Advice: Choosing the right board

Good on ya Blake, nice to see someone offer a realistic assessment of their skills. I'm sure the brains trust will come up with some good suggestions.

Nice one - I think you have identified one problem 28L is undervolumed (imo).
I can't recommend enough a Lost Puddle Jumper, they catch so many waves, generate speed and are really forgiving (you can get your foot placement all messed up and you can recover - unlike a HPSB). Importantly they will consistently allow you to practise your cutbacks. Spend a summer getting that wired and then look to get something more HP. (The only drawback is you will find going from a Puddle Jumper to a HPSB you will be going really slow. PJs (and other hybrids) because they are flat and have volume generate their own speed, HPSB you have to work them to get speed)
Also if you are on the East Coast I cant recommend enough the HPC up at Casuarina for coaching, a humbling experience

Nice one - be ready to be humbled at the HPC and they split screen you surfing on Video with Mick Fanning. You will question whether you are doing the same sport.
The guys at Surfboard Empire (who have license for Lost, MR, Pyzel, DMS ) are pretty good and should let you get on a couple of demo boards. They also provide boards to the HPC so when you go on the coaching you can try heaps of boards.

Blake I’m no expert but if you’re just starting cutbacks and riding a 5’10 at 33 years old and 75 kg I’d just swallow some humble pie, forget about what others will think of you, and get a board a foot longer and much thicker and floatier.
Don’t worry about what fins you’re using, you’re not going to be able to notice the difference.
Foam is your friend

I think you’ll enjoy going for a surf much more on a bigger board. Good luck!

Good info given in original post, i think your board dims sound perfect.
I don't think you are at all under volumed I'm 5,8 and 90Kg and ride boards between 5,8 to 6,2 @ 29-31L which are fine when I'm regularly surfing, but I do feel under volumed when i haven't been surfing much and have the weight of a wetsuit.
Being summer maybe add a fun board to your quiver or something more fishy with a wide point further forward with more foam under your chest, personally i think this helps paddling and catching waves and personally these are the boards that for me do good cutbacks.

90KG and 31 litres...Your a fit bugger Indo ...Good on you...I remember those days …..sigh.

"Blake I’m no expert but if you’re just starting cutbacks and riding a 5’10 at 33 years old and 75 kg I’d just swallow some humble pie, forget about what others will think of you, and get a board a foot longer and much thicker and floatier.
Don’t worry about what fins you’re using, you’re not going to be able to notice the difference.
Foam is your friend"
This x a million.
See so many adult beginners struggling on under-volumed equipment.

Are you ever going to do WCT turns if yes, buy a WCT style low volume elite athlete thruster,
if not, foam is your friend, buy a 7ft mid length such as a Campbell brothers egg

Whoops i was driving along this morning and thought i think I had typed 90kg i meant 80kg...i seem to bounce around 80kg to 85Kg but never lower or higher.
In all honestly though, i haven't been surfing much of late, had a surf on a board i hadn't ridden for ages on Thursday that is 5,8 @ 31 litres and noticed when sitting on it, I'm way under water, i am thinking of getting a grovel board with about 35L for those times when I'm not at peak fitness and out of whack just to help me get the ball rolling again.
Im actually not a very good paddler, but i hate to much foam when up and ridding.

Blaker, or as Les would have put it, bloke, ‘whoops’!!!?? FFS. Bloke, ‘I’m no expert but’... Exactly FFS, bloke, alarm bells swillnut crescendo. In a nutshell. Again.
Think, ‘I’m no expert but I’ll be your heart surgeon today’, and the last words that you hear after that are ‘whoops’.... bloke...
So bloke, unless you want your surfing to ludicrously, all time, all galaxy loser plummet into a ludicrous fiasco of clifftop roars of laughter, followed by the walk of shame, ala this infamously hilarious all time all loser, all galaxy ‘I’m no expert but whoops’ plummet, take ‘I’m no expert but whoops’ for exactly what it’s worth in a nutshell. A resounding ever fucking plummeting zilch... bloke.
Pay careful attention to the ‘I’m no expert but... whoops’ characters in this debacle bloke, and note how ‘90’ quickly plummets to ‘80’... in the real world bloke... again... in s nutshell...
East coast, eastern sea board ya say bloke? Just keep driving straight past it son. I’ll let you in on a little secret bloke, Over that way they have a way of making lotsa shite sound real... well ‘legendary’...
You haven’t got any injures have ya bloke...

That's quite a confusing post luv. Have you had a lot of coffee?

The big un-injured specimen has been on the protein shakes all morning.

Oh no!!! Hahahahaha, lil chubby thatty's broken out of the nursin' home again! Of course ya confused ya chubby little cunt thatty! Stampedin' hotted up, run away gophers!!!! Again!!! I like it! in a nutshell!

Blake. I too learnt as an adult and wish I hadnt stuffed around on shorter less volumed boards. I now ride a 6'10 @ 55lt (I'm 6'5 and 95kgs) and I am catching more waves than ever, plus, doing more turns. Cant recommend foam enough!

This expertise you profess…
Are you ever left alone with fragile minds and fragile bodies?
Is there any professional body you are associated with or code of ethics you abide by?
Can we add the post above to your testimonials folder?

How sad. You've deteriorated quicker than I thought. Hopefully 2019 will be a better year for you and you'll get the correct diagnosis. Until then, we're here for you luv.

Blake, a good shaper can add foam in the right areas so you still end up with a board that goes well but is easier to paddle and pick up waves.

Hey guys,
I'm looking to get at my next board in the new year. There is SO so much out there, its hard to know where to begin.
About me:
• I'm comfortable in getting into most size surf. Paddling, duck diving etc no problems.
• I don't fall off too often and making most of what I paddle for (Volume needs to be higher)
• I'm surfing more regularly Most often 2-4/5ft (Beach breaks - aiming 2-3/week)
• I am slowly starting cutbacks, sometimes fall (not keeping over the board) But I really want to improve on this !!!
• Need improving on generating my own speed.
• Currently, riding a 5'10 x 19 3/4 x 2 3/8 = 28L. feels ok. or sometimes a 6'2 x 19 1/2 x 2 3/8 = 30L (This feels too long..) JW1 FCS Fins
• 33yrs - 75kg - 173cm.
Looking for:
• Something that will help me improve on cutbacks (Fins selection might help too)
• Improve catching more waves (Volume estimating needs to be 32L).
• And eventually, progress into verticle moves.
Any advice or specific boards I should look into?