The United States(!) of A

haha, I reckon for @juiang, we need @ashsam to find his mojo again.
(I throw a handful of rubles to wikipedia each year @jef,
I'm afraid @Supa's clip didn't make me regret that in the slightest,
wikipedia doesn't make me think anything, just a handy go to for bands,
and geography and stuff. Just a quick reference. Then I take it from there..)

Blowin and Herc maybe?
And it's gotta be the OG GaryG for Eroticjeff surely?

Blowin & Herc that would be scary, i recall them saying here they met on a surf trip too.
Yeah Gary G and Erotic Jeff would be a good fit.

I recon me and the dill have definitely chatted before. Every time I surf the point I always look for an old man stuck in the whitewash and wonder if it’s him.

southernraw wrote:haha. I'm trying to be a peaceful law abiding Swellnutter Indo.
Dont try too hard just relax, your fine 99% of the time, you just have lots of passion about certain things.

Don’t let passion override your ability to consider or comprehend another’s words.

seeds wrote:Don’t let passion override your ability to consider or comprehend another’s words.
haha fuck off idiot.


indo-dreaming wrote:basesix wrote:hey @indo, you heading off with @Guy?
(that wicked wave painting you did + @Guy's landscapes..
imagine the co-produced art you could create together during down time on an off-grid summer safari..)Id be up for it, if it was filmed so everyone could have a laugh.
Maybe as a short docco/social experiment just me and Guy on a remote surf trip surfing and painting.
A Swellnet series called butting heads, Burleigh & Roadkill would be another good one, who else? maybe Southern raw & Andy (im sure they would get on fine though), and for longtime Swellnetter's, get Blowin & Blindboy together, but for the final highlight of the series maybe Stunet & Erotic Jeff

southernraw wrote:seeds wrote:Don’t let passion override your ability to consider or comprehend another’s words.
haha fuck off idiot.
Hehe I love you too!

burleigh wrote:I recon me and the dill have definitely chatted before. Every time I surf the point I always look for an old man stuck in the whitewash and wonder if it’s him.
Not me..only the most amazing tube riders and pros and semi pros and GC’s best are surfing the point…easy to acknowledge you would be up there. Me on the other hand …….waaaay down the point hoping to catch a couple of rubbish waves that you would pull off and not waste your skill level on. :)

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:I recon me and the dill have definitely chatted before. Every time I surf the point I always look for an old man stuck in the whitewash and wonder if it’s him.
Not me..only the most amazing tube riders and pros and semi pros and GC’s best are surfing the point…easy to acknowledge you would be up there. Me on the other hand …….waaaay down the point hoping to catch a couple of rubbish waves that you would pull off and not waste your skill level on. :)
You should have been here 40 years ago,
when Burleigh was Burleigh and Kirra was Kirra .
Oh well, as long as we think we know what we know.

There is way too much (ego) pulling off on this forum.
SR is on point in regards to this.

haha, I reckon for @juiang, we need @ashsam to find his mojo again.
(I throw a handful of rubles to wikipedia each year @jef,
I'm afraid @Supa's clip didn't make me regret that in the slightest,
wikipedia doesn't make me think anything, just a handy go to for bands,
and geography and stuff. Just a quick reference. Then I take it from there..)[/
QuoteSome info is definitely better than
Supercheaps no info policy .

I prefer super creep thank you

Exxotixjeff][quote=basesix wrote:haha, I reckon for @juiang, we need @ashsam to find his mojo again.
(I throw a handful of rubles to wikipedia each year @jef,
I'm afraid @Supa's clip didn't make me regret that in the slightest,
wikipedia doesn't make me think anything, just a handy go to for bands,
and geography and stuff. Just a quick reference. Then I take it from there..)[/
QuoteSome info is definitely better than
Supercheaps no info policy .
Yeah I didn’t even know
exxotix Jeff Beck was deceased until I read it on Wikipedia.

you ok, @jef?

Supafreak wrote:I prefer super creep thank you
Every comment I make
your like a mosquito , buzzing back,
I’m going to have to spray my phone with aerogard !

basesix wrote:you ok, @jef?
No that’s Jeff Beck , legendary guitarist , admired by Dave Gilmore among others,

got the gene vincent cover album crazy legs for cliff @jef?

No, in my opinion. Chill JulaianJeff. It matters for nought! It really doesn’t.

basesix wrote:got the gene vincent cover album crazy legs for cliff @jef?
No I only listen to Fox Radio , and that
great coal guy , Ray Hadley .

eh? you kids and your aloof jargon.. goes over my head sometimes..
(^ here's the gene vincent cover album crazy legs for cliff if it pleases, @jef)

basesix wrote:eh? you kids and your aloof jargon.. goes over my head sometimes..
(^ here's the gene vincent cover album crazy legs for cliff if it pleases, @jef)
Repetitive comments have been banned,
Whatever that means? Philosophically
should you feel dumb,
saying thank you and goodbye, to an
online AI bot ?

I think it means you’re a douche. Constantly irrigating everyone.

seeds wrote:I think it means you’re a douche. Constantly irrigating everyone.
Stay cool dude
Just tell basic x to stop asking questions,
It’s rude to ignore them.
But obviously we won’t notice that .

I got my Christmas tree today. She’s got a coupla blank spots, but hell, so do I.
Heavyweight SwellNet possiblies? Endless and I am here with popcorn.
I love the holidays, with great reason,
I am lookin forward to the New Year, as I always do.
Anyone else?

indo-dreaming wrote:Blowin & Herc that would be scary, i recall them saying here they met on a surf trip too.
Yeah Gary G and Erotic Jeff would be a good fit.
IndoDreaming. Hi.
What about VicLocal, I remember he was always banging heads with someone, just can’t recall at present with who/whom.AW

Haha, great idea. I think Blowin will have to be a trilogy

AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Blowin & Herc that would be scary, i recall them saying here they met on a surf trip too.
Yeah Gary G and Erotic Jeff would be a good fit.
IndoDreaming. Hi.
What about VicLocal, I remember he was always banging heads with someone, just can’t recall at present with who/whom.AW
Yeah that was Blowin, VicLocal use to just follow him around like a shadow for some reason.

indo-dreaming wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Blowin & Herc that would be scary, i recall them saying here they met on a surf trip too.
Yeah Gary G and Erotic Jeff would be a good fit.
IndoDreaming. Hi.
What about VicLocal, I remember he was always banging heads with someone, just can’t recall at present with who/whom.AW
Yeah that was Blowin, VicLocal use to just follow him around like a shadow for some reason.
Thanks. 1-2ft here, barely surfable, I see the Island is 3-4ft lucky buggers. Enjoy your day. AW

stunet wrote:I'll also type this elsewhere so people don't miss it...
The forums have been a chore for the last few months but change is afoot. In a few weeks, a new year begins and with it a new start. It won't quite be zero tolerance but pretty close to it when it comes to things such as repetitive posting - got that Sexy Jeff? - and argument by Youtube - hear that Jelly Flater?
It'd be nice to get the place back to where it was when many people posted on a broad range of topics rather than the usual walruses bleating the same old shite.
It might piss a few people off...but fuck it. Those few people are causing it a slow death anyway.
Please clean up this mess. This YouTube business is killing everything. The allure of this forum is to come and share the ideas with different minded people in written format. Yeah, it’s old school but it’s nice and refreshing when compared to the onslaught of social media. No point putting the effort into writing a post when you know it will be buried by 20-30 YouTube videos.

indo-dreaming wrote:Anyway back to the USA
im a big fan of De Santis
This is so funny to me. What on earth could make you a "big fan" of this cleft ringhole?

Hiccups wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Anyway back to the USA
im a big fan of De Santis
This is so funny to me. What on earth could make you a "big fan" of this cleft ringhole?
Info’s got tickets for the mosh pit for Desantos
next campaign rally in Florida ,
Stoked, can’t wait!

flollo wrote:stunet wrote:I'll also type this elsewhere so people don't miss it...
The forums have been a chore for the last few months but change is afoot. In a few weeks, a new year begins and with it a new start. It won't quite be zero tolerance but pretty close to it when it comes to things such as repetitive posting - got that Sexy Jeff? - and argument by Youtube - hear that Jelly Flater?
It'd be nice to get the place back to where it was when many people posted on a broad range of topics rather than the usual walruses bleating the same old shite.
It might piss a few people off...but fuck it. Those few people are causing it a slow death anyway.
Please clean up this mess. This YouTube business is killing everything. The allure of this forum is to come and share the ideas with different minded people in written format. Yeah, it’s old school but it’s nice and refreshing when compared to the onslaught of social media. No point putting the effort into writing a post when you know it will be buried by 20-30 YouTube videos.
Follo. Agree with you there. Swellnet has become pale and grey of late.
It’s just YouTube on repeat play.
I’ve said it before, I like genuine contributions with personal thoughts on topics, whatever that may be. Not some preordained or revamped information from someone else’s thoughts or agendas. AW

flollo wrote:stunet wrote:I'll also type this elsewhere so people don't miss it...
The forums have been a chore for the last few months but change is afoot. In a few weeks, a new year begins and with it a new start. It won't quite be zero tolerance but pretty close to it when it comes to things such as repetitive posting - got that Sexy Jeff? - and argument by Youtube - hear that Jelly Flater?
It'd be nice to get the place back to where it was when many people posted on a broad range of topics rather than the usual walruses bleating the same old shite.
It might piss a few people off...but fuck it. Those few people are causing it a slow death anyway.
Please clean up this mess. This YouTube business is killing everything. The allure of this forum is to come and share the ideas with different minded people in written format. Yeah, it’s old school but it’s nice and refreshing when compared to the onslaught of social media. No point putting the effort into writing a post when you know it will be buried by 20-30 YouTube videos.
Yeah I’m with you there, my interest has been waning of late.
Mainly because of the same couple of posters who clog threads and just dribble absolute shit.

Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum
Continues to outmanoeuvre Trump by negotiating with President Xi Jinping of China , and Mexico could join BRICS ,
after Trumps tariff threats .
You can actually post something you think is interesting if you think reading other peoples posts is uninteresting .

Exxotixjeff wrote:Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum
Continues to outmanoeuvre Trump by negotiating with President Xi Jinping of China , and Mexico could join BRICS ,
after Trumps tariff threats .
You can actually post something you think is interesting if you think reading other peoples posts is uninteresting .
You could actually shut the fuck up for once, you’re the main offender.

Well all just post nothing and then have a hissy fit .
How could you dare post anything about the USA on a USA thread
Your the boring the boring twit if you’ve got nothing to say

Exxotixjeff wrote:Well all just post nothing and then have a hissy fit .
How could you dare post anything about the USA on a USA thread
Your the boring twit if you’ve got nothing to say
You've gotta develop some range, Sexy Jeff.
Can tell you mean well but you're only a level up from the bearded guy with the sandwich board at Central Station.
Here's a clue: If you type what is ostensibly the same message bar a word here or there, and after fifty repeats still the only response is abuse then maybe, just maybe the issue is with you.

stunet wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:Well all just post nothing and then have a hissy fit .
How could you dare post anything about the USA on a USA thread
Your the boring twit if you’ve got nothing to sayYou've gotta develop some range, Sexy Jeff.
Can tell you mean well but you're only a level up from the bearded guy with the sandwich board at Central Station.
Here's a clue: If you type what is ostensibly the same message bar a word here or there, and after fifty repeats still the only response is abuse then maybe, just maybe the issue is with you.
Except that the situation changes everyday
So no it’s not the same message
It’s an ever changing experiment into an unknown outcome,
And seeing how no one else was posting anything, how is that clogging up?
If someone has something more interesting why don’t they post it ?
And a lot of people will never hear what’s happening, if they only watch mainstream media.

"And seeing how no one else was posting anything, how is that clogging up?"
Yes, the commenting did slow down when you came on board.

stunet wrote:"And seeing how no one else was posting anything, how is that clogging up?"
Yes, the commenting did slow down when you came on board.
So then why doesn’t someone else post something they think is more interesting
The problem was YouTube, but now it’s changed to nothing political at all , ?

Lavrov, wipe your lip..."Russia is not a war" but the Kremlin is.
I hope he has a big towel, "We went to stop the war Kiev started against its own people" backed by the Kremlin with the green men uniformed Russian special forces.
TUCKhead Carlson!

AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Blowin & Herc that would be scary, i recall them saying here they met on a surf trip too.
Yeah Gary G and Erotic Jeff would be a good fit.
IndoDreaming. Hi.
What about VicLocal, I remember he was always banging heads with someone, just can’t recall at present with who/whom.AW
Yeah that was Blowin, VicLocal use to just follow him around like a shadow for some reason.
Thanks. 1-2ft here, barely surfable, I see the Island is 3-4ft lucky buggers. Enjoy your day. AW
Didn't get wet, had to go up town to grab 30m2 of solid timber flooring for a big feature wall, half mix of black butt and spotted gum, cover grade so some nice features.

Hiccups wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Anyway back to the USA
im a big fan of De Santis
This is so funny to me. What on earth could make you a "big fan" of this cleft ringhole?
IMHO he is the perfect politician, and was my preferred pick for president over Trump, so hope one day he has another chance.
He takes some of the good aspects of Trump, but without the crazy over the top aspects and language.
And it's a bonus that he is a youngish good looking* family man, with a mix of real life experience, military experience and political experience.
But yes he is the exact opposite of what you would want in a politician, i get that.
* Good for some female voters.

How to make peanut butter pie,
only on YouTube.

love how meta you are, @jef, but what is that? a cartman YT endorsement from 2007? you are not a reporter, and tertiary sources aren't that interesting to others. People are more than capable of finding many sources for many things without being directed to a particular biased, monetised clip, (there'll always be another such, arguing against).
If you don't like others' posts, maybe not a site for you. This 'mainstream media' trope is sounding more and more like the swell against a perceived 'mainstream music' (bob dylan and the cars?) and lead to the 'alternative music' swindle I grew up with, (the 'alternative' taking up 80% of a record shop's floorspace). Good luck to you, mate, what'd you get up to today? Please don't get martyrish, what's going on all makes sense.

basesix wrote:love how meta you are, @jef, but what is that? a cartman YT endorsement from 2007? you are not a reporter, and tertiary sources aren't that interesting to others. People are more than capable of finding many sources for many things without being directed to a particular biased, monetised clip, (there'll always be another such, arguing against).
If you don't like others' posts, maybe not a site for you. This 'mainstream media' trope is sounding more and more like the swell against a perceived 'mainstream music' (bob dylan and the cars?) and lead to the 'alternative music' swindle I grew up with, (the 'alternative' taking up 80% of a record shop's floorspace). Good luck to you, mate, what'd you get up to today? Please don't get martyrish, what's going on all makes sense.
Well since my last post , there’s been a 3 hour YouTube from quadzilla
2 posts from @Indo , one being political
I think Hiccups posted something political
Not to mention Adam12 , super freak AW sometimes, old fish guy, salty someone, and I’m sure you’ve posted political stuff as well
etc if I wanted to look back,
So it’s a USA thread , so why not talk about the USA
What I did today has nothing to do with the USA, so maybe you need a chit chat thread
Just saying
Didnt@ Indo tell us about Desanto and quadzilla tell us about Putins mate , etc so I’m not into selective criticism.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank