quiver pics....show us yours

i'll try to get a pic up
weapons atm.
9,1 Dave Boyd proflow quad 22 x 2 5/8
8,0 Trigger Bros truster 22 2 5/8
6,4 Mick Pierce truster fish

How do u post pics?

imgur.com/ is easy Old Mate, you dont need an account there, just upload to the site and re-post the link here

Now THAT is a quiver! You got most bases covered there FG. How big is the Bonzer at far right?

Two photos from my shed. View of the rack. Fave shorty is third from left but busted the nose off recently, so riding the 5'9" third from right. First on left is 5'3" Mr Buzz by Stretch through Cory Surfboards in Torquay. Was on loan with sights to a review but it ain't for me - too small. Cory is gonna send a Super Buzz shortly which is closer to the dims I ride. Centre board is Wilderness singley shaped either by Chris Brock, Michael Cundith or Bluey Mayes. Did a bit of research and I'm pretty sure Greenough and McTavish had left Wilderness by the time that came off the racks.
View of the rafters.

Is that a Madonna poster bottom left corner?
Sorry.. meant to say.. love the look of that pintail. Is that an 8'0?

Madonna? WTF??
That's a poster for 'Paris, Texas'. Harry Dean Stanton and Natassja Kinnski playing star crossed lovers in Wim Wenders epic fusion of Euro arthouse and American grit.
Plus it's on the right.
Pintail with the reeeal pinny tail is 9'0".


I'm more interested in the painting of some sort of ambush with the young Indian lass holding the gun??

Chinese lass. Learning to fire a gun for the greater good of the Chinese Communist Party.
Cos that's what they do in China.

Singapore Quiver.
Doesn't get used nearly enough, the 5'5" Potato gets a run in Malaysia and the longboard gets paddled around flat water to try and stay fit. Everything else is for a run to Indo.

Living in Singapore and staring at all those channel botttoms: it's either torture or motivation.

8'2 Stu

"it's either torture or motivation" Its both depending on what day of the week.
The channels definitely don't get a run in Malaysia, although there is a pretty cool little surf culture building up there.

fraser-gordon wrote:8'2 Stu
It's a beautiful looking planshape - just sublime. The board almost looks like it pre-dates fin systems.

That's what we were going for Andy killed it all hand shaped from the get go absolute gem.

That's what we were going for Andy killed it all hand shaped from the get go absolute gem.

stu , way to hot for those boards in the rafter rack stick a thermometer up there when the suns overhead - 50 deg plus under the clear sheets......any twist in the 9'0 ? or are the boards away from the clear sheets.

Yeah, I thought it may be Udo, but there's two big spinning vents up there and they're always turning out the hot air. Prolly best to be safe though, eh? I've got a bit of space under the house where I can store the longer boards. Just have to turf out all the bottles of Grange...

I'll take the Grange off ya hands Stu .......

i thought the same when I saw em up in the rafters, but didnt wanaa be a know it all...see some boards really hammered from bein up in roofs...

Just how do you lodge a photo again guys?

Floyd, upload your photo(s) to a photo share site like Imgur or Photobucket. Both are free and simple to use. Then grab the html code and post on here. It's fairly intuitive and you've always got the edit button if you bung it up.

stunet wrote:Two photos from my shed. View of the rack. Fave shorty is third from left but busted the nose off recently, so riding the 5'9" third from right. First on left is 5'3" Mr Buzz by Stretch through Cory Surfboards in Torquay. Was on loan with sights to a review but it ain't for me - too small. Cory is gonna send a Super Buzz shortly which is closer to the dims I ride. Centre board is Wilderness singley shaped either by Chris Brock, Michael Cundith or Bluey Mayes. Did a bit of research and I'm pretty sure Greenough and McTavish had left Wilderness by the time that came off the racks.
View of the rafters.
Hey mate would you be interested in selling the Mr Buzz???? BTW nice PCC boards, Patto's a friend of mine, got a great mini simmons off him.

Yeah Pato's a champ, just picked up a new IQ+ from him (exact same dimensions as the one snapped in pic above).
The Mr Buzz? It ain't mine, it's Cory Russell's of Cory Surfboards. I'll ask him how much he'll sell it for.
It's in A1 condition, I was the first to surf and only had a handful of sessions. Anyway, check back, I'll find out the price.

sumo col wrote:stunet wrote:Two photos from my shed. View of the rack. Fave shorty is third from left but busted the nose off recently, so riding the 5'9" third from right. First on left is 5'3" Mr Buzz by Stretch through Cory Surfboards in Torquay. Was on loan with sights to a review but it ain't for me - too small. Cory is gonna send a Super Buzz shortly which is closer to the dims I ride. Centre board is Wilderness singley shaped either by Chris Brock, Michael Cundith or Bluey Mayes. Did a bit of research and I'm pretty sure Greenough and McTavish had left Wilderness by the time that came off the racks.
View of the rafters.
Hey mate would you be interested in selling the Mr Buzz???? BTW nice PCC boards, Patto's a friend of mine, got a great mini simmons off him.
Get rid of the side fins on the Lazor Zap and put a winged keel in it.

My quiver, would love to add more
6'2 rubble Merrick
6'1 renegade Nick Blair
5'9 fat boy bourton

@fraser gordon are you watching the P P twinfin on ebay ?

I am...just emailed Andy about it, see if it rang any bells? How's the spray?!

my Quiver
5"10 4 groveler
6'0 New Flyer
5'11 JS revolution
6'2 Mosta 3 JS
Selling a Snapped Fred Rubble & 4 Utility

@shatner, its sitting on $50.

Udo, being the best researcher on SN ......That you R without a doubt:)
SN will purchase that one for you with a leggie string, combined with a double fishermans knot.
Not ;)

That surfboard is a piece of S.A surf history .........Thermalben from your home state are you bidding? cheap enough ,easy pickup minutes from stu's residence... was originally a fixed fin thruster -with the finbox added later.

Oh bugger it, I'll throw on a bid. Wonder if it could be restored? Some of those dings look pretty badly fixed.

"Quiver shmiver"..... this is the best "allrounder" I have ever owned..... Best board I have ever owned.... Handled 8 foot island...... Was still great in 3 foot..... 4foot to 8 foot was just outstanding.... 6'5 x 19 x 2 1/2, single to double concave (nothing rad'), semi rounded deck into softish rails, std rocker..... g5 back fin, g3s on the side....Shaped by peter stumpy wallace at wavezone sunshine coast.....
Ended up snapping it at the 1st bay coolum left off Point Perry....... Devo'd....

stunet wrote:Two photos from my shed. View of the rack. Fave shorty is third from left but busted the nose off recently, so riding the 5'9" third from right. First on left is 5'3" Mr Buzz by Stretch through Cory Surfboards in Torquay. Was on loan with sights to a review but it ain't for me - too small. Cory is gonna send a Super Buzz shortly which is closer to the dims I ride. Centre board is Wilderness singley shaped either by Chris Brock, Michael Cundith or Bluey Mayes. Did a bit of research and I'm pretty sure Greenough and McTavish had left Wilderness by the time that came off the racks.
View of the rafters.
Hi Stu,
Have u got your hands on the super buzz yet? Be interested to read your review.

Ya can't have them in the rafters under a hot tin roof and clear Perspex Stu! You'll kill them!

wesley wrote:Ya can't have them in the rafters under a hot tin roof and clear Perspex Stu! You'll kill them!
What you can't see are the two vents that remove hot air out of the shed. Anyway, someone gave me the heads up before and I removed them. They're now under the house and I've gotta run the gauntlet of snakes and spiders whenever I fetch them.

JaM wrote:Hi Stu, Have u got your hands on the super buzz yet? Be interested to read your review. Cheers
Nah, I haven't yet Jam. If it happens I'll post on here.

MR Rocket 6'4", only surfed it a few times but seems good so far
Also got a 6'2" McCoy nugget, goes well down at our south coast (SA Dribbleton)
6'4" Cutloose
Don Burford 6" single fin

And the other five are ?
is there a shapers name on the Burford single fin ?

Sharp eyes Udo.

udo wrote:And the other five are ?
is there a shapers name on the Burford single fin ?
Ha! sorry udo the picture with my nugget was when it was still in the shop!
I wish all those boards were mine, Im pretty sure the Burford has a name on it but its up my old girls place so cant see ATM.
I really should get it restored as when I surfed many years ago it was surprisingly good.

Burford ' warrior' early 70s popout is it one of those ? just curious , theres one for sale on gumtree at Tugun ....I last sighted one of those in about 1977 ,be very few left I think.

the fighting gordons? hmmmmm

That was the old days when they were bulked up (keeping in mind those boards are 4' 11"s... although still bigger than many semi pro surfers). They trimmed down to a quarter of the size shortly after, and in their prime were even tinier, and less muscular. We almost lost one of them when he was in 'Team Hopeless', during their quest (led by Roger and Frosty), to find the worlds least muscled human. The plug came out of the bath, and only his feet stopped him being sucked down the drain forever. Although Ross eventually took the award Nods protested, and almost had the decision overturned.
Stop forcing me out of reclusination.

Who shaped those boards ? brand ?

few fave short slabs
