
"the drop in the graph (indo above) has to be a little bit of good news. but it looks back in time to about 1-2 weeks ago. now we have almost stopped importing cases, you would expect a dip in the curve. but within-community infection will have been ramping up over the last 2 weeks (the ‘bondi phenomenon’, haircuts, schools, etc) so i’m expecting it to be a temporary dip before the real curve. hope i’m wrong"
Yeah big spike from results from yesterday back up to 528 the Sunday before also had a big spike 537
Guess we just wait and see, hopefully tomorrow is drop again
Still better than a daily increases in cases like may countries are seeing

Official comms on Mornington Peninsula, from the local council. If you go to the beach to surf or swim you will get fined

"Guess we just wait and see, hopefully tomorrow is drop again
"Still better than a daily increases in cases like may countries are seeing"
yeah exactly. modelling is only modelling, but a drop then rise is what is predicted in the scenarios linked below unless enough people stfah, which judging by reports in this thread and many others hasn't been happening over the past few weeks

Costa Rica????

from what I can see online the beach’s within the Mornington Peninsula National Park are not closed as yet, Pt Leo closed but can still surf with social distancing .....for now

My read on that MP update is it's about beaches being closed to sit on in groups and congregate. So you can't head to the beach just to sit and hang out now. No mention of surfing (or fines as your post claims). Guess we'll wait to hear if any reports of surfers being ordered from the water by authorities.

From the lack of social distancing antics seen over the weekend at the beach I can honestly say I think everyone has gotten complacent and we can expect the curve to go vertical again very soon.

No 1 with a bullet. On topic community service announcement.

I spoke to the council and they told me that you can't surf. I agree it is bloody confusing because if I go for a wave at Big Left it's certainly not doing it via what most people would classify as a beach.
However with Stage 3 restrictions now in force if I do drive down the peninsula with a board on the roof of my car it will be like a big flag to the police that I am not leaving home just for "essential items"

Too much information ----- tried to post a link about this bloke and his wife in the UK that got nabbed by the police on a freeway. He had driven 10o miles to pick up a 15 pound window he had purchased on eBay and it was so big he had to put his wife in the boot! Ah the English

Unless you live in the town you shouldn’t be surfing/driving there regardless hatchman

PM : Exercise is Essential Travel
State Premiers : Surfing is OK
No Federal or State leader or law forbids you from surfing as exercise.
Quarantine dictates State Closure Policy..(Vic / NSW need supply)
So Virus also is transported one way toward Vic /NSW.
Gates lock behind to contain virus from escaping.
Open States Vic / NSW Schools/Beaches closed vs "Closed States stay Open"
[Beach Closed]
All beach closure sequencing stems from greater Oz Quarantine Grid.
Closed States (-Pop!) free to rove Oz beaches until Open State CBD Beach closures
Open States (+Pop!) No Oz Beach access & Heavy CBD beach Lockdowns
Feds closed WH National Parks / Wavepools
States closed NP / MP / WSR
Councils closed Bathing Reserves / Pools
Lifeguards/Lifesavers are not insured or protected against Virus.
So no service exists now that Surfing reserves are closed.
You surf at your own risk with Emergency Crew Only.
Policing from Epicentre out...So Sydney > Melbourne > Newcastle Lockdowns.
What use policing Gold Coast as they're free to Surf Tweed Coast (Less Police)
Quarantine dictates the Policing requirement & Councils corrupt Policing powers.
So PM / Premier permit & encourage surfing but new breed Council Cops say No.
Council's thrive on Power Trips...No Surfing because we fuckin' said so!
Council closed signs + Stay the Fuck at Home signs...(Premiers don't like it!)
Council make this decision upon own 'interpretation' of Events less so from State.
Surfing/Swimming ban Councils keep open Dog Swim-surf Beaches
Just as Govt bans Pools for all but prisoners...(Dogs & Crims are above the law.)
Point out the obvious that Humans must transit their dogs to the beach...durr!

Went to go for a surf today at a local reef,,.. but gave it a miss, carpark was packed, and the water was packed rarely gets more than ten to 15 guys but today it was as busy as it gets about 20 guys out mostly younger guys, heard other spots were very busy too.

Just looked at the Trigger Bros cameras and the breaks between Flinders and Point Leo are all packed. I live on Phillip Island and it is like Christmas holidays down here. No-one is working so everybody under 50 with a surfboard is in the water. The oldies down here seem to be taking this seriously as it is us that will be affected most but for the rest, it seems to be a paid holiday.

That's where i live to....yep it's full holiday mode down here at the moment.
Even my neighbour that only comes down a few times a year is down.

If it's any consolation to you lot, that's how it was here up until a day or so ago. Since then, there's been a very noticeable drop in transient visitors coming down from Sydney, which I put down to the new rules about outdoor gathering, plus some not-so-subtle graffiti around the place, and just a slow dawning that this isn't an enforced national holiday.
I expect the same changes will occur down your way soon.
Should add, there's also been a shift towards local people, both surfers and non-surfers, feeling empowered to say something now that all the businesses are closed and there's no justification about "tourist dollars". Local FB pages are full of people airing frustration about travel and gathering rules being flouted.
Time's up for tolerance.

I just saw this in the local rag, the Illawarra Mercury, I read No. 5 as saying that surfing is OK (or maybe it's No. 16....):
The 16 "reasonable excuses" to be outside
1. Obtaining food or other goods or services for the personal needs of the household or other household purposes (including for pets) and for vulnerable persons
2. Travelling for the purposes of work if the person cannot work from the person's place of residence
3. Travelling for the purposes of attending childcare (including picking up or dropping another person at childcare)
4. Travelling for the purposes of facilitating attendance at a school or other educational institution if the person attending the school or institution cannot learn from the person's place of residence
5. Exercising
6. Obtaining medical care or supplies or health supplies or fulfilling carer's responsibilities
7. Attending a wedding or a funeral in the circumstances referred to in clause 6(2)(d) and (e) or 7(1)(h)
8. Moving to a new place of residence (including a business moving to new premises) or between different places of residence of the person or inspecting a potential new place of residence
9. Providing care or assistance (including personal care) to a vulnerable person or providing emergency assistance
10. Donating blood
11. Undertaking any legal obligations (including attending court or fulfilling bail requirements)
12. Accessing public services (whether provided by Government, a private provider or a non-Government organisation), including social services, employment services, domestic violence services mental health services, and services provided to victims (including as victims of crime)
13. For children who do not live in the same household as their parents or siblings or one of their parents or siblings - continuing existing arrangements for access to, and contact between, parents and children or siblings
14. For a person who is a priest, minister of religion or member of a religious order- going to the person's place of worship or providing pastoral care to another person
15. Avoiding injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm
16. For emergencies or compassionate reasons

Stu, what was the change that stopped the travellers?
Was it $11K fine? Edit: I see your reasoning. Same thing here I think, but not stopping crew.
I'm trying to work out what the rules exactly are. I counted 30 on/around local point with joy 4ft sets today, so it must still be OK to surf. (& also Lorne cam had lol social distancing on the takeoff area) Not that I'd go to my local pt with 30 out - have to weigh up own medical situation when making any call.

(Warning this is not a movie) Cops hunt down surfers in beach shooting

Community ideas please.
Yes, I have a holiday house. Live in eastern suburbs of Sydney, Covid hotspot, holiday house in Wyong region, Covid hotspot, what do you think about heading up there for a holiday? Should that be stopped?
Just asking.
Yeah, I could surf up there, a bank to myself, but separate that from the main question. How would you feel from any perspective?
FYI, I got a new Jim Banks surfboard delivered on the Friday before they closed the beaches on the Sunday, it remains a virgin surfboard.
P. S. It's all my fault.

Hi Batfink, I'd have to say no, don't go. We ANZAC's are in this together, maintain the line and we will see an end. That virgin will be waiting for you.

No! The whole world's not after you batfink...the crew never even saw you!
swellnet: Predictions for the year...[14th Jan 2020 batfink] : "Worldwide pandemic kills 60% of Earth's population, which has the upside of drastically reducing carbon emissions and avoiding worst case scenario."
If you say it was a prediction, that's fine by us. (So batfink is asking us for ideas!)

My grandmother lived through the blitz in London. She had to send her children, my aunties, to the country to safety. Her husband, my grandfather, was overseas and she didn’t know if he was alive or dead. At one point she got news that the ship he was on had been bombed in the English Channel. She slept in bomb shelters at night through the bombing raids hoping that a direct hit didn’t take out the shelter. Then there was the food rations to deal with as well.
Personally I think staying home to watch Netflix for a couple of weeks in a comfortable home, with family, no real anxiety and plenty of food would be a walk in park. At least for that generation. They would probably think it was a holiday. This generation?

A few surfers were fined at Cabarita headland a few days ago for breaking social distance rules
If we are not careful all beaches will be closed

Batfink....this is exactly what you should not be doing.
Travelling from the epicentre of Australia’s infection cases to a small town is precisely what the Deputy premier was referring to when he said that people shouldn’t be bailing Sydney for their North and South coast holidays. Whether you own the accomodation or are renting it makes zero difference.
Explicit instructions from authority not to do it. Your own conscience is obviously telling you it’s the wrong thing to do. Asking the broader world for their opinions changes neither of these things.
There is 6 ICU beds for a 800 km stretch of coastline here yet the holiday makers think that their good times are more important than lives if it comes to the crunch. Supermarkets cant keep up.
Just another variety of selfishness.

Another reason not to travel.

For anyone thinking of travelling around....
My missus was asked to be part of setting up the C-19 clinic at a hospital that services south of Melbourne and MP. She put her hand up and is now called upon to work triaging queues of people wanting to be tested that should stay at home unless really unwell. The ward she works on is also treating query cases and confirmed. Not many so far thankfully, but she's now been offered ICU training to boost numbers. We are discussing whether she steps up another notch. She was an ED nurse for ages & is a gun at her job. It's a tough family decision given rates of infection to healthcare workers OS.
They are doing their best to prepare for what is inevitable unless everyone does the right thing. Clearly that isn't happening. There are always going to be selfish pricks no matter what the situation. The lock down will only work if nearly everyone is involved. The higher the percentage of crew floating around the place, the less likely it is to work & contain the outbreak. It's all percentages.
Herself, and the people she works with, are the front line. The stress and anxiety this is causing not only affects them, but their families. Their kids. I am fully expecting to become sick at some point and have adjusted behaviour as though I already am.
I consider myself an MP local of 25 plus years, although I have to drive from the top of the peninsula to surf. I don't want to be the one to transport this around, and am now resigned to the fact that I may not surf for a while. I've had some good waves recently so I'm kinda cool with that.
Seriously everyone, have a think about the people serving the community through this. It's time for some solidarity. It's not about you, it's about the vulnerable & getting this shit sorted ASAP. The longer this goes on the more the jobless, the vulnerable, & the people caring for them, will suffer.
I just want this to be over.

If only this was an Orson Welles commentary...

"I just want this to be over."
So do we all. I keep thinking it's just a bad dream that I'll wake up from, though I know it's not.

Heart fell appreciation to your wife and family.
Talking to my ophthalmologist (ethnic Chinese BTW)the other week he said he expects to get Covid 19 so does his partner in the practice who has underlying health issues.
Both have chosen to roll the dice and work on (they see up 14 detached retinas a week) if they stop then people like me will literally go blind.
Its heavy and after the news of 50 Italian doctors dying never mind other health care workers and their families its a difficult decision total respect no matter which way you guys go.

One of our more famous Covid-19 patients once said "Stupid Is As Stupid Does".
I wonder if the intelligence quota of some of the more apathetic part of our community will increase once the refrigerated semi trailers start driving by on their way to the crematorium.
I might be over reacting a bit here, but it's simple, and doesn't require much intelligence - "STAY THE FUCK AT HOME"

If you keep to yourself there's nothing wrong with having a surf. It's not illegal.
People are overreacting
Read the legislation

sadness lol @ current Torquay cam

Thanks Blowin, appreciate it. No, my conscience isn't pricked one way or another, which is why I sought opinions.
Wyong isn't a little town, it's an outer suburb of Sydney these days, honestly, very little difference in density and the infection rate up there is right up with eastern suburbs. Happy to receive more input from you or anyone.
I'm totally on board, not literally unfortunately, with not going to small areas that aren't well serviced with hospitals and supermarkets. Wyong ain't that place.

Read an article from an ICU doctor the other day, talking about the effects on the patients he is seeing. My recommendation is to not read articles from ICU doctors about the effects of the disease when it really takes hold.
If you are feeling a bit panicky, it is a fact that for most it will be a mild illness. Best thing is to keep those ICU's unfilled so nobody gets turned away. The largest death rates are going to be where ICU access is denied due to numbers.
And truebluebasher, yes, the carbon emissions for 2020 are going to be significantly less than any recent year, the silver lining to this cloud. We can do 'emergency action' when it's our lives at stake, but can't raise a candle for our kids.
Apart from not trying to not get the disease, my body is wondering when it can get in the water again. The idea of not being immersed for 3 or 4 months is a big thought to take in.

Sounds like you’re justifying ignoring the requests of the rest of society, Batfink.
You probably think you’re an exception because......that’s what selfish people do.

"You're CRAZY moving to a remote coast" they said...
"The sharks! The wind! The cold!"....... Mwaahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

AAP reports that lab tests of a drug called Ivermectin is killing the virus in 48hours and severely retarding it in 24.human dosage is being researched.
And,FujiFilm have developed a testing procedure which shows results in 2 hours instead of the present test that takes 4-6.
So,the world has responded.I hope we can overcome this asap.

At least Mother Nature is playing it’s part in Victoria to make everyone stay the fuck at home.

BBC news -
The Ruskis have enabled Facial Recognition through Moscows CCTV network for the Lockdown...

Wuhan >World Medical HQ > Social Credit > 5G > Max' Corona Lab >Wet Markets.
Release / Block Med Supplies to world / Then Control & Punish...
Zoom (Chinese Owner banned 20x from US) Biggest New Corona Billionaire.
China have parents to remind son 'China Spy Policy'-World Business Conferences.
Less Sci Fi conspiracy... more fish'n'chip wrapper.
Gold Coast has a flood of Chinese Sister Cities, but signed Social Credit HQ Wuhan.
This was to roll out Comm Games Social Credit for GC Chinese Tourist tracking.
GC Mayor Doubling Corona Spy Cams to 1,500 + Spy on every single thing.
GC doubles as Chinese Oz Spy HQ & OZ Social Credit prototype....it's no secret...
Here's the GC sister City Coronavirus Pandemic Soccer (Mission)
Consider wi -fi Wuhan isolated on Christmas Island (Dutto < ***** > border Data)
Note: Wuhan 5G child could wi-fi Border Security Bible with deep cover isolation.

So all those wanting people to stay away from YOUR town because the big boogie man from the big smoke is bringing his virus to you, and you just don't want that happening to your part of paradise.
Sound like a story I heard happening ohhh about 200 years ago at kurnell.
What have you done for those people. mmmm lets see.
Take. Yes, take their home and call it yours and now you think you have the right to keep others out. Good one. Peanut.

Hi 69Longboarder.....do you live / surf at Manly ?

Isn’t ivermectin a cattle drench?

So thanks to all the travelling idiots who have been flooding down here every weekend, the 4wd beach accesses in Lennox/Ballina area are now shut. Congrats dickheads.
Reports that a certain local beach down here is as packed as Dbar this morning too...even though the waves are average as hell. If you idiots don’t stop travelling here from Byron/Gold Coast then they are going to close our beaches too.
#staythefuckhome and surf your local, stop putting our people at risk (the cluster of Covid cases are all mainly centred north of here in Byron/Goldy) and ruining our access to our local breaks.

the recent increase has made beach traffic a lot worse, attracted numbnuts with no concept of how to drive, especially around people and finally forced council to close the access
however that access should have been closed years ago - it is an accident waiting to happen with the high amount of traffic even before the recent influx.
How often do you see people with dogs driving right up to the corner past the Byron no access and no dogs signs? And don't get me started on the muppets camping up that end, cutting down banksias etc to have a bonfire doof!
if you want to surf or fish seven mile beach you can walk from the horse track,
that way those peaks will stay relatively quiet

Why are there no horses or dogs allowed in the corner ?
I see the same around here, an arbitrary decision by local council which benefits no one. Cars not allowed on certain parts of the beach ....why ?
99 percent of beaches have no car access. What is the problem with allowing vehicles at certain areas of the one beach ?
There is obvious community demand for such access as indicated by the constant flow of people willing to face a fine for ignoring these ridiculous rules which serve no real purpose of benefit. It’s not like the tyre tracks on the sand dont get groomed within hours by tide and wind.
The cutting down of banksias is already illegal. Stopping cars from driving on a beach will not prevent those who cut down the trees from doing so . Trees get cut down for firewood by irresponsible people everywhere. There is no correlation between cars on sand and increased environmental destruction.
Also your claim that years of poor driving on beaches has been an accident waiting to happen for years is self evident that the threat of accident is not that great considering that years later we are still waiting for it to happen.
Please don’t encourage government to erode any more of our dwindling freedoms. Driving on a few select beaches creates no real negative effects and allows people to experience a small thrill of adventure which is a wonderful thing for the human spirit.

Cars suck. Suburban banality.

What sucks worse .....cars or the jackboot of a facist state stifling our freedoms ?
The beauty of being offended by cars on a beach is that it’s so easy to avoid. Literally 99 percent of beaches in Australia have no car access.
Nothin reveals suburban banality better than the inability to find a beach without cars or even people.
Thanks to everyone still travelling, don't come down to yorkes or any other small coastal communities (eg west coast) in case you can't work it out
you're coming from somewhere with cases of covid19 to a town that doesn't . We have quite a few elderly residents down here and the nearest large hospital in in adelaide . Also a big thanks to all you people from interstate who raced across the border ( mostly viccos) and went to cactus go home to your own state and place of residence, are you people just stupid or just plain selfish