Best sunglasses for glare yet its still kind of dark??

Ray ban balorama. Black. Polaroid.
Subjective , I know.
But quality- they've been making sunnies for 80 years. If anyone has got it down it's them.
And Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood ) can't be wrong .....surely ?
If you are spending any time at all , on or around the ocean , then you must get Polaroid sunnies. It's like night and day for checking out what's going on below the surface.

Maui Jims.

Maui Jims.

I'd whole heartedly agree with Andy..... Maui Jim's , Glass polarised lenses great for WA

Groundswell, I'm on to my second pair of Maui Jim "Peahi"s, been wearing them for a total of 8 or 9 years now.
Went through several different types of Raybans before that, as well as a few mid-price sunnies as well.
The Peahis are glass lenses with excellent optics, very crisp. Polarised of course.
They're not cheap, maybe $300 but the frames have been flawless and the lenses can be replaced separately for about $100.
Heaps of serious fishos and boaties wouldn't wear anything else so I'd say that they're at least worth a look.

Mako's. Only issue I've had is dropping them over the side...............
Mrs has Maui Jim's, no issues with them either.
At the price of both, they would want to be good quality.
West oz sun is dangerous at times, more so than anything ive experienced over east or in indo.
Especially days like this morning when i put sunnies on (400uv) i couldnt see a thing heading east out of the carpark but without sunnies i felt like i was going to go blind.
Ive heard good things about Mako, the fishing sunnies,but not sure if they are goood for times like this. what other sunnies are best for times like that?
Is poloroid the go? is there a brand and model you recomend?