved it ahead of you...too late to turn back now...suck shit!
Logistical Challenges.
* Manufacture
Vast Vax Plants ceilings were run down & known to dust metallic particles > Banning manufacturing
Leading to recall of 10's millions of contaminated Covid Vaccines...more than a few times in US
Massive Fires shut down Manufacturing of Millions of Vax in India.
Sheer size & scope led to authorities to rush lease dodgy properties.
(Important) : Water treatment Chems are not listed in Vax)
Potable water is used in manufacture of active substances + Cleaning of Plant Process
27 April 2021 Inert Buzzer Midge Lava in SKYCellFluVax reawakens in Warm Host Bodies...Mass RIP.
(23rd Dec 2024 tbb shares rare most complete list of tested known chems in each mRNA Vax)
6th Jan 2025 : (Today!) Adding more ingredients to the growing list...
tbb has covered this for Flu Vax ....therefore owes an apology for not including the same for Covid Vax.
Have no option than to detail what we know is in the Vax...what harm, as it's in all of us...nuthin suss!
Not trying to alarm...just being open and honest.
National / Municipal Water Supply Chems!
(tbb is right now adding these extra Water treatment Chems to mRNA Vax ingredients...All Say Aye!)
Pfizer Water @ Manufacturing Plant (Actual)
Chlorine : 2.12 ppm ( Total Ch, 4444 / Free Ch, 4445)
Fluoride : 0.44 ppm (694)
Polyphosphate :1.82 ppm ( Hexameta 545 / Ortho 3158) + pH, 526
Coliform 3687
Iron, 416
Extra Water Chems
Regional Refill Water Supply for Freezer > Resultant breached Gases ( To be added )
Oz long pipelines add these Chems...
Ammonia to Chlorine = Chloramine
Ozone = Strict Guidelines
Aluminum Sulphate
Traditional Regional Municipal Hospital Water Supply / Pipework >
(Mixed Freezer Gas Warning for any Vax - Cap / Plunger / Cracks - breach)
Freezer Gas Pipework adding...
Mercury / Arsenic
Regional Dam Runoff Compounds in yer Freezer water supply > Gas compounds...adding...
Nitrates / Pesticides / Cadmium / Chromium / Barium / Sulphates / VOCs
*Saline Dilution : ( Check relevant Country of Origin for base Water ingredients)
Meaning one could opt for variations & limit cross contamination for Co morb / Compromised.
It may mean the Vax is fine without > Certain reactive Saline Water ingredients.
tbb's Grandma refused to drink Town Water & bottled her own > Lived to 96..
All know it's an Issue! Yes! tbb's Gran was fine with Radio Therapy but not Town Water! No Way!
Again water is the source of all life and features front & centre thru whole Rollout
*Cold Chain / Deep Freezing
Vials were baked in new untested Heavy Metal compounds to secure and add to formula upon thaw.
Petro Chem Rubber Vial Caps shrink in Cold Chain > Vax is compromised with ALL toxins in freezer.
Syringe casing Poly carbons crack / split in Cold Chain > Vax merges as ONE compound
Plungers in Syringes also shrink harbouring untold mixed gassing contamination
Be sure to mix gases from blood / wee / poo from shelf beneath yer Vax > Not dripping down onto it...
[P14] Massive difference on how to correctly gas yer pop top mRNA Vax with diseased Blood/Pee/Poo.
Deep Frozen Needle Shafts delaminate their Graphene coating upon thawed injection. (Process 2)
10x Vial turn is 'new & specific' to delaminate doses of similar Graphene to slice & enliven P2 GMO.
Drawing of 5 Doses only > Dose 6/7 contain excess razor sharp delaminated Graphene shards.
Dose 6/7 was never approved at Test level or at Rollout start > contains extra GMO coagulation risk.
(Instructional Vids actually show compromised rubber stopper compound in Needle tip when capped)
Each Vial draw increases blood clotting via 'same shaft' contaminating all blood/skin layers pre target
All Vaxes are contaminated 3x upon - Unsealed Gases > Thawing delamination + more each Draw.
*Vast Cold Chain Storage
Requires massive Flood Risk Warehouses that destroyed Vax ...all saw UK human chain saves.
Storage in Eskies > Ice Rinks along side Blood & Bodies
Bans on Chinese Shipping delayed Vax > Whole shipments contaminated > Adverse reactions tossed!
Vax left on Street Curbs in Japan...street-goers asking if Vax Boxes are supposed to block their Path...
Metal 'Cap' Shards in Asian destination Vials > resulted in many deaths & Vax recalls
*Cold Chain Transit
Atmospherics change Vax composition by 20% (Many Mountains > Flying Doctors > o's Flights)
Package Perforation may equalize pressure but also easily contaminates
Meaning...Just as our ears pop then Cold Chain Vial Caps / Stoppers will pop as one gaseous mess!
Extreme Temp / Atmosphere will compromise to expose Vax > End Temp Gauges will assure handlers!
None the wiser...All current Cold Chain Vessel / Component Testing Science cuts out at -50*
Well...all the vessels seals cut at -50% > Therefore everything matter the monitoring!
Summary of this section...
Q: Was any Logistical Big Pharma component ever even once tested for -80 mRNA Vax Rollout...
No! Never ever was any Vessel ever tested to comply with Rollout Procedure (Read the fine print)
Meaning if -80 Temp was tested (rare) it was with Water & brought to point of freeze then thawed
#1 Reason being it is illegal to import GMO into countries so Why throw good money after bad!
Sure : Only the cultured bad arses wear bibs when dining in Bond Movies...they're still evil! Correct!
Read Here : Scomo signed a deal to illegally import / export mRNA GMO forever above all authority.
Like : That's nice...NOT! It's pure other word for it.
If all knowingly conspire to breach #1 Global Law then why sweat the little stuff...
Big Pharma Vote : Fuck it off!
News! mRNA Logistics were never tested and still not to this day & No! They don't care...Shock!
Dr Livingstone Pony Express Promos of Eskies on Heads in Canoes surfing Croc' filled Floodwaters.
GMO must breakthru all trade matter what!
Perhaps ask why none have even bothered to ask up until this point...all know why...Full of Shit!
For any scientist to argue not one drop of mRNA Cold Chain Vax is compromised...(Read above List!)
Like where ya think tbb got all that ingredient list from...
From compromised vessels...well fuckin' durr! Each openly spell out their limitations.
Just simply include them all into the mix as each is's that simple! Be open & honest!
Only by including all ingredients can we begin to Analyse the ongoing Vax FX to rule shit out...
What's the point of Scientific research if all censor nearly every Vax component...World gone mad!
eg: When Logistical Hell Hole of Pacific Oz invested in mRNA ...Only one thing mattered! Cold Chain.
Many nations have long repurposed mRNA Freezers > Mostly for NP Diseased Carcasses.
For mRNA to have any serious future foothold in Oz...we naturally needed to prevent contamination.
By reducing the formulation by 75% reduces Popping yer Top side's a start!!
Vax Sabotage by design or intent...
Vax Hub Arenas oversupply during lockdowns > Spiked a/h Vax Freebies led to Vax Exemptions
tbb has relatives that were Vaxed + prescribed Covid AV during SEQ Blackouts
Drive-thru Vax holdups compromised Rollouts into evenings.
Many deliveries were left on Footpaths in Heat / Rain others o'n on Bench tops (Some Convicted)
Anti Vax Staff shooting up fakes / Blanks > Selling off the Hard Stuff to VIPs.
Saline Shortage / mixed dilutions - by branding
Oz Day 1 Straight Brew Hot Shot WTF? > No Saline (Oopsie!...poor bastard couldn't out run ACA!)
Gromz jumped Pensioners in Queues....Other Nuts score More More More brand new Cars!
Future of mRNA was unusually unanimous thru dozens of reviews...
All advocated an end to Cold Chain
If it remained then only further costly monitoring / tracking = more breaches...
Meaning the next Rollout will likely cost more to comply more to save more Vax
But still not reach remote regions...
Reviewers prefer reformulation to lower temp more durable longer lasting regional product.
By adding ....
Polymers / Sugars / Stabilizers / Preservatives / Tonicifying Agents /
Protein Engineering / Nanoparticles / Lyophilisation
Powdered Form-Oral / Nasal Spray
Glass Vial > to Plastic PFS.
Leaving this open ended as tbb has got massive GP review...
As said get back to tracking Vax Health Gallery soon enough...
Just had enough time to rollout this contamination review... off to GP.
[DISCLAIMER] tbb just popped another Pfizer Pill just then...not anti Big Pharma...Not at all!
It is what it honest Vax review!

Revelation 18:23 - ....for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
"These results were not exactly welcomed by the medical industry. In part, this was due to the early and inconclusive stage reached by Pauling and Cameron's research at that particular time, but also one is forced to speculate because of the potential threat it raised to the booming and highly lucrative cancer treatment industry. Predictably then, what followed was a highly successful and well publicised attempt to debunk Pauling's and Cameron's initial findings.
Claim followed counter claim, but the principal bone of contention was that the Mayo Clinic, which led the challenge to Pauling's work by claiming to replicate his trials, administered the high levels of vitamin C in oral rather than intravenous form. This was a crucial divergence from the original work as it made it impossible for sufficient concentrations of vitamin C to be brought to bear at a cellular level where Pauling claimed it was needed. Thus any therapeutic benefit was rendered inert."
Dr. Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief of the Lancet: The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.

After Covid you'd think most are immune to Mystery killer virus Pandemic Shockwaves...
Tell us about it...
Like this Disease was only revealed to tbb by posing a companion lead Latent Virus question...a Wot!
Q: Which is the most common latent virus triggered by Covid...
A : Why everybody knows that's are ya thick or somethin' tbb...well durr!
tbb is near 62 y'o and never once ran a mile fleeing from this ferocious Cytomegalovirusaur.
Is tbb simply so stupid or does he simply not care of #1 reoccurring beastly illness on Earth?
Think if ya had to ask twice then crew assume it's likely both tbb...Ok! but first let tbb plead ignorance!
tbb will exhibit www...( As his defence! ) Straight up no editing...
General Consensus : (Forward to Jury!)
www : "Never heard of CMV- You're Not Alone!"
June 2023 :
"The Pregnancy Risk that Doctors won't mention? "
"Why isn't it better known?"
June/July 2024 :
"The most dangerous Virus you never heard of !"
"Most Parents have never heard of CMV!"
"Why don't Doctors talk about CMV?"
Aug 2024 :
"Why is no one talking about CMV!"
"The Overlooked Virus!"
Jan 2025 :
"Chances are you've never heard of CMV!"
(Still not Convinced...tough Jury!)
Think we're mean't to hear from some Experts before we hang tbb! (Gulp! ...Thank You...kind crew!)
Expert [factchecked] Med Opinion
"What Everyone should know about CMV!"
(All are free to check it's Exactly what www Expert says...Ok!)
CMV spreads by all body fluids & thru blood transfusion > It's so common that 85% are [+] by age 40.
It constantly reinfects all of every host's organs throughout our tormented lives.
It affects all 85% of us differently + 1/200 are born with CMV & 1/5 suffer #1 cause of Birth Defects.
CMV Proves Fatal to Babies & immuno-compromised...There is NO known cure...
Doctors swear never to mention it as there is no scripted Drug Bonus Free Holiday to speak of...
Quote : "Fucketh that poor man's deadly disease off my TELEHEALTH Golf Day loop Tape!
Red Cross : Kinda Urgent 24/7 Telethon!
"Endangered race of just 5.7% CMV Free Type O can save our Babies & Life on our Blue Planet!"
No Hurry...Like it's not a big deal or anything...but if ya could spare a pint...that'd be cool!
Crew : "Still think tbb should have known this was gonna come no one's that stupid!"
Ok...but he is a Qldurr...(Exempted!)

Life Expectancy reduced by Virus
(1990) = 2.26 years
(2017) = 1.29 years
Covid = 1.5 > 2.7 years
CMV = 3.7 years (Evasion -Latency- Reinfection is so common that it is factored in as Normative Aging)
Why is attention drawn to CMV...
Because the higher yer CMV antibodies the higher yer risk of Long Covid / Vax shit storm.
CMV overwhelms, exhausts & drains yer immunity leading to Chronic Inflammation...
Cytomegalovirus : (Greek) Cells / Massive + Virus
Cell/s that balloon in size as in swollen Lymph Glands / Glandular Fever / Mono / EBV....
PS: Supafreak > That's a scary story > wish them well...Good Health to all in the New Year!
It's sadly in front of mind of my Mum...
Each time Mum sees my bright Fluro Hot Pink / Purple Legs...she fears tbb will loose them...
Why! Coz it's been over a year of Tests & antibiotics & no improvement...
Both legs Bloody well burn & so tight / restrictive hurt > gotta hobble about...
Cellulitus is like having 24/7 swollen Jelly Stings with the welts...tender to touch...
Still waiting on endless Heart Tests to see if that's the problem...
Last week or so > top of tbb's left ear ballooned a megelosaurus
Lame reason tbb is researching these Heart Throbbing bloody ridiculous body ballooning ailments.
Doctor prescribed more Antibiotics > but tbb's ear is only ballooning out more each day...
Now a real throbbing heaped spoon sized sack of fluid swelling from within top of left ear.
You know when it has a life of it's own & bosses ya for naming in the mirror looks away.
Well it's still silly what if Backpacker Quasimodo is camping in tbb's left ear.
However...on blood if tbb bumps it...there's a good chance of bleeding to death.
One hand is twirling car keys...ready for emergency bay dash...won't be pretty either way.
Like is a giant lump ballooning outta yer ear an emergency...maybe not for us tail end boomer hodads!
Just gotta wait until that ear drops off...coz that'll save going deaf in me left ear...
Crew : "Yeah! That sounds like a reasonable plan tbb...glad ya thought that thru!"
tbb is hearing ya...sounds like we should listen to our bodies more often...

Supafreak wrote:All the best in 2025 TBB , wishing you a speedy recovery from all the crap that has come your way . I love that you don’t give up TBB , you soldier on regardless, shows real character . Your sense of humour is also priceless .
+1 from me too. You hang tough like the Goldie punk that you are. Best wishes from Mexico.

Me too TBB, from a country WA punk mind set to the Gold Coast Jello Biafra, never give up never giving up. Hope you’re well soon.

Hey tbb,
Hey mate! Um, you need help! Geez, and quick! I hope I'm not stepping over the line here.
I'm not a physician but I have faith in the beneficial qualities of homeopathy.
We use homeopathies for just about everything that ails the body. And, with faith in it, it works incredibly, inconceivably well!
I briefly googled this condition CMV and the prescribed Homeopathic treatment for it.
Apparently this condition is not curable. But a treatment may ease the conditions and who knows may eradicate the disease from the system altogether.
Like Eddie, I would do it!
See the link here
Or better still, if its convenient for you to speak to a homeopath practitioner about a correct formula.
Wishing you a full recovery!

Cheers crew...ya know tbb back to front...why care for fellow Qldurrz when ya need first aid yerself...
tbb's infection just got VoN stage fright...messin' with the wrong Hodads, we care...they all say...Wot?
As a result...happy to inform no further ballooning of balloon today...maybe...Shh!
Maybe Diseased Unions are so busy they now campaigned for Sunday Sickies...
All diseases grow sick to death of themselves..."Too ill to be sick on Sundays!" Some good news...huh!
On the 7th day the Lord lowered everyone's temperature...
Breaking News : [ It's Official! Hottest day on record melts the actual Hot rails to Hell ]
Dumbarse Humans : "Like who knew they were a thing...Like ya keep saying were, please stop that!"
God says all us useless Humans should apologize to the Devil...said Now! Zap! Ouch!
Think he's pissed off with us...had this weird notion that we could turn this Hot Mess around!
Crew are too kind and care very much and as such will be rewarded with Gold Standard VoN Upgrades.
tbb is gonna beam the crew live (Cough! One hour behind you) right here in Covid frontline!
As such it still has legs & we're in for a rough ride...could go on for a while...Action Pact!
Uncovering an innocent Fed Health Directive driving Qldurrz Covid wave over Xmas > 2025.
Perhaps nothing untoward or confounding...but being a Qldurr...can't help but think we copped it sweet.
Victorian's get a week's Why is tbb not picking on us this week...dunno!
Vic Crew : (I don't like it!) 'Think we should all pack up & move to Qld...Ha! Ha! funny guys!"
Ok! This is about Vax & Seniors...the very reason why we gotta have a Vax or Not...thanx supafreak!
Not being an expert + Qld [L] 100 day censorship can tbb promise anything!
Don't we gotta wait until Heidi comes outta hiding on Tuesday 14th Jan in the year twenty twenty five!
So what's yer concern tbb?
Well it's smelling like Political Games...recall all once declared that off limits but there is suss stuff!
No! Not conspiracy but cold hard data driving weird flip anomalies!
Anyhow...strap yerselves in...could & does get weird...supposed to be dead boring but it's not!
Well Heidi is big on Aged Care / Vax / Meds...and what not...
Perhaps tbb will let all players step forward & out their directives to reveal how this plays out..
Reads as new Qld Health CHO intro...
ATTAGI (CDNA) Rep is Heidi Carroll
CDNA Deputy Chair Heidi Carroll (Oz Govt Dept of Health Aged Care)
CDMA Executive Director Heidi > Procuring / Dosing of Essential Frontline Drugs
Heidi starts sounding typical Dire Qld Alarms on a monthly Basis
5th July 2024 : Memo > Cease transfer of Qld Health Vax to Service providers? Wow!
Sept 2024 World Drug Shortage tallies over 400 in Oz...Heidi shares it's hitting essential supplies...
With New Qld Govt > Oz Drug Czar Heidi is the next obvious default choice as Qld CHO..
Crew are familiar with Heidi's baptism of fire...but few may pick up on her Prime Viral Vax directive
2024 Qld Health Heidi shifts gear from...
Covid related Herpes outbreaks > Essential Drug Shortages > Killer Virus Alerts > Vax Directives
Whooping Cough (Epidemic) > (Changes From CHO Gerrard > CHO Heidi's Vax Directive
Lyssavirus {Urgent Warning!}
Japanese encephalitis > Mosquitoes {Major Warning!}
Mutant Covid Wave {Warning!} "Covid is not going away > You must Vax!"
"Don't be the person that gives the unwelcome gift of Covid over Christmas / New Year!"
Ok...Us Qldurrz all recall Jeanette & Gerrard screaming we're all gonna die of Vax or Covid now Heidi!
Luv these guys..."We're all gonna get Mangled on some CHO's Triangles of Moreton Bay!" (All wish!)
Qld CHO [Job Ad]
*Must be expert at scaring the Public fully to death! (On the Job Death Knell training is Fine!)
Like holy fuckin' shit people...Tuff luck Qldurrz gotta draw straws for our next Doomsday Cult Leader!
Ok! So that don't sound half dire tbb...Wotz yer problem with Seasonal Police State Mass Death Knells!
Does tbb have to answer that...C'mon Aussie C'mon! It's Bleak...& yer point is...Ok! The World's Bleak!
Yeah but No but Yeah but...listen to wot Directive her Big Boss lays down, is what scared Heidi half to Death!
The Butler issued Qld a Health Warning Ultimatum!
So how & why did Qld CHO Heidi cop the Heidi Ho Ho Ho!
11th Dec 2024 : Qld Aged Care Vax Rate had dropped to 48.3% of 52.1% Nat Average (Not Good!)
20 Dec 2024 Next level Fed Govt Vax mandate...(Now enlisting Loved ones to prey on their Victims!)
#1 Vax Czar : "We are monitoring your Aged Care facility & won't hesitate to Act if you fail to Vax!"
"TGA rubberstamped our New Future Funded Vax!"
"As Covid evolves...we're also working to produce more effective, updated Vaxes!"
"If you have a Family Member, Friend or Loved One living or working in an Aged Care Home...
Please encourage them to get their Covid Vax!"
(Correct...y'all just monitor & order yer tireless Frontline Santa Helper to Vax the fuck stoked!)
What the world needs now is a next level more loving caring intimate Vax sweet!
Are you fucking crazy! Health minister is fuelling a War...(Please no one tell #1 Frontline what to do!)
Meanwhile > Cross Town as Fed Govt issue their newer sexier e harmony Hallmark Vax Mandate...
19th Dec 2024 : Melbourne Doherty / Monash : Take Issue with Booster Jabs...
"Declining Vax effectiveness puts annually jabbed Elderly at increased risk of becoming seriously ill!"
28th Dec 2024 : Pro Vax Andrew Wilkie : Raises concern over Pfizer Vax being the only Vax Choice.
31 Dec 2024 : 65+ Daily average Vax rate ramps...
29 Nov > (Peak) 22 Dec (175% Vax Spike)
(Xmas break)
31 Dec > 8 Jan (150.35% Vax spike) Still rising (Note this weirdly current!) Main Focus!
31 Dec 2024 : AV script monthly rises
70+ 42.66% (#1 constant recently vaxed Age group = accelerates AV scripts during Outbreaks)
50+ 29.6% (Lesser Vaxed age groups drop 10% scripting during outbreaks)
30+ 31.43%
All available current Data keeps pointing to highest Vax Groups > Higher AV scripts...
All past Vic 65+ Data > Mid-Late 2024 [Censored]
Kept advertising highest Vax > Highest [+] > Highest AV > Highest Hospitals > Highest Deaths
Back to Qld Data...why tbb is concerned for Politicization of fellow Senior Qldurrz...
Now check Qld Aged Care Outbreaks 28 Nov 2024 > 9th Jan 2025
Outbreaks 28 > 73 (160%) / Res 110 > 380 (245%) / Staff 40 > 159 (297%)
Federal Govt > Qld Directive > Staff / Residents were low vaxed > Must Vax...or Govt will act! (Threat!)
So we know for sure that Strictest Vax Guidelines were enforced by Lead CHO thru Dec Qld Aged Care
We also know he said he wrote to this was already Heidi's #1 Task.
So WTF just happened for Qld to ramp highest Doped Out Aged care Covid Crisis.
(It's not adding up now is it...All this data has flipped...)
Q: Is Qld Mass Vax new Vax fuelling this massive Aged Care / Staff / Hospital outbreak
We could be looking at Vax'd Staff believing they're immune but are instead hosting breakthrus.
So what at first presents as [L] Vax apathy may be new Forced ALP Vax directive fuelling outbreaks!
Coz tbb knows of no other nation both Mandating ramped Vax > [+] Staff > AV dosing > Hospital Wards
How / Why is current best Covid Defence stoking world's leading Covid Outbreaks? Please Explain!
Crew know tbb keeps going on about Vic's AV wanna know why not this month...
National AV Supplies ( Fed Health Min / Vic #1 AV Dealer > Qld CHO Heidi #2 AV Dealer)
These stats tbb supplies to show % slice of National Pile of AV drugs
2024 (Victoria issue Covid Alert) Nov 39.1% > Dec 27.93% (Biggest AV drop on record during an Alert?)
2024 (Qld new CEO record censor) Nov 13.4% > Dec 23.8% (highest AV Nat' scripts share since Jan 2024)
New Qld CHO National Drug Supplier upped her doses from Nov 4,656 > Dec 11,470 (146.35% rise)
Tip! 20% shift in AV doses from ALP Vic Alert > [L] Censored Qld to curb 2x Hospital Crisis...Shh!
So why is Vic Fed Labor Minister bending over backwards to flatline a Record Qld Hospital Crisis...
Qld New CHO host's Fed Govt #1 Summer / Xmas Vax Campaign or else Fed Minister Butler will Act...
Vax > 150% spike / Outbreaks 160% spike / Residents 245% spike / Staff 297% spike
AV 146% spike / Hospital 128% rising
Start Dec > 9th Jan known Qld serious Covid [+] cases requiring Official Isolation Hospital / A/C / GP.
This is only a running total > Well under official [+] Tally.
[000] 10,944 + A/C 1,547 + GP / AV scripts 15,910
Total 28,400 Qldurrz required isolating and or medical attention
Qld Govt has censored this & full Data for 1 month...still censored until Tues 14th Jan 2025.
Let this be an example of how little [L] Govts care about Pandemic Outbreaks...KILL KILL KILL.
We should be seeing Davy waving his fist at ALP Health Care Butler for depriving supply?
Instead his new CHO is Doped out high as a kite > censoring all data of any Outbreak thingy!
Nice work if ya can get it...Huh! Could not give a Flying Fuck...So VIP > My Head is in the Clouds!
Promise of Daily Hospital Bed Data was just another sad pathetic lie...
Too many Qld idiots signed up for this shitshow & own this hot mess!
If yer stinking lousy vote is so precious then save a prayer for yer 28,400 silent victims...Wot! Exactly!
That's yer lot for now...Qldurr tbb dug deep to rescue what he could of this Hot Mess on front lawn!
Not expecting any thanx for exposing & sharing this...well & above fellow reviewers...this was personal!
Living smack bang in the middle of it...
Soon see what was hidden in plain sight for over a month...outside of VoN is oblivious to frontline covid.
Must thank Fed Data + the media for playing bit parts in exposing our Mammoth Covid Wave
Ok!Special rare VoN bonus for those sniffing out exotic data...
Denis is running the Oz States Positivity Rates...that's good stuff..
However here is one Data set that slides on thru...(This One)
o/s Covid % in Oz ...measures % of World covid compared to Oz Outbreaks...
tbb will run a sample set so crew can compare...
Crew may recall that Lockdowns delayed VOCs by 1month to 6mths...not so anymore...
Now it's important to share companion data...Each current wave is now touring 24/7 Global Time.
Meaning XEC is equally Charted in all Wards...
Arriving in all Nations Wards in Sept > by Dec 50% [+] All nations Wards are bedding XEC.
Here's a timeline of o/s Covid on Oz shores in real time Data Testing...
Mid 2022 (Lockdown) 18% > Xmas 43% (Opening Vax Cards)
Mid 2023 (Opening) 27% > ( Nov Migration Spike evened it out above 40% ) Xmas 45%
Mid 2024 (Open) 47% > Xmas 49%
What the crew are reading into chart is both harmonization of World Pop by Season / Port / Holiday .
Since Nov 2023 > Each season > Nation > Mix on any plane / port narrows to 10% variation onwards
Meaning Oz 24/7 cities reflect 2 Global / Local 50% mixed [+] Peaks Mid Year < > Xmas (40% other)
In effect the World Winter Wave ups to 4th Jan 2025 49.18% New Oz Record > soon push over...
Likewise shares latest largest Variant 55% Big Cities > Recent 35% Coast Cities > 10% Old Regions.
That works both ways > Coastal Cities infecting CBD NYE (vs) Coastal Stampede...
Reflects Seasonal Transit Cycles > Sydney NYE > Melbourne Finals > Goldie Easter/Return ...etc!
Perfect example is US Drive Tourism > Can see Covid light up the nation by CDC weekly travel hubs...
Also check Michael Hoerger Social Risk Contact ranking by Season...current 83% higher than other...
Transit Risk = 5x Taxi 10% [+] 40x Bus 55% [+] 300x Plane [95%] (Stationary Plane no a/c wear mask)
Meaning Oz Big City Hospitals will soon fund o's Covid ahead of Oz patients...
How lead migration Cities meet to discuss such, remains to be seen...Shh! Day is fast approaching!
Once others work it out as a Travel / Foreign impost as here > they'll likely add on a Covid Arrival Tax
ACA has it covered as tbb has...will let ya know if / when Covid becomes Officially exotic!
Might be Next week...otherwise should back down until Mid / End of Feb for Students to Tip it over.
Won't that be exciting...have a backpackers Covid [+] Party...(Cough!)

Hey tbb,
Classic! I cannot believe that I read through your post….all of it….to the end! Many classic noteworthy comments, haha…
I agree with you though, Governments are still keeping the pressure on to vaccinate even when the logistical conclusion is that the vaccines are the evil s**t we need to beware of….to run away from. Logic tells me, if a sick persons own natural antibodies are kicking in to remedy their particular disease why do practitioners, and GP’s then interfere and prescribe a vaccine poison (foreign stuff of multiple sources including f**king nanoparticles) to be injected into the bloodstream of that person? Which it has nothing to do with the disease itself but for the supposed protection of Covid 19, which in turn decreases the ability to or makes it harder for the body to fight that particular disease.
For you, I again comment. Antibiotics will destroy all beneficial bacteria we harbour within our systems. Are you taking probiotics, yoghurt that contains bifidus and acidophilus? Get the enzimes back.
Can you see a Naturapath / homeopath? And get on a dedicated program, look after your health.. get fit again with the vision to surf again, and aspire to glide down the smooth green face of a 3 to 4ft wave, the gift of the ocean.
GP’s are necessary but should be questioned at every move and it is wise to find a GP that will happily work along side with an alternative healer. Just do it, drag yourself if you have to! Just do it!
All the best
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?