Pipe freesurfs

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)
Form Guide

The waiting period of the Pipe Masters has begun and the spotlight has intensified on the world's most famous wave. Pipeline is currently no place for the average punter to paddle out, the crowd is a heated mix of aspiring trialists, aspiring pros, and of course, aspiring titleists (though despite claiming he's had a few sessions, Kelly Slater is yet to be caught by a photographers' shutter).

Matt Dunbar rattled off these shots on the first day of the waiting period.

Who needs a drone? Pipe from above (and a little to the side).

Unidentified racing at Backdoor.

Mick Fanning, back to the wall but still gunning.

Mick again, spearing through the inside.

Jack Robinson testing equipment before the Pipe Trials.

Jamie O was also testing equipment before the Trials. Slotted on a hot pink softboard.

"They worked for Gerry and Reno." As the lip line stretches and feathers a young fella puts faith in lightning bolts.

Coming square off the bottom of perfect Pipe.

One surfer crouches as the next wave stands up.

Playing on Pipe's corner.

Pipe's end section is still covered with sand making for some wild exits and shutdowns.

Splitting the peak.

Nat Young gets a roll in and aims for the inside...

...where the wave unfolds in perfect order.