Notes from a temporary excommunication

Good luck with your health blowin. Hope it all comes good for you. For me, watching the ocean is never a problem, even when it’s going off and I can’t get out there. The sheer beauty of what is presented by mother ocean is always solace for the soul.
When I finished work in July, I was beyond exhaustion, physical and emotional. 22 and a half years is a long stretch, but the last 6 months were so hard, working from home, writing up manuals containing the previous 8 years of work that I was doing with no colleagues, partly just to sign off as a professional, partly as paying my dues for what was to come so I wouldn’t have to look back. No surf fitness due to 3 months enforced beach lockdown, and huge swells coming back to back to back, faithfully documented by Craig.
I just watched, for hours on end. It was mesmerising, joyful, cold, rainy, windy, raw, exciting, therapeutic.
I studied and taught and practised meditation seriously for about 8 years, around about a lifetime ago. I noticed that watching the ocean took my mind exactly to that place I used to try and reach through disciplined thought and practice. My mind was still, there was no distraction, just stillness enveloping me as I took in as much as my senses could catch, just watching and appreciating. You don’t have to be out there to know the feeling.
In the last few weeks I’ve started to feel a level of surf fitness that has eluded me since I don’t know when. That sense that you’re paddling is strong enough, and there is enough wind in your lungs to manage some ‘out of depth’ experiences. I’m hoping to test myself out a bit over the next few days.
Not being able to surf is totally a first world problem, but only a surfer would understand what that means. It becomes part of your being.
Speedy return to the water blowin. Hope it doesn’t take as long as me to get that fitness back. While I was working my arse off I also incorporated a batch of serious hill climbing around the local area, and upped my weights by 40% to match my son. It didn’t translate at all to the water though.
I’m sure you will have quicker success than I did though. Now appreciating being in the water more than ever, and I have the time to make the most of it.

great contributions both.
I'm in the Batfink camp. even if injured I'd rather be there and take it all in.
valuable to get it all put into perspective.

The most time I’ve had to stay dry-docked due to injury was a few weeks due to a partially injured mcl but the last 6 months I’ve been having a lot of trouble with my ears, due to worsening surfers ear and a pterygium that is growing closer and closer to my pupil and making my eye constantly bloodshot.
I’ve got a funny feeling that some extended out of the water time is heading my way due to having to get these issues sorted and I’m actually really dreading it.

I can relate to all , goofyfoot my ears drove me crazy for years until I finally had them both drilled 1 year apart , 8 weeks out first time and only 4 the second due to quick healing ( diet was better ) but as I get older other things pop up like tennis elbow which finally went away after 6 months then 2 months later bursitis in left shoulder which wouldn’t heal for ages until doctor recommended cbd oil for the inflammation, worked a treat along with some treatment from osteopath. Now I have a new problem in being diagnosed with AF , I’ve had 2 episodes since 29 December , first one was brought on by alcohol and a few smokes after being drug free and a keto diet for 18 months, 2 episode was 13 January and ended up in hospital as when laying down my heart rate was 56 , standing up it would go to 140 - 200 , eventually it reset itself after 36 hours of laying in hospital bed . Back surfing today and all good, see cardiologist next month. It sux getting old but I’ve had 50 years of surfing and don’t intend stopping. Time out of the water makes me appreciate the times I can go surfing more.

whats AF?

supafreak sorry for my lack of knowledge but what’s AF?
Edit, beat me too it free

Arterial fibrillation
And thats wild high heart rates have you thought of NiL exertion exercise until you have seen the cardiologist ..?
And an aspirin daily !

Atrial fibrillation is when your top 2 chambers in your heart are out of sync with bottom 2 and so blood isn’t pumped to your organs as well as it should be causing the heart rate to increase , the risk here is blood can pool and clot in the top 2 chambers and if a clot is released into your blood stream a stroke may result . There are no blockages in my heart and it’s an electronic problem which can be fixed with medication or electric shock . Spoke to a friend who had same problem, they ran something up through his artery through his leg and up to his heart and shocked the part that was faulty. Pretty amazing what they can do these days. AF is more common in people as they get older but even babies can have it

Apparently udo exercise is good for AF but not totally exhausting yourself so I won’t be running any marathons

Yeah aspirin thins the blood , they couldn’t give me medication to lower my heart rate because when lying down it was 56 and medicine would have brought it down to low . There are 3 different types of AF I’m the first one , diet will help and knowing the triggers , alcohol , smoking , stress a virus can also set it off

Up your Magnesium

Yeah I take magnesium daily for healing of bursitis and it’s the first thing they did in hospital was put me on a mag drip , thanks udo everything your saying is good advice. I was just grateful that my heart reset itself as when I got up in the night for a piss and my heart went to 200 it had 5 nurses running around, they had me on a monitor and it set off a few bells. Laugh now but it felt like I had sprinted for 200 metes

Get well supa. Hope it all resolves soon.

Thanks etarip , I’m confident that I’ll get on top of it and the specialist I’m booked into has a great reputation. A couple of triggers I forgot to mention is caffeine and energy drinks , I’ve dropped the morning coffee and never got into the energy drinks except when I was younger. I have probably had this condition for years having experienced heart flutters before but never thought to much about it . Having full on healthy diet for 18 months with zero sugar besides fruit which was blueberries blackberry raspberries and strawberries and only small amounts to over indulgence of rubbish at xmas , most beers in one day was 5 , one doctor said I had xmas heart lol . The thing is when I’m living eating healthy I feel more energised and sleep better which is also super important in staying healthy. Life through up a few stresses over xmas and I didn’t handle it properly but live and learn.

We are fortunate to at least have had this experience. The future is a combo of random events and the old adage, you make your own luck.

Hi Supa,
Just read your post re AF. You are 100% correct re magnesium.
Without getting too technical Mg is a cell membrane stabiliser and mediates the other ions (Na, K and Ca) that facilitate the action potential of the cardiac myocytes.
In short it helps control the fibrillation your heart goes into due to the aberrant electrical pathway.
We often use rate controlling drugs to slow down the heart eg. beta-blockers, digoxin etc. However, in more refractory cases cardioversion and ablation are also quite common.
My advice to anyone with this problem is see see your GP and get a referral to a Cardiologist...please don't self medicate as this is a potentially life threatening arrhythmia if left untreated or managed by self medicating.

Thanks san Guine , I got echo scan done on Thursday and see cardiologist on 22 feb , it’s taken this long for appointment , be nearly 2 months since episode

Sorry, I just reread my post and realised I used a lot of medical jargon!!!
I spend half my working life explaining to patients what the medical team has just done and why they have done it, in clear non medical language.
So, have a list of questions to ask your Cardiologist so that you clearly understand your health issues.
If you don't clearly comprehend what the Cardiologist is saying to you, get them to explain in terms you understand. Take notes if necessary.

All good san , I’ve been traveling pretty good , surfing and eating really healthy , avoiding sugar , mainly eat fish , veg , fruit and simply nothing white except eggs and cauliflower , no below ground veggies. One thing I need to change is sitting to long at work.

Bible of eternal excommunication...the real go-getter seller.
Firstly, get well to crew...Secondly thanks to blowin for tellin' it straight...
tbb has been following this thoughtful thread but needed the strength to join in...
Don't say that lightly as all here know it's both exhausting & healing to hit home.
July 2019 ...tbb tells local crew it's much better surfing than aching away at home
Then struggles to clamber off bank / shore / moderate dune incline & that was that!
Slides the [ Sarcophagus Lid ] Bye Bye local crew..time for tbb's endless nap.
[ Half a year goes by ] Almost forgotten about the beach until weird arse anomaly.
Dec 2019...tbb builds a Cornflake Man then defeated by gnarly moderate dune exit.
No hurry to take on another beach exit so...[4 months goes by in tbb's 'plex/pool ]
March 2020 Scomo kicks tbb outta the pool, so tbb gets crews help (Thanx)
It's decided ...tbb goes around again & hires a physio / fortnightly to do stuff...Why?
[ Whole year + 2 x Stimulus packs get hand passed to the Physio ] Pool is fine!
4th Feb 2021 Physio reintroduces tbb to his local. (Note 1st time since July 2019)
1st thing tbb notices & says: "They've taken away the seat!"
Short Walk on Oceanway to Picnic Shelter...have a rest.
Physio gifts tbb a tub of 2nd Level X-Soft (Yellow)TheraPutty....
tbb asks to bring that up on the screen...please!
Great! So now tbb is moulding pre pre school grade Play Doh!
Physio instructs tbb on how to do super easy over-under 4 finger thingy.
Right! Like tbb is not a spazz you know...less than 2 seconds later tbb is a spazz!
Physio's girlfriend is an Occupational Therapist so tbb gets extra assist thrown in!
Next we mould a Theraputty Mutant
No! Can't do that! But it does come outta the tub daily (Thumbs Up!)
Next was the flat sand entry onto beach...This was the Physio's Devilish Plan...
Now tbb ...'Enjoy the ECL tide sawing thru yer toes...'
'Can you feel the breeze caressing your strand of hair.'
Nice & easy up that Dune & tbb goes down but scrambles outta pit of hell alive.
Again....Where the fuck is that chair gone...never needed it more than now.
And who grows a She Oak at a beach entry...ouch! ouch! No Chair! ouch!
Took 10 minutes to recover from those final 4 steps & 20 mins for the she oak pods
Completely drained of all life force & shaking due to the body collapse shock factor.
Physio says : It's a lack of endurance?
tbb (Daily) 30min -6 swim stroke sessions with 10min full kick/arm routine.
This beach walk was a leisurely stroll with a deep sanded exit ramp.
tbb also tops his Physio's strength test calibrators...Better than me he says! Durr!
But tbb's strength is his weakness when every muscle is aching...(Myositis).
No core strength and can't raise an arm or lift a leg...really aches to grip.
As dune rises, heavy tbb sinks deeper & hips can't grip tbb's club shape limbs.
They're abnormal / underdeveloped...never an issue until weight & weakness!
Here's how those groups of exhausting disability train yer mind ...
Physio : Want you to do this 3x a week
tbb was honestly gobsmacked! Instantly felt weak in the way never!
Physio : Well how many times a week can you do this walk...
(Pause! tbb swears he keeps hearing times & week in the one sentence!)
tbb : (Think before answering!) Maybe once every 3 months...maybe!
Physio : Nope! tbb, That's just plain ridiculous!
tbb: Ok! Maybe once a month & that's being even more ridiculous.
Physio : No! It's gotta be 3 x week to make a difference.
(Times / Week )(Times / Week)..He just stares right thru tbb.
Fark! Is he really serious! Does he think tbb can hit the beach 3x week! La La! La La!
tbb cowered to a once off beach visit offer before next session (By this Thursday)
Crew can see tbb's 2 days left for a guilt trip to the beach
Just wot was tbb thinking...The bipolar is crashing any hope of a day at the beach.
Fucking kill to go to the beach but it's the very last thing that tbb wants to do...
Exhausted tbb struggles to keep time with the Rhythm of Life so often skips a beat.
Pretty sure the crew can see or feel their way thru that self loathing diatribe.
Bring on the Experts...
*Mum's advice! Go to the beach Son or I will take you myself! (Luv Old School)
Guilt trip is backed by a one legged lady in the Hospital who could do this & she .....
*Neighbour's advice! Go to the beach but just bludge in the car. (Beach Tick! Next.)
*Mates advice! Go to the beach but only if you want to but not coz Physio tells you!
Crew have gotta admit, tbb is spoilt rotten for choices. (Each one is Gold!) Legends!
Reckon that's the New Shadow Govt right there!
Mon (today) tbb was gonna go, then thought of 1 million & one reasons why not!
Hear the new one...tbb swears he looked too unruly / unkempt should also work.
Already said I was gonna try again tomorrow but am not feeling the luv!
Wed is the last chance for tbb to pretend to like the beach...won't be pretty.
Meant to say Tuesday...for sure! One day at a time Tuesday it is! (Wed' recovery!)
Just look for the decrepit basher doing barrel rolls over'n'over in the sand dunes.
Gromz : "Oi! Plenty of spazz moves there Hodad Basher!"
Shh! Already swapped the Gromz tub of wax with a tub of tbb's Theraputty
Gromz : "WTF is this Mutant Wax! Get the BASHER!"
Lifes a Beach!

Supafreak wrote:All good san , I’ve been traveling pretty good , surfing and eating really healthy , avoiding sugar , mainly eat fish , veg , fruit and simply nothing white except eggs and cauliflower , no below ground veggies. One thing I need to change is sitting to long at work.
Hey Supa. I hope you're well. I remembered this post from a while back and revisited looking for updates. I'm generally pretty healthy but just before Christmas I overextended myself on a road trip and ended up dehydrated, exhausted and in AF. Been on blood thinners and beta blockers for a month and had a failed Cardio Version today. Zapped 3 times, feeling like shit and like I've been booted in the chest by a camel. Options are more / different drugs (probably long term) or ablation. I'm planning to go the second option. Luckily I have great specialist in my corner advising me. Just putting it out there if anyone has had an ablation and any advice you can give. There's definitely good website advice about, but first hand experience is always good to hear. Thanks in advance.

@icandig , glad you’re on the mend. I’ve been on verapamil 240 mg for nearly a year now. I was on 180 mg but I was still having problems with heart irregularities so my cardiologist upped the dose . I have been fine since and surf nearly every day. I go for another heart echo next month then hopefully get the operation soon after . I’ve had to wait a year as I didn’t have private health. My only problem with the medication is it leaves me a bit short of breath in the surf sometimes , shortness of breath is a listed side effect. Once the op is done I should be off the medication and hopefully back to normal. Two mates that have had the op are all good now . Really important to hydrate as soon as you wake up in the morning and keep it up especially if doing something physical. All the best mate and great that you trust your specialist. ……..edit I’m on verapamil because I had a svt episode, heart was doing 220 when I staggered into emergency, not a nice feeling, I was grey in colour as no blood is getting pumped to organs .

Thanks for the quick reply Supa. My doc mentioned a 12 month wait for non private - sorry you've had to wait so long. I'm very fortunate - as expensive as it is, I've kept my private health payments up, so I'll try to book an op as soon as possible. I've been reluctant to surf - fearing an episode as you've described above - so I'm suffering in that regard. Until I get the op, it'll be light cardio and strengthening. Gettin' old, time to get serious looking after myself.

@icandig, on my Drs advice I got private health insurance as the public system waiting list will probably be more than a year . In this current climate of health it would possibly be 2 - 3 years. I have to wait 12 months because its a pre existing condition. I actually rang up to find out how much if I paid for the procedure myself and was told anything from 20 to 50 grand , gulp , so insurance it was. I had private health for 10 years for tax reasons when I was working in FIFO but when I took 2 years off I stopped it . Probably keep it now as it’s good for osteopath , dental and maybe some eye surgery later as I age . One of my mates who has had both sides of his heart done ( 3 months apart ) was never a drinker or smoker , he was a fireman and into surfing and triathlon’s. He was in hospital for 3 days with his heart going between 150 to 220 and they couldn’t get it to reset , a bit touch and go for awhile there but it eventually reset . Mine reset itself just as they were about to hit me up with something ( not sure what it was ) I had been in svt for about 1 hour, can’t imagine 3 days. Hope you get back surfing soon.

@Supafreak. Update....ablation is scheduled for next Friday. 31st March. Hope you get yours soon. I'll follow up after procedure.

icandig wrote:@Supafreak. Update....ablation is scheduled for next Friday. 31st March. Hope you get yours soon. I'll follow up after procedure.
Hope it all goes well mate . I would appreciate you sharing how you go . I had echo last Tuesday and see cardiologist this coming Tuesday and hopefully get a schedule for procedure. Looking forward to when I’m of the medication .

No worries Supa. I went back through your posts and in a lot of ways your 'journey' mirrors mine (sorry an overused expression). Definitely had a rethink on my lifestyle over the last couple of months. Intermittent fasting and modified exercise without surfing hopefully has set me up for a speedy recovery. My meds include beta blockers and blood thinners. Beta blockers suck. More info next week.

3.00 am this morning woke up with the dreaded sore throat, headache and aches and pain in my bones. Did 2 rat test and both confirmed positive to covid within seconds . Went and got PCR test at 7am and results back tomorrow . This has thrown a spanner in the works as cardiologist appointment was today . Now can’t see him until 18th April . My biggest concern is my mother and tried getting her into emergency respite but they are all full and won’t take close contact of someone with covid anyway . Just said if she gets it to take her to hospital. She has advanced dementia and COPD . So Im just isolating in bedroom and hopefully no one else gets it . Kept daughter and wife home from school and work . Not feeling too bad just flu like symptoms. Thought I was maybe one of the lucky ones that don’t get it . No idea where I picked it up , other than food shopping don’t really mix a lot .

Bad news Supa. Take care. My mum's transition care place is has cases too so we are limited in visiting. Tough times.

That sucks Supa. Sorry to read this.

Take care Supa and cepat sembuh...

Sorry to hear of your troubles supafreak. Always things like this seem to happen to the good people while the psychopaths of the world seem to ruin life for everyone and get rich and then never get problems such as yours..
My caretaker of my old apartment block and pool, gardens and lawn had similar troubles as far as i remember and i wish i had of asked his phone number to call him sometimes but forgot..
Anyway wish you get the needed meds and help for a real recovery.

So sorry to hear Supa. What a rough trot. Hopefully your mother is OK and you can get treatment in the not too distant future. Thinking of you and the fam.

Thanks for the well wishes , mum just tested positive but has no symptoms. Medics on the way to analyse and possibly take to hospital for early treatment as she is 87 and has COPD besides dementia. After 36 hours of a headache that wouldn’t quit I’m feeling much better. Wife and daughter still testing negative.

@Supa. Hope Covid has just about run its course and no more hiccups on the way to fixing your AF. Hope your mum is sorted also.
My ablation went well according to Doc.
Here is a snapshot for you.
• Baseline rhythm: AF
• Procedure: ablation
• I had it under general anesthetic (knocked out) via catheter in the arm. Ablation Canular wend through the groin (shaving of the pubes and proximity to nut sack was a bit of a surprise).
• Prior to ablation I had a TOE (transesophageal echocardiogram) to check for clots and a look at the chambers etc… also used to guide the ablation.
• Prior to ablation was given heparin (blood thinner) and had was cardio verted (shocked)
• Left Atrium posterior wall. TOE removed and esophageal temperature probe (Circa) inserted. Left and right sided veins isolated. Ablation performed.
Some more general info:
Had to fast until procedure – no worries, anesthetic given around 12.00pm. I’m used to fasting.
I woke up around 3 hours later – So I’m guessing the whole thing lasted 2 and a half hours. Woke up groggy but not in pain. Back on the ward I had a canular in my L-arm (crook of the elbow), one in my wrist and a bandaged R-groin. The nurses were insistent on keeping my leg straight; to restrict movement and avoid possible internal bleeding. This was the main reason for any discomfort I felt as could not get up for a walk around (even to pee) and also because I usually sleep on my side and only managed to doze on and off all night. It’s now afternoon and I’m home, tired but not really in any pain I can speak of. Throat is a little dry and sore. Normal sinus rhythm. Oh yeah. Horrendous bruising due to heparin.
I have to keep taking blood thinners, but now beta blockers are optional – kept on hand in case AF returns (this is normal and might be expected for up to 6 months). I’m also on anti-reflux tabs for a month, as the Esophagus can get damaged from heat. Raised resting pulse rate (presently 75 – 80) is also expected for up to 12 months.
I think I read that you’d had an ear drill out …If a drill out is about a level 6-8, I’d give this a 1-2 in terms of severity.
I can start light exercise almost immediately and plan to walk around the block tonight. Best of all I’ve been given the green light to go for a surf in a week. Will start small on a mal and work my way back in slowly.
Quiz me with anything you think I might have left out. Good luck with it all.

@icandig , thanks for all the info and here’s to a speedy recovery . Great to read you will be back in the surf soon, how long has it been ? I was reading before that any surgical procedures if you have had covid are delayed for 7 weeks . I was hoping to get this done before Bali in June but may have to wait until I get back . I’m about 95% over covid now , still a bit lethargic and flu like feeling . Mum has amazingly had no symptoms at all , the medics came around and checked her right out , suggested I call her GP and get her started on antivirals which I did . March which normally pumps, has been the worst for surf in my memory, coming off bruised ribs then covid , I haven’t missed anything. Anyway enjoy getting back in the water mate , you will feel like a grommet again. Woohoo ! ……edit ….just one question, how much out of pocket did it cost ya ? Was it just the excess on your policy ?

Probably best to let Covid settle, especially with heart issues - but who knows these days. Might depend on type and severity of AF? Different Docs might have differing opinion. Bummer for your Bali trip. Good news about your mum and your symptoms. I haven't surfed since before Christmas...except for a couple of very small but perfect hot days on the longboard. Hospital costs were around $10,000, but was covered (less $250 excess). I don't have the doctors or anaesthetists bills yet, but expect another 2 or 3 thousand on top. Meds another 50 bucks today.

I should add that I was very well taken care of. Doctors / Nurses / ancillary staff were all exceptional - even the food was good. (St John of God in Geelong). Thanks a million to the dedicated, knowledgeable, friendly hardworking staff there.

@icandig , hey mate just checking on how your feeling these days since the op , must be great to be back in the water yeah ? I saw cardiologist today and apparently I’m currently in AF and have been since I did a heart echo a month ago . Someone forgot to mention it to me after echo exam . This would probably explain my more than usual fatigue this last month which I thought may have been from covid . Mentioned to the cardiologist that I’d read online that some procedures have to wait 7 weeks after covid, he laughed and said that was bullshit . Anyway the good news is I will be getting ablation in the next few weeks which is great news as Bali trip in June…..woohoo

Hey Supa. Cheers. I'm feeling great. I'm not sure if you have this, but when I was in AF I had a constant feeling of the "jitters" - kind of like having too much caffeine. That was gone instantly. I was back in the water within a week in very small but clean surf. This week I've had a two hour session yesterday and a bit over an hour today. Surf is looking good here for the rest of the week. Stoked! Still tuning up and feeling like a kook though. My advice is to keep exercising if you can, but take it easy. I'm sure that helped with my recovery. If your op and recovery go a similar way to mine you could hopefully count on about two weeks to almost full recovery. Might see you in Bali - I'll be there start of July. I'll be the one in the Cossack hat carrying a case of vodka.
Also - heart rate has dropped to an average of about 62 bpm. Blood pressure almost spot on 120 / 80

Hahahaha Russians aren’t really flavour of the month in Bali . Yeah I was a bit shocked to find I’ve been back in AF mode for a month but it explains a lot of how I’ve been feeling . Dr put me on blood thinners straight away . I started walking for an hour first thing again a few days ago and stretching for 20 minutes. I went for a surf last week but only lasted 30 minutes. Kept thinking I was just run down and stressed from looking after mum. She survived covid with flying colours but her dementia has accelerated and had two falls in 6 days. Takes a dump and her blood pressure would drop and she’d faint . Ambulance called twice, first time she was in hospital for 2 days then discharged 3 days later when she fell again in toilet she fractured her ankle. So she’s still in hospital and families made the decision that it’s time for aged care as she needs more care than what I can give .Haven’t found a placement yet , it’s not easy finding a dementia ward with vacancies. She still recognises us but is very delusional, hardly eating anything. It’s a fucked up cruel disease. She’s had enough and just wants to go be with dad .

It's a tough gig Supa. My mum had a stroke back in October last year. Hemiplegic but with faculties intact, so she knows exactly how shit it all is. Finding an appropriate care setting is a real challenge. I can empathize with you there. Good luck with your mum, and take care of yourself, you have a young family who need you.

Supa, sorry it's not an easy time for you and your family. We've been through a lot of that stuff - four funerals in just over 12 months from both sides and it smacks the shit out of you physically, mentally and emotionally. It's a lingering weight, but we're starting to see clear skies again. Your family issues on top of AF, it's no wonder you're feeling drained. Take care - aim for that holiday you've earned it.

Rough time supa. Keep your chin up mate, and all the best with family and personal challenges. Thinking of you.

Cheers guys, really looking forward to getting op out of the way and taking time out .

All the best @Supa....

Heartbreaking, Supa. All the best from us in NZ.

All the best Supa.

Take care Supa, tough times for sure. I went through something similar when mum was diagnosed with MSA (multiple system atrophy)
Due to injury It’s now been over a month since I’ve been surfing . Here’s some observations from that time.
/ Surfers need to surf.
Obviously right ?
Yeah ...but nah. I’ve passed up plenty of sessions whilst able bodied without too much concern for correlative loss of joy de vivre. You’ll soon have the truth thrust into your face when the arbitrary decision to go surfing is taken out of your hands. I’ve mouthed the platitudes of surfing’s beneficial effects on my mental, physical and spiritual health countless times but it’s not till the exhilarating thrill, healthy thrush of physicality and simple contentment of a happy session is denied that the importance of our passion truly hits home.
Ebbing energy levels , decreased happiness and intermittent frustration become daily companions. Particularly if you’re like me and your happiness is heavily dependent on exercise and your desire to exercise is heavily dependent on mood. It can become a cascade of dark days if the surfing option is taken from you.
/ The struggle isn’t real
Then there’s this little thing called perspective to consider when the bottom lip starts to jut just cause you can’t go play splash- splash .
Example : Like the female character in the Tim Winton novel Breath who can’t stand the sight of snow since having her ability to Ski ripped away through injury , I’m of the sort who found no solace in watching the ocean when I couldn’t surf unless the waves were a putrid mess. It was only then that my FOMO was tempered enough to watch the ocean without feeling like I’d been punched in the stomach. I am always up for a good caffeine hit though and so I fell into a nice little routine of walking down to the beachside coffee van . I’d been leaving my run late to ensure the onshore wind would be well and truly up but one morning we took my mother in law down just before midday only to find the wind had laid down to near nothing and was starting to pulse offshore into a whistle clean 3-5 foot NE swell.
My lip started to quiver , my chest heaved with a massive intake of air ready to expel a momentous whinge about not being able to go surfing when I thought of the father of the mother in law standing next to me - and of the stories she’d told me of when he lied about his age to head to WW1. Of The terrible privations he’d endured in the trenches and the mud of France including being gassed twice . I thought of how she’d described his return home and the trials of raising a family into the Great Depression before re-enlisting to go fight in WW2 and getting his foot blown off. Then her father spent the rest of his days barely mentioning the war , the depression or the fact that he was barely able to function due to his serious and ongoing health problems.
That’s when I decided it was probably best to just enjoy my coffee with the pleasant company whilst we wandered through a flawlessly beautiful day and maybe shut the fuck up completely about the waves I was temporarily missing out on.
/ There’s more than one way to engage with the ocean
Once I’d got my head around watching epic surfing conditions without participating the weight on my spirit lifted.