All Things Religion Thread

Just thinking about what Elon musk said about civil war being inevitable and how that would have given @info a 48 hour boner ….

Just thinking about what Elon musk said about civil war being inevitable and how that would have given @info a 48 hour boner ….

..that's ok. I was just thinking about sybil danning

Amazing SN just let the JFool abuse whoever they want to on here and do zero.
Talk about out of control.

- hahaha, how bout those warnings u've repeatedly been given here... for racist commentary... two strikes ay (talk about out of control)
... might be best for u to put the pipe down and pipe down a bit trashy ;)
& how's that stench every time u chime in with nothing
- on ya bike ya pathetic stinkhole ;);)

- and back to all things religion
... aka 'storytime' ;);)

2 Timothy 3 : 1-4 …NKJV…about sums it up.

- take thine splinter out of thou eye flopti ;)
...dishonesty is your specialty
&pp=ygUPbWFzdGVyIHNwbGludGVy^ and remember you were once just a turtles head poking out of your arse
... now u are a pathetic zionist rat, just a dirty lying sewer rat ;);)

...storytime from this thread with flopti on the topic of homosexuality :
" I don’t care what you do with your sex lives or your friends, my personal belief is that it isn’t correct and that’s that …there is nothing to’s my free choice to think the way I want to think and my personal belief is to warn you that this exponentially growing behaviour in society is neither healthy nor will end well….God doesn’t like it full stop.
Consider your 18 year old son…he hasn’t been hanging with his old friends lately or surfing but hanging with a new real trendy crew. He had a few tough girlfriend relationships but is a good kid. He goes clubbing a lot with his new friends and his mother finds ecstasy tabs in his clothes when washing. He starts to not come home at night sleeping over with his new friends and one day announces out of the blue he’s gay and will be moving to the home of an older guy….you as parents have to digest what happened to you son….after a while he is diagnosed HIV and the battle begins. He drifts in and out of male relationships and is a shell of a man.
Just like the Greeks and romans before him he got bored with the norm and looked for the bizarre to entertain him….I love him very much….He’s my little brother…and I pray for him a lot."
- and now, from the israeli attack force, whom u choose not to condemn ....and whom goebbels noinfo called "the most moral army in the world" ...hmmmmm new meaning to that phrase 'the chosen'.
- your insanity and lack of self awareness are hitting new heights flopti
... jebus surely approves tho and has a special concentration camp just for u and your wormhole ;)

seeds wrote:Indo, I think you’re getting your Nakbas confused with your Naksas
No confusion mate, like i said its what arabs call the disaster or catastrophe, which is quite literally the translation of Nakba because they thought Israel had no chance and they would wipe Israel and all the Jews out, but then got their arses kicked.
Before the war the head of the Arab League, Abdul Rahman Azzam said
“This war will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongol massacres and the Crusades.”

ashsam wrote:Amazing SN just let the JFool abuse whoever they want to on here and do zero.
Talk about out of control.
He has a long history on Swellnet, he has also posted under Talking Turkey, Shatners Basoon, Dale Cooper, Factotum, Pupkin. (maybe more?)
At times he was even using a few at the same time, quite literally using them in the same conversation's to reinforce his views yeah quite psychopath like.
Swellnet tends to put up with him until he really goes off the rails, then he disappears for a bit, im guessing he gets kicked off and comes back reborn as some new nutter, then the cycle starts again he behaves himself for some time then gets more and more troll like as time goes on.
Dudes got issues, no missus, no kids and a bad case of living in his brothers shadow, i saw his FB profile once after someone set me a link(and befire he upped his security settings), and it was as you imagine just full of nutty memes and pics most pro communism, Karl marx, anarchist etc
I know it's hard sometimes, but really you do have to try to just ignore him, as he is one of those incel nutters thats gets off on any attention.

^ no... you are wrong and confused (nothing has changed)
- I referred to the nakba and it's historical value relative to the present conflict then responded with the usual vague idiocy and brought up the naksa which is linked to the six day war of '67...nakba was '48 ;)
- now, you'll try explain it away and pretend u knew what u were talking about... but, once again, in reality you never knew :
"BTW.Nakaba quite literally means cathosphre because it was a disaster for the Arabs their aim was to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews and thought it would be easy attacking from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt. this tiny weak state of Israel, but agaist all odds Israel won."
^ get that bit of confused bs ;)
- time for goebbels noinfo the expert on nothing to shut the fark up haha're gonna need more than an hour a day of resuuuurching to catch up ;)
Nothing has changed ;);)

^ hahahahahaha
- paging @stu, he can verify everything you've claimed in that last post as being total bs... with certainty ;)
Everything you've just written above about who u think I am is false (like all your usual noinfo)
- I am none of those other posters. Fact ;);)
...assumptions and lies (as usual) now with more false accusations
- and a fucking hilarious representation of your continued idiocy haha
Keep it up, good luck trying to walk this one back ;);)

No Facto
The so call Nakba or War of independence or
The Arab-Israeli War of 1948
"The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948"
But yes the 6 day war of 1967 was another war that involved pretty much all its neighbours (maybe not Lebanon) and from memory is the war where Israel gained The Sinai Pennisula and Gaza from Egypt and Judea/Samaria from Jordan.

- also, whose facebook were u actually stalking?
... u know ..talking about incels and psychopaths and all ;);)
Don't forget goebbels noinfo
- "accuse the other side of that which you are guilty"
.....nothing has changed ;)

- I challenge u to hit stu up ay ;)
...go on facto finder haha
U can't back up anything
- u can't, u haven't ever, and you never will ;)
Carry on ;);)

I got sent a link, and yes i was curious to see if you were as much of a nutter in real life as you are here, and sadly yes you are, sadly its no act.

Prove it
Whoever is full of shit goes.
Are u man enough lil nazi haha
- if I'm wrong I'm out. Gone.
If it's u - well, own it and fuck off ;)
Hahaha. You're done!


Ha ha "decolinse Palestine" is a comple oxymoron.
The Roman empire invaded the Kingdom of Israel & Judea murdered many Jews and sent many to flee, they even changed the name as colonisers do to Palestine to break the thousand's of Jews that stayed..
That was 100% true colonisation, empire from elsewhere takes over, changes language, culture, religion oppresses the original people, even destroys the second temple on temple mount
The Roman empire fell, the Turkish Otoman empire took over control, again true colonisation, empire from elsewhere again bringing in a new language Arabic and religion Islam and destroying culture, even building a mosque on top of the Jews most scared site the temple mount.
The same empire colonized much of the middle east Arab/Islamic colorization like European/Christian colilinisation
Decolonization of Palestine would be to put the oldest ethnic group alive in power which is the Jewish people, and return to an indigenous language like Hebrew and return to the religion that was born on the land like Christianity or Judaism
And guess what it happened, its decolonization.

Here's a pic to go with Indo's post

Oh and in regard to you "lil nazi" comment.
How ironic come from a jew hating piece of shit.
How about we talk about how the Otomon empire siding with Germany during world war one.
German–Ottoman alliance
Or how about we talk about the links between Palestinian leaders and Hitler?
BTW. right or wrong if you are facto or not, im here to stay buddy, im not going anywhere, you aint getting rid of me that easy, just like the Jews.

- hahaha sure thing eggspurt
... & ummm excuse me nazi pinocchio ;)
Willing to try back up ya bs haha
- can u rise to the challenge and be a man and own ya lies ;)
...this is your chance
- oops, I almost forgot you are a lil pussy incel nutter ;);)
& I didn't forget but now I'll mention I actually do know who u are
"i was curious to see if you were as much of a nutter in real life as you are here, and sadly yes you are, sadly its no act."
- thing is, this is no act go on, stu can verify I'm none of those posters you tried to accuse me of being, your imagination has once again shown you up ;)
Keep searching tho lil nazi hahaha
- my name is jeremy ;)

And back to present day - ummm, did someone say nazis haha
- and have u contacted stu yet ;)
There is humble pie on the menu for u ;);)
...oh ooops, look out, nazi kids too ;)

indo-dreaming wrote:Ha ha "decolinse Palestine" is a comple oxymoron.
The Roman empire invaded the Kingdom of Israel & Judea murdered many Jews and sent many to flee, they even changed the name as colonisers do to Palestine to break the thousand's of Jews that stayed..
That was 100% true colonisation, empire from elsewhere takes over, changes language, culture, religion oppresses the original people, even destroys the second temple on temple mount
The Roman empire fell, the Turkish Otoman empire took over control, again true colonisation, empire from elsewhere again bringing in a new language Arabic and religion Islam and destroying culture, even building a mosque on top of the Jews most scared site the temple mount.
The same empire colonized much of the middle east Arab/Islamic colorization like European/Christian colilinisation
Decolonization of Palestine would be to put the oldest ethnic group alive in power which is the Jewish people, and return to an indigenous language like Hebrew and return to the religion that was born on the land like Christianity or Judaism
And guess what it happened, its decolonization.
And now in info’s version of history Jews are an ethnic group that pre dates the aboriginal of Australia.
Do you have a training plan Indo or are you just a naturally talented cockhead?

indo-dreaming wrote:Ha ha "decolinse Palestine" is a comple oxymoron.
The Roman empire invaded the Kingdom of Israel & Judea murdered many Jews and sent many to flee, they even changed the name as colonisers do to Palestine to break the thousand's of Jews that stayed..
That was 100% true colonisation, empire from elsewhere takes over, changes language, culture, religion oppresses the original people, even destroys the second temple on temple mount
The Roman empire fell, the Turkish Otoman empire took over control, again true colonisation, empire from elsewhere again bringing in a new language Arabic and religion Islam and destroying culture, even building a mosque on top of the Jews most scared site the temple mount.
The same empire colonized much of the middle east Arab/Islamic colorization like European/Christian colilinisation
Decolonization of Palestine would be to put the oldest ethnic group alive in power which is the Jewish people, and return to an indigenous language like Hebrew and return to the religion that was born on the land like Christianity or Judaism
And guess what it happened, its decolonization.
And now in info’s version of history Jews are an ethnic group that pre dates the aboriginal of Australia.
Do you have a training plan Indo or are you just a naturally talented cockhead?

soggydog wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Ha ha "decolinse Palestine" is a comple oxymoron.
The Roman empire invaded the Kingdom of Israel & Judea murdered many Jews and sent many to flee, they even changed the name as colonisers do to Palestine to break the thousand's of Jews that stayed..
That was 100% true colonisation, empire from elsewhere takes over, changes language, culture, religion oppresses the original people, even destroys the second temple on temple mount
The Roman empire fell, the Turkish Otoman empire took over control, again true colonisation, empire from elsewhere again bringing in a new language Arabic and religion Islam and destroying culture, even building a mosque on top of the Jews most scared site the temple mount.
The same empire colonized much of the middle east Arab/Islamic colorization like European/Christian colilinisation
Decolonization of Palestine would be to put the oldest ethnic group alive in power which is the Jewish people, and return to an indigenous language like Hebrew and return to the religion that was born on the land like Christianity or Judaism
And guess what it happened, its decolonization.
And now in info’s version of history Jews are an ethnic group that pre dates the aboriginal of Australia.
Do you have a training plan Indo or are you just a naturally talented cockhead?
It's not my version of history, its very basic history of Israel.
Which bit dont you agree with????

...hahaha, so says the expert zionist fluffer
- and accusation bluffer ;)

...and the training plan, well..... faaaaark ;)

indo-dreaming wrote:ashsam wrote:Amazing SN just let the JFool abuse whoever they want to on here and do zero.
Talk about out of control.He has a long history on Swellnet, he has also posted under Talking Turkey, Shatners Basoon, Dale Cooper, Factotum, Pupkin. (maybe more?)
At times he was even using a few at the same time, quite literally using them in the same conversation's to reinforce his views yeah quite psychopath like.
Swellnet tends to put up with him until he really goes off the rails, then he disappears for a bit, im guessing he gets kicked off and comes back reborn as some new nutter, then the cycle starts again he behaves himself for some time then gets more and more troll like as time goes on.
Dudes got issues, no missus, no kids and a bad case of living in his brothers shadow, i saw his FB profile once after someone set me a link(and befire he upped his security settings), and it was as you imagine just full of nutty memes and pics most pro communism, Karl marx, anarchist etc
I know it's hard sometimes, but really you do have to try to just ignore him, as he is one of those incel nutters thats gets off on any attention.
One sick puppy lol yeah best to just ignore, embarrassing his posts showing on front page though, no wonder there is no women on here.

^ trashy everything is a figment of imagination in the post u quoted of goebbels noinfo the nazi bluffer (and yeah that's another pile of nothing contribution on your behalf)
Sick puppies make shit up ;)
- they also can't back up the shit they make up or assume ;);)
...stinkholes chime in supporting sick puppies
- and also enact selective outrage about someone posting stuff with swearing etc... and ignore things of real sickness
- and actually don't call out the real sick puppy shit , and even defend the perpetrators of stuff like this below...
Sick sick puppies.
Facts ;)


There's a Bloke at my local just like you (although you would be like it only behind the keyboard not face to face , weasel)
A month a go he mouthed off to the wrong person got the crap punched out of him, ended up in hospital, 2 weeks later had a stroke and can't surf anymore.

Optimist wrote:2 Timothy 3 : 1-4 …NKJV…about sums it up.
He's def not a lover of money, doesn't leave his cave and YT trolling long enough to earn a dollar lol ;)
Would be on a pension probs a disability one, and pretends he surfs.
The rest though yeah.

- hahahahahaha
...that's a lotta talk there trashy for a racist nobody ;)
& more assumptions and speculative imaginative storytelling
- u fit in well with bluffers and spiritual lawd fraud nutters ;)
- probly like to go all guantanamo on goebbels noinfo with a gerbil ;);)
...keep entertaining yaself tho ya sick puppy haha

Your the racist

- haha, oh yeah, I forgot ;) was quite the trash can spectacle when you got your racist posts deleted
- guessing you like employing the whole goebbels thing too ;)
"accuse the other side of that which you are guilty"
....hahaha, you got nothing, get ya dunce chair out haha
- carry on ;)

...aaaaaaand back to ummm... all things religion ;)

You'd have nothing face to face weasel lol ;)



no one has time to watch your crap lol ;) would take all day

- we've been over this ;) said it before and then commented on a vid haha... that u watched hahahaha
- my lawd you're a proper fuckn idiot ;)
... and a liar and a hypocritical good for nothing (no wonder you fit in with religious zealots haha)
... you can put ya head back up your arse now
- on ya bike ;)

ashsam wrote:no one has time to watch your crap lol ;) would take all day
yeh, we do. I love cooking, and seeing little ditties in between sautéing meat, steaming veg, or letting things simmer is fun. Post some, @ashsam! (3 - 5 mins are the best : )

indo-dreaming wrote:soggydog wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Ha ha "decolinse Palestine" is a comple oxymoron.
The Roman empire invaded the Kingdom of Israel & Judea murdered many Jews and sent many to flee, they even changed the name as colonisers do to Palestine to break the thousand's of Jews that stayed..
That was 100% true colonisation, empire from elsewhere takes over, changes language, culture, religion oppresses the original people, even destroys the second temple on temple mount
The Roman empire fell, the Turkish Otoman empire took over control, again true colonisation, empire from elsewhere again bringing in a new language Arabic and religion Islam and destroying culture, even building a mosque on top of the Jews most scared site the temple mount.
The same empire colonized much of the middle east Arab/Islamic colorization like European/Christian colilinisation
Decolonization of Palestine would be to put the oldest ethnic group alive in power which is the Jewish people, and return to an indigenous language like Hebrew and return to the religion that was born on the land like Christianity or Judaism
And guess what it happened, its decolonization.
And now in info’s version of history Jews are an ethnic group that pre dates the aboriginal of Australia.
Do you have a training plan Indo or are you just a naturally talented cockhead?
It's not my version of history, its very basic history of Israel.
Which bit dont you agree with????
Well let’s start with 50,000 years and work back from there. When are you handing your house over? Fark mate do you think they’ve been around since the dawn of time?
You are pretty dogmatic about what’s now formally being recognised as an illegal occupation enabled by some pretty abhorrent behaviour. Especially when a lot of what you originally used to justify your position has been revealed as propaganda aimed at simpletons such as your self. When does the self reflection start and what labels are you prepared to wear when the dust settles. It seems Zionist would be one.

50 a day is too much lol ;)

ashsam wrote:50 a day is too much lol ;)
just need to cook more to keep up : )
I wish I still had a dog. Cooking for a dog is the best.

Jelly Flater wrote:^ trashy everything is a figment of imagination in the post u quoted of goebbels noinfo the nazi bluffer (and yeah that's another pile of nothing contribution on your behalf)
Sick puppies make shit up ;)
- they also can't back up the shit they make up or assume ;);)...stinkholes chime in supporting sick puppies
- and also enact selective outrage about someone posting stuff with swearing etc... and ignore things of real sickness- and actually don't call out the real sick puppy shit , and even defend the perpetrators of stuff like this below...
Sick sick puppies.
Facts ;)
Nailed it as always JF.

Hey SR, off topic but cheers for the Machado interview with NVR. Enjoyed.

Unreal @zen. Glad you enjoyed it too. He's a cool cat. Speaks really well too. And love his style. Hope you're well mate.
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!