-New music thread- (the newer the better but anything post 2000)

Thanks Indo. Fauves, a long lost favourite and now found again. Bones and Jones have got a couple of new catchy ones. If you haven't heard of them, it's worth checking them out on Spotify. Local Surf Coast / Ocean Grove lads.

indo-dreaming wrote:Hastoes wrote:Pretty mellow but i dont mind this one
I liked it too, soul wailing isn't my thing, but I didn't mind the pinch of rag and bone, he's 90% of the paul simon / janice ian tradition, and doesn't come across as phoney.
That Rifles song is good, too. If Smith Street Band could calm the fuck down and get a bit of Jam or industrial midlands up them, they'd be doing similar but better, and would become one of my favourite bands.
here you go, @indo, these Canberrans will remind you of carefree 90s summer mornings
"Box Dye"

Dom Dollas da man these days

Drunk pommies on holiday!

Jorja Smith

Legendary Lithuanian guy

I don't like this band .... recorded 2012 ... bit old ... older cover ... but it's good me thinks

link for above comment

"YES is awful.. they're the wrong shape, and they're just awful.."
"Towards 2000 became Beyond 2000.. wasn't dat clevvah?""
"c'mon, let's go, You2Kid.."

I’ve been giving these guys a listen as I’ve been given tickets for two weeks time. I don’t mind them.

Missus has been flogging these guys. Was tortured in the car recently. I can’t stand the vocals but it seems heaps can- they seem to be huge at the moment.

^ FDC definite for this thread @seeds. Just like rule 1 of guitar is no D(sus4), rule 1 for vox is never start a lyric with 'I' unless you wanna sound like a tool bag. Or you are very very very very very cool:.

basesix wrote:^ FDC definite for this thread @seeds. Just like rule 1 of guitar is no D(sus4), rule 1 for vox is never start a lyric with 'I' unless you wanna sound like a tool bag. Or you are very very very very very cool:.
Or you have some very important messages for everyone.

new fat freddy's album "slomo" is bloody great

Albo announces Hottest Aussie of the Year
Don't ask...Guessing if yer forced to pick a song in the Hottest 100
Yes...tbb did listen thru the Top 20 & all Band selections beyond to 100...Why?
Tried awfully hard to like any track...never gonna get that time back...feel icky!
Just thankful none of tbb's kidz are in them bands...saves having to buy any of that shit.
#48 Has some spark of life
#14 has some cred as a half decent New Wave Rave
Just enquiring...anyone got a fav track in Hottest 100...
Don't wanna give up on it...happy for crew to cue one...tbb will give it a spin!
Amyl's bogan Porn Hub Auditions come across as a bit too Posh in this muck.
ABC thoughtfully loaded Top Ten Trax...but tbb can only advise to keep clear of it...

Thanks for sharing personal insight seeds + basesix...
Only just realized after backtracking we all cued the same Fontaines D.C.
Super Sensual Irish Beat Punkz...it is awkward to listen to...but that's their appeal...
They're prepared to try new layers & compositions & that earns buckets of cred.
Has them weird sensorama bangs & clangs built in...Ok with it...
Easy for us Hodads to get hooked as it seems as if these dudes either know or care about shit...
Band is Touring Oz in March...
Can't help but think they're making waves in Old School of Rock...Agree!
They'd be stoked that a Downunder Hodad Surf crew new music blog is talking 'bout them...
So full credit to indo for starting up new music thread...seems to work just fine...
Got us talking 'bout new band on eve of their tour...guess that's the point...
Can see that severely isolated tbb is trying to fit in here...doin' ok seems to flow easy.
Good luck to the lads...if they give a shit then we'll lend an ear!

Chiko Chix bash'n'crash thru swellnet drum circle on new music thread...
Huey : Don't cry over spilt milk...Select All.
Melbourne Band formed in 2019 but got this Surf connect in new trax...
What's goin down here crew > Anyone tuning into these Surf Coast Chiko Chix wavelength.
Are we gonna be blown away by a Chiko Chix Grunge Surf Instrumental...
Pick the Drummer...
[3:20] Check Founding member Emma Papa's tricky Left hand Black Rock switch big finish!
swellnet drum circle salute right there...you go girl!
Huey : 'Them Spilt Milk Chiko Chix sure give the rugged Surf Coast shorie a good bash'
This older track 'Black Rock'...(There's quite a bit of Surf connect thread goin' on here!)

Early 2000s, music changed with raising young kids
They demanded this one be played cruising down the waterfront, full volume with windows down

In fact this playlist perfectly captures the memeable nature of the songs we got to listen to as bycatch:

Then memes intensified

Then we traced the memes to their source:
What is he saying?!

In these decades gaming became enormous and overtook film & cinema in terms of earnings. And some of the soundtracks were similarly influential

More Japanese electronic music, here are 3327 Rin & Len Kagamine songs in one convenient playlist

Lofi became a thing, I hope she finds happiness:

I'm digging all the punk Indo, find I go back to what you link later and listen in depth, some of the shoegaze stuff I hear traces of some of my favs from when young in lines and lyrics
Here, from 2021 is something different and beautiful as well:

21st Feb 2025 Glass Beams Free Gig-No Booking (Fed Square, Melbourne )

Nice one TBB, a surrealistic, trippy toe tapper. "SBS chill" material.

Surrealistic treasure for Ash...Deluxe Daddy Daughter Dream Sequence...
This track has untold versions & is lighting up the internet...
Natural to hesitate and adjust...then ya just chill & let it wash over Pink Floyd style...like a drug!

16th Feb 2025 Free Sunday Arvo Surf Session @ Bearded Dragon Hotel Tamborine Village.
Says ya might wanna book a table...(here)
Shout out to [The Wet Fish]...if a surf music blog can't plug a free Surf Music gig then who...Huh!
So this is a tribute band...Well Yeah! But they've been at it a good while & stomp their own groove.
10 years back started their Surf Act...check out the Surfin' Bird Slide Surfer on the Dance Floor...
Along the way they mutated the Batman theme into a surf instrumental...
Aug 2023 They stick to this Medley broken up thru a surf Guitar themed Hot Rod Rocker Show...
So every set they meld more surf style finishing with a 5 minute Surf Slab Medley like this..
[9:40] Surf Medley
[29:45] Singer says they used to be a Surf Band > away they go > Moondawg Surf Medley
[55:50] Dick Dale mutated cramped up tight Batman Belter...say what : Say Holy Wetsuits Batman...
Ok...so expect any free surf gig to be Rebel Rock themed surf with 3x Solid 5 min Surf Stomps
So that's yer cue if yer gonna Stomp Freely > ya got 3 free 5 min surf stomp sessions > drinks break!
Goldie Hodad is obligated to inform Gromz not to lose yer shit over free range wet fish surf tunes!
Happy to share any free Goldie Surf Stoke...these guys have got the goods, they dig it...so Go for it!
2024 has been a bit of a year of discovery for me, ive probably been listening to as much new music as old.