the soccer challengs

Extra time ?
Penalty shootout ?

yell "any bastard touches the ball, i'll rip your scrotum off." then you just go do whatever it is that you do to score a goal in soccer. then do that two more times.

au contraire, pete...i just demonstrated my intelligence by showing i know nothing about "soccer".

3 own goals from the kickoff?

jeez. do i have to draw a map here...
step one -- the straight man (that's you pete) sets up the joke.
step two -- then the funny man (that's me) comes to your aid with a ridiculous reply.
step three -- the straight man delivers the punch line
step up to the mic and give us the punch line

By 'goal' are you referring to the ball going into the net?
Edward de Bono wants to know.

Sort of. Actually, yeah, but you go on, I'm enjoying the Begbie-style dialect.

He scores from the penalty ref blows half time then repeats the scenario of the second goal. YNWA!

That's three Pete, but for a bit of atmosphere we all sing "You'll Never Walk Alone" and some insulting ditties about the opposition's antecedents.

.....obviously a Celtic fan with such a fine appreciation of the subtleties of the game.

A-League Final (Live on Channel 10) Record Crowd

And Perth Glory got stuffed!
Anyways, this here's the game!
.. a test for intelligent, sportsminded surfers.
How is it possible in a game of soccer to score three successive goals without any other player touching the ball in between?
There will be prizes, and Stunet is forbidden to enter.