Bali Cliff Collapse
Cliff-side development triggers a collpase on the Bukit.
Cliff-side development triggers a collpase on the Bukit.
Form follows function in this story of an unlovely surfboard.
Dan Dobbin traces the DNA sequence of Paul Roach's signature blow tail.
Once-popular magazine finds a pulse, breathes life into big wave awards.
Australians Jake and Callum Robinson and American Jack Carter Rhoad were on a surf holiday.
Adelaide's first wave pool gets the green light.
Magic on South Australia's 'almost' coast.
Scoring good surf isn't always a matter of science.
The brilliant yet cantankerous shaper passes away, leaving an enormous legacy.
Nine and a half months after Erik Logan quietly departed, his position has now been filled.
What comes after the Brazilian Storm?
Four world titles, one Olympic gold, and a looming guillotine. What's gone wrong for the Brazilian superstars?