Reducing plastics/rubbish on your surf trip

Fark not sure about the Sodis method.

Statler- I cant thank you enough for that , mate.
This issue has been doing my head in lately .
Nice work ....problem solved.

The Lifestraw tech is great, I used the bottle trekking in Nepal for one month in October this year. It might be an easier option for you than the bag... you can carry it with you during the day. Four of us had them in Nepal, two adults & two teenagers and no cases of the shits. Just fill from any water source and away you go.

Enjoy the trip.

Firefighter's + Health & Drug administration [WARNING]
Don't leave inert closed Plastic bottles of water unattended in the sun.
Bottled water magnifies Sun's rays to ignite fires then into flames.
Many cars have gone up in flames this way!
(Sodis) example is incredibly dangerous as the Sun magnifies still bottled water.
Only mins for bottles to fire up haystack to burn down whole village...(No joke!)
Inert bottles must first be sanitised or bacteria levels would flourish in heat.
Sodis example shows how BPA gases would cloud, resting on the surface.
Banking the inert water! Most of contents would be untreated water.(Not good!)
tbb wouldn't drink that nor should's well suss for any number of reasons.
UV filtering requires reverse osmosis or 100% filtering/distilling to be relied upon.
For our case here we are looking for the most simplest tried & proven method.
Sure! We'll stick with the plastic bottles to compare process.
First to Salute grown ups that apply school science in a cool adult like manner.
You gotta luv a smooth operator in this fucked up world....Old School Charm!
Here the UV process sanitises & distils the water in a reverse osmosis manner.
This ensures every molecule is filtered by the Sun's rays inside out & without doubt.
Sure! We all think it's too nifty to be true...(Pub Test) Can't hurt if yer dying.
Just a tad of clever tinkering to make a world of difference...That's way too cool!
(Well of course that's how you do it!) 'I knew'll all say!' ... Well durr!

brilliant ...
Heading off shortly to a less developed part of the world, me and the missus were discussing the amount of plastic bottled water we would need to take to 2 places we are heading to with a family of four. Potentially found the solution the plan is not purchasing any bottled water. Small item in the luggage purifies 18000 litres of water and filters can be replaced. No rubbish left for locals.