Scott Donaldson Tasman Kayak

Every wave that hit Cloudbreak in Ramon swell...this poor bugger went over - 24 /7

looks like a big eddie,but now seems to be heading east agin....almost....poor bastard,1 step forward 2 back ,must be feeling dejected for those large swells well they probably wouldn't worry him unless it was real windy and choppy.........couldn't get onto his blog ....

Hard Yakka ...i think last attempt he dropped 21 kgs of weight
Sharks seem to be taking interest in his rudder again
And his Kayak is only 6.3mt long and narrower than a standard doorway
Interview and Kayak pics on Sportzhub.

I think the same thing happened to the 2 fellas who paddled across in the double sea kayak a few years ago, they had to paddle the wrong way for a few days to bust out of a giant eddy.

Sure did
Wikipedia - Crossing the Ditch.

Scott finally making headway now out of his off course loop and heading due Sth
Reasonable seas until about the 17th ?

Been going Backwards for a couple of Days ?

geeze hes giving it a crack though,hope Hueys kind to him cause hes not that far away from nz

Homeward run about 250 k to go...mammoth effort .

So close real soon.

He made it tonight
Time for a forum thread. Scott's website is