Pterygium blues

Sometimes i get a thing they call an eye migraine,usually when i'm really tired.What occurs is that i get a shimmering silver look or sometimes it will have a pattern that moves around,very disconcerting and it happened recently while driving, kept rubbing my eye to no avail but i find they will go away after about half an hour with a short rest....but thats what its called...eye pain with it but you feel as your going blind in one eye.

I get the same simba ..blind migraine no pain just the flickering in the vision or a stationery pattern bit like looking through a pane of glass with a defect in it, mine are brought on by a reflective flash from a passing cars window or a glare from a street sign ...last about half an hour..2 panadol as soon as one hits knocks it on the head in about 10 mins

That's heavy Blowin, hope all goes well and you get back to peak health.

+1, Blowin, I hope your op is a success - all the best. I've had pterygium in both eyes since my teens but no adverse effects other than it doesn't take much irritation for them to go bloodshot, such as a swim or surf. I had them checked out by an eye specialist a long time ago and he said as long as they weren't affecting my sight there was no need to remove them. He also said that even if they were removed they would grow back if I continued to expose my eyes to grit and glare. I wear sunglasses often but not in the water, but I guess water sunglasses would be recommended for you in future if you're going for marathon surf sessions in Indo.

I had a pterygium removed after many years of discomfort. The technique they used on me was a skin graft from the under the eyelid. This prevents regrowth. The affected eye is much less affected by sun salt wind than pre-op. There was a week of moderate discomfort after the op. However in the big picture sense. No regrets about going through with the op. Good luck !

Hi Blowin
Sorry to hear about your eyes. I've got a pterygium in both eyes, one of which grew very suddenly after - you guessed it - getting fried during a long Indo session. (Paddled out at 4ft overcast Impossibles, which turned sunny and 6ft and 6 hours of fun. Not so much afterwards).
The new one has been super scratchy, stinging, sore, and I have been combating it with Systane gel drops, TheraTears gel drops (no preservatives, so can use as often as you want), wearing a hat or hood in the surf, sunglasses religiously out of the water. It is now much better, but I'll probably have the operation in May.
My optometrist put me on a short course of anti inflamatories, and that helped.
Stay away from wind, dust, sun as much as you can. Use lots of eye drops. Wear sunnies. Don't stare at the computer too much. And don't watch ANY MAD HUEYS FOOTAGE, haha :-)
All the best with your healing, and let us know how it goes.

Blind Boy might want to weigh in here. I think his eyes got fried floating around Padang and Ulus mid 70s. Haven,t seen him for a while but he used to have a real bloodshot eye issue and it definately wasn,t from smoking.
In my opinion tropical sun is the worst.Miners etc get issues from dust.
We could all be wearing sunnys in the water.

Just a pterygium dimdim, still there

Hi Everyone. First post on here - Ive got a big one (Pterygium that is) - its covering about a 1/3 of the cornea and looks real good after my nice day surfing at narrabeen yesterday in the bright sunlight. Can anyone recommend a surgeon in sydney to get it checked out ? Do people that have them just live with them or have you had them removed ? Any info would be appreciated! Cheers. Richard

I have had one for over 40 years with no real problem apart from it becoming bloodshot if I spend a lot of time in the sun. So talk to your doctor, at various times I have been advised to get it done before it started to cover the pupil and interfere with my vision, but I didn't so at this stage I have avoided what was almost certainly unnecessary surgery. Maybe yours is in a worse position. Listen to the doc and then make your own mind up.

I had a Pterygium surgically removed mid nineties I think. I used to hate it so much.
There is a very good (world class) eye surgeon at Southport. The op was BIZZARE ..... three local anesthetic injections into the eyeball then watch the scalpel come in, slice slice, blood fills the vision, watch the tweezers collect the dissected tissue, then watched the hook shaped needle and thread bobbing in and out pushing and pulling on the eyeball.............rad..rad rad .....pretty sore for a couple of days ... but hey, its NEVER grown back, thankfully. Go for it ...........really worth getting it done guys.

sunnies for surfing -- seaspecs
they work really well

They don't fog up?
BTW. I get that same migraine thing that Simba and Udo mentioned sometimes don't get it for years then will get it a few times a year, i find normally when look at something with a glare, only way i can get rid of it is to lie down and close my eyes for half an hour or so and take some panadol.

clean them every time before use and they don't fog.

I get those migraines too Simba, except they're invariably following by a crippling headache that knocks me out for the rest of the day and leaves me foggy for at least the next 72 hours. Migraine "auras" or "haloes" I think that shimmering thing is called.

Ive found some sunscreens irritate them and it can feel like you have a grain of sand in your eye.....use sunscreen with only natural ingredients ,no chemicals.

just checked this post after a couple of months. Thanks for the additional info guys... Im off to see the doc. Who is the world class eye guy in southport ?
Lastly anyone has experience of these guys in north sydney ?
A few weeks ago my eyes got cooked in Indonesia. Long, long sessions in an oil slick ocean with the sun beating down relentlessly saw my already present pterygium go next level.
Within a week the vision in my right eye went from perfect to blurred to something akin to the view traditionally found through a kaleidoscope . Not just double vision but often 4 or 5 little versions of the same image dancing and revolving around in my head.
I'm due for an operation but it's a few weeks away .
In the meantime it's a fucking nightmare .
Gives a new realm of respect to Derek Hynd surfing with only a single eye , though to be honest I think that I'd be better off with a patch covering the right eye as the struggle for a focus that never eventuates is very , very hard to negotiate .
Anyone got any similar stories or had pterygium problems beyond that of the look of being permanently stoned ?