House prices

velocityjohnno wrote:ABC: The impact of AirBNB and Stayz on Australia's housing crisis:
Property owners can earn much better returns with short term stays. This is also due to the appalling state of the Australian hotel industry. I stayed in some of the best hotels in the country and the quality is nothing like some airbnbs. And you can’t get a room in a good hotel for less than $300 these days.

velocityjohnno wrote:Shane Oliver: immigration and housing affordability:
Shane Oliver is spot on, as usual.

Sold to Miss $ Gilmore

udo wrote:Sold to Miss $ Gilmore
Simplistic, no bullshit or opulence, good choice, you can have me around anytime, first landscape design consultation is free, go Steph. AW

Bulldozer is Booked

flollo wrote:I’m looking at the house that’s selling for $1m. Last sold in 1997 for $90k. But before that, sold for $145k in 1991. So, whoever bought it in 1991 lost 6 years and a fair bit of money on it.
Ironically, this looks like a good deal. It is by far the cheapest house in the area. All the sales since 2017 were $1m+. The reason it’s cheap is because it is barely liveable. The place is awful. Anything quality in this pocket is $2m+.
Anyway, just an example of where we currently are.
Yeah the 90's had gravity taking effect! I remember renting at $65 a week and the flat prices were around 35-40K in that area. It was the last call before the train departed the station.

More little data vignettes: millionaire migrations:

velocityjohnno wrote:More little data vignettes: millionaire migrations:
Yes this is true. I saw this one on visual capitalist awhile ago. One just needs to spend a bit of time in Melbourne CBD, it’s like another Asian city, I had a lot of work down there this year and I stayed in the city on many occasions. It’s very Asian and shiny new building popping up everywhere. I do love the vibes, place is full of life, top restaurants. A great city.

Jeez, what could possibly go wrong.

AlfredWallace wrote:udo wrote:Sold to Miss $ Gilmore, no bullshit or opulence, good choice, you can have me around anytime, first landscape design consultation is free, go Steph. AW
Confirmed @ 2.7 mill

Does udo know who owns that large beachside creek block!
Coz you wouldn't be sharing this hot bed of surf jive without the same line of thinking..
Credit to ya...for being well ahead of the pack.
Clever Wave Pool guy might promise to purify Clarke's putrid Stormwater & curb the erosion!
Fix their little Hipster Leggie problem while they're at it!
Steph might wanna hang around as resident caddie shack...
Be easier & cheaper to time share / sub lease that neighbouring creek resort than build one?
Looks like Steph just cancelled Wisemans but her foodies are from Byron! (Yes!)
Reckon she recently signed to AWM Perfect Swell or just did the perfect ad for free!
Just the perfect spot to land Perfect Swell on The Uber Rich - #1 Cool Kidz Surf Map!
Thor's Grom will be demanding the Shire plants one thereabouts...
When tbb ran the Leggie Review...noticed The Pass was screaming for Leggie Compliant Surf Shack!
Best spot in the World for a Surf Shack...throw in a Surfie's Pool know...just to test Steph's gear!
Run a few leggie free sessions to win over the native Hodad loggerz...
Back 2 of the some money in mandating an hour of power leggie free Stomp!
Coz Perfect Swell can & do promo long board longer rides with new pool designs...
Sure! tbb is way off the mark...shootin' from his lopsided hipster brief!
Pay $500 for a clean face merch free Byron wave or be fined $1,100 for being hogtied at the Pass.
Consider the mandated Byron Lineup fines & Airbnb Prices...
$500 to get shacked is cheaper than coppin' a $1,100 Pass fine or forkin' out for alternative shelter.
$500 / hr at yer dreams tbb!

More important point to consider is Steph has #1 Stalker issues...
That property is well insecure...she'd be havin' kittens...
Some major back yard blitz is in order!
Reckon we all know where Steph feels most secure...deep in the shack!
Ain't none can touch her or dig her outta her Woman Cave.
Be looking at a very stylish shack for all seasons for pool parties of course!

Does udo know who owns that large beachside creek block!
Crown Land ?

udo...keep sayin''re the #1 researcher here & know exactly what deal is goin' down.
That being why ya baited us with sale of the century!
Reckon you of all are awake to perfect timing, sacred surf space @ shire's hot spot.
Even the map you shared - share's the Shire's Dirty Laundry...
We all know of an In Crowd who could remove such a stain if only they could access Crown Land.
If the local lady of the hour is onboard to such a proposition = X mandates the unleashed Holy Spot.
Just sayin' Wave Garden are stoked with their 8x World Champ FIFO Olympic Park Queen.
Perfect Swell have already flushed out Beachside back drains & canals to purify MP ocean outfall.
Perfect Swell would want an even more perfect Surf Throne Hang for their 8x World Champ Queen.
That's a perfectly shit hot Chamber for a Marine Park nothing sacred.
Huey...will ya please brainwash tbb's beastly impure thoughts...get him back on the rails!
tbb is a Steph fan & of course this is meant to be read as ceremonial Marine Park conservation.
Any reading it another way...good luck with that as Byron reigns #1 mandated merch mad magnates.
You only get what yer heart desires most...More! More! More!
tbb: 'Hey! Looks like more surfers partying at the VIP Wave Pool Party than on that pristine surf beach.'

Wags of WSL
Sun Ranch Byron Bay: Hotel In Coopers Shoot, NSW – Vogue Australia"

Luv yer line of thinkin'...(Too soon!)
Just back pedalling to yer Top Secret Treasure Map udo...
Q: Why does Gilmore Crescent tour Gilmore's Back Yard Beach Hang?
Byron Shire Council :
"With every VIP celeb plague comes obligated pressure to mandate Star's Street Names!"
" Stalker's Tours mandate Photos @ Street Signs & Hidden Stalker's Keep at the end of each street!"

Sun Ranch Property was a 3.9 mill Purchase and Huge $$ [ Half of Purchase price ?] to Renovate .
I did wonder if you would pick up on Gilmore Cres...

^ ^ ^
Sun Ranch | is a 25-minute drive from Ballina airport, and 20 minutes from Byron’s CBD and beaches.
Rates | From $1700 for two nights in a Rambler Pool Room or $2900 for two nights in a Sun Ranch Barn.
Full ranch buyouts can be booked for 34 guests, from $35,000 a night all-inclusive, also for a two-night minimum stay.
For more information, see

Online Home Loan Account Security override.
Again tbb was denied access to over $10,000 on Home Loan re-draw. (Why?)
Told to book next available appointment & see how ya go!
Got home & phoned the bank to ask WTF.
Here's how the Security works for Home Loan Access ...
Same Customer provides...
Branch : Bank Cards > Driver's Licence > Home Loan re-draw [ Brick Wall ] Fuck Off!
Tele Bank : Standard [ID] > Verbal Password > Home Loan re-draw [ Brick Wall ] No way!
Online Banking : Home Loan re-draw (Done...Too Easy) Wotz the Fuss!
Correct : The least secure (o/s) Imaginary Geek's "Make Believe" Password unlocks yer own Safe!
o/s on the spot password overrides Entire Oz / State Govt [I.D] Security Pyramid Fortress! WTF.
Bank started off saying it was just yer [typical] procedural Lock out...
Then stated it was simply a [Requirement]...Huh! But you just said Typical now Requirement...C'mon!
No...Not a mandate...A compulsory must do or die Requirement?
Then said there may be an alternative but they were not at liberty to divulge what that might entail!
Like some ancient pre Covid smile as ya walk outta the bank with yer own money with sheer audacity!
Coz that is secret branch level override...not over the phone mate...geez!
Just sayin' to keep that under yer hat...
Cool ...Wot just between tbb & the crew..."err...never said that!"
Here's wot we agreed upon...
Ye Olde world Standard Banking Teller Home Loan access procedure (On the spot withdrawal)
1. Customer 2. Local Branch Staff 3.Photo ID 4. Fed ID if needed 5. o/s Tech (Only for Extra Security)
Apparently still doable with a top secret Grand Pooh Bah Handshake but strictly for the Chosen Few!
New Online compliant Branch Home Loan access procedure (Booking Only...3 day clearance!)
1. Customer 2. Book a fifo o/s Tech Guru 3. Photo ID 4. Password Log in + www Compliant Signature
5. Bank withdrawal Signature is relegated as with any Bank Passwords + Fed [ID]
Basically o/s online www is strictly a back up security measure.
But! Because online banking has consumed Branch Banking it is now priority Branch security!
Customers vote with their feet so bank security follows majority banking procedure.
What is normal to advancing Cyborg Army becomes an affront & imposition on long term customers!
Here's how it denies Old School access to own Home Loan money....
Conspiracy : Bank says it will soon apply to Cyborg Grom'z accounts if not already!
New Post Covid Conspiracy Next Level Locked Out Branch Banking Requirements
No Tech Guru = No Money
No (1 sec self destruct ) www Password = No Money
No Signature to enable the Self Destructing of Make Believe Password = No money
No record of any Make Believe Password ever being dreamt up for any security reason = Agreed!
Like This...Premier's Flood Alert Evacuation Plan here & her_ xxx [Subscribe to Facebook] or Drown.
Official Govt response : "It's perfectly fine to Extort Premier's ALERT because [Facebook] are popular!"
Nope! tbb not making that up...tbb phoned & that was the blunt reply...get with the [f] Plan or Drown!
Not like this ... Stand in front of Premier [Ban Facebook extorting Premier's Alerts] Let Qldurrz Live!
Official Govt response : "Public enemy #1...Full Powers of the State will crush the loner like a bug!"
Poor fool swam against the tide of public opinion...same as the banking security lockout...
Sign or Log in to allow Big Brother to feather yer nest or be locked out of yer own funds!
Customers 'typically' do wot their Bank 'requires' them to it's not a 'mandate'!
Ya just can't access any of yer own money until ya do that thing yer not mandated to do...Got it! Sorted!
Booked an appointment will try to access own money again tomorrow...see how on the evening News!
Media : "Tell us Sir...wot ya think about the worsening Home Loan re-draw Crisis!"
Media chasing tbb down the road..."Sir! You forgot yer Money!"

tbb they are withdrawing services and getting really scummy. Perhaps to an extent you can be your own bank, and keep a bit of the physical, traditional, hands-on element of the medium of exchange? Food for thought.

Interesting you think that velocityjohnno coz that in itself being the exact problem!
At no time ever was tbb upset or disgruntled by offering of service that was available on hand.
Cop'd the evil stare for sayin' such as usual!
Even when tbb phoned for assist the fellow said he must register a widening service gap as complaint.
Was only ever inquiring as to why...this in itself was defaulted as a secondary complaint...(Stop it!)
The dude spent ages with tbb as mates but ended detailing the longest ever chapters of complaints.
Could hear him goin' for it...smashin' the keys...Like he hit pay dirt...keep goin' mate! 'With Wot?'
Fine...woteva! Was not displeased just simply asked for explanation for delay...(Mission impossible!)
tbb is caught in a time slip where one's identity check has flipped to being & meaning opposite in value.
Explained away as such...
tbb's oldschool premium value is a local handshake but today's premium worth is a pretend global like.
Each are valued of immense worth but in opposite worlds.
But! But! But!
But in a Global society any Value can only flow toward the most convenient transient worth!
tbb was simply stating the pendulum has shifted from a Man's Word & a Handshake to a pretend Like.
Anyone still handshaking or signing ID is considered a security threat...therefore outcast & bullied.
More so now does tbb's signature fail for not being exact...automatically painting a target by default.
Not owning a Mobile or not adopting internet payment is considered a violation = DOS.
None bother to ask why or if you have an exemption...(Security breach) > Then Denial of Service!
Like this...
1.Local handshake,nod,wave 2 Signature 3 Photo [ID] 4 Medicare 5 Passport > insecure made up www
New Word
1.Insecure made up www 2. Passport [ID] 3Medicare 4 Licence 5 Signature 6 Fist Pump 7. No wave!
Each nite on the telly another Govt Dept collapses by insecure made up passwords in new Economy!
Dude & tbb agreed that www world has just uploaded the final Customer service outpost.
Meaning tbb must be dragged kickin' & screamin' into this mad made up insecure world of commerce!
Without a DIY Home Banking & without Pen & Ink / Teller's Stamp set, one is digitized or rejected.
No, not Painful.
But as tbb describes above...
Each visit to a bank further paints tbb as a minority & less compliant to new newer newest order.
As new order compliance once changed by decade > Year > now need a new mobile thingy each month.
Automatically deemed a higher security threat each visit & scrutinized more so for ageing decay.
Bank delay follows / Gromz : "Some Hodad lost his shit again...heard him say cash! FFS just shoot him!"
The queue builds behind tbb who now blames himself for leaving the house & being public enemy #1.
Each greet (Here comes the Caveman) degrades trust further between the Bank and customer!
Reload the Sanitizer & remove all complimentary sharing of grubby Pens & Slips!'
As one ages you find time to compliment staff more often but each time expect a more vicious stare!
'Wait up! Wot'd ya say mate...we have a policy...Say it!'
Nuthin...just sayin' that's the best service I've ever had! Forget it!
'Nevermind, I'm Ok ... was just some fuckin' weirdo!'
Plain & simple ..we're fast forwarding Ageism with each shittier short lived meaningless upgrade...
Us wasted Blank Gen Hodad's can't face an almost impossibly compliant faceless Human Race

Byron short-term rental accommodation will be capped at 60 days per year.

(Pre Covid) Home Loan 'draw down' (vs) (Post Covid) Home Loan 're-draw'
Pre Covid Home Loan Draw-down ( Customer / Form assist friendly access )
2 mins = (Self access / Teller Assist - Transfer Slip) Home Loan > Savings Account
5 mins = Queue
3 mins = Teller co-signs & Rubber Stamps
3-5 mins = Queue Delay
13-15 mins = Total Bank / All Customer's Impost
Bank Cost = 1 Teller / 3-5 mins + 1 slip of Paper + 1 Receipt (If asked)
re-draw (Mandated Online (secret) Home Loan access)
Opening Day of the Games
5 mins = Queue
5 mins = Negotiation / clearance to engage next level "Expert Staff"
2 mins = Bank Tellers argue over which Cheap Tuesday's Chosen One shall be anointed.
5 mins = Booking Appointment
17 mins = Queue Delay
Sub Total
17 mins = Running...Total Bank resource / All customer's Impost
Bank Cost = 2 Tellers / 17 mins + Extra Special Ops reconnaissance mission on standby.
Appointment Card (Extra)
Day 2 ~ The Appointment with the Internet High Priestess with [name badge]
20 mins = Extra Travel (2nd) Unnecessary Appointment (tbb withholds 1 hr total Routine)
5 mins = Queue for Appointment
5 mins = Extra Bank Staff Delay (Comes Standard)
15 mins = Special Ops Computer Games ( World of Warcraft battle begins ) Gettin' Smashed...fark!
1 min = Teller asks if tbb knows how to do this shit...Had to divulge the secret password secret trick!
White Flag = Teller pleads with tbb to upgrade to a $1,000 'puta email ...(tbb : Can't! Need a re-draw!)
5 mins = Online warrior fights well & advances to the Star Chamber Inner Sanctum for top secret override Log in...
tbb agrees not to peep!
2 mins = Sign > tbb : 'Transfer' Teller : (Cough + Stare) "A Withdrawal"... Teller : "Transfer Complete"
0 mins = Customer : As said...a Transfer...on account that my money is still in your Bank...well durr!
52 mins = Day 2 Running Total Bank resource / All customer's Impost
Bank Cost = 1 Teller 5 mins + Special Ops high priestess battled online for 22 mins
Paper = 2 Sheets of A 4 for the Bank + Mandated 'Nill' Transaction Receipt for Customer (Did Ask!)
2 mins = ATM x 2 tbb took the liberty to self record secret Bank transaction via own ATM Paper Account Receipts
Day 1 Sub Total = 17 mins
Day 2 Sub Total = 52 mins + 22 mins Customer delay for online antics
Total = Post Covid (Online) Home Loan re-draw 1 hr 33 mins over 2 days involving 4 staff + www God!
+ 2x Mandatory De-Stress Hungry Jack's Ice Cream Cones for instant relief...good 2 go!
During transaction tbb re read all the Bank's Eco Warrior Cred Trendy Billboards...
Online Home loan customer transaction...
requires 5x Transit + 5x Forestry Cull + 6x Energy Costs + 6x Human resource.
Here be yer livin' proof - boots'n'all at the coal face...wake the fuck up Australia!
Altogether..."Yer goin' the wrong way at hyper speed you fuckin' idiots...yer killing everybody!" STOP!
To think #1 Climate Insurers are #1 Enviro Vandals that drive Govt Climate Change agenda...
More Govts are mandating our right to cull ourselves sooner if we so desire...Ok! So we got options!

You little rippa! Dan announces no-permit granny flats. I can build 7 in the yard and become a real landlord!*
*I may have misunderstood him
Of course there are critics:
But all in all, it seems a strange hill to die on:

New Zealand's housing density experiment saw approvals for new builds in Auckland 'skyrocket' while house prices kept climbing...
"Then, the data shows, rents started to stabilise, with Auckland's rents now rising at a slower rate than New Zealand's other major cities.
"House prices are still going up, just at a slower pace.
"And now indicators are showing housing affordability is slowly improving.
"Research economist Matthew Maltman said: "I have seen very few economic phenomena like it."
""The new plan came into place and just absolutely skyrocketed these dwelling consents," he said.
"He said New Zealand was "broadly a pretty comparable country to Australia" and the experiment showed what was possible."

In my imagination, artist's impression of Melbourne overrun by unregulated granny flats, 2060's:

Patrick wrote:New Zealand's housing density experiment saw approvals for new builds in Auckland 'skyrocket' while house prices kept climbing...
"Then, the data shows, rents started to stabilise, with Auckland's rents now rising at a slower rate than New Zealand's other major cities.
"House prices are still going up, just at a slower pace.
"And now indicators are showing housing affordability is slowly improving.
"Research economist Matthew Maltman said: "I have seen very few economic phenomena like it."
""The new plan came into place and just absolutely skyrocketed these dwelling consents," he said.
"He said New Zealand was "broadly a pretty comparable country to Australia" and the experiment showed what was possible."
This one is a no brainer. I’ve been saying this for ages. More or less every country in the world had to go through this at some stage.

truebluebasher wrote:(Pre Covid) Home Loan 'draw down' (vs) (Post Covid) Home Loan 're-draw'
Pre Covid Home Loan Draw-down ( Customer / Form assist friendly access )
2 mins = (Self access / Teller Assist - Transfer Slip) Home Loan > Savings Account
5 mins = Queue
3 mins = Teller co-signs & Rubber Stamps
3-5 mins = Queue Delay13-15 mins = Total Bank / All Customer's Impost
Bank Cost = 1 Teller / 3-5 mins + 1 slip of Paper + 1 Receipt (If asked)re-draw (Mandated Online (secret) Home Loan access)
Opening Day of the Games
5 mins = Queue
5 mins = Negotiation / clearance to engage next level "Expert Staff"
2 mins = Bank Tellers argue over which Cheap Tuesday's Chosen One shall be anointed.
5 mins = Booking Appointment
17 mins = Queue Delay
Sub Total
17 mins = Running...Total Bank resource / All customer's Impost
Bank Cost = 2 Tellers / 17 mins + Extra Special Ops reconnaissance mission on standby.
Appointment Card (Extra)Day 2 ~ The Appointment with the Internet High Priestess with [name badge]
20 mins = Extra Travel (2nd) Unnecessary Appointment (tbb withholds 1 hr total Routine)
5 mins = Queue for Appointment
5 mins = Extra Bank Staff Delay (Comes Standard)
15 mins = Special Ops Computer Games ( World of Warcraft battle begins ) Gettin' Smashed...fark!
1 min = Teller asks if tbb knows how to do this shit...Had to divulge the secret password secret trick!
White Flag = Teller pleads with tbb to upgrade to a $1,000 'puta email ...(tbb : Can't! Need a re-draw!)
5 mins = Online warrior fights well & advances to the Star Chamber Inner Sanctum for top secret override Log in...
tbb agrees not to peep!
2 mins = Sign > tbb : 'Transfer' Teller : (Cough + Stare) "A Withdrawal"... Teller : "Transfer Complete"
0 mins = Customer : As said...a Transfer...on account that my money is still in your Bank...well durr!52 mins = Day 2 Running Total Bank resource / All customer's Impost
Bank Cost = 1 Teller 5 mins + Special Ops high priestess battled online for 22 mins
Paper = 2 Sheets of A 4 for the Bank + Mandated 'Nill' Transaction Receipt for Customer (Did Ask!)
2 mins = ATM x 2 tbb took the liberty to self record secret Bank transaction via own ATM Paper Account ReceiptsDay 1 Sub Total = 17 mins
Day 2 Sub Total = 52 mins + 22 mins Customer delay for online anticsTotal = Post Covid (Online) Home Loan re-draw 1 hr 33 mins over 2 days involving 4 staff + www God!
+ 2x Mandatory De-Stress Hungry Jack's Ice Cream Cones for instant relief...good 2 go!During transaction tbb re read all the Bank's Eco Warrior Cred Trendy Billboards...
Online Home loan customer transaction...
requires 5x Transit + 5x Forestry Cull + 6x Energy Costs + 6x Human resource.Here be yer livin' proof - boots'n'all at the coal face...wake the fuck up Australia!
Altogether..."Yer goin' the wrong way at hyper speed you fuckin' idiots...yer killing everybody!" STOP!
To think #1 Climate Insurers are #1 Enviro Vandals that drive Govt Climate Change agenda...More Govts are mandating our right to cull ourselves sooner if we so desire...Ok! So we got options!
The sadly funny thing here tbb is that all the extra time the tellers and the priestess took in your second, online attempt; will be counted as hours worked and actually add to the productivity statistics and GDP.
Eldest is in 20's and flies the old school way, walks right past all the computer terminals, to the desk and asks if he can check in.
Anyway, a tune for you:

Hearin' ya loud'n' clear velocityjohnno...hear our ROAR, sirens and a late nite thud & bump at the door...
" Shit...Fuck..Oops! Crunch! Ouch! Sorry 'bout yer stairs or steps young vj."
" It's ya long lost Granny Danielle, here's a lump sum bond + me pension!"
" We'll start tomorrow on the back door escape hatch + a place to smoke some funny ciggies!"

As I said fuel prices are back driving inflation. The dead cat has bounced my friends.

When’s this recession happening Don?

Once they have to start rising interest rates further. And remember there’s a reasonable delay between rising interest rates and pain felt by households. And by pain I mean they have little to no savings left and have to start scrimping on luxury items etc.

Hey Don check out the upward pressure on oil as well as US10Y and US2Y in these overnight charts
USD is not collapsing though, it's in a rather strong rally.
Powell's going to have to raise imo, and that should drag us kicking and screaming (once again) higher - or we toast the AUD to peso levels, and the inflation comes in as imports. No nice choices, but it was a hell of a party these last 13 years, wasn't it?

I’ve been long on oil prices since the war in Ukraine.
And I agree we will see rate rises in Aus this side of Xmas.

One thing I don’t understand is why the surge in USD AND dump in gold? Why’s everyone fleeing gold and buying up USD?

donweather wrote:One thing I don’t understand is why the surge in USD AND dump in gold? Why’s everyone fleeing gold and buying up USD?
Gold is down in USD terms but up in AUD and EUR terms (and other currencies).
Generates no yield so I'd have a guess that people would rather buy a treasury earning 5.5% tax free than own gold in USD.
Happy to own some as a hedge on the AUD though.

Go back to 2008, PM's got hammered when things went south in USD... then they bottomed during the chaos. Not saying complete replica of that about to happen tho.

Are any of you old enough to have been an adult through the stagflation in the 70's? Did Australia even get stagflation then? What was life like if so?

velocityjohnno wrote:Are any of you old enough to have been an adult through the stagflation in the 70's? Did Australia even get stagflation then? What was life like if so?
I grew up in the UK during that period and I remember all the strikes and wage demands. The country was at a standstill because of them. Same in Europe.
Not sure what happened in Aus but I was researching what happened during the Great Depression here, makes for miserable reading.

velocityjohnno wrote:Go back to 2008, PM's got hammered when things went south in USD... then they bottomed during the chaos. Not saying complete replica of that about to happen tho.
Once the printer got going Gold reacted. Difference now is that QT is accelerating, bit like 2018.

Cheers monkeyboy. Yeah mum's family ate lard on bread and made jam from flowers by the side of the road in the Great Depression here. I think the Aussie hard times began early - commodities bust in the 1920s, accelerated into the 30's; and I think said commodities bust had something to do with Churchill trying to tie the pound back to gold in 1926, trade being part of 'Imperial Preference'.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist (well not in the mainstream sense) but this is a pretty good read:
It makes me shudder to be honest, especially as there are no apparent escape routes.

Writing is on the wall.

monkeyboy wrote:I'm not a conspiracy theorist (well not in the mainstream sense) but this is a pretty good read:
It makes me shudder to be honest, especially as there are no apparent escape routes.
One of the worst things neoliberalism has done to us is squashing our imaginations. Particularly in Australia, where we do what we are told more than anywhere I've ever spent time. But history should show us that all kinds of things are possible when people are angry, desperate, and organised. Reminds me of this section from The Jakarta Method:
" She was amazed to see that some of the grand houses in her neighborhood were filled with young students. “How lucky!” she thought. She couldn’t believe that youngsters like her would be allowed to live here, and spend all day just studying like this. She only found out later, as she began her own studies in Cuba, that this part of the city had served as the “bordel of the United States,” a vacation paradise for playboys and mafia types, and that the houses had been reclaimed by the revolution."

dandandan wrote:monkeyboy wrote:I'm not a conspiracy theorist (well not in the mainstream sense) but this is a pretty good read:
It makes me shudder to be honest, especially as there are no apparent escape routes.
One of the worst things neoliberalism has done to us is squashing our imaginations. Particularly in Australia, where we do what we are told more than anywhere I've ever spent time. But history should show us that all kinds of things are possible when people are angry, desperate, and organised.

Umm, I think Iran, China, some middle Eastern countries etc take the cake there.
Australia is one of the most free, open and prosperous countries on the planet.
Would you like me to go on a long spiel about China and people being very tightly controlled and who have to follow the rules and do precisely what they are told every moment of the day?


Housing affordability improves massively in QLD as the input cost of smashed avo plummets in price
9c an avocado. $1.38 locally this morning

Hope the cafes drop back that $4-5 extra when wanting to add avo to some breaky dishes!

Craig wrote::o
Overbuild of unused apartments 2x total population 0.0
They'll still want our iron ore, right?
House prices - going to go up , down or sideways ?
Opinions and anecdotal stories if you could.