The United States(!) of A

Trump destroyed Harris. She proved herself to be useless at campaigning and useless at picking a running mate. Trump proved himself to be a brilliant political candidate.
4 years….

I never comment on politics here but I’m astounded at some of the support and comments from this community alone.
I guess I am naive to how so many think. Let alone that many Americans.
I just can’t fathom supporting a person that was the cause of 5 innocent deaths in the Jan 6 riots.
Sad. I’ll jog on.

Island Bay wrote:Jelly Flater wrote:… something more worthy ;)
What a bottom turn!!!

As good as they come.

Solitude wrote:I never comment on politics here but I’m astounded at some of the support and comments from this community alone.
I guess I am naive to how so many think. Let alone that many Americans.
I just can’t fathom supporting a person that was the cause of 5 innocent deaths in the Jan 6 riots.
Sad. I’ll jog on.
All but two died of natural causes,(strokes) one was caught in stampede and one un armed women was murdered at point blank range by police.
But by the type of logic Harris supported a bail fund for violent rioters in 2020 riots (the riots caused months of unrest and 2 billion in damages)
And at least 25 people died in 2020 riots (possibly more of natural deaths not reported) but at least ten of them were murdered.

Its going to be a treat listening to ABC radio today.

… choices ;)

indo-dreaming wrote:Solitude wrote:I never comment on politics here but I’m astounded at some of the support and comments from this community alone.
I guess I am naive to how so many think. Let alone that many Americans.
I just can’t fathom supporting a person that was the cause of 5 innocent deaths in the Jan 6 riots.
Sad. I’ll jog on.
All but two died of natural causes,(strokes) one was caught in stampede and one un armed women was murdered at point blank range by police.
And that’s ok is it? FMD.

flollo wrote:Supafreak wrote:Kamala Harris polled worse than Killary , that speaks volumes of how much trouble the Democratic Party are in . Long road back and I hope they can focus on what they need to fix within the party rather than what they can do to dump trump .
It’s in shambles and I could highlight a huge list of issues that need to be fixed. For a start, choosing Kamala was a terrible idea. Biden was deeply unpopular and choosing his vice president was just dumb. They should’ve chosen Shapiro, the governor of Pennsylvania (popular in the hottest swing state). But he didn’t get chosen as he’s Jewish and a supporter of Israel. Far left Palestinian lobby within the party prevailed. That’s was a signal to many that far left caucus of the Democrat party has too much influence. This might be just a perception but at the end of the day, people vote based on perceptions.
Secondly, as they chose her they should’ve picked a different campaign strategy. She started good but then switched the rhetoric to talking about Trump on daily basis. This was disastrous as Trump is immune to negative publicity. For Trump any publicity is a good publicity. The focus should’ve stayed on working, middle class and their standard of living.
Good analyst.
And if you go back further It's insane that Biden became president to start with but then picking Harris as VP was a big fuck up she got no nomination votes, not even popular within her party.
Lets be real as an old white guy he picked her for superficial reasons, young a women & of colour, it might have helped get him elected but this then came back to bite him and the party when he bailed, as it would have looked bad her not getting a shot at president plus the money funding thing.
I thought Trump made a mistake in picking Vance at first but he has proved me wrong, Vance blew Walz away in the debate and has shown he is confident and a good public speaker and someone with a good range of life experience, if something happened to Trump he would be a good replacement and expect popular with a good range of Trump voters, id expect even much more popular with women. (young and good looks sure dont hurt there, plus family man, married to a women of colour)

indo-dreaming wrote:Solitude wrote:I never comment on politics here but I’m astounded at some of the support and comments from this community alone.
I guess I am naive to how so many think. Let alone that many Americans.
I just can’t fathom supporting a person that was the cause of 5 innocent deaths in the Jan 6 riots.
Sad. I’ll jog on.
All but two died of natural causes,(strokes) one was caught in stampede and one un armed women was murdered at point blank range by police.
But by the type of logic Harris supported a bail fund for violent rioters in 2020 riots (the riots caused months of unrest and 2 billion in damages)
And at least 25 people died in 2020 riots (possibly more of natural deaths not reported) but at least ten of them were murdered.
“and one un armed women was murdered at point blank range by police.”
I don’t recall a cop murdering a woman at point blank range?

Ashli Babbitt, she was the first one to try to climb through that broken window/door then bang.
No idea why they didn't give a warning shot into the air above them first, im sure that would have sent them scrambling.

Solitude wrote:I never comment on politics here but I’m astounded at some of the support and comments from this community alone.
I guess I am naive to how so many think. Let alone that many Americans.
I just can’t fathom supporting a person that was the cause of 5 innocent deaths in the Jan 6 riots.
Sad. I’ll jog on.
But wars where thousands of innocent people are killed is ok? Biden, Obama etc

indo-dreaming wrote:Ashli Babbitt, she was the first one to try to climb through that broken window/door then bang.
I know she died from gunshot fired by a cop…
But it was no murder….and the cop is not responsible for her death.
Trump was responsible for encouraging the whole thing..she was a stupid easily manipulated Trump follower. Innocent? Not really but a pawn that was used by Trump and Trump couldn’t care less about her death.

You are losing your judgment, Indo. Becoming a Trumpette it seems. Blaming the wrong people whilst excusing those that ultimately hold responsibilities.

This is a really big win. It's presidency, senate, house, masses of local governments and Trump had the Supreme court picks last time. And the popular vote, which he didn't win in 2016. Wow.
For an outline of the day 1 agenda:

Elon’s position downgraded to writing some software .

Bernie Sanders is spot on


fwiw the Ms and I talked about it the day before and we both reckoned Harris would win, just. Despite all the election odds on the betting sites. Out of touch with the US, but we do live thousands of km away.

jellybrain…making sure to confirm his position as commander in chief of bs YouTube.
Great you got your crown back, jelly. You were a bit lost there for a while.

^ haha
…cmon now toady ;)
- cheer up ay ;);)

Supafreak wrote:Elon’s position downgraded to writing some software .
Musk did a lot to help Trump get elected, more than what people think.

burleigh wrote:Solitude wrote:I never comment on politics here but I’m astounded at some of the support and comments from this community alone.
I guess I am naive to how so many think. Let alone that many Americans.
I just can’t fathom supporting a person that was the cause of 5 innocent deaths in the Jan 6 riots.
Sad. I’ll jog on.
But wars where thousands of innocent people are killed is ok? Biden, Obama etc
None of it is ok. I’d love nothing more than for Australia to act like a sober man at a pub after 10pm and slowly creep away from the dribbling, loud or annoying baffoons, to the comfort and quiet of our beds at home.

Solitude wrote:burleigh wrote:Solitude wrote:I never comment on politics here but I’m astounded at some of the support and comments from this community alone.
I guess I am naive to how so many think. Let alone that many Americans.
I just can’t fathom supporting a person that was the cause of 5 innocent deaths in the Jan 6 riots.
Sad. I’ll jog on.
But wars where thousands of innocent people are killed is ok? Biden, Obama etc
None of it is ok. I’d love nothing more than for Australia to act like a sober man at a pub after 10pm and slowly creep away from the dribbling, loud or annoying baffoons, to the comfort and quiet of our beds at home.
^ boom ;)


Joe Rogan. Dana white. Elon musk & other crew like Nelk boys who have a huge following on social media 100% helped his campaign.
I think the biggest help was sleepy Joe and that ridiculous speech days before the election calling trump supporters garbage and the Camel herself with her scripted bullshit we have heard thousands of times before.
Anyway, a dreamy day for the world today.
USA voted no more wokeness and change. Sad how far gone Australia is, but this brings fresh air and hope that we will also have huge changes in the coming years.

They just don't get it:
So it's racist white men + misogynist black and hispanic men + uneducated white women... (got any more insults for voters?)
Or, if you take the race/gender lens off, the reasons for people voting the way they did were d) none of the above. Sypkan has been waving this flag here for years!

While the loyal Trump community here on sn were quick to jump to the defence of the rednecks of America yesterday, they missed the other key part of what i posted. The bible belt. Apart from the surge in popularity amongst male voters, Harris was up against the god botherers women who opposed abortion. And there were plenty. I saw a post from a person i know this morning stating 'to have women's rights, you have to let the woman be born first'. This religious sentiment amongst women in a strongly religious country showed up in alot of the interviews i saw yesterday and was highlighted by the map of red states that the majority of which are bible belt states and shows that the womens right issue comes second to god for the majority of women.
Also funny that some posters think you need to be bloody Nostradamus to imagine what the next 4 years of a Trump government look like. Seems 2016-20 has just been wiped from the memory banks. Trumps Trump ya know. wink wink.
So what happens if he gets sentenced to jail in a month before he's sworn in as president? Looks like all his troubles just the memory of some.

The Jan 6 mob that are currently locked up will be jumping for joy as Trump has promised more than once to pardon them . They will have to get inline though as several cases against Trump will probably be dropped . Trump can actually pardon himself on federal cases , amazing powers that a president can have .

velocityjohnno wrote:They just don't get it:
So it's racist white men + misogynist black and hispanic men + uneducated white women... (got any more insults for voters?)
Or, if you take the race/gender lens off, the reasons for people voting the way they did were d) none of the above. Sypkan has been waving this flag here for years!
Yes, it's a whole bunch of nonsense. I shared Bernie Sanders' statement above. Basically, he nailed it. This is the main reason for the Democratic loss.

Vance thinks he will be next in line to run for President. Tell him he’s dreaming! Laura Trump could be in line for that job.

flollo wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:They just don't get it:
So it's racist white men + misogynist black and hispanic men + uneducated white women... (got any more insults for voters?)
Or, if you take the race/gender lens off, the reasons for people voting the way they did were d) none of the above. Sypkan has been waving this flag here for years!
Yes, it's a whole bunch of nonsense. I shared Bernie Sanders' statement above. Basically, he nailed it. This is the main reason for the Democratic loss.
And the ALP is doing the same in Aus.

indo-dreaming wrote:
I especially like the line "They got a lot of fucken Nazis in the USA".

Expletive front page cleanse

burleigh wrote:Joe Rogan. Dana white. Elon musk & other crew like Nelk boys who have a huge following on social media 100% helped his campaign.
I think the biggest help was sleepy Joe and that ridiculous speech days before the election calling trump supporters garbage and the Camel herself with her scripted bullshit we have heard thousands of times before.
Anyway, a dreamy day for the world today.
USA voted no more wokeness and change. Sad how far gone Australia is, but this brings fresh air and hope that we will also have huge changes in the coming years.
What’s your view on fossil fuels burleigh ?

"Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else."
The US seems to be still at this point
"after they have tried everything else."

… ^ yep, fake it till u make it

It was all about the economy, immigration and the stupid woke left.
I think the whole women voting for a female president card was overplayed.
As the wife said, for all the talk of sisterhood and girl codes, when it comes down to it it's a competition, and women just don't trust other women and will stab each other in the back if they get a chance.
Now Trump is coming in just as inflation is coming down and the post covid world is settling down he will no doubt claim credit for all the unseen hard work done by the previous Govt.
As long as my super keeps going up I can to live with Trump bragging on TV every night.

flollo wrote:Bernie Sanders is spot on
Yep, sypkan had a pretty good post last night, similar sentiment. Although here, from what I can see is Albo is facing an extremely hostile media machine.

- humble pie is served ;)

Bernie's full statement reads where the left in the US should go to recover.

Is Trump gonna follow up on the all the cheating, rigged, fraudulent activities he was going on about?

Pretty much see the same skit following the next Oz Fed Election TBH. As he says "can someone just "DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING........!"

Share exit Exit Polls is exactly what y'all expect...nothing to see...all said it!
Evangelicals > No College > Military > Rural > (White) Lower-mid class Men +Woman
Better off in good ol' days...swear I'm not gay & don't trust beady eyed foreign types.
Seeks to hook up with a strong goofy leader with zero empathy.
Wait till ya see the whites of their eyes...then do ya thing.
Cannot make this shit up...can read 1,000x over this is exactly what just went down.
All saw the 2nd coming X Spaceship land on our bashing is back!
We all needed a break from Salem's Lot > Lunatics are now running the Asylum.
We could all do without the cryin & dying for a day or a week.
Anyhow...all need to be reminded it was never about peace, love & understanding...
Quite simply put...just STFU & do as yer told...even stupid people are entitled to Vote for that!

Jelly Flater wrote:- humble pie is served ;)
Your best post ever, jelly.
That was brilliant.

Roadkill wrote:Jelly Flater wrote:- humble pie is served ;)
Your best post ever, jelly.
That was brilliant.
@JF, that jonathan pie segment will unite the SN - well played, sir.

flollo wrote:Bernie Sanders is spot on
Yep 100%
Wonder what the world and the USA would be like now if he got the nomination instead of Hilary??

Nice one jelly.
Not pro Trump but something had to change with the USA .
Out of all trumps wild promises I am hoping he keeps the one that fucks kev Rudd off from his cushy Washington gig "nasty Kevin" who,s "not to bright"
Pack your bags krudd
A lot of other big mouthed woke commentator's and politicians are going to find an a little orange dick in their mouths , Albo included , WA , premier also in the line
It will be very entertaining if nothing else
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank