Kiwi fights off shark, stitches himself, then goes to the pub

Harden up WA.

He wouldnt be going to the pub if it was a white.

Classic kiwi pig hunter Stu,
Used to stitching his dogs up.
Classic stuff
Being a DR helps.

Another in Curio Bay , Catlins, South Island.

There is a resident shark close by. Named after the bay it sits in Haldane, over 7m long - myth or fact not sure. Purpoise bay is offshore in a Southerly gets epic

Harden up WA ??? Pretty hard to harden up when you are bitten in half. So a kiwi gets a baby GW nibble and all of a sudden hes a legend for dripping blood on a pub floor? Pihlease. If that coast had warm water it would be as busy as the GC with the body count of WA and SA combined I reckon. The two things that save that coast from being overrun by surf heroes, extreme cold and big GW's. Mick free, ever heard of jumbo surprise or KZ7, I know dunnos locals who have had seen this beast several times in their surfing lives, 7 metres is about the estimate, might be the same Noah that patrols haldanes from time to time. I for one would not be too keen on the paddle out there.

yeah inzider we saw one of them in Allens beach sometime around 96. Looked like a submerged Kingswood. Difference in NZ there is still plenty of seals for lunch hence no attacks. The latest one in West coast auckland had the swimmer dive into a school of bait fish.

mick-free wrote:There is a resident shark close by. Named after the bay it sits in Haldane, over 7m long - myth or fact not sure. Purpoise bay is offshore in a Southerly gets epic
A couple of mates from Duno's were surfing Haldane and saw a fin between them, the reef and the shore.
The fin was that big that it flopped over to one-side (myth or fact ), well all of them took the paddle on back to the shore,which is a fair way. Managed to get to the deep water beach and walk up onto the sand puking their guts outs. When they had got up higher and looked back only to see a 20-25ft GW right at the beginning of their tracks out of the water. Newt's a commercial paua diver, that knows what size is.
Mick Free great beachie, many a surf by myself there in howling cold southerlies :)
This one's for you Welly:
A Kiwi gets bitten by a shark then shoos it away with his knife. Tries to get the attention of his spearfishing friends but they don't believe him. "I thought surely he hasn't been bitten, there's no way he has been bitten, he's got to be taking the piss," said friend number one.
He tacked the wounds together with a needle and thread from his first-aid kit for his pig-hunting dogs, then hit the pub where he was given a bandage because he was dripping blood on the floor.
Fucking brilliant!