The United States(!) of A

old-dog wrote:I heard he drinks homemade kombucha from a jar while listening to his vinyl, loves Kale and his cat is on a gluten free diet.
Makes a mean deconstructed flat white too.

young Arnold I mean Alfred I had to put that disaster through ChatGPT to translate and it just said: fuck that was some weird ass shit

aww, man. missed that window.. nighty night.
* 'weird arse shit', not 'weird ass shit'.

indo-dreaming wrote:fitzroy-21 wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:fitzroy-21 wrote:If there was ever a time for "#there’salwaysanothercomment", it would have to be now wouldn't it......
Yay you didn’t win?
You should sing along anyway though.You couldn't be any further from the truth, but that is unsurprising.......
You see, that's what happens when you ASSUME, you make an ASS out of U, not ME.............
Id never given your name any thought, I just assumed it was your name, but now it's so obvious I cant believe i never clicked before.
Are you referring to my name @Indo?

Chelsea L wrote:young Arnold I mean Alfred I had to put that disaster through ChatGPT to translate and it just said: fuck that was some weird ass shit
Well ChapGTT. You asked if we do forums. I replied , we do Forams.
Disaster and weird, only because you’re devoid of knowledge in those capacities ? I thought you were ChatGPT, you’re meant to know everything.
Don’t you know anything about our planet, we could talk planets and cosmology or plants and osmosis , plate tectonics and geographical plant and animal distribution, human induced global warming, deforestation, ocean currents, apparent polar wander, earths axis and tilt, the moons of Jupiter, Neptune and other planets, planetesimals… on.
We could discuss anything you like ( except Trump) , you start I’ll join in, this could be entertaining.
I’m open to any topic. Just give me a few minutes to put my VR AI helmet on and off we go.
What are you thinking ? AW

First it was TDS now it’s TES

tubeshooter wrote:old-dog wrote:I heard he drinks homemade kombucha from a jar while listening to his vinyl, loves Kale and his cat is on a gluten free diet.
Makes a mean deconstructed flat white too.
That’s pretty funny TS.

fitzroy-21 wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:fitzroy-21 wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:fitzroy-21 wrote:If there was ever a time for "#there’salwaysanothercomment", it would have to be now wouldn't it......
Yay you didn’t win?
You should sing along anyway though.You couldn't be any further from the truth, but that is unsurprising.......
You see, that's what happens when you ASSUME, you make an ASS out of U, not ME.............
Id never given your name any thought, I just assumed it was your name, but now it's so obvious I cant believe i never clicked before.
Are you referring to my name @Indo?
Yes your name "Fitzroy", i just assumed it was your real name or something, but knowing the area you spend time in and activities you love, it suddenly became obvious where the name comes from.
Only took me a decade to click. :P

@Indo, hahahahahaha, probably over a decade mate :) Jumped on google earth hey :)
Never been to Victoria and have zero affiliation with the place and/or AFL/VFL clubs.

No need for google earth ive been familiar with the area you are named after for decades, i guess just through articles and videos.

You still at it, Sexy Jeff?

Simply explained

stunet wrote:You still at it, Sexy Jeff?
Ha ha still at it
A little ditty after 2 days
All right let’s all fall in line and bend the knee if that’s the directive

Supafreak wrote:Simply explained
Actually it’s Musk that wants to shut the government down now, until after Donnys
So how about we research
Musk derangement syndrome,
Or is that getting too complicated ?

Exxotixjeff wrote:Supafreak wrote:Simply explained
Actually it’s Musk that wants to shut the government down now, until after Donnys
So how about we research
Musk derangement syndrome,
Or is that getting too complicated ?
Only a month to go Jeff, not too much longer on those shit sandwiches! lol

I think you are being overly optimistic Quad, we've got 4+ more years of this....

seaslug wrote:I think you are being overly optimistic Quad, we've got 4+ more years of this....
For Jeff its a another month of SS then the full menu comes, it'll go well in the taxi!


Overton Collapse. All the chips are in play:

More on the Vibe shift:
"And thus—cutting across communities and denominations and occupations and hobbies—we get to the Vibe Shift:
The Vibe Shift looks like ditching childless civilizational nihilism and saying, yeah, having kids is good, actually.
The Vibe Shift is the repudiation of homogenizing hyperglobalism and instead intentionally pursuing the communal, the local, and the national.
The Vibe Shift is the rejection of reality denial and instead embracing that men and women are unique and different.
The Vibe Shift is the refusal to subordinate yourself and your family to the whims and anxieties of activists and bureaucrats and relearning to trust your eyes and ears.
The Vibe Shift is the rejection of secular liberal materialism and a return to the Christian foundations of the West.
The Vibe Shift is taking off the ironic veil that aims to cover the festering wounds of despair and putting on the vestments of seriousness instead.
The Vibe Shift is laughing at those trying to demonize men and cheerfully proclaiming “Dudes rock.”
The Vibe Shift is spurning the fake and therapeutic and reclaiming the authentic and concrete.
The Vibe Shift is a healthy suspicion of credentialism and a return to human judgment.
The Vibe Shift is living not by lies, and instead speaking the truth—whatever the cost.
The Vibe Shift is directly facing our tumultuous times, refusing to blackpill, and choosing to build instead.
There is no denying that whatever else, the Vibe Shift is an electric time—after all, things hidden before the foundation of the world are being rediscovered, and things thought to last until the end of time are crumbling at hypersonic speeds.
It is also a time fraught with opportunities for new, disruptive technology. It doesn’t surprise me that as we enter what could very well be the most volatile political and cultural period in recent American history we’re also seeing some of the boldest bets of the last few decades. "
At last.

I get this sense of just tremendous opportunity, like all the rules beating us over the head for being who we are have just turned to dust and fallen to the ground. Anything is now possible, if you want to build stuff, just go build stuff. If you want to hang, just hang. To me, the image for when this precise moment arrived was after the covid lockdowns failed and people went camping and the 4x4 drivers up at Ningaloo just went wherever they fucken wanted and chopped it up and camped wherever: not ideal for the environment, but rules that existed were revealed as optional. I let this soak in, went for a drive in my V8 and went as fast as I liked and nothing that mattered before mattered now. What a moment in time it was. We can now achieve anything.
President Musk wants to shut down the US government, just before Christmas,
That’s not what average MAGA voted for
is it ?

quadzilla wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:Supafreak wrote:Simply explained
Actually it’s Musk that wants to shut the government down now, until after Donnys
So how about we research
Musk derangement syndrome,
Or is that getting too complicated ?Only a month to go Jeff, not too much longer on those shit sandwiches! lol
So Trump wins the election
Becomes King for 4 years
And nothing much else happens?
Ha ha , well I guess what we don’t know isn’t going to hurt us,
How long are your damn Syrian and Ukrainian wars going to go for anyway?

quadzilla wrote:seaslug wrote:I think you are being overly optimistic Quad, we've got 4+ more years of this....
For Jeff its a another month of SS then the full menu comes, it'll go well in the taxi!
Well actually it was Uber who
virtually finished the taxi industry,
that’s why. I’m so vengeful and bitter ,
No actually it didn’t bother me because l wasn’t an owner, those guys lost big though.
So I’d hate to think what’s on your Ukrainian menu?

Exxotixjeff wrote:quadzilla wrote:seaslug wrote:I think you are being overly optimistic Quad, we've got 4+ more years of this....
For Jeff its a another month of SS then the full menu comes, it'll go well in the taxi!
Well actually it was Uber who
virtually finished the taxi industry,
that’s why. I’m so vengeful and bitter ,
No actually it didn’t bother me because l wasn’t an owner, those guys lost big though.
So I’d hate to think what’s on your Ukrainian menu?
Lots of pussy!

interesting points and perspective vj
it really does seem like a massive weight has lifted
like a big arse titanic anchor on a tiny tinny
not for everyone clearly... but in these times of razor thin margins, all you need is 50%... and a little bit more...
the fake left clearly have no concept of what a drag they had become... mentally, metaphorically, socially, and even physically...
a drag on fun too
it seems like there is a feeling of positive about what is possible
make making stuff great again
including babies?

haters are gonna hate...
(and if I'm honest, ya gotta have concerns about elon musk's capacity to be a megalomaniac...)
but, he has facilitated a new form of democracy...
(a new form the other side were going all megalomaniac with...)

personally I don't give a shit who wins the next election here, a new trajectory is set...
I think both sides have fundamentally fucked up in terms of protecting, value adding, and just plain making stuff
and I see no change in sight, from either side...
I think dutton would be a disaster, I think his nuclear brain fart is a disaster, and I think undoing all that labor has tried to achieve in that space will be dumb, expensive, and seems to be motivated by spite as much as anything...
which is never good
however, labor have been so woefully inadequate, aloof, and pathetic, they deserve to lose...
and I think they very well might... if they don't wake up quick to the current zietgheist...
I don't think they will, they appear simply clueless, as to whats going on in the world and electorates
clueless or unwilling... it doesn't really matter...
I reckon they're up for a one term sitting, and I reckon kier stamer's government in the uk is in the same boat
this is despite their opposition's being basket cases in both countries...
strange times

sypkan wrote:haters are gonna hate...
(and if I'm honest, ya gotta have concerns about elon musk's capacity to be a megalomaniac...)
but, he has facilitated a new form of democracy...
(a new form the other side were going all megalomaniac with...)
That was really informative, makes more sense now.

sypkan wrote:interesting points and perspective vj
it really does seem like a massive weight has lifted
like a big arse titanic anchor on a tiny tinny
not for everyone clearly... but in these times of razor thin margins, all you need is 50%... and a little bit more...
the fake left clearly have no concept of what a drag they had become... mentally, metaphorically, socially, and even physically...
a drag on fun too
it seems like there is a feeling of positive about what is possible
make making stuff great again
including babies?
From the article
Ive seen these stats before but this is well presented.
Pretty much the opposite of what you would have expected.

sypkan wrote:haters are gonna hate...
(and if I'm honest, ya gotta have concerns about elon musk's capacity to be a megalomaniac...)
but, he has facilitated a new form of democracy...
(a new form the other side were going all megalomaniac with...)
So the sky isn’t falling ? Henny Penny wrong again ?

Supafreak wrote:So the sky isn’t falling ? Henny Penny wrong again ?
It's not going to stop those with that mind set.

I think ive watched about twenty of these Philadelphia's Zombie vids this one is a bit more varied and informative than most, he talks to a lot of people users and others.
Seems there is now even worse stringer shit Rhino tranq
Man that shit is farked up.

Happy Christmas Swellneter's
In 2025 we are going to make Swellnet great again...yew!!!

indo-dreaming wrote:Happy Christmas Swellneter's
In 2025 we are going to make Swellnet great again...yew!!!
Trump gives us a rectal health ‘up date’ .AW

fark, not bad @AW!

AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Happy Christmas Swellneter's
In 2025 we are going to make Swellnet great again...yew!!!
Trump gives us a rectal health ‘up date’ .AW
Yep, all good now, obstruction cleared.
Apparently they found Elon Musk's wristwatch up there.

American version of Kancho

adam12 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Happy Christmas Swellneter's
In 2025 we are going to make Swellnet great again...yew!!!
Trump gives us a rectal health ‘up date’ .AW
Yep, all good now, obstruction cleared.
Apparently they found Elon Musk's wristwatch up there.
Trump approves of men’s health prostate checks, in a ‘digital era’. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:adam12 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Happy Christmas Swellneter's
In 2025 we are going to make Swellnet great again...yew!!!
Trump gives us a rectal health ‘up date’ .AW
Yep, all good now, obstruction cleared.
Apparently they found Elon Musk's wristwatch up there.Trump approves of men’s health prostate checks, in a ‘digital era’. AW
According to internet rumours the English Prince, William, approves of a bit of examinating in that regard, though you would have never pegged him for one of those types.

adam12 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:adam12 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Happy Christmas Swellneter's
In 2025 we are going to make Swellnet great again...yew!!!
Trump gives us a rectal health ‘up date’ .AW
Yep, all good now, obstruction cleared.
Apparently they found Elon Musk's wristwatch up there.Trump approves of men’s health prostate checks, in a ‘digital era’. AW
According to internet rumours the English Prince, William, approves of a bit of examinating in that regard, though you would have never pegged him for one of those types.
Adam12. Hi mate. Hope you’re well.
Merry Xmas to you.
Today’s surf, meh’, tiny.
Looks like a bit of swell and right wind in a few days time.
Requiring a bit of Johnny on the Spot skills needed though. Bit of this and a bit of that.
Need to be ready to roll. Hi to Pops if you speak to him. All the best. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:adam12 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:adam12 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Happy Christmas Swellneter's
In 2025 we are going to make Swellnet great again...yew!!!
Trump gives us a rectal health ‘up date’ .AW
Yep, all good now, obstruction cleared.
Apparently they found Elon Musk's wristwatch up there.Trump approves of men’s health prostate checks, in a ‘digital era’. AW
According to internet rumours the English Prince, William, approves of a bit of examinating in that regard, though you would have never pegged him for one of those types.
Adam12. Hi mate. Hope you’re well.
Merry Xmas to you.
Today’s surf, meh’, tiny.
Looks like a bit of swell and right wind in a few days time.
Requiring a bit of Johnny on the Spot skills needed though. Bit of this and a bit of that.
Need to be ready to roll. Hi to Pops if you speak to him. All the best. AW
Yes seasons greetings and all that @AW.
Gotta hunt the exposed stretches on days like this. Just scored a great little bank with a goatboater and another guy, rode a Dave Boyd heavy glassed single fin mal and had a ball. Made a pig of myself in some clean little waist/shoulder high runners. First surf in over a month, been doing some "charity" painting up in the big smoke for a widow with a downs syndrome son, and been offline, a good head space cleanser logging off the internet for a while. Got back online in time to watch the Eddie, what a great contest that was, again.
Hope you are well and score in the coming days @AW.
Haven't spoken to old mate PopDown for a while, I think he might be back in Hawaii or about to go again, I think that's what he told me the last time we spoke.
Life is good!

adam12 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:adam12 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:adam12 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Happy Christmas Swellneter's
In 2025 we are going to make Swellnet great again...yew!!!
Trump gives us a rectal health ‘up date’ .AW
Yep, all good now, obstruction cleared.
Apparently they found Elon Musk's wristwatch up there.Trump approves of men’s health prostate checks, in a ‘digital era’. AW
According to internet rumours the English Prince, William, approves of a bit of examinating in that regard, though you would have never pegged him for one of those types.
Adam12. Hi mate. Hope you’re well.
Merry Xmas to you.
Today’s surf, meh’, tiny.
Looks like a bit of swell and right wind in a few days time.
Requiring a bit of Johnny on the Spot skills needed though. Bit of this and a bit of that.
Need to be ready to roll. Hi to Pops if you speak to him. All the best. AWYes seasons greetings and all that @AW.
Gotta hunt the exposed stretches on days like this. Just scored a great little bank with a goatboater and another guy, rode a Dave Boyd heavy glassed single fin mal and had a ball. Made a pig of myself in some clean little waist/shoulder high runners. First surf in over a month, been doing some "charity" painting up in the big smoke for a widow with a downs syndrome son, and been offline, a good head space cleanser logging off the internet for a while. Got back online in time to watch the Eddie, what a great contest that was, again.
Hope you are well and score in the coming days @AW.
Haven't spoken to old mate PopDown for a while, I think he might be back in Hawaii or about to go again, I think that's what he told me the last time we spoke.
Life is good!
Adam12. Good stuff mate.
‘A Life In Brine’ is the best. AW

Tulsi sticking it to the gals on the view . Democrats blew it losing her and the treatment of Bernie, how different things could have been back in 2016 .

Supafreak wrote:Tulsi sticking it to the gals on the view . Democrats blew it losing her and the treatment of Bernie, how different things could have been back in 2016 .
Hopefully the Republican senators, like her just as much, and don’t look into her trip to Syria to visit Assad , too much.
Or have too many concerns about her security risks and competence.
As World wide governments might have.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank