The Outsider - Day Two

Steve Shearer picture
Steve Shearer (freeride76)
Swellnet Dispatch

Steve Shearer March 31, 2009

Whats gunna happen?

The forecast for Bells is officially cactus. Diabolical. The phone is ringing and people want to know: whats the wind forecast for Johanna? Ben is running through the scenarios with Dooma but the net is tightening and the vibe is tense: it looks like Johanna. Not tomorrow but late in the waiting period. A war of attrition. Maybe a day or two at Bells in the meantime. Maybe Easter is too early say the pundits.

I don't know.

The conny was off so I went to 13th Beach. The carpark was empty except for one car. A shiny blue holden; one of those ones all the pro surfers seem to like. Three guys hanging. The Messiah and his entourage, standing around looking very unjazzed. The surf was sideshore and shitty, the sun bright but flat and cool. Down the beach pro surfers were going whack, slice, bang and whoomp. It looked cold and uninviting, even though the sun was out. I don't get Victoria. It's a sheltered coastline that always seems onshore, with a cold nagging wind from the sea that rattles your nostril bones.

Soon enough a carload of magazine guys rocks up, full of vinegary enthusiasm for a story. They mill around the Messiah and his entourage. A photog who looks like Sean Penn storms back to the car, snarling "Fuck, we've spooked Dane. He's not going surfing".

Imagine that: spooked from going surfing by a guy with a camera. By now more people are milling around, Jordy, Dusty Payne. The air is thick with the anticipation of magazine guys: clips! stories! coverage! A scoop maybe!

The Messiah is just hanging on the car bonnet and presently, as the sun rises higher in the sky, the crew all drift down to the beach and start their work. The filmers set their tripods up, the magazine guys paddle out. The Modern Pros start flying into the air.

An old bloke in a flanno with a white beard and cut-off denims stands beside me. "These the big boys?" he asks. I nod. He nudges me, "I usually fish there". He points to the water where Jordy is boosting a massive air. "Probably won't today though, don't wanna catch one of them fellas." "No" I said, "you'd have to let them go again."

Me, Barry the Fisho and the Messiah loitered around for a long while longer in the pale Victorian sun. We were all of us united in having nothing better to do. The Great Moral Challenge of our Time was going unchallenged while the day ticked over. Barry was definitely the most down home hobo, with his flanno and cut-offs. I had a large felt hat and blue padded flanno with cheap jeans and worn thongs. Looking at all the high performance surfing was making me feel sort of weak, like Ratso Rizzo in Midnight Cowboy. There was no way I was going surfing.

Didn't seem like the Messiah was either but all of a sudden, after such a long period of watching and waiting, Dane produced a red board from the back of the Holden. I went over to investigate. It was a single fin surfboard. Old, flat, heavy, unwaxed, with a large ding in the bottom. I stood it up and stood next to it. It was shorter than me by a foot. Four foot something, with a massive raked fin up in the box. "You gunna ride it?" I enquired. "Don't know......just debatin"

Well he debated it pretty good and walked down the steps with it. Paddled out into an orgy of high performance surfing and trimmed a couple of inside waves. He couldn't really turn but it might've been some exercise. Who knows?

There was no contest on but I went to work in the media room anyway. Everyone left and the sun went down. It got cold and that nagging cold onshore wind kept blowing. The flags were flapping, throwing ghastly shapes in the flood-lit night. Generators were humming loudly. I felt like the last human alive on Earth, like an Eraserhead escaped from a David Lynch film.

I took a can of coke from the fridge and started walking......the vendors were gone and the carpark was empty. I wanted to switch off the lights as I left but the generators kept humming behind me. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.


Photos - Day Two



anothermindlessopinion's picture
anothermindlessopinion's picture
anothermindless... Wednesday, 31 Mar 2010 at 9:38pm

'I don't get Victoria. It's a sheltered coastline that always seems onshore, with a cold nagging wind from the sea that rattles your nostril bones.'

- Can you judge an entire state by one stretch of coast?
- How many days have you been down here?

I enjoyed yesterdays post but today's was lacklustre.

Ratso Rizzo is such a great character, another great is Willie from Bad Santa. My favourite line of his, "Well, they can't all be winners now can they?".

alexz's picture
alexz's picture
alexz Wednesday, 31 Mar 2010 at 10:20pm

I think you're in for a lot more of the nagging onshore winds if you stick around the comp area. Definitely more of a summer pattern. Easter has come a little too early this year.

patty's picture
patty's picture
patty Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 12:47am

The comp is too early in the season. Of course they're not gonna get any waves.

Blame Jesus....or Dane Reynolds...actually, there you go, a sub-plot with Dane being persecuted by the Jews (Chas Smithberg, Sam Macinstein et al). They neck him, lob him in a big fuck-off cave that's sealed with an even bigger fuck-off rock. They kill him dead. With the threat removed Taj has an easy ascendancy to the ASP throne. World title incentives see Billabong increase their advertising spend with Stab next year from every third to every second page including carefully camouflaged advertorials.

Then, from beyond the grave, Dane hears of the plot. He mumbles something about not caring for World Titles, but there is a flicker in his eye. He can't go back to sleep. It would be easy to do so but Dane senses that his people need him and Stab can't just get away with such treachery. He is tired but he is guided by deep principle.

Dane comes back from the dead. Resurrected as the Messiah (you know that part), he uses Jedi mind tricks to roll the big fuck-off rock away and open his tomb. He makes his way to Bells...

5000 dane devotees are gathered on the cliffs. They see their Messiah but aren't sure if it is him or an apparition. He grabs an unwaxed Fish and takes to the water. There he feeds the hungry crowd with a feast of surfing not seen since Curren gave the sermon at Mt Bawa.

This fucker is writing itself. Chuck in a few Bartholemew Rabbits and you've got a tale for the ages. Or at the least till tomorrow...

clif's picture
clif's picture
clif Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 at 3:03am

"I enjoyed yesterdays post but today's was lacklustre."

Thereby representing the scene and day Steve was privvy too? Clever, if you ask me, but nobody did :-(