surfing on the goldy - beach breaks worth it?

jim28's picture
jim28 started the topic in Monday, 15 Mar 2010 at 9:44am

gday everyone, im from south oz but heading up to the goldie for a four day trip; are the beach breaks worth it in the south easterly or should i just join the queue down coolie way? this is assuming the forecasted conditions over the next coupla days of 4-5ft 15knot south easterly.

the-whip's picture
the-whip's picture
the-whip Monday, 15 Mar 2010 at 11:23am

The beaches can be alright if the wind doesn't get up. You might want to join the queue on a point though, looking at the forecast you might want to get in before the sand gets washed away. Obviously as you are from SA you will be well aware of the Gold Coasts strict No Naming/No photos policy. We don't want this place to be the next Blackfella's.

jim28's picture
jim28's picture
jim28 Tuesday, 16 Mar 2010 at 5:13am

Haha too right whip. Are any of the points less crowded than the others? I don't mind a reduction in quality but coming from SA I would struggle to hassle for a wave at snapper etc, being used to about 15 people tops in the water at one time haha.

kalium's picture
kalium's picture
kalium Tuesday, 16 Mar 2010 at 5:42am

Haha too right whip. Are any of the points less crowded than the others? I don't mind a reduction in quality but coming from SA I would struggle to hassle for a wave at snapper etc, being used to about 15 people tops in the water at one time haha.

By: "jim28"


seethesea's picture
seethesea's picture
seethesea Friday, 19 Mar 2010 at 11:39am

Nah no waves on the beachies here and the points are all closed for maintenance. Best just head to Seaworld.

Just kidding mate, the south end beachies can be OK in a SE. The points will be better, just find a section to get to without 400 people and stick to your game plan.

jim28's picture
jim28's picture
jim28 Monday, 22 Mar 2010 at 8:10am

for the record lads I managed to get pretty much uncrowded 4-5ft kirra which had some great sections. cheers