Stolen boards and wetties

OHbilly .

Warning to all surfers!!
Anyone using Surf Locks (Car Key Security Padlock)?
There has been a huge number of car break ins via surf locks. Word on the street is there is a you tube video which shows you how to break in.
Do not use these. They basically say "here is my key, I've gone surfing for the next hour or so"
Even in very public surf spots there has been break ins to surf locks.
Without having to smash a window or anything these scumbags don't even look suss.
Insurance companies aren't covering cars that have used a surf lock.

I just read the relevant section of my policy and the only possible reference was that you would not be covered if you did not make a reasonable attempt to secure your vehicle. I am pretty sure placing your key in a locked device securely attached to the vehicle would be a reasonable attempt. Policies vary so it is worth checking out your policy or calling your insurer.

Last year I had my car stolen from Cooly. I was using a surf lock and they stole the car and drove it straight to Currumbin Valley and set it on fire (like within 15mins, they didn't even stop to use my cards in my wallet). We'd just moved to the Tweed Coast so we had tried to sell it before leaving (about a month earlier), but then decided to keep it - so this set off some massive red flags for the insurance company. They were very suspicious, they had a proper investigator spend a couple of months going through our lives, questioning local relatives & friends, guy that worked at Greenmount cafe (who helped me with phone, dry clothes etc), girl that sold me the surf lock etc. We started to get the feeling that they were going to deny our claim. But in the end they approved it, because I think as blindboy mentions - I had made a reasonable attempt to secure the vehicle, and the investigator must have worked out that we weren't doing a scam.

A stolen car that is immediately destroyed would be a red flag to any insurance company but great to hear they paid up.
Hey guys,
I live in Perth and have had the following stolen from my ute in Swanbourne.
1x Hot buttered (H-Bomb) 5'10" (Has had multiple fin box replacements)
1x Channel Islands Black/White 6'1" (No spray, ding on left side rail)
1x Large Rip Curl Flashbomb 3x2 (Close to brand new)
1x Large Excel Wettie
I had them packed in my car ready for a weekend of fun down in Margs but came home from work to no boards and no wetties....
If anyone knows anything can you please let me know.