Idea for Swellnet

Sorry, I don't wanna be James Brown or Johnny Farnham (more like) here...
what happened to my signature, fellas??
'Cos I never removed it?!
Please explain.
(Alex Jones be damned!)

'So Herc, anymore stalking of commenters, targeting people off topic etc, and you get banned. Feel free to come back with a juvenile response - please, be my guest.'

'And share a story'
I've got some good stories about twin fins in heavy barrels and stuff. And there was this Richo guy... plus, there's some good vids. Craike and co got pitted off their heads on some old twinnies...

I vaguely recall this thread started as a request for a second hand board if anyone has either an AB or Murray Bourton shaped 6 channel single fin for sale let me know...cheers!
As you were protagonists...

'I vaguely recall this thread started as a request for a second hand board market'
Yeh!!! Bloody hell!!! Who started all that juvenile, needy, and totally off topic, stalking me stuff!!! And, why pick on this purely surfing thread to derail and troll!!
Against the tide, I'll try... no, no, I will bring it back on topic too!!! Stuff the off topic trolls!!! The Murray Bourton facebook page has some interesting looking boards, deals, bargain prices.
Stuff the trolls!!!

well, well, well.............just another 3 very dry holes in the ground........... yep some pick here, i pick there, then we all go pick, pick, pick. most of us will then, think about it all........ & go .... hang on a second,.... who are you ? & who the fuck am i ? most of us will come to the same conclusion. we are all just surfers, good folk, that love the Ocean........ yes humans that will stand behind it, back it up & take the dramas on, whilst always movin forward. oh yep this little black duck is fully aware of the the people that i have upset..... but there was always, a fair reason why i decided on this particular angel. ( this won't change ). reminding us all to be real, whilst doing your best to be nice, fair & honest. to be a human that looks after, not just themselves, but Everyone & Everything around them. it really is that simple. shit, it's hard at times... to implement, but if ya have a real Australian go, other real people will look after ya. this black duck, like so many other real folk, don't intend on running away & hiding. this would be , not very nice, not really fair & fuckin dishonest. Not Australian.

i reckon your abit of a legend herc, don't change mate.

oh blowin... like in the wind... ssssshhhh

Here'e an idea for Swellnet, Swellnet For Same Sex. org. You've got the infrastructure, the governments got the cash, bingo!

SB - we have removed dynamic signatures, and have asked our devs to disable the functionality from the website. Simply, we were getting too many email complaints from people who thought Swellnet were hacking into their computer. So I'm just removing any more potential headaches (read: extra work at my end).
The Danasoft signature widget was briefly amusing in the early 2000's (from their website: "The Danasoft sign is a fun widget that you can add to your Myspace layouts and Myspace backgrounds") - but it's a little naff these days.

@Ben - One idea I've seen in other forums is a time limit to edit comments. Disqus do it and also
Pretty sure its usually about 6 or 7 minutes although I've got no idea how much mucking around this would be to implement.

a time limit to edit comments? but what if i'm on a two-week bender?

You'll be able to take a stroll down memory lane once you're done then chook!

Second hand boards you reckon? On topic!!! God save the topic!!!
Na, lukas, whatever, no need to change. Like I said, you honestly think these two called any shots where and when it counted? Well, they didn't. Never saw them once, never even heard of them once. What ever turns them on. Power to the people. Well, sort of. I'm fine, better than most if they're not on the regime. Be carefull who's your references!

You looking for a rider or a collector? Cos I'm selling an AB Hot Stuff soon. Six channel 5'10" Thruster.

Thanks for the reply.
I've got some thrusters already.
I'm actually after a 6 channel single fin by AB...proving to be VERY hard to find!

Add a single finbox if they havent got glass ons ?

"SB - we have removed dynamic signatures, and have asked our devs to disable the functionality from the website. Simply, we were getting too many email complaints from people who thought Swellnet were hacking into their computer. So I'm just removing any more potential headaches (read: extra work at my end).
The Danasoft signature widget was briefly amusing in the early 2000's (from their website: "The Danasoft sign is a fun widget that you can add to your Myspace layouts and Myspace backgrounds") - but it's a little naff these days."
Naff? Like Client Liason 'naff'?
Doggo, Oi Doggo, what was your thread called again? Über Alles something or other?
Roger that.
Over and out.

Having a time limit to edit is Crap . Writing from a small smartphone is not easy and errors can be made .
The easiest way to proof read the post is to post it then read it .
Not everyone has the ease of a screen big enough to type neatly .
Why would you Ask for that feature when its sucks ?

I don't mind it but I have to admit I'm pretty shit at using my smart phone too. I correct most of my errors after I re-read the post when its up as well.

Same..if i didn't edit my post, people wouldn't be able to read them, but i don't have a problem with the post being locked after 10-15 minutes or whatever.
I personally don't think or see a problem with people changing post here, only really see people delete a post (to a .) , which is fair enough.
All i want is a block button.

Would be more work for staff if posts locked making more requests for staff help .
to have no edit timer is the best considering all options imo .

Swillnut staff members not working has been an issue for some time. Even at an early age, swillnut staff members ceased working at all. If swillnut staff members would even work a little, harden up even just a little bit, it would help things. Working staff members has even been shown to regrow hair.
Never mind, just try and sleep now quivering little swillnuts, one eye on the grimy screens, sweaty, trembling little fingers searching for magic buttons, endless, terrified emails on alert. Try and sleep, little swillnuts.

apply the ointment

FWIW... i am somewhat new to SwellNet (coupla months?) and am a Seppo. (lol, i love that term.. accurate - not of ME of course, but of my country nowadays.) My first foray into a surf forum is a site in SeppoLand. You should see the hatred and venom there. It is so bad i almost had second thoughts about surfing. All a buncha cyber-localism from anonymous, ya know? SwellNet has been a bit of fresh air for me. You lot disagree and the venom surfaces at times, but this site is so much better than my previous experiences. That is why i am on here, even though i live so far away. So, thanx, SwellNet lot. Keep chattin cuz i've much to learn.

Seppo is just abbreviated rhyming slang. Septic tank = yank.
Not derogatory in and of itself. Like anything it’s all about the delivery, context and intent.
Welcome aboard.

And septic tank doubles down for the ones that are full of shit.
How about a buy/sell second-hand surfboard section of the website?
Improve personal trust rating by successful sales/purchases
Being a surfer, I know I'm always on the lookout.