The United States(!) of A

Reckon you've reached your video limit, JF.

Yes. Boss ;)
- (your limit haha)
…shall we take it to the polls?

Jelly Flater wrote:…shall we take it to the polls?
Think you're mistaking this place for a democracy.

- yaaaah & yeeeee haaaaa ;)
… just gotta peel away the layers, mein fuhrer ;);)

Good morning SN, is @info the video links monitor these days just like the old primary school chalk and dust board monitor? Geez at my school those social misfits were unceremoniously called arse lickers or suck holes!

… haha
- some ppl like cloud break ;)
…and some get the ‘cb’ confused
- & go all in with a 10 on censorship bureau instead ;);)

Jelly Flater wrote:… haha
- some ppl like cloud break ;)…and some get the ‘cb’ confused
- & go all in with a 10 on censorship bureau instead ;);)
Haha. So true. Stunet rules his little kingdom with an iron fist! Dictatorial and censorial. I know a guy who got turfed for criticising Tim Bonython. He wrote a msg about free speech and got banned!! I guess it'll be my turn next. Don't upset Stunet.

TimTam wrote:Jelly Flater wrote:… haha
- some ppl like cloud break ;)…and some get the ‘cb’ confused
- & go all in with a 10 on censorship bureau instead ;);)Haha. So true. Stunet rules his little kingdom with an iron fist! Dictatorial and censorial. I know a guy who got turfed for criticising Tim Bonython. He wrote a msg about free speech and got banned!! I guess it'll be my turn next. Don't upset Stunet.
"I know a guy"
ha ha ha

stunet wrote:Jelly Flater wrote:…shall we take it to the polls?
Think you're mistaking this place for a democracy.
Ya gotta admit JF , stunet’s reply was pretty funny. I watch some of your clips and they can be very entertaining but I’ve said before that there’s way too many to watch them all . I do appreciate your input however. I’m also curious as indo said earlier that you posted 15 pointless videos. For him to know that they were pointless , would imply that he watches them . Who would have thought that your biggest audience for your videos was indo ?

SN forums have the coolest, most tolerant, easy-going mods on the net.
Some of the clowns around here wouldn't last 5 seconds on a normal public forum like Whirlpool.
Now all Seig Heil Mein Stunet.

^ it’s true ;)
- and @supa, yes stu is always quick witted and fair
(he also doesn’t like wabbit emojis but likes the wabbit stew style thump thump thump of sinkers clanging upon gromsies heads, in good faith of course)
& the noinfo thing ….haha, it’s all gerbil hysteria ;);)
….carry on ;)

- oh vait hang on juzt z minute!
…almozt vorgot zumzinggg ;)
Z encore!!
- lazt pointlezz offewing evaaaa ;)
Itz z biggezt eva, nobody knew or even heard aboutz zis evaaa!
…itz gonna b ummm …I don’t sink anyvun eva seen zumzing zo big ;);)
- like arnold palmer big
…. iz huge ;)

stunet wrote:TimTam wrote:Jelly Flater wrote:… haha
- some ppl like cloud break ;)…and some get the ‘cb’ confused
- & go all in with a 10 on censorship bureau instead ;);)Haha. So true. Stunet rules his little kingdom with an iron fist! Dictatorial and censorial. I know a guy who got turfed for criticising Tim Bonython. He wrote a msg about free speech and got banned!! I guess it'll be my turn next. Don't upset Stunet.
"I know a guy"
ha ha ha
Yeah he was pretty pissed off! Sorry am i allowed to swear? But he reckons he understands that stu may have been one of those kids that got bullied at school... like the chalk monitor. But now...ah... but now

More vids from jellybrain.
Pushing it to go out in a blaze of perceived glory?
Yeehaa jelly. Keep em coming.

Supafreak wrote:stunet wrote:Jelly Flater wrote:…shall we take it to the polls?
Think you're mistaking this place for a democracy.
Ya gotta admit JF , stunet’s reply was pretty funny. I watch some of your clips and they can be very entertaining but I’ve said before that there’s way too many to watch them all . I do appreciate your input however. I’m also curious as indo said earlier that you posted 15 pointless videos. For him to know that they were pointless , would imply that he watches them . Who would have thought that your biggest audience for your videos was indo ?
No need to watch Jelly YouTube posts to know they are pointless. If he posts, it’s pointless.

- haha pipe down and put the pipe down toady ;)
… how bout a jihad death vid or a donny ali g ice cream glove clip ay
& what are u here for again haha
… to keep pushing ya perceived glory hole back in ;);)
- carry on ;)


- there is no point to anything from u dill ;)
…you’re trying to make a point by pointing perceived stuff out
You’re not really on point at all ay toady ;)
- but hey… being as sharp as a bowling ball… well…
Carry on ;);)

- haha grab ya pointless shovel toady and dig ;)
… bon jovi bs youtube? (still ronery)
- “ accuse the other side of that which you are guilty"

Yeah, nah.
1 vid per day vs 10+ vids per day.
Isn’t a comparison.
Ps. Bowling ball?, heard that so many times I think you are running out of crap to post. Please try harder and bring originality back.
Make originality great again. MOGA.

^ pointless perceived comparisons
- carry on tho ronery boy ;)

^^ hahaha yes …ummm …originality haha
“What we know is…we don’t know who will win.”
Oh yeah ;)
- don’t try too hard hahaha
… carry on ;);)

… hop along now toady ;)
- haha, make toady hop again

indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:Polls are irrelevant, Trump will win 100%. Anyone that think Kamala has a chance needs their head checked.
We also need a Trump here in Aus.
I like your optimism, i hope he wins, but im going to be surprised if he does.
I just think the male vs female split is an issue, i think women will be motivated to turn out vote and men wont be as much, esopecially younger men that Trump has some popularity with
But really who knows.
So @burleigh, and @indo, you both support banning abortions??
There's no way you don't if you support this neanderthal.

Joes officially on the Trump train.
"Joe Rogan endorses Trump on eve of the election"

southernraw wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:Polls are irrelevant, Trump will win 100%. Anyone that think Kamala has a chance needs their head checked.
We also need a Trump here in Aus.
I like your optimism, i hope he wins, but im going to be surprised if he does.
I just think the male vs female split is an issue, i think women will be motivated to turn out vote and men wont be as much, esopecially younger men that Trump has some popularity with
But really who knows.
So @burleigh, and @indo, you both support banning abortion??
There's no way you don't if you support this neanderthal.
No i dont support banning abortion.
But Republicans stance or policy is not to ban abortion, it's to let states decide what their regulation's are, it's really not that unreasonable as USA is so vast, the views of people in California or New York are very different to somewhere very regional.
BTW. Just because people support a party or candidate doesn't mean you agree with ALL their policies/views and sometimes you even agree with some of the oppositions.

indo-dreaming wrote:southernraw wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:Polls are irrelevant, Trump will win 100%. Anyone that think Kamala has a chance needs their head checked.
We also need a Trump here in Aus.
I like your optimism, i hope he wins, but im going to be surprised if he does.
I just think the male vs female split is an issue, i think women will be motivated to turn out vote and men wont be as much, esopecially younger men that Trump has some popularity with
But really who knows.
So @burleigh, and @indo, you both support banning abortion??
There's no way you don't if you support this neanderthal.No i dont support banning abortion.
But Republicans stance or policy is not to ban abortion, it's to let states decide what their regulation's are, it's really not that unreasonable as USA is so vast, the views of people in California or New York are very different to somewhere very regional.
BTW. Just because people support a party or candidate doesn't mean you agree with all policies etc.
Indo, along the same lines, how do you rationalise that supporting Trump is supporting a convicted sexual abuser/rapist?
I can’t get my head around how people are happy to support Trump whilst knowing he is a sexual abuser.

Fair enough indo.
Was wondering how that could sit comfortably with anyone, especially with daughters.
I think oz is similar yeah. Different states ban it etc?
Can't say we're any better in that respect if that's the case.

indo-dreaming wrote:southernraw wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:Polls are irrelevant, Trump will win 100%. Anyone that think Kamala has a chance needs their head checked.
We also need a Trump here in Aus.
I like your optimism, i hope he wins, but im going to be surprised if he does.
I just think the male vs female split is an issue, i think women will be motivated to turn out vote and men wont be as much, esopecially younger men that Trump has some popularity with
But really who knows.
So @burleigh, and @indo, you both support banning abortion??
There's no way you don't if you support this neanderthal.No i dont support banning abortion.
But Republicans stance or policy is not to ban abortion, it's to let states decide what their regulation's are, it's really not that unreasonable as USA is so vast, the views of people in California or New York are very different to somewhere very regional.
BTW. Just because people support a party or candidate doesn't mean you agree with ALL their policies/views and sometimes you even agree with some of the oppositions.
“Let the states decide”
Now how did that work out for the first 150 +/- years of US history when it came to black civil rights now?
Now the US is disjointed in every aspect of government services along state lines: tax, health care, education, roads, water, power ….
So if I understand the point correctly the republicans want all the power to do what exactly?

From what I read most polls and political commentators have Harris leading. Trump however says he is ahead by hundreds of thousands everywhere.

Roadkill wrote:From what I read most polls and political commentators have Harris leading. Trump however says he is ahead by hundreds of thousands everywhere.
Love the way whiny No-Dignity Donny already bitchin about stolen election... I mean honestly the guy's an A grade knob

Roadkill wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:southernraw wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:Polls are irrelevant, Trump will win 100%. Anyone that think Kamala has a chance needs their head checked.
We also need a Trump here in Aus.
I like your optimism, i hope he wins, but im going to be surprised if he does.
I just think the male vs female split is an issue, i think women will be motivated to turn out vote and men wont be as much, esopecially younger men that Trump has some popularity with
But really who knows.
So @burleigh, and @indo, you both support banning abortion??
There's no way you don't if you support this neanderthal.No i dont support banning abortion.
But Republicans stance or policy is not to ban abortion, it's to let states decide what their regulation's are, it's really not that unreasonable as USA is so vast, the views of people in California or New York are very different to somewhere very regional.
BTW. Just because people support a party or candidate doesn't mean you agree with all policies etc.
Indo, along the same lines, how do you rationalise that supporting Trump is supporting a convicted sexual abuser/rapist?
I can’t get my head around how people are happy to support Trump whilst knowing he is a sexual abuser.
It seems to be a cult type thing. The cult leader exemplifies what the supporters want to believe. If you're racist, misogynist, anti- social justice, or just a narrow minded redneck moronic a-hole in general then Trump is a perfect representative of all that in one person. He allows you to feel good about your bigotry, your failings as a caring human being.

Roadkill wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:southernraw wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:Polls are irrelevant, Trump will win 100%. Anyone that think Kamala has a chance needs their head checked.
We also need a Trump here in Aus.
I like your optimism, i hope he wins, but im going to be surprised if he does.
I just think the male vs female split is an issue, i think women will be motivated to turn out vote and men wont be as much, esopecially younger men that Trump has some popularity with
But really who knows.
So @burleigh, and @indo, you both support banning abortion??
There's no way you don't if you support this neanderthal.No i dont support banning abortion.
But Republicans stance or policy is not to ban abortion, it's to let states decide what their regulation's are, it's really not that unreasonable as USA is so vast, the views of people in California or New York are very different to somewhere very regional.
BTW. Just because people support a party or candidate doesn't mean you agree with all policies etc.
Indo, along the same lines, how do you rationalise that supporting Trump is supporting a convicted sexual abuser/rapist?
I can’t get my head around how people are happy to support Trump whilst knowing he is a sexual abuser.
I prefer Trump to win over Harris based on his stance on certain issues and how he is likely to handle thing's not his personality or if he is a nice person or what he has or hasn't done. (outside of politics)
If he is able to run by law and rules then well thats kind of it for me.
But i totally understand if others feel differently.
BTW. He wasn't convicted of rape he was convicted of other sexual misconduct from almost 30 years ago.

indo-dreaming wrote:Roadkill wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:southernraw wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:Polls are irrelevant, Trump will win 100%. Anyone that think Kamala has a chance needs their head checked.
We also need a Trump here in Aus.
I like your optimism, i hope he wins, but im going to be surprised if he does.
I just think the male vs female split is an issue, i think women will be motivated to turn out vote and men wont be as much, esopecially younger men that Trump has some popularity with
But really who knows.
So @burleigh, and @indo, you both support banning abortion??
There's no way you don't if you support this neanderthal.No i dont support banning abortion.
But Republicans stance or policy is not to ban abortion, it's to let states decide what their regulation's are, it's really not that unreasonable as USA is so vast, the views of people in California or New York are very different to somewhere very regional.
BTW. Just because people support a party or candidate doesn't mean you agree with all policies etc.
Indo, along the same lines, how do you rationalise that supporting Trump is supporting a convicted sexual abuser/rapist?
I can’t get my head around how people are happy to support Trump whilst knowing he is a sexual abuser.
I prefer Trump to win over Harris based on his stance on certain issues and how he is likely to handle thing's not his personality or if he is a nice person or what he has or hasn't done. (outside of politics)
If he is able to run by law and rules then well thats kind of it for me.
But i totally understand if others feel differently.
BTW. He wasn't convicted of rape he was convicted of other sexual misconduct from almost 30 years ago.
Did Trump rape her?
The Judge clarified that Trump was found to have raped Carroll.
Just like Clinton didn’t have sexual relations with that woman…kind of stuff.

Roadkill wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Roadkill wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:southernraw wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:Polls are irrelevant, Trump will win 100%. Anyone that think Kamala has a chance needs their head checked.
We also need a Trump here in Aus.
I like your optimism, i hope he wins, but im going to be surprised if he does.
I just think the male vs female split is an issue, i think women will be motivated to turn out vote and men wont be as much, esopecially younger men that Trump has some popularity with
But really who knows.
So @burleigh, and @indo, you both support banning abortion??
There's no way you don't if you support this neanderthal.No i dont support banning abortion.
But Republicans stance or policy is not to ban abortion, it's to let states decide what their regulation's are, it's really not that unreasonable as USA is so vast, the views of people in California or New York are very different to somewhere very regional.
BTW. Just because people support a party or candidate doesn't mean you agree with all policies etc.
Indo, along the same lines, how do you rationalise that supporting Trump is supporting a convicted sexual abuser/rapist?
I can’t get my head around how people are happy to support Trump whilst knowing he is a sexual abuser.
I prefer Trump to win over Harris based on his stance on certain issues and how he is likely to handle thing's not his personality or if he is a nice person or what he has or hasn't done. (outside of politics)
If he is able to run by law and rules then well thats kind of it for me.
But i totally understand if others feel differently.
BTW. He wasn't convicted of rape he was convicted of other sexual misconduct from almost 30 years ago.
Did Trump rape her?
The Judge clarified that Trump was found to have raped Carroll.
Just like Clinton didn’t have sexual relations with that woman…kind of stuff.
"Fact Check: Was Donald Trump Found Guilty of Rape?"

indo-dreaming wrote:Roadkill wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Roadkill wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:southernraw wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:Polls are irrelevant, Trump will win 100%. Anyone that think Kamala has a chance needs their head checked.
We also need a Trump here in Aus.
I like your optimism, i hope he wins, but im going to be surprised if he does.
I just think the male vs female split is an issue, i think women will be motivated to turn out vote and men wont be as much, esopecially younger men that Trump has some popularity with
But really who knows.
So @burleigh, and @indo, you both support banning abortion??
There's no way you don't if you support this neanderthal.No i dont support banning abortion.
But Republicans stance or policy is not to ban abortion, it's to let states decide what their regulation's are, it's really not that unreasonable as USA is so vast, the views of people in California or New York are very different to somewhere very regional.
BTW. Just because people support a party or candidate doesn't mean you agree with all policies etc.
Indo, along the same lines, how do you rationalise that supporting Trump is supporting a convicted sexual abuser/rapist?
I can’t get my head around how people are happy to support Trump whilst knowing he is a sexual abuser.
I prefer Trump to win over Harris based on his stance on certain issues and how he is likely to handle thing's not his personality or if he is a nice person or what he has or hasn't done. (outside of politics)
If he is able to run by law and rules then well thats kind of it for me.
But i totally understand if others feel differently.
BTW. He wasn't convicted of rape he was convicted of other sexual misconduct from almost 30 years ago.
Did Trump rape her?
The Judge clarified that Trump was found to have raped Carroll.
Just like Clinton didn’t have sexual relations with that woman…kind of stuff.
"Fact Check: Was Donald Trump Found Guilty of Rape?"
Semantics aside. Do you, Indo, think Trump raped Carroll?

stunet wrote:Think you're mistaking this place for a democracy.
Love it!
(It's a constitutional republic, then?)

Indo i'm assuming your comment you prefer Trump over Harris 'based on certain issues' solely revolves around your views, and quite warped views in my opinion of Israels current conduct in the Middle East. And that you assume Trump will be of benefit for Netanyahu's cause.
I'd urge you to browse a few Israel news websites/media platforms and you'll see the rhetoric that their media agencies are pushing is heavily leaning towards the lunatic side of Trump in the closing stages.
I'd assume that leads one to conclude that perhaps Israeli's believe Trump winning is not a great result for Israel.
Just my read on it but worth having a squizz if you get a chance and read between the lines of what the media is trying to sell.
Media is always trying to sell something.

velocityjohnno wrote:stunet wrote:Think you're mistaking this place for a democracy.
Love it!
(It's a constitutional republic, then?)
benevolent dictatorship?

Kingship ordained by The Most High. Divine Rule.

adam12 wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:stunet wrote:Think you're mistaking this place for a democracy.
Love it!
(It's a constitutional republic, then?)
benevolent dictatorship?
As long as you don't criticise Tim Bonython!!

southernraw wrote:Indo i'm assuming your comment you prefer Trump over Harris 'based on certain issues' solely revolves around your views, and quite warped views in my opinion of Israels current conduct in the Middle East. And that you assume Trump will be of benefit for Netanyahu's cause.
I'd urge you to browse a few Israel news websites/media platforms and you'll see the rhetoric that their media agencies are pushing is heavily leaning towards the lunatic side of Trump in the closing stages.
I'd assume that leads one to conclude that perhaps Israeli's believe Trump winning is not a great result for Israel.
Just my read on it but worth having a squizz if you get a chance and read between the lines of what the media is trying to sell.
Media is always trying to sell something.
Trump = no Ukraine, no Taiwan, no Palestinians

Agreed @TimTam.
And as has been strongly pointed out repeatedly, Netanyahu does not represent Israel.
But anywaaaaay getting off track of this thread going down that road.

velocityjohnno wrote:stunet wrote:Think you're mistaking this place for a democracy.
Love it!
(It's a constitutional republic, then?)
King Stu?

southernraw wrote:Agreed @TimTam.
And as has been strongly pointed out repeatedly, Netanyahu does not represent Israel.
But anywaaaaay getting off track of this thread going down that road.
With Trump as prez, maybe US spokespersons will change from being gravely concerned to just openly admitting they don't give a shit regarding the slaughter of kids....
I'll leave out the back door now.

I’ve a feeling that trump will get pipped at the post and all hell is gonna break loose. I don’t want to see it , just can’t see his hardline supporters taking a loss as being an honest result . It will get worse before it gets better . Just a feeling, definitely not a fact .

southernraw wrote:Indo i'm assuming your comment you prefer Trump over Harris 'based on certain issues' solely revolves around your views, and quite warped views in my opinion of Israels current conduct in the Middle East. And that you assume Trump will be of benefit for Netanyahu's cause.
I'd urge you to browse a few Israel news websites/media platforms and you'll see the rhetoric that their media agencies are pushing is heavily leaning towards the lunatic side of Trump in the closing stages.
I'd assume that leads one to conclude that perhaps Israeli's believe Trump winning is not a great result for Israel.
Just my read on it but worth having a squizz if you get a chance and read between the lines of what the media is trying to sell.
Media is always trying to sell something.
That's one issue and yes my main one, but it's a much broader issue the real issue Iran (Islamic Republic of Iran) that funds groups like Hamas & Hezbollah and fuel's hate of Israel (and the West)
Democrats have handled the issue of Iran terribly under both Obama and Biden, Harris would be a step backwards from Biden.
Trump handled Iran far far better and handled middle east issues much better even getting the Abraham accords happening helping normalising relations between Israel and countries like Saudi Arabia and Jordan (a country created out of 77% of Palestine with a huge Palestinian population) this was even reflected in both countries helping take out Iran missiles in an Iran attack on Israel this year.
Two recent polls in Israel have show very high support for Trump
One very recent poll showed 66% support for Trump and only 16% for Harris, the remaining undecided, this is actually quite a change from the past (2016 era) though where Trump had much lower support (i think lower than Hillary) but obviously circumstances have changed quite a bit.
All that said both wars between Hamas and Hezbollah are entering different phases with the hard work being done, even under Harris i think it would be manageable.
But Iran is a different kettle of fish.
And Harris is way way out of her depth, this is a person that claimed she had read the maps in regard to Raffa and insisted Israel not go in, then when they did they rescued four hostages, secured the Philadelphia corridor stopping supplies to Hamas through the tunnels system to Egypt greatly fast tracking progress in the war and then took out Sinwar in Raffa
BTW. Yes Trump also comes with some risk, he could butt heads with Bibi and be unrealistic in regard to ending the war etc (before completed)
"How Israelis and Palestinians see the US election"
"Nearly Two Thirds of Israelis Say Trump Would Be Better for Israel Than Harris, New Poll Shows"
"Poll shows Israelis massively favor Trump over Harris in US election"
BTW. All three news sources lean left


Interesting Indo.
I won't go into all the details you've posted as this isn't the place for it but i did read it. Yep golf clap for me. Thankyou.
I can't help but read every line and know that it's always tinged with your personal opinion on the matter being passed as fact, in a roundabout way as you bring your own biases into it and eliminate fact from the other side of the coin.
No worries. At least i'm aware of that.
Here's a vid, that i stumbled across because i'm not fan of Trump and Youtube seems to know it so bombards me with this shit.
So take it with a grain of salt i guess, but it kinda goes right against the argument of Trump being bad for Iran/Russia/NthKorea and Russia. Especially with his billionaire sidekick, whom, by the way, i believe is the real devil walking amongst us.
Here's the vid, and yeah, the presenter freaks the fuck out of me too, the way she gets emotional as she presents her theory/framework, however, it's a worthy listen and maybe would be interested in what yourself and others think of what she says.

Does anyone believe the USD is going to survive as the world currency ……,,,,,, Why Currencies Collapse
A currency collapse is a severe and sudden decline in the value of a nation's currency, leading to economic instability, financial distress, and often political turmoil. This phenomenon includes skyrocketing inflation, vastly increased prices for imports, and a mass movement of investors out of the currency, if not the home country itself. In simple terms, a currency collapse means that the money people use every day loses its value rapidly, making it difficult to buy goods and services, repay debts, and maintain economic stability. …….,I know there’s some on swellnet that would have a good grasp of this subject , I’m not one of them but would like to read what others have to share .
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank