~ Random Insta Pics and Clips ~

Haha wow.

Good surfing and classic NZ music.

New sport

Early wave of the winter contender .

^^ Incredible and all, but seeing the before and after I'm wondering if the foam has been sprayed white?
If so, that's not cool when it comes to resto styles. The thing is gonna look like a Tuflite in a few years.

I like the leggy holder fin thing , on the top of this beautiful Rab Rocket :)
In the mid 70's , we just drilled a hole in the fin , got some rope stuff and a sock , and stopped swimming so much .
The leggy's made mince meat of the back of our boards , but , no swimming , and we fixed the boards ( quite badly ) .

Looks like a tuflite now......on the deck at least ,but hows the pin tail.......

Supafreak wrote:Early wave of the winter contender . https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0iNU1zrswe/?igshid=NTYzOWQzNmJjMA==
Same wave I think, different angle

For those of you that missed the El Quemao comp, this is how good it was, and how classy William Aliotti is

Didn't realise it was a twinny.

udo wrote:McFace...... Plan Shape and Bottom Contours for you...
Alright alright, you're convincing me well! Man knows how shape some channels

Great looking boards, with sensible volume - tons more than many weekend warriors would ride.
He's only 65kg, and my guess is those boards are ~38L, 43L and 55L.

Only patented board in history?
Ekstrom patented the asymm in '66, but was unsuccessful in protecting it as there are too many variations, and, amazingly, both the six fin and seven fin boards are patented.

Shooting the pier at Malibu is always a good effort.
That Laird one a while back was pretty crazy too.

Foiler taken out by his own foil.
How long til it's an unassuming surfer in a crowded lineup.
No place for them around other people.

Oh shit , I scrolled to the next picture and opened the sensitive content, farking brutal . When I see them in crowded lineups like the superwank , I’m thinking they’re an accident just waiting to happen .

Oh shit! I didn't see that one! Sorry Supa!! Yup. Look like a tonne of fun but i cant imagine how fun it must be when you're holding others lives selfishly in your hands. Theres so many different options to use them in anyway.

Haha , I felt a bit squeamish but watched it anyway, when the guy was tapping on his skull, that cracked me up , but seriously the thing could easily decapitate someone.

I posted this on the live thread but it doesn’t allow to be clicked on so here it is again.

Far out, Pipe carnage, a lot of big names getting smacked this year.

1966 Birth of Space Ace ... 60's Gromz fav Vortex Surfer...
Part 1 Undersea Discovery of Space Ace Pod
Part 2 Space Ace cuts loose.
Episode 2 reveals his lifeline Pod Plant + more Vorticing about fighting monsters.
Pretty sure the Freakout Professors Synthesize his secret Plant Goop into Gum Sticks.
His girlfriend pimps him his Gum Sticks to get him hooked & away he surfs thru the sky.
Space Ace then self generates his vortice Flying Surf Disc/s that slice thru thin air & sea & stuff!
Episode 2 has some more sky surfin'
Pretty sure later episode has intergalactic Battle dromes...unless that was Prince Planet.
Cry yer eyes out either way when either save the day!
Anyhow...end of 2023 another space ace emerges...
Morphs from standard this surfer into a weird arse space ace
Some Kook's trip...check out the other weird wave pool images.
2023 Space Ace Surfer
Kookie Wavepool Postcard Gallery from another dimension.
Matrix Wavepool set of 4 shots + Tsunami Flow Rage set of 4 shots
Kinda embarrassing to pull into this Kook Hang but it's got some cool trippy gear.
Anyhow! That's why tbb shared the origin of the Space Ace Surfcraft so not to freak ya out!