Serangan soon off limits by road

jezza64's picture
jezza64 started the topic in Sunday, 22 Apr 2018 at 9:30am

The access road to Serangan will apparently soon be closed and the warungs on the beach demolished to allow a new development....... not just a new resort, the entire island.

See for details.

A new Sentosa Island for Bali........... and 20 Balinese families who have made their living here for years are unceremoniously kicked out.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Sunday, 22 Apr 2018 at 2:03pm


blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Sunday, 22 Apr 2018 at 2:57pm

Shit, we have a friend who owns one of the warungs! Will find out what he knows.

jezza64's picture
jezza64's picture
jezza64 Sunday, 22 Apr 2018 at 8:45pm

Very sad days.
Great people in the warungs there.

pittsy's picture
pittsy's picture
pittsy Monday, 23 Apr 2018 at 9:00am

Link to the development

Fucking disgraceful, serangan was such a fun wave and the locals at the warungs were always so welcoming.

saltyone's picture
saltyone's picture
saltyone Monday, 23 Apr 2018 at 6:11pm

Humans are fucked. More blatant greed and disregard for environment. When will it end? When the earth has been completely built out and there is no spare land left but just wall to wall concrete??? All the plants and animals will be either extinct or stuffed into museums and zoos. We all sold out to China now they are taking over the world.

yocal's picture
yocal's picture
yocal Monday, 23 Apr 2018 at 2:34pm

I had a good look at the website. I'm cautious of any proposed development also, but the initiative seems (at least on the surface) to be making significant steps to align itself with ecological and cultural awareness and outcomes. Given the raping of the Bukit we've already seen, and given that development in the bukit will probably continue regardless of the fight to prevent habitat and cultural destruction, maybe this development is a step in the right direction for the bukit as a whole.

jezza64's picture
jezza64's picture
jezza64 Monday, 7 May 2018 at 12:48pm

All the warungs have now been demolished.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Monday, 7 May 2018 at 1:32pm

Sad road access closed now ?
You will now have up to 200 beginner surfers a day looking for a place to surf
Are you still allowed to surf there if you go by boat ?

greyhound's picture
greyhound's picture
greyhound Monday, 7 May 2018 at 1:57pm

Still open for now I believe. I think his name is slim or something like that, from, has been there over the weekend. 5/6 may.

jezza64's picture
jezza64's picture
jezza64 Monday, 7 May 2018 at 4:06pm

Hi Udo, road was open on the weekend, Baliwaves insta has video footage from the weekend. Should still be able to get there by boat, don't see how they could stop that, but who knows.
I agree about the learners, who knows where they will bob up, wherever it is chaos will reign.

jezza64's picture
jezza64's picture
jezza64 Wednesday, 9 May 2018 at 4:05pm

Social media updates this morning showing the road is now closed. Apparently locals can get in to go fishing but no one else........... I'm sure there will be some surreptitious missions attempted.
I wonder what the consequences would be if caught?????